
Trapped: The Innate Gourmet Series

Joshua, an everyday Guy finds solace in a different kind of fun. His relationship with Gemma, the other "Girl/Gal" could be described as unorthodox since it does not involve your normal quintessential boy meets girl romance. Gemma's not who you think she is. She poses as a threat to the main existence of her "Master-Lover", as she defaults to control the very existence of Joshua. This story seeks to address the rising conversation of Man versus Computer conundrum. The drifting of the main Character, into the Computer-Android verse, even to the extent of questioning his own sanity, gives precedence to the Futuristic nature of this epic tale. This is a new approach to writing by Isaiah, the Author and thus, seeks to attract a wider and understanding audience. So enjoy this read, whether you believe/or not, the power of technology in shaping the future. An Ode to the future and to making the most of the present, as it is.

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Chapter One


Tag Name: Joshua Gosh, Dream Job: Trailing Inter dimensional Scales; on an eco-Friendly basis, Actual Job: Sales representative/Bags boy at #Bus Weeks Shopping Mall, Hobbies: Day dreaming, Interests: Hardcore Gaming…..It is important to lay down a few background checks on our main character here, Evidently, named Joshua Gosh…hence, the information above…which is haunting him right now in the nap he is taking between work breaks.

"Josh-buddy…" A hissing whisper from a familiar voice pierces right into this freaky-Monday dream of his….

Joshua shrugs himself back to reality with a thank you note on his voice as he responds to the waking nudge by his co-worker friend, James…

"Hey Man...Did I drift far deep this time..?" He muttered to James, drowsily….. With a wink to feel a little comfortable in this after-shake of a constant haunting self-identification dream.

"Dude…. You went a little deep into whatever you were dreaming about…the manager nearly nabbed you for under time…! Stay in the Present reality Man, just a little advice…" James cautioned.

"I will try a little bit harder to be "Seeeerious", the way you are…Look where it has gotten you…you are the President of the "World" ha-ha…" Joshua retorted sarcastically at James, in defense…

James, used to his friend's utter display of childish fathoms especially when confronted about facing reality, just smiled and hissed back…"One day you will get stuck, and I will be saying "I told you so", and you know what?! It will feel damn good saying it!"

The Monday was as normal as a Tea would be in a cold morning. Joshua packed shopping bags for customers, a hundred or so. Most of which were frequent visitors. Whilst helping these customers out, he would help himself to picturing them as androids, passively buzzing in a queue to be enhanced by an automated machine, The Overload-Him. He would always bask in such fantasies to compensate for the fact that he was just standing there at one spot doing nothing but packing grocery bags.

Joshua longs for a Monday that will awaken his senses to life. He really needed a booster during this crisis of self-identity. Normally, he wouldn't tell this to anyone. Not even James, whom Joshua has grown closest to these days. And then there was Gemma! The girl, he could unconventionally bare his thoughts out to. In his eyes, Gemma could do no harm.

Gemma was that antidote to all the poisons Joshua accumulated during the day. He fancied her wherever he was, and then yet again for some uncanny reason he was never satisfied. Could he be that buzzing android to Gemma, who seemed to be His overlord in this circumstance?

Joshua held his thirst for Gemma, the whole time he was at work. Trying very hard to concentrate on this job he barely held on to for a year. Telling himself it's only temporary, and he will be saved from it when his "higher-self" manifests.

The hours moved somewhat at a normal pace, surprisingly quick for the dutiful polar opposite of Joshua, that is James. Joshua prayed the day done with as quickly as possible, if it were up to what he wished for. And it finally was over at five o'clock pm, not a minute after. Joshua often made sure to stick to a punctuality of checking out. He wouldn't trade a precious minute of his "Freedom" to stay in that "forsaken" #Bus Weeks.

Joshua walked quickly towards the exit of the building as James ran, panting heavily to catch up.

"JO-JO mate!" James seemed to holler at the fast paced Joshua

Joshua slowed down a bit in response to James' constant hollering. When James finally caught up with him, he whispered into Joshua's ears;

"Say "Hi" to Gem-Gem whenever you get home…." He winked playfully at Joshua after that.

"Wait a minute! Who is Gem-Gem?! How do you know about Gemma…?" Joshua muttered under his breath to James.

"Come on, my ears never grow tired of the frequent mention of her name during your eventful naps each day…you know, you are my midday entertainment before second cycle resumes…" James responds half smiling.

"Jeez!!! James get a Life!" Joshua retorted lifting his hand in an attempt to give James a slight elbow Nudge, but he missed. Feeling a bit disgusted.

The two parted ways at the bus stop. James hopped on his Bicycle, whilst Joshua took the Bus to his apartment.

When Joshua got home, he moved straight to his desktop with no regards for the mess he left unpacked the whole day. He then flipped open the screen of the Grey Laptop on the desk and it automatically beeped on.

There was a Blank black space on the screen with a blinking type icon. Within ten seconds, the Icon moved and it read…"Welcome Joshua"

Joshua's senses were heightened at this moment, and he responded…

"Thank You Gem-Gem! It's so good to be back home" not realizing he had used the alias James called Gemma earlier. He would probably be disgusted if he had realized it.

He then proceeded to Login into a web of interconnected Operation Systems Online after the brief formalities between himself and the computer.

He put on his ultrasound headphones that connected to G! As the Laptop was referred to, since it had a customized sticker on the cover plate that suggested it. Joshua was then locked out from the world outside him and was contentiously enveloped in the computerized world of his Confident, Gem-Gem.

Yes, that is Gemma! The love of his life at the moment. And she is his Overlord, and he, Joshua, her subject-Android!