
The Assassin With Creed

This is a multiverse Fan Fiction with the MC being an Assassin of Assassin's Creed with some powers. There will only be one love interest in each universe, he won't be able to bring them along with him.

BokutoKotaroAce · Others
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9 Chs

7 | Maverick

Our trip started from Winterfell, obviously, and we went towards the Wall, because why not? I will obviously need to come here when the Others arrive to eliminate all of humanity. I'm pretty sure that I'm not the Prince who was promised that's for sure, and since I Lya will be wed to me before the Tourney at Harrenhal there won't be any Jon Snow son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen.

Even though I'm not the one, I do have an obligation to at least stop something similar or worse than the long night happening again due to my birth in this world. Sure I could just run away to Essos and be safe beyond the Narrow Sea for my lifetime. But what about my kid? They'll be dead for sure. The Others can easily freeze the Narrow Sea and go to Essos, and to top it off if what I have read is true then, Essos was also attacked by something very similar to the Others. So yeah, if I don't even try to contribute and the others run rampant all over the world all of the people that I have befriended and loved will be dead, and even if I die I will be able to go to another world. But I don't want that, so I will have to be ready before the Others arrive.

Anyway, on our way I have been mapping out the route towards the Wall as much as possible. And today we reached near the wall, the Gift is the place called, it took eighteen days to reach here that too by only following the King's Road.

As we reached there we could see the Wall already and boy is it big?

Shaking my head I said "Let's camp here for the day."

Ben nodded at me as we unmounted our horses and started to unpack the camping equipment. Lya also got down from her horse and stood guard as she had insisted.

After the tent was set, I told Ben "I'll be getting the firewoods."

"No! I'll get it. You two stay guard here." Benjen said, and he went into the woods nearby.

Looking at Lya I asked "Is he for real?"

"Sometimes." Then looking at me she said "Well, isn't it good for you? You get to spend time with your future wife."

Sighing I said "You and I both know that this is not your forte. So, when Ben gets back let's go hunt."

"You know me well!" She said,

I smiled at her and didn't speak any further as I subtly used eagle vision to make sure that there are no dangers near us.

And as I have thought, there is none. Some wild boars are present, but they will be dead in a couple of hours and be our food so that's not a problem.

Couple of minutes later, Ben came back with a lot of firewood. Taking those from him I started to build a campfire with their help of course.

After that was done I said "Let's go hunting for a couple of boars."

"From where?" Ben asked me.

"Dozen of metres to the east. There are four of them." I said.

"And how do you know that?" Lya asked me. "Because, last time I checked you were with me the whole time."

Smiling at her I said pointing at the sky "See that up there?"

Both of them looked up, but couldn't clearly see what I was pointing at so they said "No, we can't see anything."

Shrugging my shoulders, I placed my fingers in my mouth and whistled *Feeeeewwwww*

A couple of seconds later, an Eagle that had a wingspan of two metres came down at high speed. Seeing the eagle, Ben and Lya went for their swords, but I stopped them saying "It's alright, he's mine."

At that Lya asked "What do you mean it's yours."

I didn't answer that question as the eagle landed on my shoulder perfectly and seeing that both of them went slack jawed.

Looking at them I said "Meet my eagle! My Warg companion."

*Caw* he slightly tilted his head towards them as a bow then straightened.

Both of them were surprised, but Lya asked "So you were Warging with the eagle?"

"Yes. But, he's not my complete companion as I haven't named him yet." I said.

"You do know that it's dangerous right?" Ben asked me.

Nodding at him I said "It is dangerous, but we are Starks of Winterfell. We have the blood of Wolf in us. You thought that it was just boasting?"

"No. Father had told us that Starks have the capabilities of becoming a Warg or a Greenseer." Lya said.

I nodded at her and said "I have been feeling connected to the animals sometimes, at that time I thought it was just me being sentimental towards them. But after living in Winterfell and learning history I understood that I have talent for being a Warg."

"Okay, we can discuss that later. But what are you gonna name him?" Ben asked, looking at my eagle.

Stroking the eagles feathers I said "I'll call him Maverick. From now on he is Maverick."




⛔⛔⛔⛔Chapter 2 End⛔⛔⛔⛔