
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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The Spaceship Arrives

Another month passed, marking an unusual day.

Earth's scientific institutions, equipped for space observation, turned their telescopes toward the depths of the solar system. There was something that both excited and terrified them.

Inside NASA, chaos ensued.

"What's happening?"

"Sir, it's a sudden appearance. We've confirmed traces of civilization. It's a spaceship."

The middle-aged man in a suit blurted, "Of course, it's a spaceship. I want to know – human or alien civilization? If human, is it from the East?"

Observer: ..., wasn't that obvious?

Taking a deep breath, he said, "Report to the President! We can't determine this matter on our own."

"So, you're saying a bunch of extraterrestrial travellers dropped in from outer space?" President inquired.

"Yes, sir," nodded the Minister of Defense.

"And what's the plan? Do we know their intentions?" 

Minister of Defense shook his head, "Actually, there's not much we can do. It depends on what the folks in that spaceship want."

"Every year, I cosy up to Congress to secure funds for you, and this is the answer I get? You know what they say about you?"

"Assure me you've got a plan," The President demanded, frustration evident as he took a sip of water.

Despite the assurance, his expression remained grim. If NASA couldn't provide a viable solution, he threatened to repeat the same unproductive horse-trading with Congress for hours.

"Sir, we're at a standstill. Our rockets would take months, maybe years, to reach Mars. Right now, we need to figure out if these beings are friends or foes."

Equipment whirred to life, sending a message into space, attempting to establish contact with the mysterious fleet.

President video conference linked to leaders worldwide, each face reflecting concern. How did it come to this? Weren't scientists saying the birth of civilizations was an extremely rare event? Suddenly, one pops up and terrifies everyone.

As it turned out, several countries had received intelligence about a spaceship emerging from Krypton Technology, heading straight for a fleet. Speculations arose – could this fleet be linked to Krypton Technology? Simultaneously, the idea that Krypton technology might be of extraterrestrial origin started circulating.

Various heads of state hurriedly went offline to verify the information they had received.

On the scientific research front, the Titans, who had been confined, were now airborne en route to Mars. This spectacle became common knowledge globally, dominating numerous news headlines.

It transpired that Krypton Technology was not merely boasting about aerospace development – they had genuinely achieved remarkable progress. Some hailed Krypton Technology as the future of humanity. In contrast, others expressed concerns about potential chaos if the company were to go astray.

Unfortunately, any such news was swiftly suppressed by an invisible force as soon as it surfaced. No nation was willing to allow such destabilizing information to circulate.

"Is it confirmed that the spacecraft originated from Kryptonian technology?" inquired the President.

"Yes, sir," replied a subordinate.

General Hawke wore a bewildered expression. A sudden realization struck him that this world was not the one he thought he knew. He had been worrying about Krypton Technology unleashing the T virus and planning to seize it, but now, they had a spaceship.

It felt like a game scenario where players discovered a bug in the final boss. Wanting to defeat the dragon, they found it already defeated, and the Game Master (GM) intervened. Quite a surprise, isn't it?

"We must expedite research on Krypton Technology and uncover their origin. It's too risky. A company like them is a ticking bomb," asserted General Hawke.

"Sir, our attempts to infiltrate have been thwarted. Sneaking in is proving to be extremely challenging," reported the subordinate.

"Challenging... ?" retorted the President, a touch of sarcasm in his tone.

The subordinate sighed. The difficulty level here surpassed infiltrating an enemy country's government agencies. Krypton Technology seemed to have insight into everyone's background. As soon as their operatives entered, they were recognized.


On Mars, preparations were underway to establish a base. The five Titan spaceships were strategically positioned, taking advantage of the rich mineral resources nearby. The mission is to develop and refine these resources.

"Mousse, commence base construction!" ordered Varion.

"Good, sir," responded Mousse.

On the production line, peculiar-looking pieces of equipment were being manufactured. Once assembled, they transformed into robots, changing from two legs to four.

"How long until our basic needs are met?" inquired Varion.

Mousse replied, "Sir, the basic requirements for the base will be fulfilled in three hours. The remaining time is allocated to the development and production of robots on Mars."

"Excellent. Ensure we maintain a low profile."

Despite their bold appearance, concealing their identity was crucial—not for humanity but to avoid detection by potential alien civilizations. Jagged civilizations roamed, and the leader didn't want unnecessary interference.

In a vast basin, a mountain stood nearby. Engineering robots had already commenced excavation and transformation. The entire mountainside would be hollowed out, forming their concealed base.

On the plains of the basin, equipment hummed at full power, extracting materials that were transported across the area. A massive protective cover concealed the operations from space, presenting an empty space from above yet revealing a hub of advanced technology when on the ground.

"With your technology, it's hard to believe that our Titan civilization lacks information about you," remarked the Titan, expressing recent awe at the unfamiliar technologies.

"It's normal; the universe is vast. Over two thousand years have passed since the world you know," Varion replied nonchalantly.

The Titan nodded, contemplating, "Yes, maybe my civilization has gone the wrong way."

Varion neither contested nor agreed, maintaining a mysterious silence on the matter.


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