
ultimate man (marvel)


Zouhairbrain · Others
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3 Chs


The Menchen family in New Jersey was not a rich family but not too poor.

The father of the family, William Menchen, worked as an employee of a company selling food products abroad. As for the mother, Selena Gould worked as secretary of the CEO of the largest electronics company in the city and because of this they did not spend much time at home.

They had two children. The first was 24 years old. He studied entrepreneurship at the university and after graduating began a small construction company that made him proud of the family.

The second son, Alex Menchen, aged 19, after finishing secondary studies was not organized to any university or college and remained isolated at home and because of this began his family in his treatment as a plus.

Alex was not handsome and handsome but above average, he had short black hair and dark green eyes and dyed leather.

Alex was in his room browsing random websites in the hope of finding something exciting to spend his time, was most of his time watching movies and anime and read manga and novels, but lately has become difficult to satisfy.

As he was about to close his computer to go and cover something that covered the computer screen window, the questionnaire window was blue with red decorations.

The window says: [As the most determined person in your universe, you will be given the opportunity to go to another world after filling this questionnaire, yes / no.]

When Alex saw this sentence, it almost exploded, thinking, 'Even if you want to hack my computer, can you at least make something more convincing?' I am the most determined in the universe? The most useful thing I do in my life is to write reviews of the novels I read. '

Alex was about to close the window but suddenly stopped. "There's no problem playing little with this friend, and I also want to see his little trick and my computer does not have anything important anyway ... '

Alex clicked Yes and a question appeared after the previous one disappeared.

[What are your affiliations?

1. Heroes.

2. Neutral.

3. villain.]

Alex chose the neutral, no one would save the others without charge, but he would not let them die if they were in front of him, but if he had to choose between someone he knew and someone he did not know he would choose the first.

[If he can go to another world, which world will you choose?]

There was a box for writing under this question, he wrote "The World of Marvel, Earth - 199999"

He always wanted to go to the Marvel cinematic universe, he was his favorite series and if he had enough power for too many things to suit his taste.

[If you had 3 wishes to help you in your next world, what would you be?]

Just like the previous question there was a box for writing under this question.

Alex wrote "1. The body of Kryptonian with all his abilities." 2. Supernatural intelligence 3. Enhanced talent.

The reason for his selection of the body of Kryptonian was to acquire Superman's abilities under the yellow sun, including supernatural power, supernatural velocity, rapid regeneration, laser eyes and other abilities ... especially the X-ray to see through the wall and clothes, Vision through clothing is very important.

Supernatural intelligence was also important, especially in the Marvel world. If you were smart enough, you could make a super soldier's serum and other self-reinforcing ways.

The enhanced talent was useful for learning martial arts and enhancing the extraordinary intelligence.

[Your answers have been accepted, the transit will be in ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ..]

The darkness covered the vision of Alex and his consciousness ...