
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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Messenger Of Peace

Countless people vented their frustrations on the officer, making the atmosphere unpleasant.

Varion calmly faced the accusing eyes and smiled, expecting this reaction. The prospect of R-1, a mass-producible technology, held the potential to revolutionize the world, making concerns about reputation seem trivial.

"Don't fret, everyone. Take a look at this."

A projection displayed a vial of blue potion with an unknown surrounding device. Speculations arose about it being another version of the R-1 potion. Still, confusion ensued as the potion appeared blue, unlike the green one previously shown.

"Mr. Varion, is this also an R-1 potion?" someone questioned.

Varion shook his head, "No, this is another substance known as the T virus."

The term 'virus' triggered concerns about biochemical weaponry. People frowned, apprehensive about the implications of deploying such technology, especially in this era.

"What's the purpose of this, Mr Varion?" sceptics inquired.

Varion addressed their doubts, "I believe many of you, upon seeing R-1, contemplated kidnapping or even killing me to obtain Krypton technology or the R-1 potion. Now, let me introduce you to the T virus and its potential."

As the T virus presentation unfolded, tension filled the room. The images of a small town succumbing to the virus's effects left everyone unsettled. The real-world consequences of such a virus would be catastrophic.

General Hawke, typically silent, finally spoke, "It's a perfect weapon."

Varion acknowledged the evaluation and addressed the elephant in the room, "You must be thinking of eliminating me. Unfortunately, the T virus cannot be stopped once released. If I die, the serum will disperse, and humanity will face unavoidable destruction."

A representative expressed his concerns, seeking clarity on Varion's intentions. Varion reassured them, emphasizing his willingness to cooperate on the R-1 medicine. Scepticism lingered, doubting if R-1 was indeed a cure and not another virus.

In response, Varion revealed a vial of the R-1 potion, offering to send each person back to test it. He added a chilling caveat, "I have a failsafe. Don't attempt anything. If harm befalls me, these devices will explode on your turf."

The conference room, now teetering on the edge of uncertainty, confronted the weight of Varion's power and the consequences of challenging him.

In the image, nuclear bombs were prominently displayed in the warehouse, leaving the representatives of the five rogue countries in stunned silence. It took them a while to grasp the gravity of the situation, and they couldn't fathom if this was the work of a private enterprise. The sheer magnitude of the threat was paralyzing.

Regardless of the T virus's veracity, the presence of these nuclear bombs alone made Krypton Technology an entity no one dared to provoke. 

Hawke, standing behind Varion, questioned his intentions, "What's your plan, Varion? World war? Or the destruction of human civilization?"

Varion chuckled, "No, no, don't misconstrue me. I'm actually a good person. And as for world wars, isn't that your forte?" He patted his shoulders.

"By the way, I've heard you have a special force. How about considering the R-1 potion? It's quite effective!"

Hawke left with an R-1 sample, initiating a flurry of scientific inquiries to determine the potion's authenticity and potential dangers.

"Sir, won't this exposure pose a risk to us?" questioned S1, puzzled about the benefits.

"Perhaps! But it also brings us convenience. We're about to embark on the interstellar plan, and we don't want to be entangled by earthly conflicts. Our place is in the cosmos, not on Earth."

Unlike the Resident Evil world, where the T virus dictated the course of events, this world lacked the virus, evolving in a state of progress. The sudden appearance of Titan civilization hinted at undiscovered civilizations in the vast cosmos.

These were Varion's prey.

Moreover, not all his spaceships had stealth technology, especially the Titan spaceships, which lacked the necessary equipment for space stealth. 

Reluctant to remain exposed, Varion felt compelled to unveil his trump card.

When the fleet entered the solar system, human observation was inevitable, leading Varion to play his cards early. He preferred to avoid war but was prepared to unleash the T-virus or an alien virus if necessary.


The President was interrupted by urgent news, drawing him to the base where scientists were testing the medicines from Krypton Technology.

"Is it true?" he inquired.

"Sir, we don't know yet," came the reply.

In similar scenarios around the world, the same scene unfolded.

An underground research base witnessed the unfolding chaos, with scientists grappling with the astounding reality.

"Oh my God, this thing is real. It's unbelievable."

"It's impossible! How can such a thing exist?"

"This is the key to unlocking human evolution!"

A man in a suit steadies the scientist: "Are you saying these claims are true?"

"Yes, it's confirmed. These substances can revolutionize our world, potentially extending human lifespan. It's incredible."

"Could it be a virus? Highly contagious?"

"Impossible. While I don't fully understand its mechanism and how it interacts with life, I'm certain it's not a virus. Technically, it's a drug that acts on genes. It's too sophisticated."

Several individuals hastily dialled their superiors to report the groundbreaking discovery. The news brought a mix of excitement and concern.

"Can't we just seize it? What if the virus claim is a hoax?"

"No, sir. If the R-1 drug is fake, we might assume that, but if it's real, then the T virus could also be real. We can't guarantee the absence of such a virus."

No force dared to provoke Krypton Technology, and numerous orders flooded the company, bringing in substantial funds.

While some considered injecting capital into Krypton Technology, it was deemed unacceptable. Labelling a private company as political would raise red flags globally.

Varion smirked, "This is just the beginning. Mousse, check the internal staff, weed out any rats."

"Understood, sir."

An unavoidable move. Krypton Technology then held another product launch, this time for the mass media.

BBC: Krypton Technology ventures into aerospace. Why is a pharmaceutical company making such a change? Are they incredibly wealthy?

CNN: Twitter explodes over the shocking revelation. Who would dare to make this move?

CC: Is this a loss of humanity or a moral distortion? Reports suggest a massive cross-border company is emerging, catching competitors off guard.

Opinions vary. Some claim Krypton Technology is wasting money, arguing they should invest in more relatable ventures. Others see it as the right decision, pushing humanity to explore the cosmos further.

However, governments worldwide are puzzled and uncertain about Krypton Technology's motives.


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