
Welcome to my magical age

When I woke up I saw that I was actually lying on the bumpy on the back of a thundering one-horned rhinoceros, and saw the several kilometers long merchant The caravan was moving slowly, the head as high as a three-story townhouse The thunder rhinoceros was breathing heavily, carrying a mountain of goods The head of the thunder rhinoceros is as high as a three-story building, panting heavily, carrying a mountain of goods.

Lurk11 · Fantasy
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105 Chs

35. Self-healing powers (above)

The small leader of the Dwarven warriors on his giant panga was defeated by the raging tide of bandits, hundreds of whom had already stormed the defenceless camp, killing the men there in a flash. The Dwarf bandits who came at us were only slightly touched by the twin-sworded Yuehren, who cut down three of them, leaving only three Dwarf corpses on the ground, and no one dared to attack them for a moment. The bandits left only the three bodies on the ground.

The strong adult dwarf was almost a metre and a half tall, with a thick body like an oak cask, with numerous huge tendons bulging out of his body, and large, gleaming eyes on a dark face. on the top, he looked to be at the end of his tether.

The bandaged wound in Kurtz's chest oozed blood and his face was as white as paper, but he still refused to take a step back, except that he was afraid to move easily because his hunting knife was broken in two pieces, he had no weapon at his disposal and he had suffered from this dwarf warrior. I thought the dwarf might not understand Imperial, so I spoke to Kurtz in Imperial: "Let's not fight him, let's just go around with him, I'll give the signal and we'll split up. Do you hear me? Don't ask me to save you again, I'm too small to have that much strength, can you still run?"

Kurtz blushed at my comment, but nodded honestly. Seeing Kurtz's inexplicable nod, the dwarven bandit was startled, thinking we were coming up for a fight, and hastily picked up his open axe ready to now smash one of the two of us away and clean up the other one. I took the opportunity to shout, "Run!"

I saw the splatter of blood between his leather armour as he ran, and hesitated, slowing my feet by half a beat.

He was just about to reach out and grab me, but then he thought that I had a giant poison dagger in my hand, so he hastily withdrew his hand and tightened his axe. I thought to myself, "If I die this time, I might not get a good thing like a rebirth, so I'd better save my life. I wasn't trying to be a hero, and even though dwarven warriors are naturally faster than me, I was at least much faster than a five year old, but I had to save Kurtz, and I had a good idea to get rid of the irritable dwarven warrior, because at night my newly learned magic skill "Shadow Cloak" worked perfectly. During the day, when the sun is shining, I can only be half invisible with my cloak, but at night, when the shadow element is strongest, I can be completely invisible.

Even if I could escape, I would not dare to be careless about the uncertainties and unpredictable factors, such as the fate of the dwarf bandit who was after me, which I could not predict, in case I was taken prisoner and he saw me doing magic. worried that he would reveal what had happened. So I had to find a dead end and use my Cloak of Shadows to get away from the Dwarf warrior.

The boulder that we were leaning towards was the place where we had just gathered to chat, and where we had been ambushed. If I hadn't been distracted and happened to see a faint reflection of iron armour in the darkness, I'm afraid we would have been even more passive. She and Kurtz fought off the oncoming Dwarf bandits, but Kurtz was a bit too impulsive, so we could have stayed in the corner and waited for help.

Kurtz looked back to see if I was out of danger and realised that the dwarf bandits were after me, forcing me into a dead end between the boulder and the wall.

But when I looked back at the dwarf bandit out of the corner of my eye again, my heart suddenly tightened, for I saw a look of murder in his eyes, the kind of look that usually comes over Kurtz when he is hunting hares and chickens. My heart suddenly tightened as I sensed that he had already raised the heavy two-handed open axe, and felt a pervasive fear of death. The next second, the dwarf bandit rushed forward in a trajectory of white light, and I didn't even have time to react. At such a time, my body was completely subconsciously and hastily positioned with one foot forward and one foot back, my knees slightly bent, my weight depressed, my body slightly leaning forward, and my right hand using a round shield to Fortunately, the ice shield that Sister Gogo had put on me was not broken at that moment, and I did not have time to react otherwise, the dwarf bandit was like a speeding train, "rumbling" and hitting my body. I could even hear the crunching sound of my arm breaking, and the ice shield that was guarding me on the outside of my body took on its original form in front of me at this moment, but it only weakened the Dwarf bandit's momentum by three points, and the ice shield shattered into The ice shield shattered into shards of ice, which once again cut into my exposed skin, and the strong bull-like body hit me so hard that I felt like a kite that had fallen off its string, spinning in the air, and the view from my eyes was of a mountain wall running backwards. The mountain wall, unfortunately Kurtz was still chasing desperately this way behind the dwarven bandits and couldn't save me from it any longer.

I tried to adjust my position in the air, but I couldn't. The internal organs in my chest and abdomen had been turned upside down by the impact, and my ribs on my right side were burning with pain, so I was afraid they were broken. At this moment I was extraordinarily calm, the sea of spirit in my mind once again surfaced, and my senses could clearly feel my body slamming into the mountain wall behind the boulder like a cannonball. It felt like I was floating in mid-air looking at my body. I didn't know why I had gone into deep meditation at this very moment when I was on the verge of death, but I had the ability to control my body once again. " and with my unbroken hand, I drew the simple spell formation in a hurry. I could even feel my body hurtling backwards so fast that the formation looked like a curved ray of magic in the air.

At the same moment that my hair touched the cold mountain wall, my fingers finally made the last stroke of the formation and with a "boom" I was wrapped in thick darkness, as if I were a cloud of smoke blown by a strong wind onto the mountain wall. I could even feel the cold frost on the mountain wall, but I could feel more clearly that the smoke I had turned into was sticking to the wall and slowly dripping down the cold mountain wall, I had a weird feeling of laughter, was I the legendary mud monster?

"The Cloak of Shadow hides the wielder in the darkness, reducing their range of vision to ten yards, and they cannot attack while invisible. As I drifted to the ground, I wondered and speculated, but the mist I had turned into was under my control, expanding as I wished under the control of my magical senses, like a gauze of black mist slowly covering a large part of the mountain wall. My mind could clearly sense the most precise form of the mountain wall I was covering, and any of the tiniest rocks within the range of my black mist could be clearly grasped by me, except that the black mist would still be subject to gravity and flow slowly down the mountain wall until the black mist I had turned into was once again coalescing into a controlled mass and hiding on the boulder.

The Dwarf bandit who knocked me off my feet rubbed his eyes a little dumbfounded, not understanding until now why I had suddenly disappeared just before hitting the mountain wall, and he didn't have time to think too much about it. The entire arrow actually passed through his heart, sinking deep into the rocky mountain wall, revealing only a short section of the arrow's tail, the soft feathers at the end of which swayed in the cold wind, a rounded drop of blood still hanging from the tip of the arrow feather.

At this point the members of the Wind Chaser Adventurers finally arrived, Viru's arrow had killed almost half of the dwarven bandits, and Strongbach tried to help the already deflated Sister Gogo, but she broke free and rushed to Kurtz's side asking anxiously, "Where's Ka?"

"I don't know, I made an appointment with him to run separately, the dwarf ended up chasing him, I tried to get to him, but suddenly the dwarf hit him and he was gone ..." Kuz looked incoherent, Sister Gogo was far more mature and delicate in her mind than Kuz, and seeing what Kuz said She didn't think about how I managed to pull off the Shadow Cloak while weightless and moving at high speed, but she did know that at least I wouldn't die right away.

Gogo, bracing herself against the dizziness caused by the depletion of her magic pool, interrupted Kuzi: "She must have been knocked behind a boulder, go look for it!"