
The Undefeatable (Male Reader x DC/Marvel Harem

A not so normal guy tries to avoid the constant conflict of superpowered individuals but is pushed into a impossible situation which leads to our hero having serious head aches. (Boy x girl) (Possible lemon/smut if requested) (Slow Updates)

SirZurone · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Potential Of Noah

Powers currently:

Superhuman Strength (Darkseid level strength)

Enhaced durability (Is unfazed by any physical attacks under or equal to Darkseid level attacks)

Enhanced Speed: 327761.25 mach can be reached instantly, I have been researching Darkseids strength, speed and powers and it said superman and flash was faster than him but he can keep up with them, Darkseid can react within nano seconds so I decide to give y/n 32.5% of Superman and flashs top speed which I found was 874030 mach or lightspeed

I have done this because I believe Darkseid at top speed can move 75% of Superman and flash, so his jogging speed of which is normally 50% of their top speed would be 32.5%.

Pain intolerance: near full tolerance for pain

Regeneration: High level regeneration can heal any injury in a short time also immunity to phychics because his brain cells are continuously regenerating and dying in an equilibrium.

So when the telepaths are trying to gain access to his brain they are basically trying to catch water from flowing water. The cells that they are targetting are already replaced by some new ones by the time the telepathic wave hits him.

Plasma Energy Projection and maipulation( Enough to destroy skyscraper easily from above it or on ground.)

Immunity to Plasma produced by Apokolips energy weapons and similar energy upto the power of own attacks.

Transformation: He has the capacity to convert shape and form for better and quicker mobility when aerial adaptation is inoperable.

Darkness booster: He becomes creepier, stronger and tougher if he is attacked with darkness powers.

' ' = Thinking

" " = Talking


As Darkseid stands atop of Noah's broken body, he starts breathing heavily and as he gazes at his prone enemy but unexpectedly his hand twitches and immediately after a plasm beam is fired at Darkseid causing him to be hit back and slides far back,Darkseid shakes his head to shake off the power.

"What?! Impossible!" Darkseid shouts in comfusion mixed with anger

As we witness Noah to start regenerate his injurys and starts standing up and as his torn up neck starts looking normal he responds

"Impossible, no"

As his face starts healing he ends his sentence.

"Improbable, yes"

(Flashback ends)

Third pov:

As Noah's injuries fully healed he smirked as he looked at the now comfused Darkseid.

"What's wrong surprised?"

He raises his eyebrow towards Darkseid.

"Surprised on how I am alive?

Noah speaks again

" Well If I have to tell you I call it the magic of regeneration you overgrown dipshit hahaha! "Noah breaks out in a laughing fit as he ends.

A enraged and slightly embarrassed expression finds it home on Darkseids face

"HOW DARE YOU LAUGH AT ME!" The new god finally speaks again

Darkseid charges at Noah again but as he got close to Noah he suddenly felt all the air and some blood being thrust out of him and accompanying with it, pain in his stomach almost like he was punched by himself full power.

As Darkseid gasped and crumpled over he reliased that Naoh suddenly appeared in front of him.

Noah was now observeing Darkseid as he had now a imprint of his fist in his stomach.

"Come on Darky don't die on me yet"

"I have still got a lot I wanna do with you like for example-

Suddenly his tone of voice changes from light hearted to eerily serious.

"I am not done with punishing you for threatening this world and ruining my day"

Noah said while kicking Darkseid at incredible speeds into a mountain of rubble fallen rubble while also breaking some of Darkseids ribs.

As Noah slowly starts walking to Darkseid with a deadly expression.

The image shown to Darkseid is of a confident and unfazed walk towards him, whit each steps cracks form under his feet and a booming sound heard after each step.

"Get up" Noah simply says as he neared the predator turned prey.

Out of nowhere from the dust cloud formed from Darkseids body being smashed into the rubble, two bright red beams came rocketing towards Noah moving at incredible speeds.

Noah barely reacted with his Enhanced senses and dodged both of the beams but as the deadly attack passed where he was originally it changed course to where Naoh was now.

As it came charging Noah again with it creating a electric crackling sound as it whizzed through the air Noah realised he had to try and run from it, in an instant he had started to run from the omega beams with it just trailing behind him but as he was dodging and weeving the beams as they destroyed any obstacles in front of it, as the beams separated and both attacked at different angles it got way more harder and as he had realised he was about to be cornered, the beams came in for a pincer attack which would hit if he did nothing.

Noah with only a few moments to react

took flight by using the power he got from Darkseid when he has beating the shit out of him, as he flew up the beams changed course to avoid hitting eachother and started to give chase once again

As he was circling the park trying to escape he starts firing plasma beams at the omega beams but they are only to stall the beams but ultimately they were either out maneuvered or straight pierced through.

Out of nowhere a parademon was able to latch onto him this surprised enough for the beams to catch up to him so quickly he wrapped himself in a cocoon with his armour plated wings and simultaneously circulated plasma energy to fortify the wings by creating a extra layer of protection using energy.

As the beams got close it changed directions multiple times to where it was now obove Noah, as it finally clashed with his now glowing red wings he was instantly pushed back and he fell out of the sky looking like a shooting star as the beams were still bombarding his defences making him to light up, when he crash landed a loud crash could be heard followed by a shock wave that spread through out the area picking up dust blinding every one's view.

As we zoom into Noah we see him unwrap himself from his now heavily damaged wings which no longer have there glowing features like before but overall Noah defense held up and did protect him from more serious injuries.

As he get up and examines his wings he sees they held up but is now either charred or simply disengrated, while he sees his regeneration repairing the damage he turns away and gazes at the now standing Darkseid.

Darkseid pov:

"No human it is I who shall punish you for dare standing against a god" i say to him

As I finish I open a boomtube which goes behind him I quickly grab him through it and pull to me and slam into the ground and then pin him using telekinesis.

"Now I will invade your mind and I make you my servant" I say while releasing a full power telepathy attack

'haha puny human thought he could stand against me Dark...'

(In y/n's head)

But as I entered I suddenly felt like I was drowning and I tried to move I relied I could not move and I could not see anything, actually I could feel nothing only that I was losing my conscious.

Out of nowhere I felt being thrust out of his mind with extraordinary force it was like was being displaced almost like a indestructible wall materialised where I was, so I was kicked out his mind.

Third pov:

As Darkseid left Noah's mind the connection he created was about to collapse when Noah quickly took it over, the connection to Darkseids head.

(In Darkseid's head)

As Darkseid conscious is violently put back in his body it causes his head to go into shock and damage his defences, but almost immediately his already damaged mind shields are smashed through by Noah.

As soon as he enters he releases all his power and violently searches his mind looking at all his memory and copies all his skills causing his mind to shake and crack, while Noah does this all Darkseid was concious for all this and felt him inside his head but all he can see is his Father as Naoh off instinct found his greatest fear which completely paralyses Darkseid.

(Real World)

Noah leaves Darkseid mind and gets up while Darkseid himself slumps over and goes into a mix of shock and unconscious from the trauma.

The culprit of trauma looks at Darkseid and smirks as he now holds victory over the supposed god, a sudden look of realization appears on his face as crouches down near Darkseid he levels his gaze on Darkseids arm and fires a smaller version of his omega beams just to slightly cut Darkseid and as expected he start to bleed, y/n gets some of the blood on his finger and gazes at it with a look of hesitation for a few seconds and finally licks it.

Without warning y/n starts transforming and the wind starts picking up and dark clouds starts forming and as thunder is heard,

a unknown energy comes from the sky and starts to circle y/n as it slowly starts closing on him while speeding up it was getting very bright while the wind was speeding up to speeds of a catagory 3 hurricane , the sky grows darker while becoming covered in lightning and finally the earth's starts to shake.

As the energy starts to slow down and start to be absorbed into y/n the weather conditions start to lessen and as the last of the energy was being absorbed the weather returned to normal, as y/n was unveiled from his energy shroud his appearance had a drastic change.

( https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/717057571907675150/ )

(Your body changed to his your still wearing Delsin rowes clothes and you still look like delsin just more masculine)

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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