
The Undefeatable (Male Reader x DC/Marvel Harem

A not so normal guy tries to avoid the constant conflict of superpowered individuals but is pushed into a impossible situation which leads to our hero having serious head aches. (Boy x girl) (Possible lemon/smut if requested) (Slow Updates)

SirZurone · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Brutality Of Darkseid

Powers currently:

Superhuman Strength (Can lift and punch 1.5 tons of power)

Enhaced durability (Is unfazed by any physical attacks under or equal to 1.5 tons of power)

Enhanced Speed (200mph can be reached instantly) but can be boosted with transformation to add extra 100mph.

Pain intolerance: Heightened tolerance for pain

Flight through wings (In this story parademons have natural wings with armour plating) 200mph can be reached instantly (Parademon was using wings to move 200mph so it transfers to both land and aerial speeds) but can be boosted with transformation to add extra 100mph.

Wing Blades: His wings features are razor sharp, can cut and pierce with a refined edge.

Regeneration: High level regeneration can heal most minor and medium level injurys in a short time and fatal injuries and above take longer also immunity to phychics because his brain cells are continuously regenerating and dying in an equilibrium.

So when the telepaths are trying to gain access to his brain they are basically trying to catch a singular water drop from flowing water. The cells that they are targetting are already replaced by some new ones by the time the telepathic wave hits him.

Plasma Energy Projection and maipulation( Enough to destroy skyscraper easily from above it or on ground.)

Immunity to Plasma energy from Apokolips weaponary/similar energy upto the power of own attacks.

Fire Breath: He can produce a stream over intense flames from his mouth.

Self-Detonation: When all else fails he can destroy himself with everything everything around him aswell.

Parademonization: Can act as mobile conversion factories capable of processing and repurposing individual beings into new Parademons under his command entirely.

Transformation: He has the capacity to convert shape and form for better and quicker mobility when aerial adaptation is inoperable.

Darkness booster: He becomes creepier, stronger and tougher if he is attacked with darkness powers.

' ' = Thinking

" " = Talking

With that out of the way and next chapter I shall add only new powers, updated powers and basic powers like speed strength. Enjoy.



Now don't dare hurt them you fuck!" a male voice is heard which belongs to the man that just survived a massive energy attack

(End Flashback)

Third pov:

As we see Noah rush to Wonder Women and the rest of the Justice League he starts checking if there alright.

Noah pov:

"Is everyone alright"

Only to receive a few grunts and no's but I am given a clear response by Wonder Women herself after she quickly stands up.

"We are all tired or too injured to get up we can't fight Darkseid in our current condition right now" she responds

'Wow she is able Stand up after all this and then give a full status report on her conrades.... She is incredible'

I respond quickly but courteously towards Wonder Woman "Ok I estimate that Darkseid should be coming back any minute now as he was tired as well so we have at most two to four minutes, can they be up by then?" while I gesture to the prone Justice League members.

"I am sorry no that's not possible we need at least 10 minutes" she replied

I slowly turn a different direction while racking my brain for answers.

'This is a problem, if they can't fight that means I will be forced too'

'I don't want that at all he could snap me like a twig, well atleast I got Wonder Women right'

As I glance bact to her to check if she's ready but instead I was presented to her falling backwards, I quickly rush to catch her and do.

"Are you alright?" I try asking knowing my voice was full of concern.

"w-what it seems I underestimated my fatigue, I am s-sorry it seems I won't be able to fight along your side for now" she tries telling me through laboured breaths

"no it's alright don't worry yourself just rest ok, just rest that is what I ask of you please."

As I watch her eyes slowly close with he trying to resist the urge to sleep

"N-no" I hear her whisper

I put on my most reassuring smile I can and continue.

"It's alright beuatiful just rest your eyes and get some beauty sleep I will handle it"


(This is what she sees right now)

Wonder Woman Pov:

"Thank you-u-u...."

As I fell my self falling deeper and deeper in rest all I could see was him.

'Wow he's... So handsome'

That was my last conscious thought before passing out

Third pov:

Noah picks up Wonder Women and rests her near everyone else as he gets back up with a earily calm attitude and sighs.

"OK, their is no time to worry about my safety"

As he tilts his head to look at all the Justice League members.

"When theirs are In far more danger, so it's time to go fight a person that defeated the Justice Leugue and is basically a God... Oh goodie" he ends sartastically


A boom is heard coming from the direction of Darkseid as Noah quickly turn his head to said sound

As we see him darting his eyes around frantically searching the area for any signs of Darkseid.

Noah pov:

'Where is he'

As I continue looking around for any sign of him.

'All I see is a destroyed park and rubble from nearby buildings

'Its quiet' i thought to himself.

It was deathly silent all that could be heard was dust moving around, rubble slipping and the wisp of the wind.

'Too quiet'

Suddenly I saw a water droplet falling from the sky and almost like in slow motion everything seemingly was slowing down and blurring out of focus and all I could think why was this important, why am i scared of what will happen when it lands, as It neared the ground only a centimetre off the ground, it clicked.

'He's about to attack'

At the exact same time it hits the ground I immediately flood my body with as much plasma energy as I can which was purely focused in boosting my defense and as I predicted not an millisecond later Darkseid smashes out of the ground and throws a punch towards my stomach and as It hits it smashes my protection with ease and I double over, eye lose there pupils and I cough out blood from the impact and I am thrown backwards.

Third pov:

As Noah is thrown out of the park he smashs into the middle of a skyscraper and with no time to recover Darkseid is immediately on him, as he grabs his leg and throws him upwards going through 23 floors and through the top just for darkseid to be waiting for Noah.

Darkseid clamps his hands together creating a ball with his hands and sleghammers him back through the building and hitting the rest of the floors which add upp to 37 floors

(60 floor skyscraper) as he hits the ground at immense speed and bounces upp a bit Darkseid lands on his chest causing sickening snaps of all his ribs, with this brutallity he is showing he grabs Noah's head squeezing it greatly with one hand and throws him back towards the park smashing through walls on the way.

Noah was ragdolling past the park but before he could fully go through the park Darkseid grabs him and smashes him on the ground and starts balling up his fists and hammers them down causing shot waves each time it hit.








Again and again he does this three more times but on the last one he again like earlier clenched both hands together and brought it down causing Noah to cough up a lot of blood and after it hit immediately after he released his omega beams at Noah when it landed he was cruched on the floor causing a crater.

As Darkseid stands atop of Noah's broken body, he starts breathing heavily and as he gazes at his prone enemy but unexpectedly his hand twitches and immediately after a plasm beam is fired at Darkseid causing him to be hit back and slides far back.

"What?! Impossible!" Darkseid shouts in comfusion mixed with anger

As we witness Noah to start regenerate his injurys and starts standing up and as his neck starts looking normal he responds

"Impossible, no"

As his face starts healing he ends his sentence.

"Improbable, yes"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SirZuronecreators' thoughts