
The Heavenly Demon In ATG

Your average office worker experienced an abrupt death and as he always wished, he was reincarnated into a fictional universe, but things don't always go as planned and the 'him' that he was, didn't last for long. Alucard from Hellsing, some knew him as Dracula or maybe even Vlad The Impaler, but most knew him as the most powerful weapon of the Hellsing Organization. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, The Strongest Noble, and The Protector Of Lukedonia, but most knew him as The Noblesse, a man who lived over 3,000 years and experienced things that one could only imagine. Now what happens if you were to combine these two beings into one man who had immense knowledge of fiction and had also received the inheritance of Heavenly Demon Divine Cult? Just what type of being would he become? Well, he would become The Heavenly Demon. ------ Note: This story is an official remake of the previous, [Multiversal Vampire], and with it being a remake, understand that things will be different. This story is an Alternate Universe of Against The Gods, do NOT expect the information you know about the Against The Gods Universe to always be correct within this fan fiction. Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world-building, or the characters from the original author. My claim of ownership is limited to the original characters I have created and the changes in the story that are a result of the presence of the MC. I do NOT own the cover art! If the original owner sees the cover art and wants it removed please leave a review and upon confirming your identity it'll be done immediately.

outsidr · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Cultivation and Orgasm

- One Day Later -

'That was quick.' Cheon said inwardly as he felt his Demonic Qi and Aura complete their fusion.

At the moment Cheon was feeling good, good for a few reasons but the main one was the strength of the energy sitting within his dantian. As mentioned before, Aura and Demonic Qi separately weren't enough to contend with Profound Energy, they were far outclassed by the native energy of the Primal Chaos, but the combination of the two made it a completely different case, the distance was closed by a huge margin.

'Status.' Cheon said inwardly wondering if there was any change.


Name: Cheon Ma

 - Other Name(s): Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, Alucard, Kendrick, 

Title(s): True Noblesse Of The Night, Successor Of The Heavenly Demon Divine Cult, Medical Genius, 

Race: True Vampyre

 - Form(s): Physical, Dark Composition, 

Bloodline(s): Yun Family, Heretic God, 

Age: 21

Energy(s): Heretic Qi, 

Unique Item(s): Sky Poison Pearl, Mirror of Samsara, 

Abilities: Telekinesis, Hemokinesis, Absorption, Mind Control, Enhanced Regeneration, Shapeshifting, Costume Change, Profound Handle [Dormant], 


New Energy - Heretic Qi: Due to the host's race, the Heretic God's Bloodline, and the compatibility between Demonic Qi and Aura; the hosts' energy has undergone a natural fusion causing the host to acquire a special type of Qi that while being more versatile than Profound Energy, falls short of it in raw power.


'Hm, I can make do with that for now.' Cheon said to himself after reading about his new energy, Heretic Qi.

Immediately upon feeling the energy settle within his dantian Cheon was able to understand in terms of raw power and versatility it far outclassed his previous two energies, Demonic Qi and Aura but still, it wasn't stronger than Profound Energy which while being concerning, it was something Cheon would work on in the future.

Now finished with the status Cheon once again began to cultivate the first technique that Hyuk Woon Sung, the main character of Chronicles of The Heavenly Demon created, The Tempered True Blossom.

'Hm, I thought so.' Cheon said inwardly as he cultivated, he no longer took regular Demonic Qi into his dantian, it appeared that his body automatically turned the Demonic Qi into Heretic Qi upon entering his body which Cheon was happy about, it meant that he didn't need to wait for the Qi he cultivated to become Heretic Qi.

Silently, Cheon continued cultivating whilst the flower within his dantian formed with much more ferocity and speed than ever seen in COTHD, The Tempered True Blossom that Cheon cultivated was enhanced to a dangerous degree due to the new and better energy source.

-=- One Week Of Cultivation Later -=-

"Hey, can... What the hell?" Jasmine said randomly appearing outside of the sky poison pearl with her mother.

In front of Jasmine and her mother sat Cheon, wearing his regular Noblesse clothes that he wore back during his time as Raizel, it was a black outfit with gold lining, but this wasn't what caught Jasmine's as well as her mother's attention, it was the odd energy she sensed inside of him.

Image of Cheon and his clothes

Now, one may know that Jasmine was able to watch everything Cheon was doing from the inside of the Sky Poison Pearl but due to her and her mother needing to focus on healing themselves, they cut off their attention from the outside world and due to that they had no clue what had happened the Cheon after Jasmine gave him the blood a week ago.

"Cheon... What happened?" Jasmine said as she floated next to her mother who was eyeing Cheon just as curiously as she was but despite that, Jasmine was able to detect something weird about her gaze and it caused her to narrow her eyes.

"I began cultivating," Cheon replied as he stood up for the first time in a while before opening his eyes and looking at Jasmine first before his eyes went toward Jasmine's mother.

The mother of Jasmine was the epitome of a beautiful, stunning, and mature woman. She had long red hair similar to Jasmines with blue eyes instead of red, a body that only the best succubus could have with E-Cup breasts, a slim waist, perfectly rounded hips. and a combination of voluptuously thick thighs and ass.

Image of Jasmine's mother

"How? You still don't have any Profound Veins." Jasmine's mother said with her head titled and a mature but seductive tone that caused Cheon to arch a brow.

"I assume you're the mother," Cheon said as he made eye contact with Jasmine's mother after quickly scanning her body which was caught by Jasmine and her mother.

"Mhm, my name's Xin Zhi Bushou, thank you for saving my daughter and me," Xin said with her hand over her mouth and an expression that reminded Cheon of Akeno from High School DxD, the two were quite alike.

"Well, it wasn't out of the goodness of my heart, I was considering eating you both," Cheon said with a smirk causing Jasmine's eyes to widen and Xin's eyes to narrow slightly, it was clear who here was the more experienced talker.

"Hah, I'm just joking, I wouldn't eat a poisoned meal," Cheon said as he closed in on Jasmine and gave a soft inhale to measure just how much poison was still within her being, and yes, he could smell poison.

"Although... I am tempted." Cheon said honestly as he moved away from the red-faced Jasmine, their blood was very tempting but the poison within the two was far stronger than he felt he could handle, after all, these two were previously very high staged cultivators but now they were left to ask for the help of someone from the mortal world, they had fallen from grace due to a single poison which destroys even the soul, Cheon wouldn't take that chance no matter how good they smelled.

"Hm?" Cheon hummed as he caught the scent of Xin.

"Ah, I see why she said to build a body for her and heal you," Cheon said as he closed in on Xin but unlike before, he didn't lean in on her.

"Mhm..." Xin hummed in response with some agitation hidden within her tone, not because of Cheon but her circumstances.

At first, when Cheon found them, both Xin and Jasmine were poisoned but the difference was Xin barely had any poison in her so with the help of the Sky Poison Pearl, she was able to make a speedy recovery in only a week and some change, but while she was free of poison now she had an even bigger problem, she was crippled, her Profound Veins had been completely and utterly destroyed, she no longer had any cultivation and couldn't cultivate Profound Energy ever again.

"So I am to heal a crippled person, how interesting," Cheon said aloud causing Jasmine to glare at him.

"I have a new condition," Cheon said causing Jasmine to grit her teeth.

"Now now, it's nothing ridiculous, I won't go back on my words," Cheon said as he looked back at Jasmine whose face relaxed some at his words.

"What is the condition?" Xin asked seriously, no longer could her lighthearted and seductive tone be heard.

"When I'm hungry, you'll aid me," Cheon said with a smirk.

"Aid you? How so?" Xin asked with an arched brow.

"Simple, I need blood as sustenance, so I'll drink from you," Cheon replied causing Jasmine to intervene.

"Absolutely not," Jasmine said with a cold tone, she didn't like the sound of that at all but her mother's next words deterred her.

"I agree," Xin said with a cold tone, if this was what she had to do to at the very least heal her daughter, she would do it many times over, it didn't matter what she had to sacrifice if it meant Jasmine could get better.

"Mother!" Jasmine shouted agitation clear in her tone.

"Enough, I've made my choice," Xin said to Jasmine with a tone that allowed no further discussion on the topic causing Jasmine to ball her fists.

"You two are making quite a big deal about this aren't you?" Cheon said with a smirk before bursting into a fit of laughter, Jasmine was acting as if he was about to force himself onto her mother.

"I'm hungry, come," Cheon said as he looked down at the woman who was around the same height as Jasmine.

"...Okay," Xin replied still holding her serious demeanor, neither she nor Jasmine truly believed his words, at the moment she was thinking of the worst scenario.

"Dammit!" Jasmine shouted angrily before returning back to the Sky Poison Pearl, she didn't want to see what was about to happen.

"No need to be nervous," Cheon said as he sat down on the ground with his back against a rock wall whilst patting his lap.

"..." Xin seeing Cheon pat his lap knew what he meant and reluctantly did as he wanted.

Now with Xin sitting on his lap Cheon was able to get a much better feel for how soft and supple this woman's body was but that wasn't what he was focused on, what demanded his attention was the woman's neck which was waiting for him to dig into it.

"Hurry this up, I-" Xin said before her eyes widened and she released the loudest moan she had ever let out before.

"Ah~," Xin moaned once again as she gripped Cheon's clothes with all the strength she could muster, the man in question had already begun drinking from her neck and while he usually makes it so that his victims feel utter pain when he drinks from them, on this occasion he made Xin feel more pleasure than ever before.

"Oh~ mhm~" Xin continued moaning sweetly into Cheon's ear having completely lost the seriousness and reluctance she had just moments ago

As time passed the mother of Jasmine who had been sitting on Cheon's lap with both of her legs on each side of him slowly began to wrap her arms and legs around him tightly as she breathed heavily into his body while she fought against all of the orgasms she was experiencing. For a woman like her who hadn't had even one orgasm before, this experience was both overwhelming and addictive, this was a moment she would never forget, but little did she know, she would only have better experiences from here.

"Hm, I must say, you have by far, the best blood I have ever had," Cheon said with a bloody smile as he pulled his fangs from Xin's neck, while the woman at this point had her head laid on Cheon's shoulder while she breathed heavily with hot breath and a red face.

"Are you okay dear?" Cheon said teasingly as he held onto the body of the woman who was so serious twenty minutes ago, and while Cheon could have drank much quicker he did it slow on purpose for two reasons, one, he wanted to savor the magnificent taste, and two, because he enjoyed the moans she gave.

"I-... I'm... fine..." Xin said between batted breaths as she hid her embarrassed face, she was always used to being the leading person in any altercation but here she was, at the will of this man whom she was undoubtedly interested in due to his unparalleled appearance but despite that, he was still just a stranger, she was at the will of a stranger.

"Mhm, I think it's time for you to get some rest." Cheon said as he stood up while still holding Xin before 'willing' himself into the Sky Poison Pearl, it was similar to how he willed Jasmine and Xin into the pearl back when he found them, except this time he willed himself in.

Immediately upon entering the Sky Poison Pearl, Cheon made eye contact with a crimson-red-faced Jasmine who looked away from him just as they made eye contact, it was clear that she had indeed watched what was happening from inside the pearl.

"Xin's quite tired, give her some time and she'll be back to regular," Cheon said as he laid Xin in the area he believed she and Jasmine slept in before continuing.

"Ah, before I forget, what was it you wanted to ask me?" Cheon said to Jasmine who was still looking away from him.

"..W- We need clothes and two beds." Jasmine stuttered cutely as she tried to regain her cool while Cheon appeared behind and whispered in her ear.

"Mhm, I can do that," Cheon said close to Jasmine causing his breath to tickle her before he left the Sky Poison Pearl.

'Cheon!' Jasmine shouted from inside the pearl whilst Cheon himself simply tuned her out before deciding to make his way toward the closest city to get what Jasmine and her mother needed.

To be continued...