
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 37 Obadiah, U Picked the Wrong Opponent.

Chapter 37 Obadiah, U Picked the Wrong Opponent.

In the spacious room, two iron men, one big and one small, stood facing each other.

"Tony, look at my armor. I have developed weapons that surpass yours," impatiently said Obadiah.

Tony? Tony Stark? Phil Coulson didn't know what to think.

At that moment, another steel-clad figure rushed in from outside.

It was Leon.

However, his steel body refers to his own strong defense. He doesn't rely on any armor battle suit, but rather his own strength.

Leon, who donned the unique battle suit of the El family, landed in front of Phil Coulson and Pepper Potts with a face full of justice. He said without looking back, "You can't help anymore. You should retreat."

Pepper Potts covered her mouth and looked at Leon in disbelief.

As we all know, Superman doesn't wear a mask, and he never hides his appearance.

Because Superman represents absolute justice and hope, he naturally wouldn't be "sneaky."

But no one has ever discovered that Clark is Superman, so why?

In fact, according to the original storyline, Clark disguised himself during his daily life, not just by wearing a pair of glasses. The original concept was that the glasses were high-tech equipment from Krypton, capable of making people ignore Clark's appearance.

Later, it was revealed that Clark possessed super hypnotic abilities, allowing others to distinguish him from Superman's appearance.

Furthermore, Clark gained the ability to disguise himself, allowing him to change certain details of his appearance in his daily life.

So no one ever found out that reporter Clark turned out to be Superman.

But Leon didn't make any changes here. He simply wore his original appearance in this outfit and revealed his true face directly.

In Leon's view, it was insignificant.

He didn't care about revealing his identity at all because this wasn't his world, and there was no one to worry about being attacked by enemies due to his identity.

If there were, he would simply kill all the enemies.

In fact, Leon had already revealed his methods when he first arrived in this world, instantly killing all those Ten Rings members.

Don't be fooled by his recent inactivity. When he acts, you'll understand his character.

Due to Leon's current appearance, Pepper Potts was already confused. What is happening?

On the other hand, Phil Coulson nodded to Leon, not surprised because Leon had already been in contact with S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I'll leave it to you here," Phil Coulson said without reluctance, immediately leading the people he had brought, escorting Pepper, and retreating outside.

It was at this moment that the Iron Monger, Obadiah, also noticed Leon.

"It's you?" Obadiah asked, turning Iron Monger's head to look in Leon's direction. He shouted in shock and anger, "You've really been deceiving me?"

Seeing that Leon and Tony entered together and reacted so quickly, Obadiah could no longer need to guess that they were working together to plot against him. It was a real waste of time if he did.

Before Leon could speak, Tony sneered and said, "The loser's always bitter, Obadiah. I trusted you so much, and I never expected you to betray me."

Obadiah didn't care at all. After all, he did what he did and sneered, "Tony, this company was originally founded by me and your father, but it belongs to you, A Stark. It doesn't even have my Name on it. And as you grow up, this company will eventually fall into your hands. Do you think I will willingly give up everything I build to a good for nothing playboy?"

Tony felt a pang of sadness in his heart. He never wanted to take the company away, let alone drive Obadiah away.

In fact, he is a playboy. Making money, picking up girls, and having fun are his biggest ideals.

And now, it has led to the current situation.

"Aren't you going to fight?" Leon, on the side, didn't think it was a big deal. He floated up and sat on an luxurious table with his legs crossed, provoking the two of them. "You're just going to chat like this? If you don't fight, you'll die, you know?"

Obadiah was furious and finally understood that Leon had been setting a trap from the beginning. He had always believed that Leon was just a money-grabbing villain and will not deceived him until he give him money.

In the end, he had been deceived. Judging from the situation, he realized that Leon had not betrayed Tony. It was very likely that the two of them had planned it from the beginning.

With this realization, Obadiah's hatred for Leon surpassed his feelings towards Tony, and he raised his hand instinctively.

From Iron Monger's mechanical right arm, a 20mm caliber cannon emerged.

The next moment, the terrifying weapon roared to life, and a hail of bullets covered Leon, forming a chain of bullets in the blink of an eye.

"Hahahaha," Obadiah laughed smugly, thinking this was the end for anyone who opposed him.

However, after the smoke from the machine gun cleared, Leon's unharmed appearance reappeared before his eyes. He continued to sit there without even changing his position.

Leon looked down at the pile of bullet fragments that fell from his body and shook his head speechlessly. "If you're going to shoot an old man like me, will you at least offer to wash my clothes?"

But in reality, his clothes were intact as well. This was because they were changed along with his ability, which was equivalent to his strength. The stronger his defense, the stronger the battle suit.

Although the battle suit appeared very thin, it was actually more durable than the Iron Man battle suit and armor combined.

"Tony, if you're done enjoying the show, then I'll take action," Leon said to Tony, who was still spectating, as he brushed off the bullet fragments from his body.

Tony was about to speak but saw Iron Monger activating his weapon once again.

Iron Monger had a cannon mounted on his right hand, a six-shot missile on his left hand, and anti-tank rockets on his shoulders.

Obadiah, not believing in defeat, aimed the missiles at Leon once again and launched them.

The six missiles roared and headed towards Leon in an instant.

"Boom boom boom..."

Massive explosions created a deafening roar and shockwaves.

This time, Obadiah didn't rush to celebrate. He simply stared in disbelief.

Until the dust settled, the unscathed Leon reappeared. He once again crossed his legs, leaned against the sofa behind him, supported his head with his left hand on a shelf, and sighed. "I know it's pointless to continue. Is it called courage or stupidity? And Tony, are you sure you want to keep watching without taking any action?"

Finally, Tony broke his silence. He also wanted to witness Leon's strength, but all he knew was that Leon's defense was incredible.

It was a 20mm caliber machine gun, essentially a cannon. And the missiles didn't even cause an explosion?

As his thoughts raced, Tony approached Iron Monger.

Just as Tony was about to say something, Iron Monger made the first move, slapping Tony abruptly and sending him flying.

Obadiah didn't pursue Tony but instead charged towards Leon, roaring, "I don't believe it! I'm going to kill you!"

Leon felt helpless and stood up. "You've picked the wrong opponent."


AN: Sorry guys for not updating for long time. My Grand Pops Died and u know how it goes, there might be some delay posting for this week but i will try what i can do...


Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

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