
The Gamer In Anime World

Han-Ryuu was a normal guy. going to school, part time job, studying and flirt with his girlfriend. However he wouldn't expect that he and his brother would awaken an ability to make their life like a game at the same time their ability was different. Ryu discovered about the Cultivation World and his brother best friend was a Cultivator. Watch Ryu travel different worlds and become the Strongest.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 11

(Jinah POV)

Observing Ryu's sleeping face somehow made my heart throb. Is this the so-called love at first sight?

Pffftt... No way, I just like him, I don't love him. I simply feel sorry for him.

Suddenly, Ryu stands up from the bed and smiles slightly.

But this smile is different from his usual smile. There's life in this smile. I can't explain how I know it, maybe because my brother used to put on a fake smile to hide his emotions from me.

I glance at his eyes and notice that they are glowing pink with a cherry blossom pattern.

Handsome... He looks so handsome. The more I look into his eyes, the hotter my face feels.

"I see, my awakening has happened. But I lost Ai," Ryu says, his voice trembling as he wipes his tears. "This blooming ability regenerates me back to my peak, making me immortal?! But my greatest desire was to protect her, not myself."

I don't understand what he's trying to say. Is it related to his eyes?

As I touch his forehead, I realize that his temperature is high. Maybe his fever is affecting his thoughts.

"Thank you, Jinah," Ryu says, his voice fading as he falls back asleep.


Ryu's Past (5 years ago)

(Ryu POV)

"Onii, are we gonna be alright?" My little sister asked, clinging to my hands tightly.

"We're going to be alright, Ai-chan. Big brother will protect you," I assured her. "I promise to always protect you." Little did I know, that promise would be one I couldn't keep.

*BOOM!* An explosion erupted behind us.

Using my Aiki, I immediately contained the shockwaves and fires caused by the blast.

"Looks like we have to run again," I said, carrying my sister in a princess carry and leaping across the rooftops.

"Onii, you should rest. You've been fighting for 15 days straight," my little sister worriedly commented, noticing the exhaustion evident in my tired eyes.

"Don't worry, Ai-chan. Big brother will be fine," I reassured her, patting her head gently while unleashing compressed vibrations and flames to deter those pursuing us.

The compressed vibrations obliterated the building I was standing on, causing a massive explosion.

"I'll take care of the aftermath," I declared, leaving the collapsing building behind. "The others are busy rescuing the clan head who was kidnapped by their father."

"I wonder if Mutsumi is okay," I pondered, thinking about my little cousin.

Jumping through the buildings, I looked up at the sky and noticed the full moon.

"It's beautiful," my little sister remarked, gazing at the sky as I carried her.

"Yes," I chuckled softly. She was just too adorable.

"Ah! Look, a shooting star!" my little sister exclaimed, pointing at the streaking lights. "I wish that once this mess is over, my brother can live a normal life."

"Thank you, Ai. But my wish is for you to live your life to the fullest," I replied, patting her head affectionately.

Ai gave me a beautiful smile, tears welling up in her eyes as she hugged me tightly. "Thank you. But I'm tired of always being saved by you."

"But I'll never get tired of saving you," I assured her.

"Shut up! It's hard seeing you constantly getting hurt just to protect me!" Ai shouted, gripping my collar as tears streamed down her face. "Please, Onii-chan, just abandon me."

"Shhhh, it's okay. Onii-chan is here," I said, embracing her tightly.

"Then... what if you're not here?" Ai questioned, her voice filled with desperation.

"That's impossible," I declared, because no matter what happened, I would always stay by her side. "I've saved up 789 million yen in my bank account and 900 million yen in yours."

"But that doesn't answer my question!" Ai exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice. She was upset that I was trying to change the subject.

"Look, that's our boat," I said, pointing at the speedboat, desperately trying to divert her attention.

Ai glared at me, then followed my gaze and spotted a speedboat floating in the water.

"This is our father's speedboat. We'll use it to go to the island and hide until everything calms down," I explained, gently patting her head.

"Is it possible for us to live a normal life?" Ai asked.

"I don't know," I honestly replied.

"Nii?" Ai looked at me, her expression filled with gratitude. "Thank you for everything you've done until now."

I simply smiled and patted her head. I started the boat and began our journey.

It had been three hours since we left the bay, and we still couldn't see the land. Ai had already fallen asleep on my lap.


It's already 3 hours since we departed from the bay and we still can't see the land and Ai was already sleeping in my lap.


It had already been three hours since we departed from the bay, and we still couldn't see the land. Ai was already sleeping in my lap.


"Seriously, are they launching a nuke at us?" I exclaimed, hastily waking Ai. The three beeps indicated that a nuke was heading in our direction.

"Nii," Ai said, her expression filled with worry as she hugged my body tightly.

"You will survive this," I reassured her. I began covering her with Ki energy, creating a shield that would deflect any harm from the incoming nuke.

*KYAA~ KYAA~* A strange ringtone suddenly rang on Ryu's phone.

"[Ryu, this is Kyoichiro. Tell me your current situation... Don't worry, we have already saved Mutsumi]," Kyoichiro's voice came through the call.

Good timing.

"Kyoichiro, hurry to the location 'XXXX' and save us," I instructed, intentionally omitting the fact that a nuke was on its way and only Ai would survive.

However, this action had its consequences, interfering with my brain links and draining a significant amount of Ki energy from my body.

After covering Ai with the protective Ki energy, I summoned all my strength to throw her back to where we had boarded the boat. I had already contacted my cousin Kyoichiro to save her at that location, as I suspected they might tamper with our navigators.

As if understanding my plan, Ai began slamming her fist against the barrier, trying to break through. However, the Ki barrier I created for her was infused with Aiki Ki energy, becoming more durable with each physical blow.

Taking a deep breath, I gathered all my power to execute a devastating attack, combining a million strikes into one motion.

This attack would leave my bones shattered, as my body was not strong enough to withstand it.

Upon completing the technique, a tremendous shockwave launched Ai's back to where we had boarded the boat.

I trusted in this ability because it could negate kinetic energy.

Essentially, she was encased in a bubble that absorbed all kinetic energy, using it to reinforce its own durability.

"I hope Kyoichiro arrives in time," I murmured, sensing the rising heat within my body. The boat I was standing on had already been destroyed by the force of my attack.

Unbeknownst to Ryu, his eyes had transformed into Sakura petals, resembling an awakened Sharingan. The power he obtained was derived from his greatest desire—the survival and well-being of his sister. As a result, his blooming ability granted him hyper-speed regeneration.

However, a missile was rapidly approaching, with only seven seconds until impact. Ryu could only rely on his Aiki to deflect the attack.

To him, his survival was non-negotiable. Ignoring the destruction his body endured, he continued to utilize his abilities to their fullest extent, unaware of the limits of his blooming ability.


Ryu remembered the blast of the explosion, his mind filled with fragments of memories. Everything about his sister became hazy and uncertain, leaving him with a sense of dread.

"Are you okay?" Jinah asked, concerned by Ryu's unresponsiveness.

"I'm fine," Ryu replied, trying to shake off the haunting thoughts. "Do you want to grab something to eat at a family restaurant?"

"Sure, as long as you're treating," Jinah responded, unaware that Ryu's invitation could be seen as a date after their two years of friendship.

"Her crimson hair is unlike anything I've seen before," Ryu remarked, pointing to a girl around their age walking down the street.

"Is she a foreigner?" Jinah inquired, observing the crimson-haired girl.

"Probably," Ryu replied.

"Do you find her attractive?" Jinah asked, feeling a twinge of jealousy towards the girl with her larger, more beautiful breasts.

"Nah, I was just surprised. She seemed to possess an air of nobility," Ryu explained.

"I was just teasing you," Jinah said, relieved that Ryu's interest wasn't directed at the other girl.

"OUCH, OUCH!" an elderly woman exclaimed, crouching on the ground.

"Are you okay?" the red-haired girl asked, showing concern for the grandma's plight.

"I'm so pathetic," the old grandma lamented, tears streaming down her face. The onlookers looked at the grandma who sucks at acting and decided to ignore her.

"A scammer," Ryu remarked.

"Definitely a scammer," Jinah agreed.

Jinah glanced at Ryu and suggested, "Let's keep an eye on her. I'll record a video as evidence."

Ryu nodded in agreement, and together they watched from a hidden spot.

"Don't worry, Grandma. I'm here to help you," the red-haired girl reassured, extending a helping hand.

"She's too naive," Jinah remarked, watching the red-haired girl's actions.

"Are you alright, Grandma?" the red-haired girl asked.

"I-I'm not. My daughter-in-law abuses me, treating me like a pig," the grandma tearfully explained.

"She's terrible at acting," Ryu observed, realizing the grandma's tears were forced.

"Absolutely," Jinah concurred. "I doubt anyone would believe her."

"It's horrible!" the red-haired girl exclaimed. "Let's go to your home, and I'll help you confront your daughter-in-law!"

"What a fool," Jinah said, observing the red-haired girl's naivety.

"Thank you, thank you," the grandma expressed her gratitude.

"Don't thank me, Grandma," the red-haired girl responded.

"Should we help her?" Ryu asked Jinah.

"Let's continue observing. We need more evidence," Jinah suggested, wanting the scammer to be exposed.

Jinah and Ryu discreetly followed the red-haired girl until they arrived at an abandoned construction site.

"Is this your house, Grandma?" the red-haired girl asked as they arrived at a small wooden house.

"Yes," the grandma replied, and the door slammed shut.

"WHO THE HELL IS SLAMMING THE DOOR?" a woman's voice shouted from inside.

"IT'S ME!" the grandma shouted from outside.

'Maybe you're the main reason they don't respect you,' the red-haired girl thought, considering the grandma's behavior might be causing the disrespect.

"I'M YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAW, SHOW SOME RESPECT!" the grandma demanded, pointing her finger at the woman.

The woman looked around, spotted the red-haired girl, and smirked. "So?"

"YOU!?" the grandma exclaimed.

"Why should I be respectful when you're so annoying?" the woman retorted, raising an eyebrow.


"Why are you so disrespectful to Grandma?" the red-haired girl interjected, her voice filled with frustration.

"Nice drama, too bad their acting sucks," Ryu commented.

"I feel sorry for the red-haired girl. She's too naive. This is what happens when parents spoil their children," Jinah remarked.

"Please, stop fighting outside. It's embarrassing for the neighbors," a middle-aged man pleaded.

"Let's go," Ryu suggested, noticing the red-haired girl entering the house.

'Rescuing Grandma's Honor'

"What are you two doing here?" a muscular guy questioned, noticing Ryu and Jinah sneaking around.

"We just bumped into an acquaintance and decided to hide," Ryu quickly lied to the muscular man.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Nice... This girl is beautiful and young," the muscular guy leered at Jinah, licking his lips suggestively.

"You!" Jinah exclaimed, immediately seeking refuge behind Ryu.

"What did you say?" Ryu asked, his bangs casting a shadow over his eyes as a hint of menace emanated from him.

"Do you think your feeble killing intent can stop me from having my way with your little girlfriend over there?" the man taunted, patting Ryu's shoulder.


Before the man could finish patting Ryu's shoulder, Ryu swiftly dodged and retaliated by jabbing his finger into the muscular guy's stomach.

"ARGHHHH!" the muscular guy cried out in pain, clutching his abdomen. "You!"

Ryu didn't allow the man to utter another word as he forcefully broke the man's fingers.

"ARGHHHH!" another agonizing cry escaped the muscular guy's lips as he fell to his knees. "You're gonna pay for this!"

Jinah, with cold eyes, ignored the muscular man and proceeded towards the house where the red-haired girl had entered.

Ryu noticed a wire in the corner and picked it up.

As Ryu picked up the wire, he quickly assessed the situation. The muscular man was still on his knees, nursing his injured hand, and seething with anger. Ryu knew he had to act swiftly to protect Jinah and defuse the situation.

Keeping a firm grip on the wire, Ryu approached the muscular man cautiously. He could feel the tension in the air, but he remained focused and composed. The man's threats didn't deter Ryu; if anything, they only fueled his determination to keep Jinah safe.

Without a word, Ryu swiftly and expertly tied the muscular man's hands together behind his back using the wire. He made sure it was secure enough to prevent any escape or further harm. Although Ryu had displayed his skills in combat, he didn't want to escalate the violence any further.

"Consider yourself lucky," Ryu said calmly, his voice carrying a hint of warning. "You won't be causing any trouble anymore."

With that, Ryu turned his attention back to Jinah, who had already reached the entrance of the house. He followed her inside, leaving the muscular man restrained and seething in frustration.

Outside the house, Ryu and Jinah found themselves in a dimly lit hallway. They cautiously made their way through, guided by the faint sound of voices coming from a nearby room.

Looking through the window, Ryu and Jinah were alarmed to see the red-haired girl lying motionless on the floor, clearly having lost consciousness. Ryu's heightened sense of smell picked up a faint odor of sleeping gas that seemed to be coming from inside the room. Ryu knew they had to act quickly to help the girl.

Ryu's sudden entrance startled the people inside the house. The elderly woman, who seemed to be the grandmother, held onto some pills and wore a surprised expression. The woman's son and daughter-in-law also appeared taken aback by Ryu's arrival. However, Ryu couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about them, as if they weren't a genuine family.

Without wasting any time, Ryu quickly assessed the situation and decided to take action. "Jinah, call the police," Ryu urged, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. Jinah, assuming to be Ryu's companion, reached for her phone and dialed the emergency number to summon help.

Meanwhile, Ryu approached the girl who seemed to be unconscious, wanting to assist her. Carefully, he checked for any visible signs of harm or injury while keeping a watchful eye on the others in the room.

Ryu remained vigilant, ready to protect the girl and confront anyone who posed a threat. The unexpected turn of events had unfolded, and it was clear that the situation required intervention from the authorities to ensure everyone's safety.

He is also ready to used his special connection to hide his and Jinah's identity from the official.