
The Heavenly Demon In ATG

Your average office worker experienced an abrupt death and as he always wished, he was reincarnated into a fictional universe, but things don't always go as planned and the 'him' that he was, didn't last for long. Alucard from Hellsing, some knew him as Dracula or maybe even Vlad The Impaler, but most knew him as the most powerful weapon of the Hellsing Organization. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, The Strongest Noble, and The Protector Of Lukedonia, but most knew him as The Noblesse, a man who lived over 3,000 years and experienced things that one could only imagine. Now what happens if you were to combine these two beings into one man who had immense knowledge of fiction and had also received the inheritance of Heavenly Demon Divine Cult? Just what type of being would he become? Well, he would become The Heavenly Demon. ------ Note: This story is an official remake of the previous, [Multiversal Vampire], and with it being a remake, understand that things will be different. This story is an Alternate Universe of Against The Gods, do NOT expect the information you know about the Against The Gods Universe to always be correct within this fan fiction. Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and upon confirming your identity it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · Anime & Comics
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It had been around two hours since Cheon left the Xiao clan in the dead of night, and outside of him wanting to get Jasmine, his other reason for leaving at night was that he wanted to disappear properly, and this was the perfect time for hunting, as Cheon did find himself quite hungry.

Now, what was he hunting? What did Cheon crave? Well, the answer to that should be rather obvious, it was blood, and not animal blood, human blood. One may think that since Cheon was a fusion of Alucard and Raizel he wouldn't desire human blood but that was completely incorrect.

Human blood was what Cheon's species needed to survive, and while they could feed on animals, it didn't quite satiate the needs of even a regular Vampire, let alone a True Vampyre such as Cheon, so, of course, the reincarnator chose to feed on human as it was clearly the better option, but luckily for humans, it wouldn't kill them if he didn't completely drain them of their blood, so there wasn't truly a problem with feeding on the, or at least that's how Cheon looked at it.

'I shouldn't be too far away now.' Cheon said inwardly.

He was heading to the place where Yun Che trained first because he knew the fire seed was in the cave of the flame dragon, which was very close to the training area, and while Cheon didn't have the Heretic Gods Profound Veins, he figured he may obtain it from Jasmine as Yun Che did, so it was better to be near the seed.

"Hmm…" Cheon hummed noticing the subtle differences around him, the silent change in the atmosphere, the wailing winds' small cracks, the small but well-hidden shadows jumping through the trees surrounding him, and the four heartbeats.

"Hey…" A man said after jumping out of the trees and in front of Cheon with an ominous tone, one could tell at a glance that the man had ill intentions.

"Y'know, you shouldn't be lurking around these parts in the night? The forest is a pretty deadly place, especially our territory." The man said with a grin showcasing his disgusting yellow teeth.

"He's right." Another voice said from behind Cheon.

"You poor boy… How unlucky you are." A woman said after appearing to Cheon's left.

"Hehe, c'mon let's get this over with already." Another man said from the right of Cheon.

"Pfft, look at that! This fuckers smiling!" The man in front of Cheon said before laughing himself while Cheon himself reeled in his emotions and regained his calm demeanor, he hadn't meant to show himself in such a way.

Now surrounded by the four people, Cheon scanned the ones he could see carefully whilst paying close attention to the energy he sensed within them, he knew it was profound energy but it was weaker than the guards at the Xiao clan so he knew they weren't a true threat.

One may wonder how Cheon was able to determine when someone was a threat and the reason for that was simple, his instincts. All beings have instincts but Cheons in particular had amazing instincts, he could sense how far above him an opponent was as well as how far below they were to him, it was an ability he always had, even during his time as Raizel and Alucard.

Still looking as calm as could be, Cheon made eye contact with one of his opponents causing them to shiver involuntarily before he then transformed into a swarm of bats and headed toward his first victim.

"What the fuck!" One of the men yelled surprised, he obviously wasn't expecting any kind of fight from Cheon as he didn't sense any Profound Energy from him which in turn meant Cheon wasn't a cultivator so with that knowledge he expected him to be easy prey, after all, normal people couldn't fight cultivators like them.

Immediately after transforming into a swarm of bats, Cheon chose the man behind him as his first target, and upon appearing behind him, Cheon sank his fangs into his neck and drank with the intent to kill the man, and kill he did.

'A spare soul.' Cheon said inwardly, as mentioned previously, he didn't need to kill a human to satiate his hunger but when he did kill a being he would gain their soul and from there he could choose to absorb it into himself or keep it as a lifesaver of sorts.

"Better than animal blood but still, I prefer women," Cheon said before dropping the dead man on the ground while his companions stood frozen with widened eyes, but such a reaction was warranted, they had just seen a man transform into a swarm of bats, bite their friends and drink his blood so fast he turned into a mummy, but to top it off, it was all within a matter of seconds.

"Kill your companions," Cheon commanded using his mind control ability whilst looking into the eyes of the man who had appeared in front of him first, it was he who had the greatest power out of his team, so Cheon assumed he was the leader.

Immediately upon hearing Cheon's words the assumed leader began attacking his teammates relentlessly but while Cheon was happy to see his ability worked against a cultivator, he did wonder at what cultivation level mind control would become ineffective.

"Zhu Tian! Stop!" The woman screamed at her leader who was attacking her and the other teammate.

Unfortunately, the woman was only a 2nd Stage Elementary Profound Realm and her teammate who was helping her was only at the 3rd Stage, meaning that they were completely outmatched against the stage 5, their leader.

"AGGHHH!!!-" The man on the defense screamed as his arm was cut off by the man who had been his leader for years, but as he screamed he was silenced due to his leader cutting his head off.

With one of the opponents dead, the 5th stage bandit leader was able to stab the 2nd stage woman through the heart, successfully ending the fight very quickly, if one was unaware, differences between stages may seem to be only a number but in truth it was drastic.

"Huh? What the hell?" The leader said as he regained control of himself as he had already finished the command Cheon gave him but his confusion was evident and soon enough he looked down at the sword in his hand that was stabbing the woman he loved through the head.

"NOOOOO! MO LUI!" The man screamed as tears began to travel down his face.

"Your lover perhaps?" Cheon asked the man curiously as he appeared beside him with his hands behind his back.

"You?! This must be your fault! How dare you!!" The man screamed lost in his own anger before he charged at Cheon with the sword that was previously impaled through his lover's head.

"AHH!" The man continued screaming as he swung and slashed his sword at Cheon who was dodging easily, not because he needed to but just because he didn't wish to be cut at the moment, harming him physically wasn't something a random like this was allowed to do.

"DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE!" The man, still experiencing an idiotic outburst, kept swinging his sword whilst draining his energy quickly.

"Have you regained your senses?" Cheon said to the man who had finally stopped attacking him.

"Ho- Wha- What are you…?" The man said as his furious expression turned into one of fear before he began backing away from Cheon while breathing heavily.

"I wonder," Cheon replied before disappearing from the man's sight.

Upon disappearing, Cheon then reappeared behind the man before decapitating him with a swing of his hand successfully ending this 'fight' between Cheon and the cultivators.

Now done with the altercation, Cheon snapped his fingers causing the remaining blood which was still within the body of the dead cultivators to surge outwards through their wounds and toward Cheon before forming a singular large ball of red blood which Cheon then compressed to the size of a marble.

"Hm." Cheon hummed as he ate the marble of blood before deciding it was time to continue his journey to the waterfall deep within the forest where Yun Che trained.

While Cheon could run toward the waterfall so that he could arrive faster, he wasn't in a rush at all, he was slowly but surely making progress toward his destination, and only a few moments later Cheon could be seen once again making his way through the forest on the single walkway it had.

Hours passed and soon the night turned to day but nonetheless, Cheon continued walking with no sensible exhaustion, he appeared to be as calm and composed as he walked with him with his eyes gently closed while walking by his lonesome.

'Jasmine should wake soon.' Cheon said inwardly as he thought of the two women resting within the Sky Poison Pearl.

"Hey..." A feminine voice sounded from Cheon's right.

'And there she is.' Cheon said inwardly as he looked to his right and saw a redheaded beauty who looked different than her novel counterpart.

This Jasmine had long wavy crimson-red hair that reached her lower back, red eyes, B-Cup breasts, she stood at around 5'4" (or) 162cm with a thick ass and thighs but what was most eye-catching was her enchanting face, unlike in the novel where she looked like a young girl, this Jasmine looked to be at least twenty and her mature body was proof of that.

Image of Jasmine

"Hmm?" Cheon hummed in response as he looked at Jasmine passively.

"You... how did you get the sky poison pearl?" Jasmine asked seriously skipping over the introductions.

"I stole it from someone," Cheon replied nonchalantly causing Jasmine to nod her head in understanding before continuing.

"I see, then next what are you?" Jasmine asked intently and even though it was abrupt, Cheon wasn't surprised, people of higher cultivation would be able to tell he wasn't human immediately.

"What makes you ask that?" Cheon asked with a small smirk as he tilted his head ever so slightly.

"Don't try to hide it from me. Your presence isn't one of a human." Jasmine said as her face took a slightly red hue, but not nearly red enough to match her hair.

Now, one should understand that Cheon never had any intentions of hiding what he was from Jasmine as he knew she would be with him for a while due to her needing the Sky Poison Pearl, so he knew it was better to let her know what he was rather than hide it, and it wasn't as if he was ashamed of who he was anyway, in fact, he was proud of it.

"You're correct, I'm not human but a Vampyre," Cheon said with a smile showcasing his fangs.

"A what?" Jasmine questioned with an arched eyebrow, she hadn't heard of a Vampyre till now.

"Vampyre," Cheon repeated, as he watched Jasmine intently.

"I know that, but what exactly is a vampire," Jasmine said clearly growing impatient so she released a bit of her aura in an attempt to frighten me, but soon realized it had the opposite effect.

"Pfft! Hahahaha!" Cheon burst into a hearty laughter after feeling Jasmine's murderous aura.

"You... think this is funny?" Jasmine said with a tone that expressed how displeased she was with Cheon's reaction.

"Mhm, yes, I do," Cheon said as he walked in front of her causing the small woman to look up at him.

"You! Don't play with me!" Jasmine shouted with a red face as she backed away from Cheon, he had barely gotten near her yet she couldn't handle anything more than that.

In response, Cheon merely continued smiling at Jasmine knowing that if it wasn't for his handsome face and the fact that he was the wonder of the Sky Poison Pearl, she would've most likely killed him, and no matter how strong Cheon was at the moment, he doubted he could survive an altercation with her, cultivators had many ways to permanently kill a being and he had yet to even begin cultivating.

"Answer my question!" Jasmine shouted trying to regain her seriousness from just a few moments ago but Cheon's handsome smile was distracting her.

"As I said, I am Vampyre," Cheon replied nonchalantly.

"And. What. Is. That." Jasmine asked rolling her eyes clearly tired of Cheon's vague answer.

"A Vampyre is an immortal creature," Cheon said.

"You're immortal? How? You have no cultivation." Jasmine said curiously, she had never heard of such an absurd thing.

"Not everyone needs to be a being with high cultivation to be immortal," Cheon said finding her curiosity slightly cute.

"Immortality but without cultivation?" Jasmine repeated her words from earlier but in a different way, her confusion was true and real.

"Indeed, vampires are similar to humans in certain ways but, with a different... appetite," Cheon said as he scanned the surrounding area.

"Different appetite?" Jasmine replied still just as curious about Cheon as she was at the beginning of the conversation.

Just as mentioned earlier, Cheon had no intention of hiding who he was from Jasmine and that meant he wouldn't hide his appetite either, there was no need to.

"I drink blood for sustenance, human blood in particular is good," Cheon said causing the girl's eyes to widen before returning to regular.

"I see," Jasmine said as she nodded calmly while absorbing Cheon's words.

"Is that all?" Cheon said with an arched brow and an interested expression.

"What? Did you expect me to be repulsed? Don't you know beasts also eat humans? Your appetite isn't very rare." Jasmine said with a small smirk believing this was a chance to tease Cheon and get back at him for his previous words, and despite Cheon not doing much, Jasmine was quite the vengeful woman so she held grudges no matter how small.

"No, not at all," Cheon said as he stepped in front of her again but unlike before he got close enough to place his hand on her cheek ever so gently before speaking.

"I had a feeling you would accept me for what I am," Cheon said with a smile as he looked down at the beautiful girl whose face was growing redder with each passing moment.

'Like I'll let you tease me.' Cheonsaid inwardly not willing to lose even a single altercation, despite being a different man than before, his competitive nature was even stronger than it had ever been.

"Damn you!" Jasmine shouted before slapping Cheon's hand away as she tried to hide her embarrassment, she had never been treated this casually by any many before and it was due to this that she was unaware of how to handle the situation.

"Haha~," Cheon laughed melodically at her display, it was fun speaking with her.

"We will talk more about what you are later..." Jasmine said once again trying to regain her confident and serious demeanor before continuing.

"I have an offer for you," Jasmine said looking at me with a dead serious look on her face.

"Oh? Elaborate." Cheon replied feigning curiosity, he already knew what the offer was.

"I see that you have no cultivation, what if I told you I have a way to give you enough cultivation talent to defy even the gods?" Jasmine said trying to lure Cheon in.

"Continue," Cheon said in response allowing her to lead the conversation in the direction she wanted.

"I have a treasure that will rebuild your profound veins, but if you want it you need to accept me as your master and help me rebuild my body and heal my mother's injuries," Jasmine said with a scowl on her face, despite the conversation being easygoing thus far, she was extremely serious about this, the treasure, herself, and her mother were very important.

"While I can help you rebuild your body and heal your mother, I'm not in need of a master, I'm not fond of lowering myself to anyone," Cheon said while looking into Jasmine's eyes with an expression that said, "If you're looking for a servant, you won't find it here".

"Why not? What's wrong with someone stronger than you becoming your master?" Jasmine asked not understanding Cheon's reluctance to become her subordinate.

"Character matters as well, and you may indeed be stronger than me but I don't know your character enough to become your disciple," Cheon replied making up a random excuse, he did in fact know her character but that wasn't the reason he rejected her offer of servatude.

"...Then how about after we get to know each other you accept me as your master?" Jasmine said after some time of silence, she felt to guarantee the deal was kept, Cheon must become her servant, but his point was valid so she felt that she could at least give him some time to get to know her.

"I suppose that will work," Cheon replied knowing that he would never take her as his master, it simply wouldn't fit who he was or his agenda.

'This went a lot smoother than her first interaction with Yun Che.' Cheon said inwardly, Yun Che had to go through some pain to get to this point while Cheon merely had to speak.

"But how do I rebuild your body? It can't be simple." Cheon said feigning ignorance, he knew how.

"You must acquire three items for me, One netherworld udumbara flower, three cores of mystics beast at least at the tyrannical realm, and thirty-five kilos of purple divine crystals," Jasmine said while watching Cheon very closely, she knew the items she was asking for were no easy thing to obtain for a being with no cultivation so there was a chance Cheon may scared off by her words, or at least that's what Jasmine thought.

"Mhm, I see," Cheon said as he nodded before continuing.

"I suppose gaining profound veins powerful enough to defy the gods couldn't be cheap," Cheon said understandingly causing Jasmine to smile victoriously.

"Indeed, in fact, it's quite cheap," Jasmine said before continuing.

"Do you agree to my offer?" Jasmine asked trying to hide her slightly desperate tone, which was still detectable by Cheon but it also made sense, her brother had just died while she and her mother had to depend on a stranger to continue living, she was indeed in a desperate situation.

"I do," Cheon replied with a smile as he looked into the girl's blood-red eyes.

"Good, then go somewhere secluded, this will hurt," Jasmine said before disappearing from Cheon's sight and returning to the Sky Poison Pearl.

"Very well," Cheon replied to the air before he began walking again.

'You never told me your name.' Cheon said inwardly with the intent to speak into the Sky Poison Pearl, he didn't know if it would work that way but a few seconds later Jasmine replied proving that his method of speaking into the Sky Poison Pearl worked.

'Jasmine.' A feminine voice replied inside the head of Cheon before speaking again.

'What about you?' Jasmine asked feeling that it was only right to ask his name after saying her own.

'I'm Cheon, Cheon Ma.' the Vampyre replied.

To be continued...