
Waifu Catalog: Searching A Way Home

I will do anything to save my sister, even when I need to sign a contract with a sketchy company. My only regret is that they killed me, and my sister will be sad when she knows that I died. Don't worry, my sister. I will return. No matter how many Gods, Devils, and Angels I need to kill to meet you. === World: Campione!

Ryusenka · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

|3rd POV|

"Godou! Are you listening to me?"

Godou releases a sigh and says.

"Why are you telling me this, Erica? He is far away from me. He is staying in Greece while I am here in Japan. We are thousands of kilometers away from each other. You also said he is willing to stay in Greece and will most likely not attack me like Doni just to test me."

Erica only shakes her head and says.

"It is not a matter of him going here or not! We cannot get caught unprepared, just like when Lord Doni attacks you! We need to prepare for the worst-case scenario."

Godou releases another sigh and says.

"You are just overly paranoid, Erica. I just want to have a normal life. I did not need to prepare for something that might not happen. No, Erica. I will not prepare for this, Reinhard."

Erica can only nod her head in acceptance because she knows that Godou will not move from this decision.

"Very well. However! You still need to hear about the Heretic God he killed! At least you can use your Authority against him."

"Fine! Let me hear about the information you gather."

"Great. Reinhard van Astrea, the Eight Campione, killed Hecate. She is known as the Goddess of Magic, Witchcraft, Crossroads, Boundaries, Ghost, Necromancy, and Dark Side of the Moon."

"Wait. What is the difference between magic and witchcraft?"

"Magic is something you can use through chants and magic circles. However, Witchcraft is something you can only use through ritual. Witchcraft is magic, but when the two of them are put together, they are two different things."

"Right. Continue."

Erica nods her head and continues.

"Hecate is also known as the attendant and most trusted servant of the Goddess of Persephone, the Queen of the Underworld, the Goddess of spring, the dead, the underworld, grain, and nature. That can only mean one thing. She can use a couple of Persephone authorities."

Godou nods his head and says.

"That is a lot of information."

"And I am not done! Hecate also has a connection to Goddess Circe, the Goddess of Dawn and Magic. I don't know if she can access Circe's authority. I will check them later. In my opinion, her most dangerous authority is her authority over Necromancy."

"Why? Necromancy is only related to zombies and skeletons, right?"

Erica shakes her head and says.

"No. Necromancy has a strong connection with Death and Hecate's connection to the Queen of the Underworld. I have a feeling she has an instant death authority or something similar in nature."

"That is bad."

"That's right. There is also a problem with her having three sides or three faces. However, we can discuss that later. For now, that is all you need to know."

Godou nods his head and says.

"I see. That's good because my brain starts to get hurt with this amount of information."

"You need to start getting used to it, Godou. After all, information is your greatest weapon to use your most powerful authority."

"Yeah. Yeah. I know."

Godou and Erica are not the only people discussing the eight Campione. Someone is currently using an airplane to go to Greece after hearing that Reinhard uses a sword to kill a God.

"Lord Salvatore, are you sure you want to fight this Reinhard?"

"Yup! I cannot wait to compare my blade against his."

"You just visited Japan for this exact reason!"

"No. No. No. You are wrong. Godou and I fight as Campione. I want to fight him as a swordsman."

The old man, Doni's caretaker, can only sigh and say.

"Just make sure not to destroy the country too much, my lord."

"Hahahahaha! I cannot promise you that! A battle between campione cannot be restricted!"

"And that is what I am afraid of."

Doni did not care and continued looking out the window of his private jet, eager for the incoming fight.

The other one trying to gather information is Princess Alice of Witenagemot, Mage Organization from England. She sits in her room, takes a deep breath, and once again uses her power to see the future or any information regarding Reinhard.

However, just like before, her vision gives her a weird vision. In her vision, Reinhard did not exist, be it in the future, present, or even the past. It is as if he is not a person from this world. She frowns after she cancels her power and leans over her chair, thinking hard.

This was the first time her power did not work.

"What are you?"

Princess Alice says curiously and with a hint of excitement and fear.


"Is it under here?"

I look at Silas, who comes with me to hunt some Kraken, and see him nodding his head.

"Yes, Your Highness. The Grimoire is underneath us."

I nod as I can feel power coming from the bottom of the ocean. I take out Reid from my pocket dimension and slowly get down to the bottom. When I land on the bottom, I can feel a divine energy spike up, and a second later, I can see a massive octopus appear from a small hole.

I smile a little and point my sword at the giant Kraken. Reid did not want to be taken out, and I understand. This thing was not worthy of his full power. However, it is enough for me. Unlike when I fight Hecate, I can see the line on its body and attack.

I follow the line to dodge the first attack and jump to run on its tentacle. I jump from one tentacle to another and jump above its head.

"Come to me! You are weaker without your lord! Serve me!"

I use Reid to block all of the tentacles and use the water to jump from place to place. When I arrive in front of the Kraken, I swing Reid with all my might. The Kraken screams in pain and gets thrown away from its place.

I can see the medallion sitting between two rocks. When I am about to reach it, twenty-seven men wearing golden armor and holding silver spears appear from the medallion. They thrust their spears at me.

However, before they can even reach me, I activate my Authority.

"I am the gate between the world! I am the boundaries! Nothing can touch me without my permission!"

After activating my authority, a small gate appears in front of me. The spears never hit me; instead, the spears hit the other merman. This is one of the two abilities of my authority I got from Hecate.

It redirects all attacks coming at me to any place within my field of vision. It is an automatic ability once I activate the authority. With this, I can focus on attacking.

I dash forward and swing my sword left and right, killing all the remaining mermans on my way. I ignore the Kraken, who attacks me and thrusts Reid at the medallion. As Reid destroys the medallion, I feel a warm feeling rushing inside of me as the Kraken disappears.

I smile a little as I can feel a new authority enter my body.

"Pet Kraken get."


Reinhard's authorities:

{Hecate's Authority}

[Way of the Open Path]

|It is an authority that is divided into two: [I am the Untouchable Path] and [Ruler of the Crossroad]|


(I am the Untouchable Path)

[Chant: I am the gate between the world! I am the boundaries! Nothing can touch me without my permission!]

This ability lets Reinhard summon a small gate that will redirect any attack coming at him to anywhere within his field of vision. It is an automatic ability that will protect Reinhard after he activates it.

|Weakness or Limitation: It can only work when Reinhard has his vision. A blinding authority or something obstructing his vision will greatly counter this authority.|


(Ruler of the Crossroad)

[Chant: All roads shall be open. All entrances unlocked. No wall or border shall hinder me on my way. I shall never be lost at the crossroads.]

This ability lets Reinhard summon a permanent door/gate/portal that lets him travel from one place to another. This ability even lets him travel to Heaven, Hell, or Another Universe.

[Weakness or Limitation: It can only be activated when a new moon appears, as Hecate is the Goddess of the Dark Side of the Moon.]


{Davy Jones' Authority}

(Monster of the Sea)

[Chant: O Immortal Monster of the Sea! Come! Your Captain needs you! Destroy my enemy in the name of Davy Jones!]

This ability lets Reinhard summon the legendary creature, Kraken. Kraken is a Divine Creature that is known for its invisibility while on the ocean as no one can kill it. Defeat it, yes. Kill it? No.

[Weakness or Limitation: Can only be summoned near a body of water. The deeper the water, the more powerful the Kraken will be.]