
The Gamer In Anime World

Han-Ryuu was a normal guy. going to school, part time job, studying and flirt with his girlfriend. However he wouldn't expect that he and his brother would awaken an ability to make their life like a game at the same time their ability was different. Ryu discovered about the Cultivation World and his brother best friend was a Cultivator. Watch Ryu travel different worlds and become the Strongest.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12

As Ryu waited for Jinah to finish the call, he tapped into his Aiki, a martial arts technique that allowed him to manipulate the energy around him. With a swift and precise movement, he directed his Aiki towards the trio in the room, causing them to gradually lose consciousness.

Their eyelids grew heavy, and they stumbled, their bodies becoming limp as Ryu's Aiki affected their senses. It was a temporary measure to ensure their compliance and prevent any further harm.

Jinah's eyes widened in astonishment as she witnessed the trio in the room succumbing to Ryu's manipulation of Aiki. She had seen Ryu's martial arts skills in action before, but this display of controlling their consciousness left her momentarily speechless.

"Ryu... How did you...?" Jinah began, her voice filled with a mix of awe and curiosity.

Ryu turned his attention to Jinah, a calm and focused expression on his face. "It's a technique I've been practicing when I was a kid," he explained. "Aiki allows me to manipulate energy and influence the flow within a person's body, affecting their consciousness temporarily."

Jinah nodded, still amazed by what she had witnessed. She had always known that Ryu possessed incredible abilities, but this was a whole new level. She felt a sense of reassurance, knowing that Ryu had the power to protect himself.

"Let's make sure to tie them up," Ryu said, breaking the momentary silence. Together, they swiftly moved to ensure the trio was tied in a way that would not cause any harm to themselves or others once they regained consciousness.

As they completed their task, Jinah couldn't help but feel a newfound respect for Ryu and his abilities. She had always seen him as a reliable and caring friend, and the person she loves.

"Ryu, you never cease to amaze me," Jinah finally spoke, a smile forming on her face.

Ryu returned her smile, his eyes reflecting gratitude. "I'm just glad I can use my skills to help others and keep us safe," he replied humbly.

With the trio tied and their safety ensured, Ryu and Jinah knew that their part in this situation was far from over. They would have to wait for the authorities to arrive and handle the rest of the investigation.

As they stood there, side by side, Jinah couldn't shake off the growing admiration and affection she felt for Ryu. This shared experience only strengthened their bond, and Both of them knew deep down that their friendship was evolving into something more.

Ryu used his his special watched a mini super computer that his cousin given to him in the past and used it to erase and hide their identities from the official investigation that was soon to follow. He knew that their involvement in this situation could potentially complicate matters, and it was crucial to protect themselves and maintain their anonymity.

Ryu easily manipulated the necessary networks, ensuring that their names and any identifying information would remain concealed. He understood the importance of staying under the radar and preserving their privacy in order to continue their journey without unnecessary interference.

Jinah watched Ryu as he worked his magic, she always loved watching Ryu do his works and always getting impressed by his resourcefulness. She would always trusted him no matter what he does.

Once Ryu was satisfied with the level of protection he had established, he turned to Jinah with a reassuring smile. "We should be in the clear now," he said, his voice filled with confidence.

"Say, Jinah, how long did we know each other?" Ryu said, His seriousness made Jinah nervous

"Say, Jinah, how long have we known each other?" Ryu said. His seriousness made Jinah nervous.

Jinah felt a hint of nervousness creep up within her as Ryu's serious tone caught her off guard. She looked into his eyes, searching for any clues as to why he asked such a question.

"We've known each other for about two years now," Jinah replied, her voice slightly quivering. She couldn't help but wonder what prompted Ryu to bring up the duration of their friendship in such a serious manner.

Ryu nodded, his gaze unwavering. "Yes, that's correct," he affirmed, his tone calm yet tinged with a touch of intensity. "And in those two years, we've shared countless moments, faced challenges together, and supported each other through thick and thin."

Jinah's heart skipped a beat as she tried to comprehend Ryu's intentions. Was he about to confess something? Her mind raced with a whirlwind of possibilities.

"Jinah," Ryu continued, his voice softening, "We have already experienced the summer together—swimming in the sea, watching the sky, feeling the wind while riding our bikes, exploring the forest, watching the fireworks and the sunsets. Those times were the most important things that happened to me."

"No," Ryu shook his head and looked into Jinah's eyes, then wrote something on the ground using a marker.

Curiosity piqued, Jinah looked down at the floor to see what Ryu had written.

"Summer," Ryu said, pointing at the bustling sun.

"Sea," Ryu said, pointing at the sea water in the sand that he drew.

"Sky," Ryu said, pointing at the sky through the window.

"Cloud," Ryu said, pointing at the cloud.

"Wind," Ryu said, pointing at the wind symbol that he drew.

"Mountain and forest," Ryu said, pointing at the mountain that he drew.

"Fireworks," Ryu said, pointing at the drawing of the fireworks.

"And you" Ryu pointed his finger at Jinah, "I'm in love with you."

Jinah's heart skipped a beat as she read Ryu's words and felt the weight of his emotions in the air. She looked up from the floor, meeting Ryu's gaze with a mixture of surprise and joy. Her eyes glistened with tears of happiness.

"Ryu..." Jinah whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "I don't know what to say."

Ryu reached out and gently took Jinah's hand in his, his touch conveying warmth and sincerity. He smiled softly, reassuring her.

"You don't have to say anything right now," Ryu said, his voice filled with understanding. "I just wanted you to know how much these moments with you have meant to me. You've made my summer, and every season we spend together, so much more meaningful."

Jinah felt a rush of emotions, the realization of Ryu's love washing over her. It was a beautiful and unexpected revelation, yet it felt right, as if it had always been there, silently growing between them.

"Ryu," Jinah finally found her voice, her words filled with affection. "These moments we've shared... They are the most precious to me too. And I... I think ever since I met you, I have already fallen in love with you too."

As their eyes locked, a profound connection formed, and the world around them seemed to fade away. In that moment, they knew that their bond was something special, something worth cherishing.

Ryu squeezed Jinah's hand gently, his smile widening. Jinah had been waiting for this moment and immediately kissed Ryu on the lips.

'WHAT A SWEET WORDS!' The red haired girl thought pretending she had lost consciousness.


"And the red-haired girl's name at that time was Rias Gremory. We found out that her fiancé was the one who initiated that kidnapping plan," Jinah said, finishing her story about their past.

"Amazing," Elysia said. She had learned a new pick-up line from hearing Jinah's story.

"I didn't expect that Ryu was so romantic," Pardofelis said, waving Ryu's wallet that she had stolen from his pocket.

Little did she know that the wallet had nothing but a paper.

"It's sweet," MEI said, continuing to look at the stage, waiting for Eden to start singing.

"Jeez, Mei, you're like Mobius. Your head is always full of science," Elysia said, teasing Mei.

"Don't involved me with your annoying matters Elysia," Mobius remarks. She was busy trying a blood sample of Ryu but he was to agile escape from her claws.

Jinah chuckled at Elysia's comment, finding her friend's sense of humor endearing. She glanced at MEI, who seemed unfazed by the teasing, her attention still focused on the stage.

"I suppose we all have our unique perspectives and interests," Jinah remarked, a playful glint in her eyes. "That's what makes our group so diverse and interesting."

Pardofelis, realizing that she had been waving an empty wallet, pouted and playfully swatted Ryu on the arm. "You trickster! I thought I got something valuable," she said, pretending to be disappointed.

Ryu laughed and affectionately ruffled Pardofelis's hair. "Sorry to disappoint you, Pardofelis. But hey, at least you got a chance to show off your stealth skills!"

Elysia joined in the laughter, teasingly poking Ryu. "And Ryu, you never fail to surprise us with your romantic side. I'm taking notes!"

Ryu blushed slightly, scratching his head sheepishly. "Well, I guess love can bring out unexpected sides of us."

MEI finally turned her attention away from the stage, a small smile forming on her face. "Love... It's an intriguing concept. It's fascinating how it influences human behavior and emotions."

Elysia grinned mischievously. "Hey, MEI, have you ever considered studying the science of love? Maybe you can invent a formula for the perfect romantic relationship with Kevin!"

MEI tilted her head, contemplating the idea. "That does sound intriguing. Love, scientifically analyzed and optimized... It could be an interesting research project."

Jinah chuckled, glad to see her friends enjoying their lighthearted banter. "Well, while MEI works on her scientific love formula, let's enjoy the music and the company we have right now. Eden's performance is about to start, and it's going to be amazing!"

Ryu glanced at Kevin and gave him a thumbs up.

Su, with his eyes closed, didn't say anything and just listened to their conversation.

As the group settled in to enjoy the music and each other's company, the atmosphere became filled with excitement and anticipation. Eden, the renowned singer they had all come to see, stepped onto the stage, capturing everyone's attention with her powerful presence.

Her melodic voice filled the air, carrying the emotions of her songs to every corner of the venue. Jinah couldn't help but be swept away by the beauty of the music, her eyes sparkling with joy. She glanced around at her friends, seeing their expressions of delight and being grateful for this moment of shared happiness.

As the songs continued to play, the group occasionally exchanged glances and smiles, appreciating the shared experience. They were united not only by their past adventures but also by the bond they had formed through their friendship. Despite their different backgrounds and interests, they had found common ground and built a connection that brought them together.

In that moment, the worries and stresses of their daily lives seemed to fade away, replaced by the pure enjoyment of the music and the warmth of their friendship. They knew that these moments of togetherness were precious and that they would carry these memories with them for a long time to come.

As the final notes of the concert echoed through the venue, the group erupted into applause, expressing their gratitude for the incredible performance they had just witnessed.

Elysia and her group couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for her friend. She had witnessed Eden's journey from the beginning, the countless hours of practice, and the unwavering determination she possessed. It was a joy to see her finally shining on this stage, sharing her talent with the world.