
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

36. Self-healing ability (below)

I praised my wisdom and quickly drifted behind the boulder with the black mist, quickly undid the magic, and then leaned against the stone wall in the position of being thrown in and smashed on the ground. But as soon as I lifted the effect of the Shadow Cloak, I felt a sharp pain coming from all over my body. If I hadn't been burned by the fire poison from time to time in the past two years, I would have been completely immune to ordinary injuries.

I finally couldn't help but cry out in pain.

I didn't expect to see the first person to come to me, the leader of the Wind Chasers, wrapped in tight leather armour and with a soft leather mask over his head. He looked up coldly at Gogo and Jumbach, who were coming up behind him, and said to them in a calm voice: "There are many fractures all over my body, only the right arm and the right rib can be found. What's with the cuts all over this body?"

With aggravation and in a voice shaking with pain, I called out, "Sister Gogo!"

"Cut by the ice prism trail!" Gogo rushed closer from behind, nervously surveying the injuries on my body.

Gogo stepped forward and tried to hug me, but was suddenly blocked by Viru's thick arm, who calmly said, "Don't move him, what did you do at school in wilderness survival first aid? Don't you know anything about common sense?"

The dwarf warrior had already mastered the 'charge' skill and was already at least a level 6 warrior apprentice. This kid was hit solidly, his internal organs were not shattered, so he's saved his life, he can't move around in this situation, find a stretcher to carry him back to the camp."

I was shocked and asked me, "Jia, how are you?"

"My chest ... hurts, Sister!" I weakly strained to utter a few words.

"Humph!" Viru grunted coldly and just said calmly with a cold face, "You won't necessarily be so lucky next time, as long as that dwarf is hitting a little bit off, your head might hit this stone wall next to you, and then the whole head will be like a rotten watermelon, 'bang' and fall apart! Children should stay away from the battlefield!"

I guess he thought I was one of those little kids in town and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to scare me into being more honest in the future, but you can't scare me. The lungs in my chest felt like they were going to squeeze out of my throat with every word I said, so naturally I kept my mouth shut if I could.

The warrior behind me, Yue Lun, poked his big head in, looked around and finally saw me before he said in a jarred voice, "Drink! That's a big name!"

Sister Gogo didn't dare to contradict the chief, but she would never give Yue Lun a good look, and said with a straightforward fierce glare, "How can you talk, give me two of your flying spears, hurry up!"

"Hey! If it wasn't for rushing out to save you, we'd all be in a deadly battle with those dwarves by now, how important are my flying spears ..." Yue Lun chattered on, reluctantly pulling out two wooden-handled flying spears, about one and a half metres long, from his back, in addition to wrapping the The black cloak that was wrapped around the outside of the armor pulling the wind also ripped off and skillfully made a stretcher.

Gogo was about to cast a hydrotherapy spell to stabilise my injuries, but was rudely interrupted by Viru, who chided, "Don't you want to die? Or aren't you afraid the magic will backfire? This is the Pai plateau! We've got a lot of battles ahead of us, so let's meditate and restore our magic while we go to support the camp, there's no telling what the chaos will be like. Give the boy first aid straps, he won't die for a while, and if he's hurt badly enough, his teacher of orc witch doctors can save him ..."

"Eh, he's right, I'll take care of Jia, you guys go take care of that caravan, don't die too many people!" Old Kulu's dull, hoarse voice came from behind, and I saw him through the gap, hunched over the stone with Kuz, who was anxiously looking in through the gap with an anxious expression, his face pale but still in good spirits, and the foot-long wound in his chest had been re-treated.

I could clearly feel a hint of volatility on the zombie face of Viru, which returned to normal in a few moments, and without hesitation he stood up, picked up his longbow and turned to go, coldly not even looking at old Kuz.

"Gogo you stay! Recover half of your magic power before coming to us!" Velu's voice came through as his men were already walking away. The other members rushed to follow, and at the moment, the battle was still going on in the camp.

Gogo didn't go into meditation right away, but after the Wind Chasers had gone, he rushed to my side and looked at me nervously, and Kurtz came up in two steps and crouched down beside me, looking at my twisted and helpless right arm, tears rolling down his face like beans as he whimpered like a coyote. He gently stroked the messy cuts on my arm, sad as a homeless coyote.

"We orc warriors don't cry!" I said with difficulty, and would have tried to lift my other hand to wipe away Kurtz's tears, but I couldn't move my body at all. Even each breath was incredibly hard to take.

Old Kulu sat on his knees beside me and said slowly and smoothly, "Don't be afraid, my son! I am here."

I could only nod with difficulty, every attempt to move caused a spasm in my muscles, I felt my body chill but the blood inside me was gradually heating up, the unbearable tingling sensation was surprisingly becoming more and more intense, Old Kuru did not rush to treat my injuries but said, "Relax! My child, let your own instincts guide you, savour the pain in your wound and use your willpower to overcome it and conquer it. You have the blood of our Orcs in you, and I will guide you and teach you how to heal yourself in the Orc way. We Werewolves have a different constitution from you humans and will heal quickly from even serious wounds, you just don't know how to use your powers very well for the time being. I will put your broken bones back together but you will need to endure the pain or when your flesh and blood heals your bones will be crooked, if that happens I will have to break the bones again where they have grown crooked and let them grow back, we werewolves can heal our bodies quickly but we will feel the pain all the same."

Old Kuru looked up at a nervous and anxious Sister Gogo, a wise glint in his eyes and a magical tattoo representing the earth symbol appeared on his forehead as he said lightly, "I think you probably don't want to visit the mysterious healing arts of the beasts, Madam Wizard, do you?"

Sister Gogo glared up at the old kuru, rolled her eyes fiercely, and walked away to sit down and meditate quietly. From the edge of the rock wall three hundred metres away from the camp, I could hear the distant shouts of murder and the clanging of swords, the dull blocking of shields, the shrill sound of arrows cutting through the air, curses in various languages, the hissing of thundering rhinoceroses, and all sorts of noises mixed together to create a cacophony of sound.

The old kuru took my arm, which was hanging to one side, in both hands and pulled the stubble out of alignment. Without the aid of any anaesthetic, the pain felt like a sledgehammer pounding away at the last of my will, and I was in a half-dazed, half-awake trance as Kourou put the broken bones of my body back together one by one. The orcish chanting of his lips made my heart feel so peaceful that I felt tired and my eyelids closed together uncontrollably.

I was drifting off to sleep when I heard the voice of the old Kuru ringing in the depths of my mind: "Do not sleep, my son. You must guide the power in your body along the meridians throughout your body, I cannot stay in your mental sea for long, but long enough to tell you the secret, but I need you to make a vow in your mental sea that you will not pass the secret of this technique to anyone outside the Orc-Wolf clan, it is a secret of the bloodline of our Werewolf clan."

"I swear that I will not tell the secret of the bloodline of the werewolf clan to anyone outside of the werewolves." I said solemnly, surprisingly reappearing in my mental sea, just as naked as last time. The golden waves kissed my ankles, I could not see the edge of this sea, but I could clearly feel the fragments of memories soaked in the seawater, floating like photographs in the golden seawater, and I suddenly realized that at some point old Kulu had appeared in my spiritual sea, standing side by side with me gazing at the golden sea in front of me, and I wondered I didn't know if old Kulu could see the pictures in the sea, then wouldn't all the secrets in my heart be exposed, my heart rippled slightly, and at that moment the sea of spirit actually suddenly surged up with tumbling waves, lapping over towards the shore.

"Oh, don't be nervous, my child. Relax, this is a world that belongs to you, and I am but a wisp of spiritual imprint that will not harm you." The old kuru turned his head to smile at me with a calm face, the peaceful face calmed my heart slightly and the golden waves gradually regained their calm.

I was a little ashamed that I had been blessed with almost everything I had now by Old Kuru and was actually worried about him prying into my secrets, I bowed my head sheepishly, "Teacher, I ..."

"Haha, follow me!" Old Kulu stepped unconcernedly through the sea towards a lighthouse on a reef not far away, I followed him in a trance, he suddenly stopped and pointed to the humble lighthouse not far away and said, "There is a sea of spirit inside every human heart, that lighthouse is your spiritual path marker. It will gradually become taller and brighter as your spiritual power grows stronger. The sea in your vision is illusory, the sea that really belongs to you can only reach the edge of what your perception can extend, and only when your spiritual power keeps growing will your spiritual sea grow infinitely larger. "

"What's the use of this place, Sensei?" I asked Old Kuru as I followed him around.

Old Kulu thought for a moment before saying, "This place allows you to see yourself, the power contained within you is guided by the Sea of Spirit to operate, just as your body contains the power of the 'self-healing' bloodline of the werewolves, but you do not know how to use it, and the reason I came here is to The reason I have come here is to teach you how to use this bloodline power of 'Self-Healing', but I do not understand how to use the other bloodline power of 'Blue Flame' in your body, which requires you to slowly comprehend. Your memories will also be hidden in this golden sea water, the pictures of memories will keep blurring with the passage of time, you for those memories you need, you have to keep turning them over again, otherwise always submerged in the water, those memories will dissipate."

"Your spiritual power is already strong enough to withstand the impact of my spiritual imprint, allowing me to enter your spiritual sea and grant you the secret method of the werewolf race's bloodline power, which is why you are able to use the bloodline power of 'self-healing' at such a young age. If an animal werewolf were to pass on the secret method of using the power of the bloodline, he would have to be at least an adult to have strong enough spiritual power, as was the case with Kurtz, who may not be able to receive the secret method until after his coming of age ceremony. This is where this sea of spirits comes into play."

"In fact, every race is only in the process of exploring this mysterious sea of spirits. You still need to take your time to discover it ..."

Old Kulu led me to the lighthouse built on a solid cliff, where I actually saw a vision of myself, like a transparent glass man, a red mass of air that seemed to flow like water and a blue mass of air that seemed to be constantly burning, trapped in this body, wandering without rules, occasionally devouring the random bits of starlight that appeared in the glass body. The starlight that appeared from time to time was like nourishment for them, growing stronger with each portion consumed. Pointing to one of the blue masses, he said calmly, "This is the fire bloodline power contained within you, and it is what gives you your true name of 'Blue Flame'. The other ball is called 'Self-Healing', you can see that it is like water that is flowing, so try to feel them now, try to control them and guide them ..."

He said that the glass man was my perception of my own bloodline power in the sea of spirit, while in the meditation space, I saw my own transparent body and perceived the distribution of magic elements in my body, which were essentially different. Only bloodline power passed down through secret methods can be considered true bloodline power. What Old Kulu taught me was exactly how to guide the red mass of Qi along the meridians in my body. This is the way in which a special formation is formed in the body, allowing the body to explode with a powerful 'self-healing' effect.
