
ultimate man (marvel)


Zouhairbrain · Others
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3 Chs


Alex recovered his consciousness slowly, and the first thing he saw was a ruin above him, on what seemed to be a collapsed building, just above Alex.

Fortunately, Alex was not hurt, Alex took a deep breath because of his former feeling of suffocation, but he breathed the dust, causing him to cough sharply.

Alex remembers what happened before he lost consciousness. He only answered a few questions on his laptop and then lost consciousness. He could remember the feeling of fainting and nausea before that.

Think while panic 'Was it because of that intruder the questionnaire? Did he track my address and sneak into my room and take my revenge and my shoulder? If the order is it? Maybe an organization kidnaps others to make them secret agents? Or maybe I was kidnapped by the aliens to conduct experiments on me? Mental note to myself, the next time do not answer any program Tkkir was sent to you '

He muttered faintly, "If there is time coming."

Alex was lying under many of the accumulated rocks and the only thing that separated them from a nasty head run, which was a deformed metal model, could smell the new cement, so he concluded that the collapsed building was a building under construction.

"Maybe I have not been kidnapped by the aliens, but the possibility of the secret organization is still coming or it may be just a kidnapping to be asked for ransom? Who knows ..."

Alex calmed his nerves by force, obviously not in a benign position and if he wants to get out of this position it is better to think.

As soon as he did this, he began to notice the information coming from his other senses. He could hear the screams of the people and it was clear that they were a large number of people who screamed and could hear the heavy gunfire. No, the sound of the launch of laser guns.

Alex immediately noticed the light coming from several cracks in a distance. He approached him slowly because he did not want the rocks to collapse. Then he looked from one of the cracks, but he could not see anything, but the strange thing was that when he touched the sunlight from the hole, Rising in strength, as well as comfort.

"I have to get out of here"

Alex pushed the rocks that separated him from the exit. Surprisingly, though he weighed heavily, he managed to remove it when he made some effort.

Alex was moving a few meters from where he had left, where he found that his entire body had been exposed to the sunlight now, immediately felt the vitality and activity coming from every cell in his body, and felt the force growing from every inch of his body, and contrary to what he expected When you experience a tremendous increase in strength, Alex did not feel any pain or 'blood of relief, but the opposite, felt like a bird escaped from his cage after spending all his life in it.

Alex spread his arms wide and left a long sigh.

But there was not even one moment after that until he encountered his first bad side in his new abilities ... enhanced senses.

After being exposed to the yellow sun, almost all of his physical abilities, including the five senses, especially hearing, smell and vision, doubled.

Alex closed his ear with his hands and shouted angrily and painfully, "Shut up, shut up."

But it was not until seconds when his nose picked up the smell of blood and the surrounding disorder. Again, the heightened senses only helped him enlarge his pain.

This time he did not scream and breathe deeply in an effort to calm himself again. Luckily, the science of his kryptonian body began to work and his body began to balance his mind and physical abilities again.

After realizing that he no longer had a problem with his new adaptation, he began to realize his current place.

"Fuck," Alex said bluntly.

Because he now realizes that he has not been kidnapped or anything like that. Instead, he has really been transferred to another world, his new powers and the battle in front of him.

"I'm in Marvel's cinematic universe, with superman powers ..."