
ultimate man (marvel)


Zouhairbrain · Others
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New York City was under attack by aliens for the first time in human history.

It was not known whether this was the first visit to extraterrestrial beings. Although Thor can not be considered terrestrial, most humans still think of him as a god, perhaps their infinity is limitless? If they think logically they know that it is impossible to have a God among humans, let alone be defeated repeatedly and repeatedly by humans.

However, most NewYork did not know the real reason for the attack, but Alex, as someone who watched the film and saved it like the back of his hand, was familiar with all the film's secrets.

Nick Furry did not trust the superhuman humans like Hulk and the captain of America, let alone a big destructive force like Thor, many people can say he is suspicious and suspicious, anyway.

This has made him and the high-ranking people in the United States begin to harness the power of the Teserakt, a weapon of infinite energy discovered by Hydra in World War II to manufacture weapons of mass destruction that could wipe continents off the ground.

The Teserakt was not just a stone with infinite energy as everyone imagined, it was really the space stone, one of the infinite stones, hidden in the cosmic cube.

Both the space stone and the cosmic cube were weapons that could manipulate reality, perhaps because they merged into one entity, making them weaken each other, making them just an infinite pit of energy.

Because of the excessive use of Teserakt, all the planets in the galaxy including the nine realms have been alerted, and an advanced sex in space, Chittauri, has seen their eyes on the Teserakt.

It was also found that Loki, the prince of deception and manipulation, the brother of Thor, wanted to seize the land to build his own kingdom and rule it as God, a very selfish goal, and because of a series of strange coincidences, ended the prince of deception to be deceived by Chittauri, Coming to Earth through a space hole to destroy the earth.

This was the story of the film.

Alex knew that he had to find a place of security, although he now has the body and abilities of the Kryptonians and it would be wonderful to save people and become a hero but now he could only take advantage of his supernatural power and supernatural speed and durability, He knows how to fly or launch a thermal vision, or a glacial respiration. These abilities require special training. Alkselm trains even the normal exercises in his life, let alone he does not want to be hurt.

Alex does not believe that his abilities will be comparable to Clark Kent or Kara Zor'l. They belonged to the Noble House, where they made genetic modification and military training to ensure a talented and powerful offspring. Alex, at least now, is still a normal crab.

Such thoughts were eloquent, but he quickly removed them. He now had the ability to make a difference. He excluded the possibility of concealing his ability and staying as an ordinary citizen immediately, leaving him with only two options. The first is to help people and become hero , The second is to start the criminal engagement and become a super villain.

If he becomes a super villain he has to deal with the exiting heroes who want to catch him, and he and the search for secret caches constantly ... And there is a lot of inconvenience, leaving him one option.

Alex immediately gathered his courage and jumped toward the nearest group of Chittauri to him. There was a cordon of police trying to prevent the Chittauri army from crossing it.

When Alex jumped, his jump immediately exceeded 30 meters, did not leap with all his strength but he expected to reach 50 meters or 60 meters with all his strength.

Alex could not fly, at least not yet, so all he could now do was take advantage of his physical abilities.

When Alex fell in the midst of the Chittauri set, everyone, including Chittauri, who began to launch the energy beams on Alex, surprised him, causing his disquiet, because of his extravagance that was equal to or even better than Luke Cage. Although the Chittauri attacks were painful, From causing any harm to him, let alone kill him.

Because of his supernatural intelligence, he understood this in less than a second, helping to strengthen his self-confidence.

"You gonna have a bad time"

Alex said something to appear cold before rushing toward the enemy, thinking, "Damn, is this how Sans felt when he said it?"

Alex's current speed was higher than the speed of the sound, perhaps very low compared to Superman, which could exceed the speed of light, but for most creatures in both Marvel and DC this speed is still very fast, and Alex could not use its full potential Mentioned the importance of training.

When he was rushing towards them he was hit by many shots, did not know how to avoid attacks, another reason for training.

Alex punched the first poor Chittauri on his chest, sending him a bird for dozens of meters before he stopped after colliding with the wall and the explosion of all its internal organs, in fact did not care about Alex death of this creature miserable after punch grabbed the arm of Chittauri and threw it to another and then kicked.

Alex defeated a few other enemies before retreating toward the police, whose attacks only killed a few Chittauri.

I admired the avenging kryptonian so I decided to make my own novel like her (I think that story was dropped?)

I want you to give me some ideas for events after the Battle of New York, if possible.

And I have not yet decided whether this will be free or not, mostly will not be because Marvel is not a cultivating universe.

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