
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

In the grand tapestry of civilizations, once a direction is set, it rarely deviates. However, only a handful of technologies possess the power to influence or alter the trajectory of a civilization. Human development revolves around five key technologies.

Firstly, computer technology, where the enhancement of computing power not only showcases technological prowess but transforms the very essence of human existence. This is exemplified by the Matrix, where humans live in a virtual world, striving for a form of immortality.

Secondly, artificial intelligence, labor liberation, and mechanical advancements impact the way civilizations live and survive. These technologies integrate into society, shaping a future where machines coexist with humanity.

The remaining three pivotal technologies include quantum, anti-gravity, and microscopic particle manipulation. Yet, standing prominently among them is the fifth and most influential—biotechnology.

From Kryptonian to Titan civilizations, Resident Evil to the Marvel universe, countless civilizations embrace biotechnology as their primary path. Sovereign's golden-skinned beings in Guardians of the Galaxy exemplify this, showcasing the profound impact of biotechnology on life and survival.

Biotechnology's universal appeal lies in its symbiotic relationship with individuals and collectives. Marvel's Sovereign, with golden radiance and perfect genes, underscores its importance. Races in Marvel, often products of biological transformation, emphasize the influence of this transformative technology.

Before his rebirth and interstellar travels, Earth's civilizations hadn't firmly determined their path. Unraveling the evolutionary direction of civilizations is no easy feat, but every technological breakthrough brings about profound change.

Addressing the Titans, Varion remarked, "You and humans share the same genetic map. Do you understand what that implies?"

The Titan nodded, acknowledging the common genetic ancestry with humans. However, Varion pressed further, questioning the purpose behind creating a race weaker than the Titans.

Though taller, stronger, and longer-lived, the Titans had never pondered the reasons for their existence. Varion emphasized the irrationality of creating a weaker race when both Titans and humans shared the same creator—a shared civilization.

The Titan, indifferent, asked, "Is this important?"

"Perhaps," Varion responded cryptically.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Varion chuckled, "No. You still have value."

"For an experiment?"

"Is there any other purpose?"

Resigned, the Titan accepted his fate. His captivity signaled the end, a karmic closure for a life that had taken others. The ongoing transformation on Mars contrasted with the chaos on Earth. If Krypton technology were still operational, opportunists might be scrambling to seize its secrets.

"Mousse, let's initiate the cultivation of new compatriots on the scientific research vessel!"

"Yes, sir."

Varion eagerly anticipated the prospect of numerous adult Kryptonians traversing interstellar space, an unstoppable force in the face of any civilization. The very thought ignited his passion, causing his blood to boil with excitement.


At an Earth special forces base...

"Sir, with R-1 injected, I doubt anyone would dare provoke us," a soldier reported.

The general shook his head, "It's best to stay vigilant. Are all personnel ready?"

"Sir, just awaiting departure," affirmed the Duke.

"Let's move out!"

Their mission involved transporting a nano-warhead, the latest creation from the McCarran Corporation. Originally intended as a deterrent, the military now saw it as a potential weapon against the Krypton Technology's T virus. How exactly to employ it remained unknown.

Five bulletproof armored vehicles, two armed helicopters hovering above, and an elite escort team provided substantial protection. They felt confident in facing any challenges on the road; with this firepower, anyone courting danger would meet their match.

"Hey, Duke, fancy a drink after the mission?"

Zizizi, Duke glanced at his walkie-talkie, "Ripple, remember the girl who ditched you last time? Don't want a repeat?"

"Come on, Duke, man, you know me. I help damsels in distress out of the goodness of my heart. Can't you appreciate that?"


Duke remained silent, but his teammates grumbled. Though he seemed composed, rumor had it the guy at the controls was still practically a rookie.

"Wait, how long since the last safe distance report?" Each segment of the route should have a security team reporting in, but the expected updates were overdue.

"Don't fret, Duke. Maybe we're just ahead of schedule."

Duke looked skeptical, "Sky No. 1 and No. 2, investigate."


Dududu, the propeller sounds echoed through the dark night as Sky One and No.2 scoured the vicinity within two kilometers. Unbeknownst to them, a stealthy black fighter jet trailed the convoy, making no noise and defying scientific logic.

A fighter plane larger than a gunship, maintaining such silent flight seemed implausible.

"Duke, we've checked the surroundings. No signs, no response from the troops, no security personnel—total emptiness."

Duke grew more perplexed. Something was amiss. If they weren't getting feedback, the base should have notified them. How could there be complete silence?

"Stay alert, everyone. This doesn't feel right."

"Duke, what's happening?" The once laid-back Ripple now focused.

"I don't know. We might be the target. You... want..."


A blinding white light filled the sky. Sky No. 1, conducting reconnaissance above, was obliterated. The intense flames illuminated the area as the plane's missiles detonated.

"Enemy attack!"

"Sky No. 1 down! Sky No. 1 down! Enemy aircraft spotted!" Sky No. 2 swiftly maneuvered to confront the assailant.

Son of a... finally found you, the pilot in Sky No. 2 gritted his teeth. The comrade who had been joking with him moments ago was now gone, leaving behind no trace but memories.

"Locked, launch the missile."

The missile streaked across the sky, its orange-red tail flame homing in on the enemy fighter plane.

"What? What is that?"

Under the fuselage of the enemy plane, a visible ripple caught my eye, causing the missile they launched to disintegrate halfway and explode in a fiery burst.


"Quick, establish a defensive position and contact the base."

"Damn, my car won't move."

"Get off!"

Duke hastily exited the armored vehicle, intending for Sky 2 to handle the aerial firepower. However, to his astonishment, Sky 2 exploded moments later.

"Damn, what kind of weapon is this?"


Gunfire echoed as team members took cover behind a bulletproof vehicle, unleashing a barrage of bullets. Yet, the black fighter plane remained unscathed, displaying only a flicker of spark upon impact.

"Dodge!" a team member shouted.

The mysterious weapon reappeared on the enemy plane, creating a ripple. The team's bulletproof car bunker was obliterated instantly, leaving a crater in the ground.

Anxiety and panic set in.

"Base, base, this is the escort team. We've encountered the enemy and urgently need support! We need support!"

No response came through the headset, only the crackling sound of electrical interference. Duke's face darkened; the unexpected had occurred, and their signals were blocked.

"Ripple, go with the warhead."

The umbrella-wielding team member hesitated, "What? What do you mean? You go, I'll stay."

"Follow the order, open the umbrella. They dared to ambush us; it can't be easy. There must be a leak in our system."

The ripcord grabbed the warhead, another ripple appeared on the fighter plane, and the two of them swiftly evaded, executing a tactical roll.


A sharp pain seared through their heads amidst the chaos. Fighting through the pain, they found themselves surrounded by fallen teammates and fiery explosions.

"Seek cover!"

With a commanding shout, the surviving teammates sought refuge, scrambling to organize a counterattack. All five bulletproof armored vehicles and two armed helicopters lay in ruins. Now, their only firepower lay in the guns clutched in their hands.

"Damn, what the hell is that?"

The enemy plane touched down, and a group of individuals in black tactical gear and metal visors emerged, led by a woman. Duke, witnessing the scene, was stunned.

He recognized her – his ex-girlfriend, Anna.

"How is this possible?" The ripcord shared in the bewilderment.

Duke yelled, "Shoot!"

Crackling gunfire ensued, but the bullets bounced off harmlessly. Not a single shot could penetrate the defenses of these mysterious adversaries. Growing more frantic, Duke understood the gravity of the situation. They wouldn't invest billions for something trivial. If it fell into their hands, he'd be deemed a sinner.

"You can't kill them at all," murmured the ripcord.

Duke persisted, firing clip after clip, only to witness the futility of their efforts. The adversaries remained unscathed, and attrition within the team increased.

"No, we can't continue like this. Retreat into the forest!"

Duke pulled the ripcord, grabbing the box, and began to fall back.

A deafening explosion erupted, propelling the black-clad guys into the air.

Duke stood in disbelief. Another group of individuals had arrived – who were they?

"So, they can be killed after all," the ripcord observed from behind a tree, gripping the gun tightly. This new group seemed even more formidable, turning the tide against the mysterious assailants. The once invincible team was now reduced to mere mortals in the face of this unexpected rescue.


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