
The Ultimate Doomsday (Marvel/DC)

Leon creed was originally just a normal, ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became the Doomsday in the DC universe with a splendid reputation. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon created through the dead body of the Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Leon creed just happened to pass through and became one of the doomsday, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Leon creed woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? "Isn't this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be akin to a God."

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 36 Iron vs Iron, finally started

Chapter 36 Iron vs Iron, finally started

In the majestic Stark Group building, Pepper managed to sneak into Obadiah's office successfully.

At the moment, Obadiah is still on his way back.

Pepper opened Obadiah's laptop, even though she didn't know the power-on password. As Pepper Potts inserted the USB flash drive Tony gave her into the USB port, the settings inside started to work.

There was no need for Pepper Potts to do it herself, and she didn't know what system was on the USB drive. In short, the laptop started operating by itself. It powered up normally and proceeded through various pages.

Every hard drive in the computer was quickly scanned, and Pepper discovered some interesting information.

She found a recording of Obadiah's conversation with the Ten Rings gang.

It turned out that after the failure of the Ten Rings' plan, they had contacted Obadiah.

The Ten Rings had suffered heavy losses at that time, and they wanted Obadiah to compensate for their losses, primarily to acquire a batch of more advanced weapons support.

They had heard that Tony had brought more advanced weapons this time, and they were eager to obtain them.

Regardless of whether Obadiah agreed or not, the video was preserved anyway.

It wasn't Obadiah who recorded it himself. It's highly likely that he was too old to operate these high-tech products. Perhaps the computer came with a built-in recording function.

It might also have been automatically saved and would be automatically deleted after a certain period of time.

Now the evidence was in Pepper Potts' possession.

Pepper Potts felt a chill all over her body. Although she had heard about the cause and effect of this incident, actually having the evidence in hand confirming that Obadiah was the mastermind behind the attack on Tony sent shivers down her spine.

Could he truly have done such a thing?

The USB drive was still in the process of cracking the data on the computer, and as the cracking continued, the information it uncovered became more terrifying.

Obadiah wasn't just ambitious; he was also greedy for money.

He even dared to contact and do business with the Ten Rings.

What else was he not willing to do?

With Obadiah's power and status, he had been conducting secret business dealings, betraying the company and stealing its immense wealth.

That's not all. Obadiah had attempted to kill Tony once before and had another plan in motion.

Leon had contacted him beforehand; otherwise, Obadiah's next plan would have already been set in motion.

If there truly was no other option, the desperate Obadiah would even go as far as bribing a woman to get to Tony.

In fact, he had already succeeded in buying someone—a beautiful woman who was constantly by Tony's side, a flight attendant who spent her time on Tony's private plane.

Obadiah was desperate to assassinate Tony.

Upon witnessing all this, Pepper Potts no longer hesitated. She grabbed her handbag, searched for her mobile phone, and dialed the business card given to her by Leon.

In reality, Leon had given Pepper Potts Phil Coulson's business card, hoping that she would call him in times of need, but he hadn't expected her to call him at this moment.

However, Leon must have anticipated that Pepper Potts might be in trouble, right?

Phil Coulson arrived as scheduled, accompanied by a small team, and swiftly and efficiently at that.

While Pepper was going to meet Phil Coulson, Obadiah had silently returned during that time.

He took the Arc Reactor he had just stolen from Tony's workshop and quickly entered his own studio.

The Iron Monger had already been constructed. Based on the original Mark generation battle suit, additional armor was added according to Leon's specific instructions.

The added armor also meant an increase in weight.

Also, in order for the Iron Monger to have sufficient mobility, including the ability to fly, it needed improvements in other aspects.

In short, the Iron Monger transformed into a massive figure, standing over three meters tall, with broad shoulders and a rounded back.

This colossal figure was truly deserving of the name Iron Monger.

The Iron Monger was covered in a menacing iron gray, exuding a terrifying aura.

However, it was unfortunate that the Iron Monger couldn't be activated due to a lack of energy.

Until that moment, Obadiah carefully placed the stolen Ark reactor into the pre-prepared energy chamber.

The eyes of the Iron Monger slowly began to glow with a red light.

Obadiah's eyes lit up as well, and he couldn't hide his joy.

Suddenly, at that moment, there was movement outside the door.

Normally, the sound insulation in the studio was unquestionable. It was nearly impossible to hear any noise from the outside.

However, Obadiah had a sense of unease in his heart, so he was naturally prepared. He saw Pepper Potts at the door through the monitoring equipment, constantly attempting to swipe her ID card for access.

But that was futile, as Obadiah had revoked all identities except his own. It wouldn't work even if Tony himself came.

Yet, Obadiah noticed that there was a group of men in black suits standing behind Pepper Potts.

Phil Coulson, leading the group, saw that Pepper couldn't open the door and grew suspicious, saying, "Why can't I open this door?"

Pepper Potts already knew from the data that the Iron Monger was about to be completed. She was aware of Leon and Tony's plan. She deduced that Obadiah was hiding there and wanted to apprehend him, bringing him to justice in advance to protect Tony.

Certainly, her intentions were good, but good intentions can sometimes lead to unintended consequences.

Phil Coulson reached out and pulled Pepper away, saying, "Please step aside."

Saying that, Phil Coulson took something from the person behind him, placed it on the door, and locked it in place.

Obadiah watched all of this unfold with anger on his face. He muttered, "I originally wanted to kill Tony directly. Since you don't know whether to live or die, let me deal with you first."

Having said that, Obadiah sat directly in the cockpit of the Iron Monger, finally able to activate the massive suit.

Meanwhile, Phil Coulson successfully broke through the gate, and a group of people rushed in from the outside.

However, they couldn't find Obadiah's whereabouts. It seemed like no one was there.

Until a colossal steel figure emerged from the darkness.

Even the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were stunned, being swiftly dealt with by the Iron Monger.

Even Phil Coulson managed to escape.

"What is this?"

Was everyone shocked by a roaring, shape-shifting King Kong? Did they stumble onto the wrong set?

Phil Coulson pondered, considering the past few days when their focus had been on one thing, or rather, one person—the so-called Iron Man.

Seeing this massive figure, it seemed to have some connection to that Iron Man.

Just as Phil Coulson had that thought, suddenly another iron-clad figure entered from outside.

This was the real Iron Man—Tony arriving just in time.


Lao Lao Xu: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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