
The Gamer In Anime World

Han-Ryuu was a normal guy. going to school, part time job, studying and flirt with his girlfriend. However he wouldn't expect that he and his brother would awaken an ability to make their life like a game at the same time their ability was different. Ryu discovered about the Cultivation World and his brother best friend was a Cultivator. Watch Ryu travel different worlds and become the Strongest.

zedmoto123 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 10

Opening my phone and using my past Twit,Twit account that I owned when I was a kid, and post that I was alive.

Bomberman: What! Ryu was still alive! This is bad those siblings was already a monster and now someone who's realm above them was still alive.

Kill-Kyun: Didn't he died when the nuke hit his yacht maybe it's a hacker?

Yicker: (@Kill-Kun)HAHAHAHA... That joke was so funny don't forget that even the most genius hacker of Yozakura can't bypass his fire wall.

Kill-Kyun: (@Yicker) You realize that Ryu made that fire wall when he was seven years old and don't forget that all of the Yozakura members was getting stronger every day, now guess what their level would be if they keep getting stronger for 11 years?

Yicker: (@Kill-Kyun) You have a point....

Kikiki: I don't know what is the government thinking at that time trying to putting their hand to members of the Yozakura family now it backfire when Ryu died eleven years ago.

Yicker: (@Kikiki) They're greed overtaken them and they didn't looked at the consequences... By the way Ryu died seven years ago not eleven years ago.

Jeez people this day thought that I died and I still want to bomb the government. But it would shaken the current hierarchy.

"This is getting annoying," I murmured while walking down the streets.

"What's annoying?"

I got surprised by the sudden appearance of Jinah behind my back and looked at her with a wry smile written on my face.

"HEHEHE..." Jinah laugh when she accomplished making fun of me. "So are you ready?"

"Yep, let's go." I said holding her hand and waited for the bus to arrive.

"We should get our own car." Jinah said waiting for the bus.

"Yeah," I nodded my head because it's more convenient instead of commuting.

"What is Kallen reaction when you left the house?" Jinah asked.

"She's whining that she want to tag together with the kids... But I don't have enough ticket for them." I said with a giggle remembering that Kallen was pouting with the kids.

"HAHAHA!" Jinah laughed and said. "Sometimes, I really wonder who's older Rin or Kallen."

"Yeah," I agree with her because Kallen was more childish than Rin.


Ryu and Jinah got inside of the VIP Room and saw Elysia waving at them and there's with twelve people inside excluding Eylisa.

"You came~" Elysia said giving him a flirting smile.

"Of course, I would refused this chance to watch the performance of the Diva inside of Vip Room," Ryu said.

"Hello Elysia, we meet again." Jinah said with a friendly smile hugging Ryu arms.

"Fufufu~ We meet again cutie," Elysia said and starts flirting at the two.

"This is the first time I saw Elysia flirting with a guy." Pardofelis said to Kevin who's seating next to her.

"She always tried to tease Kevin though," MEI said seating next to Kevin.

"Hello~ I'm Ryu and you are?" Ryu asked and asking for a handshake while looking at Kevin.

"Kevin." Kevin said and accepted the handshake.

"Wow, you must be rich to get here," Pardofelis said hugging Ryu arms and slowly pulled his pocket.

"Pardo-nee, was at it again." Griseo said to Kalpas.

"Don't be like her." Kalpas said patting Griseo head with a smile on his face.

"Is he a lolicon," Ryu asked Kevin.

Kevin nodded his head and said. "Yeah he is."

"Hey! I can hear you!" Kalpas said to the two.

Ryu and Kevin looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders and ignore him.

"So... Kevin, are you the one who played Baseball last weak?" Ryu asked.

"Yes, I am." Kevin nodded.

"You must be a professional to hit me in the head using a baseball." Ryu said.

"Eh?! so you're the guy that Elysia talking about," Su said with his eyes closed.

"I guess," Ryu said shrugging his shoulder. "I'm Ryu and you?"

"Su," Su said.

"So... you're the guy that got hit by it." Kevin said.

"Yup, by the way what's your hobbies besides playing sports?" Ryu asked.

"Hmmm, I'm currently playing a game called Way to Eternal." Kevin said.

"Oh!?Oh!? That game! I'm playing it too! what stage are you in?" Ryu asked. Getting excited because he met someone playing a similar game that he love to play with his friends and brother.

"I'm in Nascent Soul and you?" Kevin asked. Getting excited because he can finally talked with someone who play games besides Vill-V and Pardofelis.

"I'm in Creation God realm and currently creating world and managing it, Did you know when I reach that stage I needed to supervise a world and create a settings for it." Ryu said. Getting excited to tell Kevin everything.

"Wow! How did you reach that realm and how long are you playing that game?" Kevin asked. He was surprised by Ryu currently realm in the game and wanted to know more.

"I just played the game last Three months and thanks to the Physique and Affinities I got, I managed to reach Creation God realm." Ryu said opening his account.

"Eh!? What physique did you got and what is your talent and Affinities?" Kevin asked.

"I got Devoured Physique and my talent starts at One with Eight Affinities of Void, Chaos, Life, Death, Corruption, Time, Light, and Soul." Ryu said. Showed his account to Kevin.

Kevin saw his Affinities and got shock because the Natural affinity that would normally get is One or Four Affinities but having Eight of it was almost impossible.

"What about yours?" Ryu asked. Getting Curious at Kevin Affinities.

"I got Destiny physique with Four natural Affinities and started with a talent of 125." Kevin said. Giving an excited smile at Ryu just like an excited kid.

Ryu got amazed because although he have those Affinities his talents was suck after all 1 talent is only One percent out of hundred although the developers said that it's possible to have a talent that exciding the hundreds points.

"Wow! I only have 1 percent talent and you have a 98 of it." Ryu said and asked. "But why did you stay at Nascent soul?"

"Well, I'm gathering a rare herbs to breakthroughs." Kevin said scratching his cheeks.

"What herbs do you need, I can create anything using the law of life." Ryu said.

Kevin got excited because he was stuck at that realm for whole 3 day's to gather materials.

"I need 10 Millennium Ginseng, 5 Lotus herbs, and a drop of blood from celestial." Kevin said.

Ryu looked weirdly at Kevin because those recipe was for creating a celestial pill instead of breakthrough pill and he just asked to make sure.

"Kevin, I think the recipe you are using was to create a Celestia pill." Su said. "And please stop talking about how lucky the two of you. It's hurting my heart."

"Eh!?" Kevin got shocked from Su revelation while Ryu was laughing at Kevin misery But still send to him the ingredients he needed to create a breakthrough pill including celestial pill.

Meanwhile while the boys was busy talking Jinah and Elysia was talking with each other about how Jinah and Ryu end up with each other.

"So~ Who confess first?" Elysia asked. Getting curious on how did the two of them end up with each other.

"I am," Jinah said. She have a bright smile written on her face remembering the past.

"What is his answer?" Pardofelis asked and slowly pulling Jinah wallet just like what she did to Ryu.

"He agreed. Well not because he loves me but he agreed because I'm the first girl who confess to him." Jinah said. Smiling wryly on how did their relationship starts.

"Eh! really!?" Elysia was shock and thought that it should be more romantic.

"Don't worry, although that how our relationship starts I can't deny that we face many hardships." Jinah said seating on her seat.

"Really?" Pardofelis asked failing to get Jinah wallet and tried again.

"I can't tell you the stories without his permission." Jinah said glancing at Ryu.

Ryu noticed Jinah was looking at him and asked. "What's wrong?"

"Can I tell them our stories?" Jinah whispered to Ryu.

"Sure~" Ryu answered and got back into his seat.


<4 years ago>

(Middle School)

(Jinah pov)

"Everyone, This is Han Ryu a new transfer from Japan." Our teacher said coming inside the classroom.

Watching the new transfer student for unkown reason I kinda felt that he was similar to my brother.

After four weeks of staying into the classroom I notice that he doesn't have any single friends and his eyes had those blank expression as if he was thinking of something.

"Hello, I'm Song Jinah." I said introducing myself to the transfer.

"Han-Ryu, I'm from Japan." Ryu said with a blank expression.

"So... Ryu, what is your favorite drinks?" I asked.

"Tea? no... Oh it's Orange? no....Yeah it's tea." Ryu answered making me weird out.

"Are you ok?" I asked. touching his fore head and felt that he was burning like a burning kettle. "Ouch!"

"Are you ok?" Ryu asked looking at me.

I noticed that his eyes had a Sakura petals and can't help but got mesmerized by it. "Beautiful,"

"Thank you?" Ryu answered.

"Wait no, you have a fever!" I said trying to him go to the clinic because he was burning.

"Don't worry this temperature was natural for me. mom had me check up and the doctor said it's normal for my body." Ryu said.

"I-I see."

"Don't worry, do you want to become my friend?" Ryu asked.

"Sure, By the way if it's alright. Why do you have those kinds of looks?" I asked. Getting curious on what he is thinking.

"What looks?" Ryu asked. he tilted his head and looked questioningly at me.

"Cute, *Ahem* no, I mean. you are always looking at the window thinking into something and sometimes you are lost in your thoughts." I said trying to get over my embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm thinking on how would I play with my brother." Ryu said.

"Eh that question is so simple, why don't you asked him to play some games or play some sports with him. I mean my brother opened up to me when I asked him to play games with me." I said.

Ryu eye's got some light some star's and hold my hands and said. "Thank you!"

When he said that I felt my face getting hotter and looked at his face and thought that he was handsome and he is obviously my type.

After saying those words he left excited leaving me along in a trance.

"How is it." Han Song-yi asked coming to my table.

I looked at her and said. "He is my type."

Han Song-Yi got surprised and looked weirdly at me and said. "I didn't expect that you would tell me that so honestly."

"Wait no!? I don't like him and he isn't my type!" I said trying to cover what I said because I'm not in the right state of my mind. "And I still have many things to do! I need to focus on my study before loving someone."

"Yeah, Yeah," She said giving me a teasing smile.

"I didn't really like him trust me!"

"Yeah, I know it's so obvious that you like him." Song-yi starts teasing me.

"NO!" I can feel that my whole face was burning up, am I blushing?.

"You're blushing~" Song-yi said. And starts giving me a heartfelt laugh.

"What's wrong?" Ryu said behind my back.

I got surprised by his sudden appearance and got nervous. "H-How long are you standing there?"

"I just arrive, I forgot my Backpack." Ryu said picking up his bag. "Do you have a fever?"

When he said that he put his forehead into mine making my face more hotter than usual.

"I didn't know that he was this bold," Song-Yi said. He was blushing just like me while watching the two of us.

"KYAAA! Did Ryu kissed Jinah?!" A girl within the front shouted gathering the attention of the other's.

"Ryu! Stop, Stop," I immediately separate his forehead into mine to avoid further misunderstanding.

"You have a fever!" Ryu said picking me up in a princess carry and run in the hallway.

Oh my god! all of the students are looking at us! I should stop Ryu from continuing this.

"Wait! Wait! put me down." I said to Ryu trying to make him stop and put me down.

Ryu looked at me and said. "No, you should go to the clinic."

"I said stop!" After saying that I punch him in the head but it didn't even bulges him instead my fist was the one that got hurt. "What are you made of!"

"i think i learned martial arts when i was a kid." Ryu said while thinking about something.

"You think! what's wrong with you? do you have amnesia or something?" I can't help but blurted out because I was already on the point of my limit.

"Yep, I have amnesia, I can't remember anything about my past except of my name." Ryu said making me surprised forgetting that I was carried by him.

"Are you alright? and how do you know that you practice martial arts?" I asked getting worried at his wellbeing after not knowing yourself was hard.

"I'm alright and as for your question I have a bunch of Scars from my body, do you want to see it?" Ryu said making me curious if he was saying the truth.

"Ok, but first put me down, I can walk." I said and he really put me down. "You finally put me down."

"We're already in the clinic." Ryu said pointing at the clinic.

"_" I don't know what to say about this guy. "Let's go I want to see if you are saying the truth."

Ryu nod his head and followed inside the Clinic. The Nurse raised an eyebrow at us and looked at Ryu with a shock because the moment we got inside he immediately removed his uniform and T-shirts showing a large scarce on every inch of his body.

"Tell me honestly.... Are you getting abuse by your parents?" The Nurse immediately hold Ryu hands and asked.

"No, I don't, my parents said that I was a survivor from the explosion of a yacht maybe I got this wounds from there but with my body was strong build maybe I was trained?" Ryu said and starts telling the nurse various theory about his body. "I don't have my memory that's why I can't tell you the truth."

"Don't worry about that, I would call your parents was it alright with you?" The Nurse asked getting worried by his wellbeing.

"It's ok," Ryu answered.

"Are you ok," I asked touching his chest.

'It's hard' I thought and continue running my head into his chest. "You're like my brother, he got had many scars on his body ever since my father had gone missing and my mom got into Coma."

"And when I asked him where he got those scars he would reply that I shouldn't get worried. But seeing you the first boy friend I had made me got more worried about him and you." I said without thinking.

"Don't worry, I'm alright. I'm sure that you're brother would hide to you the truth to avoid making you involved with his problem." Ryu said patting me in the head and kissing my forehead.

I can feel my face getting hotter and blurry while looking at him.

"Y-You!" I glared at him to prevent him from doing it again. But before I said something his eyes got emotionless again.

"Don't worry Ai, Nii-chan was here and would protect you." Ryu said making me confused. But I suddenly remembered that he lost his memory. 'is he getting his memory back?'

Suddenly his hug so tighten and refused to release me.

"Ai, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ryu starts crying while murmuring those words until he lost his consciousness and fall into the bed.

"Look after him for a moment I need to call his parents." The Nurse said leaving the clinic.

'I don't know what you experience. But for unkown reason those words made me understand that I should cherish on how my big brother protecting me.' I thought while pinching his cheeks.