
The Kryptonian Emperor Through The Multiverse

It all began when Varion seized the codex of life from the grasp of the selfish Jor-El. Now witnessed the ascent of the Kryptonian Monarch and his journey across the multiverse. Additional Tags Resident Evil, Predator & Prometheus ========== Do you want to read ahead? Explore more chapters filled with sizzling encounters, and heart-pounding adventures. Then what are you waiting for Join my Patreon right now. Link : patreon.com/thebookaddict

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The ripcord widened his eyes in surprise. The equipment of those who had come to seize the warheads was nearly impenetrable, yet the newcomers seemed vulnerable. Thankfully, they were not enemies.

"Who are they?"

Duke, too, was puzzled. "I don't know, but they're not our enemies."

"I've been waiting for this moment, itching to join in. Let those bastards see what I'm made of."

Gunshots echoed – four in quick succession.

Anna's expression soured. Had the special forces arrived sooner than expected?

"Grab the box!"

With a determined shout, two soldiers, injected with nanoworms, sprinted toward Duke. Strange firearms in hand emitted a ripple, knocking Duke aside before he could react. He managed to mutter a swift command, ensuring he wasn't rendered helpless.


Shaking his head vigorously, he struggled to rise, witnessing Anna holding the box containing the nano-warheads.

Damn, focus!

He shook his head again, but the weapon's potency lingered, leaving his head throbbing and his strength diminished.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself in an unfamiliar place.

"You're awake."

Duke looked around, recognizing it as a military base.

"Hey bro, you sure can nap."


"Where are we?"

Ripcord shook his head. "You wouldn't believe where we are. This is a military base, our final destination for escorting that thing."

"So, we messed up and someone else saved it?"

Ripcord shrugged, reluctant to admit it, but the truth was embarrassing.

Duke was somewhat at a loss for words.

"And the cargo?"

"Don't worry, it's intact. But do you know why Anna came to snatch it?"

Duke's expression shifted upon hearing Anna's name. "I don't know. We haven't been in touch for four years."

Ripcord didn't say much. He understood Duke and their history with Anna. Frankly, it was a puzzle. Could it be revenge? It didn't align with Anna's usual style.

"Hey, folks, how are you?" A middle-aged man in a general's uniform entered.

"General Hawke?" Duke recognized the newcomer.

Hawke had initially recruited him, but Duke declined. At the time, he was preparing to marry Anna and leave this life behind. Now, facing Hawke again, it seemed the retired general was tied to this base.

"Duke, looks like you still remember me," Hawke remarked with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course, General. I just have a few questions for you."

Duke glanced at the others around Hawke – a red-haired female soldier in uniform, a person with mysterious eye equipment, and another with a concealed head. Did he stumble into a den of thieves? They didn't look like trustworthy individuals.

Hawke nodded, granting permission, "Go ahead. They're all trustworthy."

"Who attacked us? And those weapons, I've never seen anything like them, even yours seem a bit outdated."

A profound loneliness lingered in Duke's eyes, "You know, in the military, people like me are considered top-notch, but compared to you, it's like dealing with children."

"Uh... look, I know you must have a ton of questions right now. You don't need to know who attacked you. Your mission is done. Take some rest, and a plane will bring you back."

As Hawke prepared to leave, the ripcord grew anxious and slapped Duke on the shoulder, who clenched his teeth.

"Wait, General. My guys mostly bit the dust on this mission. Since you can go toe-to-toe with these people, I want in. My team's sacrifice can't be for nothing."

Hawke smiled, "Are you sure?" He appreciated Duke, and it was that very quality that led him to recruit him in the first place.

An hour later, in a conference room.

General Hawke addressed Duke, "You weren't supposed to have access to this information, but since it involves you, and you've joined the special forces, it doesn't hurt for you to know in advance." Hawke genuinely liked this young man - capable, responsible, and most importantly, Duke was someone worth getting to know.

"The organization that attacked you is called Cobras. Their motives, funding sources, and the number of members are still unclear." A holographic projection displayed Anna's image.

Duke looked distant, as if reliving the events from yesterday.

"Hello?... Hello? Boy, are you with us?"

Duke snapped back, "Ah... yes, definitely."

General Hawke nodded and continued, "As for why our people are so formidable, we're a special forces unit specializing in tackling the world's most dangerous organizations. Being strong is par for the course."

...That explains it, but who knew?

"So, when do we start?" The ripcord glanced around.

With a smile, General Hawke exited, leaving the red-haired girl chuckling.

"What? Is there something amusing?"

The red-haired beauty shook her head, "No, but you guys are facing off against them? Boy, joining the special forces isn't as simple as you think."

"Wait, it's not what I'm thinking, is it? Are we going to train like fresh recruits?" Duke's disbelief was evident.


The special forces base in Egypt (Anti-Harmony) wasn't just a base; it housed research facilities, training grounds, and more.

Duke and the ripcord were wide-eyed, taking in the sights. Flying Shark Submarine? Stealth battle suits? High-strength body armor? Special bullets that automatically track and identify enemies? Have you ever seen anything like it?

"Darling, Duke, I love it here!" exclaimed the ripcord, hands rubbing together with excitement.

Duke's expression darkened, "Dude, don't think I don't see it. You're eyeing that red-haired beauty like a predator. Enjoying yourself here? You're greedy, shameless, tsk..."

The ripcord casually draped an arm around Duke's shoulder, wearing a mischievous grin. "Hey, bro, for my happiness, promise me you'll do your best to stick around, okay?" His hand tightened around Duke's neck, a playful threat lingering in his gaze.

"Definitely," Duke affirmed, his eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and determination. His quest for revenge against those who had harmed his brothers and the desire to understand the transformation of Anna fueled his commitment.

Their paths had diverged after a mission gone awry, resulting in the death of Anna's younger brother, Rex. The guilt lingered, and Duke couldn't face Anna. Now, fate had brought them back together under unexpected and perilous circumstances.


Meanwhile, at Krypton Technology, Varion had just returned from the Mars base.

"Mousse, any recent developments we should be aware of?"

"Sir, since the fleet's return, global attention has focused on us. However, the siren activation of our shielding device thwarted their attempts to gather information. The scrutiny has dwindled, but our threat level remains high. Many probes on Mars still target our new base."


"Zeus Industries has launched several satellites. Calculations suggest they might be space-based weapons with unknown purposes."


"The military-contracted 'nano warhead' has been delivered, but an attempt to snatch it occurred. Special forces intervened, successfully securing it."


"The Wieland Group has discovered signs of an unknown civilization under the Antarctic ice sheet. They're exploring and seeking partners."


"Some unidentified species found in northern Europe seem akin to vampires and werewolves according to human civilization records. Details remain unknown."

Varion felt overwhelmed by the sheer volume of recent events. Zeus Industries? Wieland Group? Unidentified species?

Rubbing his temples, Varion sighed. "Show me the footage."

"Right away, sir."

As the tablet displayed the attack on Duke and his team, Varion couldn't shake the feeling that the technology involved exceeded what should be available in this era.

"Mousse, if I'm not mistaken, that looks like a beam of sonic pulses, correct?"

"Yes, sir, a sonic gun."

Holographic projections also caught his attention, seemingly superficial in use. The sonic gun, however, appeared beyond the technological scope of this era.

Yes, indecision, quantum mechanics.

In a world given a halo by the editor, miracles were possible. Varion recalled Hawke's reaction to the interactive virtual projection and noted that humans could achieve extraordinary feats.

"Have you located their base?"

Zizzi... On the virtual projection, the location was revealed: Egypt (Anti-Harmony), hidden in the desert. Satellite imagery showed nothing but sand, yet beneath it lay concealed bases—unknown quantities scattered worldwide.

"The person who took the nano-warheads was likely sent by McCarran. He's always up to something."

"Should we take action, sir?"

Varion shook his head. "It wouldn't make sense. McCarran is destined to fail. This world is far from simple."

"Also, Wieland discovered an unknown civilization in Antarctica. Interested in exploring? I'll send you the details."

"Please do."

Wieland Group, a prestigious consortium, held a significant global reputation. However, Varion was intrigued not by their accomplishments but by the potential connection to a familiar Wieland. If confirmed, it promised to be an intriguing revelation.


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