
Waifu Catalog: Searching A Way Home

I will do anything to save my sister, even when I need to sign a contract with a sketchy company. My only regret is that they killed me, and my sister will be sad when she knows that I died. Don't worry, my sister. I will return. No matter how many Gods, Devils, and Angels I need to kill to meet you. === World: Campione!

Ryusenka · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

I wipe my body using the towel Silas prepared for me and say.

"Done. The Kraken will no longer bother any fisherman or ship sailing through that place."

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Highness. With this, the shipment from Italy can pass through our country once again."

"Oh? Which route do they take before?"

"For the past year, they have taken the long route. They go through the Atlantic Ocean to reach Asia. However, now they can use the Suez Canal once again."

"That's good."

I release a sigh, sit on the chair, and take a beer can from the cooler. While enjoying the beer, I take out one of the magic tomes they give to me. While waiting for the next New Moon, I will try and learn some magic.


When we arrive at the dock, I can see a lot of people waiting for us. I frown a little but not because of the people at the dock. No. I frown because I feel a massive amount of mana not too far away from the dock. Not only that, it is coming here.

As we leave the boat, the oldest man walks forward and says,

"I am sorry to disturb your work, Your Highness. However, there is an emergency situation happening back at the base."

I nod and say.

"Does your emergency situation concern him?"

I point at the man, who lands on the ground with a massive grin. He has a sword on his hip, and from the battle junky energy he is releasing, I know what kind of thing he wants from us.

I look at the rest of the people who are nodding their heads.

"Yes, Your Highness. Lord Salvatore wants to have a sword spar with you."

I nod in understanding and look at the young-looking blond in front of me.

"So, you want to have a sword fight?"

"Yup! I hear that you use your sword to kill your first Heretic God."

"Well, not only my sword, but close enough."

"Good! I demand a match between us! Only sword! We can use our authority to enchant and protect our bodies. However, we cannot use an authority that directly attacks. Let's go!"

I release a sigh and say.

"Wait a second, please. I don't want the innocent to get involved in our fight."

I look at Silas and say.

"Silas, can you prepare a place for the two of us? Make sure it is far away from civilians."

I see Silas release a sigh of relief and say.

"I shall do that, Your Highness. Please wait two to three hours; we shall give you the place worth your fight."

I feel that it was not for me but for this blond man. I look at him and say.

"The name is Reinhard van Astrea. What is your name?"

"Salvatore Doni! Call me Doni!"

"Then please call me Reinhard. While we are waiting for the place for our fight, do you want to eat something? I caught some fish on the way here."

"Sure! It's been a while since I ate some fish!"


"Oooh! Are you sure you are not killing a God of Cooking or Food God?!"

Doni asks me as he devours all the food in front of him with gusto. Thank you, Faerie Feast.

"Nope. I killed Hecate, and I don't think she has any connection to Food or Cooking."

He is not the only person enjoying my food. Sitting next to him are two people. The first one is Andrea Rivera, a middle-aged man wearing a suit and glasses who is Doni's caretaker. That is coming from his own mouth because according to him, Doni is a big baby that cannot do anything alone. The other one is a woman. She came here not because of Doni but rather because she wanted to meet me.

Her name is Liliana Kranjcar. She comes from Italy and is part of an organization called Bronze-Black Cross, one of Italy's most famous organizations. She wants to be my retainer or maybe a knight.

I don't know how to respond to that, but I decided to accept her because she is one of the targets the company wants. If I gather enough points, I can buy something that will let me return back to earth faster.

"I am sorry to disturb you, Your Highness. The arena is ready."

I look to the side and see Silas bowing at me.

"Right. How is it, Doni? Shall we go or do you want to continue to eat? We can fight tomorrow."

I can see hesitation in his eyes, but he quickly says.

"Let's fight! Your delicious food shall not deter me!"

I chuckle a little and give the last fish skewer to him before we walk to the car waiting for us.


|3rd POV|

The arena is a floating island in the middle of the ocean. The magicians of Silver Aspis create a twenty-meter-thick and three-hundred-wide island that floats on the ocean for the arena. They did not know if this would hold, but it would last as long as the two Campione did not use any destructive authority. They also create floating eyeballs that broadcast the fight to their base.

Standing in the middle of the islands are Reinhard and Doni. Doni points his sword at Reinhard, and Reinhard takes Reid out of its sheath as it feels Doni is a worthy opponent.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Doni suddenly says,

"I hereby swear, I forbid the existence of things I cannot cut!"

His right arms change into silver, and the sword in his hand starts to shine silver. Reinhard does the same and says.

"Dragon Sword Reid, Awaken!"

After saying that, Reid starts to release a massive amount of mana, ready to blast anyone in sight. When the preparation is done, the two fighters dash forward with their weapons. Two weapons clash with each other and create a small shockwave as two forces meet.

"Hahahaha! This is great! Your sword can handle my authority!"

"Of course! This is a sword that cannot be destroyed, after all."


Doni pushes Reinhard away and dashes forward. He thrusts his sword, but before it can reach Reinhard, the red-haired man follows the line around his Divine Protection to block the incoming attack.

After that, he quickly jumps and swings his sword at Doni. However, Doni reacts quickly and retracts his sword to block the incoming attack.

Dodge. Thrust. Block. Swing. Twist. Drill.

Doni and Reinhard match each other's moves. The people watching from Pylos can only watch in awe as the two fighters fight with such grace that if not for all the blood on the ground and their bodies, they would have thought that it was a dance rather than a fight.

Reinhard thrust his sword with all his strength and watched Doni block his attack just in time so as not to let me pierce his body.

After fighting for ten minutes straight without stopping, Reinhard finally noticed he had awakened more Divine Protection. The first one is [Divine Protection of Blue Skies], which allows the user to become stronger when they are under blue skies. The second one is [Divine Protection of Water Strength], which allows the users to get stronger when they are near a large body of water. The third one is [Divine Protection of Shedding Blood], which causes the user to become stronger as they shed more blood.

Because of this reason, Doni gets even more excited at the match.

"Even if the body is crushed and scattered, the sword never dies! The broken blade shall be melted down in the furnace, forged once more to be reborn as a new sword! This level of flames cannot destroy me!"

Seeing Doni activate his second authority, Reinhard decided to activate his authority as well.

"I am the gate between the world! I am the boundaries! Nothing can touch me without my permission!"

Once again, the two fighters appear in front of each other and swing their swords. Each time Doni swings down his sword, he increases his body weight to increase the weight of his sword. Because of this, each time their swords clash, the ground underneath them makes a crack.

However, as they clash, they notice something. Something that annoys the two of them. When they reach the twentieth minute of fighting, the two of them jump away and look at each other as the arena around them is destroyed by their fight.

Doni deactivates his authority and rubs the back of his head.

"Dammit! We cannot know the winner if we go all out!"

Reinhard nods his head and says.

"Yeah. I cannot pierce your Authority using only my sword, and you cannot touch me without using a direct attack authority."

"Yeah. This is annoying."

Reinhard looks at him and says.

"A tie?"

"Yeah. A tie."

Doni grins and shakes Reinhard's hand.

"Let's go back. I want to eat more of your food."

"What? Since when do I become your private chef?"

"Since you are my little brother! Bwahahaha!"

"Fine! But you will be the one paying for all the ingredients."

"Don't worry! I will tell the others to gather them for me, or I will destroy their cities!"

Reinhard can only do a facepalm as he realizes that Doni is a moron or, worse, an idiot.

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