
The Undefeatable (Male Reader x DC/Marvel Harem

A not so normal guy tries to avoid the constant conflict of superpowered individuals but is pushed into a impossible situation which leads to our hero having serious head aches. (Boy x girl) (Possible lemon/smut if requested) (Slow Updates)

SirZurone · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Powers currently:

Superhuman Strength ( Darkseid level strength)

Enhaced durability (Is unfazed by any physical attacks under or equal to Darkseid level attacks)

Enhanced Speed: 983283.75 Mach or just in simpler terms 1.075 lightspeed.

Pain intolerance: near full tolerance for pain

Regeneration: Super high level regeneration can heal any minor, mediumb and most fatal injurys instantly also immunity to psychics because his brain cells are continuously regenerating and dying in an equilibrium.

So when the telepaths are trying to gain access to his brain they are basically trying to catch water from flowing water. The cells that they are targetting are already replaced by some new ones by the time the telepathic wave hits him this has increased to trying to catch the water to being instead instantly swallowed up in at raging storm causing said psychic to either pass out or worst case die.

Plasma Energy Projection and maipulation( Enough to destroy skyscraper easily from above it or on ground.)

Immunity to Plasma from Apokalps energy weaponry 7upto the power of own attacks.

Transformation: He has the capacity to convert shape and form for better and quicker mobility when aerial adaptation is inoperable.

Darkness booster: He becomes creepier, stronger and tougher if he is attacked with darkness powers.

New powers

Everthing on this page can now be included in the portfolio of ours.


' ' = Thinking

' ' = Thinking

" " = Talking

Noah pov:

Woah what is this power I feel connected to it feels incredible bit also unstable.

I snap out of my confusion only to realise that while I was fighting I forgot about the heros.

"Wait what about the justice league are they alright?!"

I quickly look around trying to find the unconscious heros and when the low laying dust finally dissipates I finally see them.

"Hey you guys..."

But as I am about to call out to them and rush over their I realise that all of the previously unconscious leugue are now standing up with agape mouths almost like they are to shocked to say anything.

"Are you guys alright, you seem weird " i finish with a anxious tone while walking to them

Third Pov:

Eventually one of them snaps out of their daze.

"Who are you" the man said with a gruff voice reaching for his belt

Almost like his voice activates the rest of them, they finally start moving and some saying things to y/n.

"Yeah who are you and what is your purpose here" a man with robotic parts on him saids with a threatening tone

Quickly Wonder Women cuts in with a protective arm in front of Noah

"Cyborg and Batman stop threatening are saviour"

"What do you mean Diana" Superman asks Wonder Woman

"He fought Darkseid we saw it and he protected us, we should honour him not threaten him" she said with a firm tone almost asking someone to say something, while she was getting unconsciously closer to him to the point of touching Noah.

As the focus goes back to the mystery man that saved them and they all look at him, Diana looks surprised at her saviour as his form has changed to this more muscular and tall body as he now stands at 6,3 , she quickly realises how close she is to him as she can feel his muscles and looks up at him and in response he looks down and smiles at her

(imagine his body looking like the picture last chapter)

"Hello names Noah, bit close aren't you Diana" he said while winking at her.

She quickly blushes and backs up while looking away, as she does this no one notices that Superman frowned when that happened.

Out of nowhere when Wonder Woman was about to apologise Superman stands in between them and states that "This is not important right now we need to try to capture Darkseid before he gets away and then look for survivors" with straight face but Noah noticed something in his eyes and It looked like a glare pointing towards him.

Noah pov:

'What's with him' I wondered and when I was about to respond I heard a loud noise from where Darkseid is, as I look I see this portal opened and Darkseids foot being dragged in with the rest of him

"Wait No!" I shout as I start running at mach 5 towards the portal and enters it only to be presented with a burning and horrifying planet "what the hell is this place"

Suddenly I feel something grab my shirt and yank me back through the portal but the yank only pulled me a step back but the portal pulled me in,as I appear back at the park the portal closes in front of me.

(flashback before he entered the portal)

Diana's Pov:

Oh hera why was I so close to him I have to apologise to him.

'But I have to say he did feel nice and smell nice aswell also how he said my name' *sighs internally* 'wait no no no stop thinking those unproper thoughts Diana he has just saved you.'

'Now I have to apologise'

"umm I am..."

'As I was about to say it Kal El interrupts me and puts himself inpetween us just as I was talking, how rude why would he do that'

'As Kal El proceeded to try to make a plan I noticed Noah suddenly look at where Darkseid was supposed to be and takes off and I finally notice he entered one of Darkseids portals.'

'I quickly rush over completely ignoring Kal El calls to stop and as I reach the portal I quickly grab him and try to pull him in but it felt like trying to move a mountain'

'it seems it was enough to get him though as he appears through the portal'

(Flashback end)

Third pov:

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO THAT, DONT EVER DO THAT!" Diana bellowed at Noah as she grabbed him and violently shook him with surprisingly strength

Noah looked so scared as she shook him for a sold 10 seconds before she stopped and realized what she was doing was stupid.

At this point the other members arrived and stated on how reckless I was by going into the portal without telling them and Batman finally tuned into the conversation

"We need to regroup at the watch tower and then we will discuss"

He looks at Noah with suspicion"more delicate situations"

A collective of ok and alrights came from everyone as they split and looked for survivors leaving him alone.


I just wanna say thank you so much for your support, it genuinely made me feel amazing and I hope I won't disappoint.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SirZuronecreators' thoughts