
The Heavenly Demon In ATG

Your average office worker experienced an abrupt death and as he always wished, he was reincarnated into a fictional universe, but things don't always go as planned and the 'him' that he was, didn't last for long. Alucard from Hellsing, some knew him as Dracula or maybe even Vlad The Impaler, but most knew him as the most powerful weapon of the Hellsing Organization. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, The Strongest Noble, and The Protector Of Lukedonia, but most knew him as The Noblesse, a man who lived over 3,000 years and experienced things that one could only imagine. Now what happens if you were to combine these two beings into one man who had immense knowledge of fiction and had also received the inheritance of Heavenly Demon Divine Cult? Just what type of being would he become? Well, he would become The Heavenly Demon. ------ Note: This story is an official remake of the previous, [Multiversal Vampire], and with it being a remake, understand that things will be different. This story is an Alternate Universe of Against The Gods, do NOT expect the information you know about the Against The Gods Universe to always be correct within this fan fiction. Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and upon confirming your identity it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · Anime & Comics
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Fun through the city

With Cheon's destination close he descended from the sky and began to run like a human would instead of flying through the air with his wings, and soon enough, he reached the destination where he would acquire Jasmine and Xin's things, New Moon City.

New Moon City was located in the central-eastern area of the Blue Wind Empire with a scale more than ten times larger than Floating Cloud City, the place where the Xiao clan was located. Small sects and clans were established throughout the city like trees in a forest but the main eye-catcher of the city was New Moon Profound Palace which was set up by The Blue Wind Imperial Family.

In the canon of Against The Gods, New Moon City had a few interesting things in store for the, now dead, main character of this universe, none enhanced Yun Che directly, but they did open up certain opportunities for him, opportunities Cheon planned to reap, well, at least some of them, not all were necessary.

It should be mentioned that each step Yun Che took, outside of the idiotic ones, was planned by a higher being to lead him to power, so, in theory, if Cheon took some of the same paths, he should also gain some boons, and while all of them wouldn't be able to directly boost his power as it did Yun Che, a boon was a boon, there would always be some use for it even if it wasn't immediately useful.

Cheon planned to follow some of Yun Che's steps in the manhua since he knew he could gain much from doing so. Now, Cheon was aware that he wouldn't be able to gain the exact same things that Yun Che did, after all, he didn't cultivate the Profound Path as Yun Che did but Cheon did believe he would at the very least gain something from doing so.

"Look..." A random woman said as she pointed at the Vampyre causing her group of friends to look at him.

Currently, Cheon could be seen walking down the streets of New Moon City whilst searching for a place to buy clothes.

"That man... is gorgeous." Another group of people said after turning their attention to Cheon.

This reaction was constant, spreading through the bustling streets that Cheon graced with his presence rapidly, everyone was staring at him with either blatant annoyance or pure lust but the man himself didn't care in the slightest, he was in search of a clothing store, he wasn't here for anything but that.

"Hello." A woman said from behind Cheon having successfully worked up the courage to speak to him. It should be known that Cheon unconsciously exuded an aura of dominance, grace, regality, and nobility, it was by no means easy to approach him if one wasn't at the very least a cultivator.

"Hm?" Cheon hummed in response after turning around and looking down at the woman who had spoken to him.

"A-ah, I was wondering if-" The woman said before Cheon interrupted her.

"Why don't you show me to a clothes store?" Cheon said with a smile appearing to to have just asked the woman a question but in truth, he had used mind control to command the woman, he didn't care about her fragile attractiveness to him in the slightest.

"I would love to." The woman replied as if nothing was amiss.

"Then lead the way," Cheon said to the woman.

Now with assistance, Cheon and the woman walked in silence as everyone watched them, but the looks we received were completely different, she reviewed looks of envy and jealousy while Cheon received looks of lust and greed. Humans were beings of emotion and while Cheon didn't judge them for that it made him wonder if he was the same when I was Kendrick, did he act so lustful when he saw a beautiful person?

"Here we are." The woman said as they came to a halt in front of a shop.

"Mhm, you may leave," Cheon said to the woman who nodded calmly before making her exit.

Entering the store Cheon began to make his way around while looking through women's clothing but most of the things he thought would look good on Jasmine and Xin were shot down due to their poor quality, the two women had extremely high expectations for everything material.

"Would you like some assistance, sir?" The voice of a man said from beside Cheon who had a thoughtful expression on her face.

Seeing this as a chance to tease the two women within his Sky Poison Pearl, Cheon broke away from his thoughtful expression and smiled at the man before responding.

"Indeed, my wives are quite picky about their clothes so I was looking for something of higher quality," Cheon replied to the old man.

'Y-Y-You! I-, we are not your wives!' Jasmine shouted clearly flustered at Cheon's random words.

'Oh my~,' Xin said with her usual seductive tone, completely opposite of the flustered Jasmine.

"Ah, I see, I see, if you like I could show you some of our higher-quality clothing." The old man offered politely as his eyes scanned the clothes Cheon wore, they were high quality which made him believe Cheon was very wealthy, but with the additional information that Cheon had two wives, it confirmed to him that Cheon was wealthy, after all, one woman was enough to drain a man's pockets, let alone two.

"Mhm." Cheon hummed in agreement causing the old man's eyes to shine for a split second as he rubbed his hands together calculatingly, it was as clear as day that the old man was planning to have Cheon spend as much as he could.

"Then please follow me, sir." The worker said before he began to lead Cheon upstairs to the second floor where only more wealthiest people in New Moon City could shop.

"Here are the women's clothing sir." The worker said before he began to show Cheon the best quality clothes but was dismissed by Cheon after a few moments which caused the old man to feel he had lost an opportunity to sca- work with a great client.

Now alone once again, Cheon began looking through the clothes in the same fashion as he did on the lower floors and soon enough, hours had passed.

'Is this everything?' Cheon asked the two women he was aiding after hours of shopping.

'Yes, for now.' Jasmine replied first.

'Mhm.' Xin hummed in agreement.

'Good.' Cheon said to himself, he was a very patient man but e before walking towards the men's sections.

Some time later Cheon could be seen at the front desk ready to buy the clothes. For Jasmine and Xin, they got a plethora of dresses, some only a singular color but others a myriad of colors with beautiful designs, with a single glance one could tell these clothes were going to be costly.

"Thank you for your patronage!" The man at the front counter shouted as Cheon left the store.

'Is that a technique you're using to control these people's minds or something else?' Jasmine asked curiously for both her and her mother who had just seen Cheon use mind control to get the clothes they wanted for free.

'It's an ability I have as a Vampire.' Cheon replied truthfully and while his actions did make them wonder why he had taken the time to take the money from the child snatchers earlier, their question was soon answered after common analysis.

In their minds, Cheon had collected the money because he knew he wouldn't be able to use his mind ability on every person he came across, those of high cultivation would be invulnerable to his mind powers.

Cheon would collect money and use it when needed, but if possible he wouldn't spend it, instead, he would use his mind ability to mind control people so that he could get it for free, and although Cheon didn't confirm the theory they crafted, they were indeed right, after all, Mind Control wasn't an absolute ability, he wouldn't overly depend on it.

'I see.' Jasmine replied before falling silent.

With his goal now accomplished, Cheon once again could be seen walking through the streets of New Moon City whilst ignoring the stares he was getting from normal people and cultivators alike.

"We will kidnap him for you my lady." Someone said from far away from Cheon's position, a pity for them though, Cheon could hear their entire conversation.

"Good, if he exits the city follow him but if he stays within the city wait until nighttime before kidnapping him." A feminine voice said. I wasn't looking toward the voices so I couldn't see who was speaking but my hearing was good enough to know that the two voices belonged to women.

"Heh." Cheon chuckled amused by their words.

In truth, Cheon wasn't surprised, the group who spoke of kidnapping weren't the only ones, in this world, everyone went to any lengths to get what they wanted, so, with that knowledge, what do lustful people do when they spot a man so ungodly attractive that he stirs even the coldest beings's heart do when they spot that he has no Profound cultivation? They do everything in their power to get him.

With nothing left to do in the city, Cheon made his way toward the gate where he entered but what caught his attention was the further he walked the more footsteps he heard appear around me, he knew what was going to happen when he left the city but in all honestly Cheon found this amusing, the longer he stayed within the city the more people saw him and that meant more people 'wanted' him, meaning the numbers of those following him was increasing by the second.

To be continued...