
The Gamer In Anime World

Han-Ryuu was a normal guy. going to school, part time job, studying and flirt with his girlfriend. However he wouldn't expect that he and his brother would awaken an ability to make their life like a game at the same time their ability was different. Ryu discovered about the Cultivation World and his brother best friend was a Cultivator. Watch Ryu travel different worlds and become the Strongest.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 13

After the concert, the group gathered backstage to congratulate Eden on her outstanding performance. They showered her with praise, expressing their admiration for her talent and the emotions she conveyed through her music.

"You were absolutely amazing, Eden!" Pardofelis exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride. "Your voice has the power to move hearts and touch souls. You have come so far, and I couldn't be happier for you."

Eden smiled gratefully, her cheeks flushed from the exhilaration of the performance. "Thank you, Pardofelis. I couldn't have done it without the support of all of you. Your belief in me gave me the strength to pursue my passion and reach this moment."

Ryu and Jinah were surprised that Elysia group knew Eden.

Pardofelis chimed in, her playful demeanor replaced by heartfelt sincerity. "Eden, your voice is like magic. It has the ability to transport us to another world and make us feel things we never thought possible. Never stop sharing your gift with the world."

Elysia grinned and gave Eden a tight hug. "You did it, my dear friend! Your hard work paid off, and now you're a star. I can't wait to see where your journey takes you next."

MEI, who had been quietly observing the conversation, spoke up with a warm smile. "Eden, your performance was a beautiful display of art and emotion. As a scientist, I appreciate the way music can transcend language and touch people's hearts. It was a pleasure to witness your talent."

Eden's eyes welled up with tears of joy as she looked at her friends, feeling overwhelmed by their support and love. "Thank you all so much. Your words mean the world to me. I'm grateful to have you by my side, not just as friends but as a family who believes in me."

The group exchanged smiles and shared a moment of unity, basking in the happiness and pride that radiated from Eden. They knew that this was just the beginning of her musical journey and that she had a bright future ahead.

Jinah, still amazed at the connection between the Elysia group and Eden, spoke up. "I had no idea you all knew each other. How did this friendship come about?"

Elysia chuckled and began to explain. "Well, it all started a few years ago when we attended a music festival. Eden was performing on one of the smaller stages, and we were immediately captivated by her voice and talent. We became instant fans and struck up a conversation with her after the show."

Ryu nodded in agreement. "Yes, we were so impressed by her performance that we exchanged contact information and kept in touch. Over time, we formed a strong bond and became like a second family to each other."

MEI added, "We have been supporting Eden throughout her musical journey, attending her performances, and offering our encouragement whenever she needed it. It's been a beautiful friendship that grew out of a shared love for music and a belief in each other's dreams."

Eden chimed in, her voice filled with gratitude. "I'm truly fortunate to have met these amazing individuals. They have been my pillars of strength and a constant source of inspiration. Together, we have grown and faced challenges, and now, standing here after this incredible concert, I know that I couldn't have asked for a better support system."

Elysia, known for her playful and mischievous nature, couldn't resist the opportunity to tease MEI. She grinned mischievously and turned to her, pretending to be surprised.

"Oh, MEI, I didn't know you had such a soft spot for poetic expressions! Are you secretly a fan of romance novels too?" he joked, raising an eyebrow.

MEI blushed slightly, realizing she had let her emotions get the best of her. She chuckled and playfully nudged Mobius. "Oh, hush, you. I appreciate artistry in all its forms, and Eden's performance truly touched me. But don't worry, I won't be writing any love poems anytime soon."

The group burst into laughter, enjoying the lighthearted banter. They knew that moments like these brought them even closer together, adding a touch of humor and camaraderie to their strong bond.

Eden, wiping away her tears of joy, joined in the laughter, grateful for the friendships she had formed. It was a night she would never forget—a celebration of her talent, surrounded by a group of people who believed in her and made her feel like she belonged.

Eden took a moment to compose herself, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, all of you. I am truly blessed to have you in my life. Your belief in me and the love we share have given me the courage to pursue my dreams fearlessly. I promise to keep working hard and sharing my music with the world."

"I'm happy to meet you, Miss Eden. Unfortunately, it's already late, and my mother has been trying to contact me," Ryu said with a wry smile on his face.

Eden smiled warmly at Ryu. "It's a pleasure to meet you too, Ryu. Thank you for being here tonight and for your kind words. I understand if you need to go. Family always comes first. We'll catch up again soon."

Ryu nodded appreciatively. "Thank you for understanding, Eden. I'll definitely make sure to attend your future performances. Keep shining brightly, and I'll see you all soon."

With a final wave and a nod of farewell, Ryu and Jinah bid the group goodbye and made their way towards the exit.


After bidding farewell to the Elysia group, Ryu and Jinah made their way home, where they found Kallen and the kids eagerly awaiting their return. They were excited to receive the souvenirs that Jinah and Ryu had bought for them.

"Dad, Mom!" Tiana exclaimed as she saw Ryu and Jinah coming inside the house, immediately hugging the two.

"Here's a toy for you, Tiana, and these are for Rin, Higokumaru, Kallen, Sakura, and Jihan," Ryu said as he showed them various items he had taken from his inventory.

Ryu and Jinah smiled as they handed out the souvenirs they had bought for each family member. Tiana eagerly opened her gift, revealing a cute plush toy that made her eyes sparkle with delight. Rin, Higokumaru, Kallen, Sakura, and Jihan received their presents as well, expressing their gratitude with joyful expressions and heartfelt thanks.

Rin carefully unwrapped her gift, revealing a beautiful necklace with a pendant shaped like a musical note. She gasped in awe, her eyes shining with appreciation. "Thank you, Onii-Chan! It's so pretty! I'll treasure it always."

Higokumaru, ever the enthusiast for new gadgets, received a small portable music player. Her face lit up with excitement as she examined the device, already envisioning the countless hours she would spend listening to her favorite tunes.

Kallen received a delicate bracelet adorned with musical charms, symbolizing the importance of music in their lives. She held it close to her heart, moved by the thoughtful gift. "Thank you, Ryu. It's a beautiful reminder, and I will cherish this bracelet for the rest of my life."

Sakura was eager to try out the recipe book she received from Ryu. "This is one of the most valuable things I could ever get. Are you sure I can have it?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"You can have it, and in the current era, recipe books are common," Ryu answered.

Jihan received the limited edition of the game he loves to play and immediately ran upstairs, leaving his brother dumbfounded.

Jeongsook smiled at the kids, feeling happy that her family was now more lively than in the past. "How about me?" Jeongsook asked her son, Ryu, inquiring about souvenirs.

Ryu smiled at his mother and pulled out a small box from his pocket. He handed it to Jeongsook with a mischievous grin. "I didn't forget about you, Mom. Here's a little something I got just for you."

Curiosity and excitement sparkled in Jeongsook's eyes as she opened the box. Inside, she found a delicate silver necklace with a pendant shaped like a blooming flower. The pendant had a small compartment, and when she opened it, she discovered a tiny photo of Ryu and everyone starting from herself, Jihan, and his father, taken during a family trip they had taken together.

Jeongsook's heart swelled with warmth and affection as she held the necklace in her hands. "Oh, Ryu, this is so thoughtful and precious. I will wear it every day. Thank you, my dear son."

Ryu hugged his mother tightly, feeling a deep sense of love and gratitude for her unwavering support throughout the years. "You deserve all the happiness in the world, Mom. I'm grateful for everything you've done for me and for accepting me in the family, despite being an orphan."

Jeongsook's eyes for a moment but held herself and smile as she returned Ryu's embrace. "You are my son, Ryu, and nothing will ever change that. I love you unconditionally, and I'm grateful every day that you are part of our family. You have grown into a wonderful person, and I couldn't be prouder."

Jinah couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment as she observed the heartfelt bond between Ryu and his mother. She knew how much Ryu valued his family, and seeing him express his love and gratitude to his mother brought her immense joy.

Stepping closer to Ryu and Jeongsook, Jinah gently placed a hand on Ryu's shoulder, silently conveying her support and admiration. "Your relationship with your mother is truly special, Ryu."

Ryu turned towards Jinah, his eyes shining with affection. He intertwined his fingers with hers, holding her hand tightly. "And I feel lucky to have you by my side, Jinah."

Jeongsook smiled warmly at Jinah, appreciating the genuine love and happiness she brought to Ryu's life. "Jinah, my dear, if this guy troubles you again, just ask me for help, okay?"

Jinah laughed and said, "I would straighten him out if he dares to mess with me."

"You're talking as if I'm going to do something bad," Ryu retorted, still smiling at the interaction between his mother and his lover.

Jinah playfully raised an eyebrow at Ryu's retort, and a mischievous smile played on her lips. "Oh, Ryu, I wasn't talking about anything bad. But speaking of mischievous acts, maybe Kallen and Sakura can give us some insights. I've noticed their admiration for you. Care to explain, ladies?"

Caught off guard by Jinah's question, Kallen and Sakura exchanged surprised glances before Kallen sheepishly spoke up. "Well, uh... it's true that Ryu has always been someone we look up to. He's kind, caring, and incredibly talented. But don't worry, Jinah, you're going to be the first wife."

Sakura chimed in, blushing slightly. "Yes, exactly! Ryu is someone we both admire greatly. He's not just a skilled individual, but he also possesses a warm and genuine personality. He's always been there for us, offering guidance and support whenever we needed it. We hold a deep respect and appreciation for him."

Jinah chuckled, understanding the dynamic between Ryu and his admirers. "Well, it seems Ryu has quite the fan club. I can't blame you both for admiring him. He truly is remarkable. But rest assured, I have no intention of getting in the way of your relationships. As long as we all understand and respect each other, I believe we can create a harmonious environment."

As Ryu made his quick escape, and to indulge of gaming with Jihan. The girls couldn't help but chuckle at his playful antics. Jeongsook, Ryu's mother, smiled affectionately at her son, appreciating his popularity and happy that he was popular.