
Trapped: The Innate Gourmet Series

Joshua, an everyday Guy finds solace in a different kind of fun. His relationship with Gemma, the other "Girl/Gal" could be described as unorthodox since it does not involve your normal quintessential boy meets girl romance. Gemma's not who you think she is. She poses as a threat to the main existence of her "Master-Lover", as she defaults to control the very existence of Joshua. This story seeks to address the rising conversation of Man versus Computer conundrum. The drifting of the main Character, into the Computer-Android verse, even to the extent of questioning his own sanity, gives precedence to the Futuristic nature of this epic tale. This is a new approach to writing by Isaiah, the Author and thus, seeks to attract a wider and understanding audience. So enjoy this read, whether you believe/or not, the power of technology in shaping the future. An Ode to the future and to making the most of the present, as it is.

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Chapter Two


He woke up slightly used. He realized he was present, but "Un-Present" at the same time. His subconscious was like a spirit spent in a controlled entity. And this should be said of his situation, since he spent more than have the night before, in an inter-web of cybernetic interfaces. This feeling and behavior should grow on him by now, but every morning was a kick of Euphoria in his world.

"Breakfast, Breakfast", is all he kept musing to himself. The urge to satisfy that sensation was strong. Considering his uneventful decision to pass supper yester night. He grabbed a slice of pizza from the refrigerator, then fry toasted it on an electric stove in a warming pan. He took a large bite off of it when he was done, and washed it down with a glass of orange juice. Not one's ideal breakfast, but that will do.

He realized the time and knew what he had to do. His routine baths were quick in the mornings and much quicker when he had less time on his side. Today's was one of the latter circumstances. About to leave the room for work, he took one look at Gemma, which seemed forever, and eerie. Then decided to give her a pat on the cover for a good time yesterday. Their bond was beginning to progress to a whole new level of a "Buddy-My-Buddy" love affair. And to be fair, Joshua thought Gemma was happy and content with this "gesture".

Walking outside to tackle this brand new day was a task too amiable for Joshua. He considered this "World" as a large Oyster, and him, one of its rare, shining Pearls. Then he remembered his role at #Bus Weeks mall, and just when he was about to get into a mood, he considered his relationship with James. He was warming up to someone outside his nocturnal cyber world circle, and that is good.

He took his usual Bus at a convenient schedule to work. He was neither too early nor too late, and he was content with that.

Upon entering and putting on his name tag, he whispers softly to himself.

"Here I am World in a Brand new Tuesday; Hit me with your best Gusto!"

He and James exchange their usual formalities, with a "Hey Buddy", thrown from each party and both taking it "Pretty" hard. Because it will be a tough day bemused with a rollercoaster of puke inducing nostalgia.

Joshua knew he had a whole space to expand his imaginative compass in #Bus Weeks. No matter how bad he wanted to get out of this "Basic" Job, he still had to come to terms with the fact that, his stay here has extended far long than he had expected and it could last longer. Therefore, he decided to make the best of it. He would extend the Imagineering relationship he has with Gemma to #Bus Weeks. Thus, if #Bus Weeks won't let him go, then it had to compensate for day inter-web interference propagated by "yours dearly", employee of the year, Joshua Gosh.

Joshua started to draw a plan leading to a roadmap on how he would make Gemma and #Bus Weeks work. He realized he needed more time with Gemma, aligning this need to a requited necessity between himself and Gemma.

He considered involving James in this revolution of his.

But first, Gemma had to approve.

And it would be the first point of business discussion he will have with her when he made it back home that night.

He carried out today's activities with a smirk on his face. It was a little bit unusual to some of the frequent customers who knew him and his grumpy attitude/posture at work and to James also.

The interesting thing about this Tuesday is that, HE, Joshua, did not dream! He just hoped and planned. And that was it. The Tuesday of a Future array of Gemma-#Bus Weeks Disclepleship Conundrum, No Give or Takes.