
Waifu Catalog: Searching A Way Home

I will do anything to save my sister, even when I need to sign a contract with a sketchy company. My only regret is that they killed me, and my sister will be sad when she knows that I died. Don't worry, my sister. I will return. No matter how many Gods, Devils, and Angels I need to kill to meet you. === World: Campione!

Ryusenka · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 5

When I open my eyes, I see an unfamiliar ceiling above me. I release a sigh, get off the bed, and walk to the bathroom, where I see a red-haired young man in the mirror.

"It is real, huh?"

I release a sigh and wash my face. Yesterday was too hectic, and I thought it was all a dream. Today, there will be a meeting between me and the representative of the Silver Aspis mage group.

I shake my head, put my hands on the wall, and create a portal to my pocket dimension. A second later, a portal made of rainbow-colored energy appears on the wall, and I walk through it.

After walking through the portal, I saw a massive building and knew it was my mansion. However, it is more of a castle than a mansion, given how big the building is. I enter the building and walk toward the main bedroom, where I see hundreds of clothes I need to wear for the incoming meeting.

I blink a little when I get a new Divine Protection called [Divine Protection of Fashion], which lets me always choose the right fashion for all events and even make the clothes if needed. I nod, take the clothes I need to wear, and then return to the hotel room.


I see a beautiful young woman waiting for me when I leave my room. She bows at me and says.

"Good morning, Your Highness."

"Good morning. What is your name?"

"My name is Anna Malea, Your Highness."

"Right, Anna. What are you doing here?"

"I come here to take you to the dining room for your breakfast, Your Highness."

I nod and say.

"Lead the way."

"Of course, Your Highness."

A minute later, I sit in the middle of a room with a giant round table in front of me. I did not need to wait long before a new maid arrived with a plate of food.

"For the appetizer, we have Mediterranean Calamari with Kalamata olives, pepperoncini, tomatoes, and balsamic glaze."

I nod and start to eat the food served to me. I might be quite rich from all the illegal activities in my previous life, but I rarely eat in fine dining restaurants, and I want to enjoy the experience of eating in one.

After I am done eating, Anna takes the empty plate away and returns with a bottle of wine. She pours the wine into the glass for me. I enjoy my breakfast, and when we are done, Anna walks toward me and says.

"How is your food, Your Highness?"

"It is great. Give my compliment to the chef."

"Of course, Your Highness."

"So, are they ready for the meeting?"

"Yes. Lord Silas and the rest of the Silver Aspis higher-up are ready to receive you."

"Good. Take me there."

"Of course, Your Highness."


|3rd POV|

Five people are sitting inside the room, waiting for Reinhard to arrive. When the door opens up and Reinhard enters the room, Silas gets up from his chair and says,

"Thank you for agreeing to have this meeting, Your Highness."

"Think nothing of it. Let's get this over with, and ask me what you want to ask."


Silas looks at the oldest-looking man in the room and watches him stand up.

"Your Highness, can you tell us what is happening at the dock?"

Reinhard nods his head and says.

"That night was the first time I left my family's territory. We are a reclusive family clan that did not leave our territory very often or at all. Last night was the first time I left my home. While I enjoy my stroll, a thick mist appears from the ocean and a second later, she comes out of the mist."

"A mist, huh? That must be her authority over the night."

"Anyway, after she sees me, she starts to attack me because I stand in her way. The fight then ensued. You guys already know the rest."

The older man nods his head and says.

"Thank you for taking care of the Heretic God before she can wreak havoc in this town, Your Highness."

"Don't worry about it. Anything you want to ask?"

Silas is the next one to stand up and say.

"Can I ask what you want to do from now on? I want to confirm if you want to stay here and claim this country as yours."

Reinhard nods his head and says.

"Yes. I will claim this country as mine if you guys do not mind it."

"Of course, Your Highness! We are more than happy!"

"Why are you guys willing to accept me as your king?"

"Because your presence in the country will deter a lot of supernatural creatures in the country, Your Highness. As Campione, your presence alone is like a beacon to all supernatural beings, and many of them will cease their activity in your territory. Even the Chimera that wreaks havoc in the eastern side of the country runs away to the north after you are born."

Silas did not say that his presence also made any Heretic God that descended into the mortal world not destroy the city and only focus on Reinhard. However, they cannot say that out loud because they fear Reinhard will take offense to it.

"I see. Then, what about the Kraken to the west of us?"

"Right! Kraken slumbers at the bottom of the sea, a couple hundred kilometers away to the west. We have Hime-Miko–"


"Ah, they are a group of people who are descendants of a Divine Ancestor, a former Divine Being that was reborn into mortal. They have the ability to see through authority and identify them so we can search for their weaknesses or find something we can use against them."

"Right. Continue."

Silas nods and continues.

"Our Hime-Miko managed to identify that the Grimoire came from a Heretic God called Davy Jones, the Ruler of the Seven Seas. It takes the form of a medallion with an engraving of a Kraken on it. It has the ability to summon a Kraken from the legend that can snap ships into two with ease. Not only that, when someone gets close to it, twenty-seven Merfolks will appear and kill anyone who tries to get close to the medallion."

Reinhard nods his head and says.

"I will take care of this problem for you guys. However, I want something in return."

Silas nods his head and says.

"What do you need, Your Highness?"

"I want as many copies of magical books as you have, from the basic to the most difficult."

Silas looks at the others and sees them nodding their heads. They cannot do anything but accept that demand because they do not want Campione to be angry at them. Some of them still remember Campione Voban destroying half of Austria when their mage tried to stop him from hunting down the Heretic God that appeared in their country because one of the heirs of their most powerful mage family wanted to try and become a Campione.

Millions of people died that day, and mage organizations around the world needed to brainwash people in the world to think that it was a freak disaster.

"We will gather all the books, Your Highness."

Reinhard nods his head as he is happy to have magic books to learn. The Original Reinhard cannot use his world magic, but he wants to try if he can try this world magic and see if he can use them.

"Great. Prepare the boat that will take me to this Grimoire, and I will take care of it while you guys prepare the books."

Reinhard wants to use his authority immediately and try to get back to his Earth. However, he remembers Cyl saying something about him needing time and practice to return. That can only mean one thing. He will not succeed the first time. Because of this, Reinhard thought that he needed a good foundation in this world first as he continued to use his authority.

And his first thing to do is to get more power. He wants to see if he can get a pet Kraken.

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