
Spector - A Man of Space & Time

Told to save Universes from doom, a man already far from home and angered at creation is send on a journey across Universes, taking on modified roles of various people in art, culture, and beauty of his homeworld, Earth. as his journey progresses, the man will fight to save everything, not in just one universe, but multiple, eventually making him worth of the title Spector, but the story has only begun, with the man only moving forward for his own curiosity and sake of those around him.

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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10 Chs


֍ 17th April 2001 ֍





[Title: Young Sage of Mystic Arts]

[Name: Zilas Wayne]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Augmented Trans-Homo-Spartan/?¿?]

[Origin HomeWorld: Earth (#$% Universe)]

[Level: 25]

[Experience: 100,796/2,500,000]

[System Credits: 5,002,548]

[Magic Power: 1,018,500/1,018,500]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Strength: 28 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Magic Affinity: 50 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Endurance: 35 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Agility: 28 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Dexterity: 28 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Stamina: 27 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Intelligence: 45 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Wisdom: 45 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Accuracy: 33 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Free Stat Points: 75]



[Congratulations Host!]

[Host has received a Birthday Present from the System!]

[Reward: Hero Summon Creation Card (Uncommon Grade)]

[Description: Host can either Summon a Hero from their choice of Universe, with a fraction of their original power.

They will be bound to the Host and will behave in the interests of the Host.

The other option the Host retains is to create their own original Hero through the Creation Card]



Another Creation Card.

*Sigh* And it's just a fucking Uncommon Grade…, I'll just leave it for now in the Inventory.

No point in wasting a Creation Card while still stuck here at K'un-Lun." Zilas complained while resting in his bedroom which didn't contain anything more than a simple mat to lay down on.

Today was a rest day since it was his birthday, as the System would reward him with certain gifts while also organising a System Store sale with items half priced.

Before he scrolled through the System Store, Zilas examined the rewards gained through Dungeon Raids.

The highest graded item he'd found so far through the Dungeon was an Elite Graded item.

It happened to be a Creation Card, something the System would dish out to Zilas quite often, though they were largely utilised by Zilas Udonta Quill.

Even if there were a great deal of rewards piled up in the System Inventory, plenty of items were used to support Zilas business operations on Earth and beyond.

In the case of Zilas in deep space, Aegis Enterprise started delving into various areas of the market on Xandar that went beyond Starships.

From entering the entertainment industry to the weapons field, Aegis Enterprise grew into a powerful business empire that even worried certain Kree parties of the strength grasped by the organisation.

They weren't the only force to enter the powerplay of space faring organisations and civilisations, as other clans started to appear from the Naruto Universe through various graded Creation Cards.

The Hatake Clan worked beside the Uchiha, Hyuga, Uzumaki, and Nara to create an organisation named the Hidden Leaf, whose task was to protect the interests of Aegis Enterprise in outer space and on Earth.

They would move through the System Pocket Realm to travel through the vast galaxy, so ninjas weren't stuck travelling months on end with Starships.

Zilas added certain members of the Naruto World to serve him through the Creation Cards that could specifically spawn certain individuals.

The Genetic Hall would summon people, but none of the main characters from Naruto, which Zilas wanted dearly, like Madara, Itachi, Naruto, Minato, and even Jiraiya

However, he wouldn't spawn them without at least using an Elite Grade or higher Creation Card so their strength would be similar to their power within the show and possibly stronger.

Zilas did gain a Legendary Grade Creation Card, but it was specified for constructing an Orbital Space Station that could also rest in deep space.

Through the System Interface and support from the three A.I. Programs, Zilas designed the Citadel from the Mass Effect series, though with improvements and certain redesigns to support his efforts in deep space.

Eventually it would become home to the Avengers of the Galaxy but for now, it was taken over by the clans and powers of the System Pocket Realm.

While stored in the System Pocket Realm for now, Ultron, Sam, and Cortana worked fast to ensure the Citadel was ready to be deployed nearby the Xandar Empire territory.

Even now on Zilas 17th birthday, the A.I. Programs were busy working on the Citadel, making sure everyone understood how to use the massive orbital space station, down to the defensive systems.

But Zilas himself was focused on the System that informed him of certain news he didn't expect.


[Multiverse System Function Gate Access Granted!]

[Modified DCEU Universe]

[Description: Host can visit the Modified DCEU Universe, being born as an orphan discarded by some random people, only to be discovered by Martha Wayne.

Taken in as the youngest son of the Wayne Family, Host will be part of Bruce Wayne's journey to taking on the mantle of Batman.

Once Host chooses to visit the DC Universe, they will need to wait until they are the same age in the Marvel Universe to return]


The option to visit and see the Modified DCEU Universe was tempting, but Zilas didn't wish to go over just yet as he wanted to focus on his own personal mission.

Aware of what was to come in the shape of Hydra, Zilas started making preparations to deal with the Nazi organisation that was deeply embedded into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Zilas still wanted to exact revenge for killing Howard and Maria, even if they were Flash Clones.

Hydra was too deeply embedded into the United States government, so he couldn't attack right away, especially with the System warning him that he couldn't intervene with the timeline of events just yet.

Most of Zilas's efforts to gain information on Hydra was found by Ultron and Cortana, who found Arnim Zola programmed into various bases across the United States and abroad.

For the time being, Zilas held off from raiding Arnim Zola's hardware, even if Ultron felt capable of performing such a feat, Zilas wasn't ready for the chaos that would ensue among Hydra Agents.

The current state of forces in Zilas's control was unlike anything else on Earth but deploying them would cause many organisations to reconsider their own strength, affecting the overall progression of the universe timeline.


"Happy Birthday, Zilas.

You've finally reached your 17th birthday, Young Sage of the Mystic Arts."

"Thank you, Granny." Zilas said while greeting the Ancient One with a hug, who directly appeared into his bedroom at K'un-Lun.

She handed Zilas a small wooden box before leaving, saying, "This is a gift me, Young Sage.

I do hope you've been enjoying yourself while staying here at K'un-Lun."

"Yeah Granny, it's been fun, but… I want to go see Tony and Alfred.

I really hoped to spend my birthday with them around…" Zilas pitifully said, knowing full well Alfred knew he was away at K'un-Lun.

They communicated every so often, but it still wasn't enough to replace face to face interaction, especially when it came to Tony.

For the genius inventor, philanthropist, billionaire playboy, Zilas meant the whole to him after the death of his parents.

Tony found it incredibly hard to see of Zilas when he went away to a boarding school organisation by Alfred, when in reality Zilas left with the Ancient One for K'un-Lun.

"I've already informed Alfred you would be returning home shortly.

However, I've come to meet you so we can discuss the reason I sent you to K'un-Lun."

Opening a portal within Zilas bedroom, Lei Kung and other Elder Monks of the Crane Mother Order entered with stoic expressions as they look on deeply at Zilas.

"The future Guardian of the Emperor…

It's an honour to meet you, young man." Spoke an unknown man, similarly, dressed like the Elder Monks in faint yellow and green robes, though his were dyed crimson red, abyss black and platinum white.

He wasn't the only person dressed in the unique coloured robes, as another four men came through the portal, only to maintain the hoods of the robes to hide their faces.

"Who are you and why did you say I am the Guardian of an Emperor?

I do not have the time to take on such tasks with my public identity." Zilas didn't bother to hide his annoyance over a matter he knew very little about.

More so, he was rather angry with the Ancient One, who also noticed Zilas's fury burning within his eyes, but she remained quiet, as it wasn't her place to speak.

The unknown man smiled while ruffling his own black hair, as he continued to look on at Zilas through his golden eyes.

"Ahh my bad, young man.

You see, the rules don't allow others to know the full extent of our duty."

"What duty? And once again, who the Fuck… are you?"

This time Zilas decided to wield some of his strength, causing his natural aura to rage in a terrifying explosive anger that directed itself towards everyone in the room.

Even the Ancient One wasn't spared, which made her frown as she sensed the feeling of betrayal from Zilas.

"*Sigh* No one is here to take you away from your family, Zilas.

Rather we have come to ask if you might be worthy to face the Emperor…" said the Ancient One, as she called on her strength to move herself closer to Zilas.

No matter what people saw, Zilas meant the world to the Ancient One, who always kept an eye on her grandson.

Seeing him so angry, even with herself, caused the Ancient One to intervene when her own rank was beneath the unique robed men.


Having reached Zilas side, the Ancient One gently rested her hand on the right side of Zilas face, "Zilas… while I'm alive, nobody can make you do anything you don't want to, okay?

I just hoped you might be the one to take on the mantle of Guardian…" the Ancient One smiled, while lovingly pinching Zilas cheek.

"… Granny… can someone please tell me what the Guardian is?" calming himself, Zilas reduced his natural body aura to steady itself, though Zilas focused part of his attention on the five red, black, and white robed men.

The one that wasn't hooded spoke up as he'd heard Zilas question.

"Before the time of Mankind, after the Comet of Rebirth saw the end of the Dinosauria and adaption of the seedling, creation on Earth was left to and managed by many different legendary and mythical creatures.

Yet someone needed to manage those very same creatures which was left to their apparent creator."

"Apparent?" Zilas questioned.

"Yes," Continued the unknown man, "because its also believed the beast that oversaw the legendary and mythical creatures was in fact working for another being.

However, none have dared to ask the beast for clarification."

"Why?" Zilas asked, clearly to bother one of the hooded men in red, black, and white, who was clenching his fist each time Zilas interrupted.

Noticing the tight fist turning white at times from the force, Zilas figured it would be best to further anger the specific person until he acted out.

The unknown man who remained unhooded also picked up on Zilas shenanigans but chose not to bother interfering as it would be counterproductive.

"Because… it's a mighty dragon that rules above all else..." Smiled the unknown man, though his words caused Zilas's eyes to widen out of shock.

The statement used by the unknown man to describe the dragon somehow sent a cold chill down Zilas spine.

His soul also felt triggered by the words, but both in a positive and negative manner.

Everyone in the room noticed Zilas's contorted expression that was seemed to be drowned in fear, however it soon vanished, only for a calm Zilas to appear who questioned his role as guardian.

"Young man… most mythical and legendary creatures have been put to rest or are bound to certain duties that stop them from raging across the planet, so the Guardian doesn't exactly keep the creatures in check as others have taken up the mantle.

Rather the Guardian deals with Gods, other dimensions and planes of existence that might do harm to Earth.

For several thousand years, none have managed to take on the role of the Guardian until your birth on the 17th of April 1983, which ignited the crystals sealing the cave of the Dragon Emperor Shin-Xiao.

As a Master tasked to seek out the next Guardian, I believe you are suited to enter the dwelling of the resting Dragon Emperor to test your conviction for the Godly responsibility."

The unknown man used his speech about the dragon to reach Zilas side, only for the Ancient One to spark her hands together to summon various spell formations.

"That's close enough, Master Koll…"

"Hahaha… I see." Laughing awkwardly, the now known man, Master Koll, took a couple steps back.

He indicated to the others who'd come with him to stop any secret actions they planned to take against the Ancient One.

After all, she'd taken on the mantle of Earth's Guardian, just like all of her predecessors, so Master Koll wouldn't dare do anything to her.

Koll was taught from a young age to respect the Ancient One, even if he ever managed to gain the title of Master by the Elders.

"How long will I be away…?" Zilas came to understand his existence in this universe had something to do with the Dragon Emperor.

Even if he wanted to run away, it wasn't so simple, so he decided to accept his fate… for now.

Master Koll smiled while directly addressing Zilas, "Maybe a few years at the very least.

However, I have been told you have many different methods to contact people while being away from home, so that'll become your only refuge unfortunately.

But I can say this, when you return after finishing your training… you'll be strong enough to handle anything thrown at you, especially modern weaponry."




"Yes Granny?" Zilas turned to face the Ancient One after arriving home at the Stark Mansion that still remained its regal elegance from the Gilded Age.

They were standing outside a hidden entrance leading to Zilas underground laboratory where most of his servers were set up that the three Artificial Intelligences largely operated from.

Zilas built his underground laboratory to contain room for production facilities, that Ultron and Sam currently managed.

The items created were largely stored for a later date, but some of them already found their way into the hands of the Hidden Leaf.

"… In the future, I will have another student.

Someone who will be responsible for Kamar-Taj…

You can consider them your junior brother as they would be my student after you.

When they need support, will you come to their aid?"

"… You're talking about Strange, aren't you, Granny?" Zilas question utterly surprised the Ancient One who wondered how the hell Zilas knew about Stephen Strange.

Though when her mind finished processing what it heard, the Ancient One figured Zilas looked into the future with the Eye of Agamotto when he was younger, but she digressed.

Something told her that there was definitely more to it, though she was aware Zilas wouldn't give her a simple answer when asked.

"*Sigh* Yes…

There might come a time when he will require someone to aide him as the next Sorcerer Supreme.

I'm unsure it will come to pass, as the events of the future are everchanging."

"If he requires my help, I'll make sure to help him, but that doesn't mean you can completely skirt the responsibility onto me.

Even if I know your 'supposed' end." Further shocked by Zilas, the Ancient One was about to ask if he knew her future too, but at that moment, Alfred walked out from the hidden entrance of the mansion with a great grin across his face.

"Happy birthday Young Master Zilas.

We've missed you greatly this past year."

"I'm miss you all as well, Alfred." Smiling, Zilas went forth and gave Alfred a hug, only to notice Tony walking out as well.

However, compared to the cheerful Alfred, Tony appeared much worse off, as evident by his red eyes.

"You heard…" Zilas said quietly, aware his plans for the next few years were settled.

No part of Zilas thought Tony would know about him accepting Master Koll's proposition to take on the Guardian traineeship.

He figured the Ancient One told Alfred who passed on the information, but out of the two, Tony clearly wasn't doing so well with the news.

"… I did…

Do you really have to go?"

Zilas nodded in reply to Tony, unable to look Tony in the eye, as he felt guilty for leaving.

"*Sigh* Enough of this.

I rarely get to see both of you boys together nowadays.

At least for tonight, there will be no mentioning of tomorrow.

Have I made myself clear, gentlemen?" Alfred sternly spoke, garnering the full attention of Tony and Zilas.

'"Yes Alfred."' They replied in unison, as Alfred sent them inside with smiles on their face before addressing the Ancient One.

"Enid, thank you for telling me ahead of time.

Calming Master Stark from doing anything rash was quite consuming, mentally." Alfred exclaimed to the Ancient One, as if they were close friends.

Funnily enough, he was one of the only people to know the true name of the Ancient One of Celtic origin.


Translated to mean spirit or life, the Ancient One had long given up that name for her current title as it protected her from curses that could be bound to her through the name.

The Ancient One came to tell her name to Alfred after their continuous calls over the past year when she checked in on the Stark Family in Zilas absence.

Because of this unique friendship with Alfred, the Ancient One informed him beforehand about Zilas decision to go forth with the training to possibly take on the role of Guardian after meeting Shin-Xiao.

Alfred wasn't eager about the long duration of the training period, but he understood Zilas had set his mind and it wouldn't easily be changed.

"Your task has only started with Zilas leaving.

Hopefully by the time he returns, Tony has further matured."

"Only time will tell, Enid."

Alfred led the Ancient One into the mansion, as Zilas caught up with Pepper, Happy, and Rhoades who came to see him when called by Alfred earlier on.

Tony joined the group as did Alfred once he saw off the Ancient One, who left soon after enjoying a cup of tea with leaves from the System Pocket Realm.

She had many tasks to complete back at Kamar-Taj, and clearly, she sensed Alfred wished to spend time with Zilas.


In the meantime, Kyra Holt, a person spawned through the System by a Management Creation Card was discussing business operations with Ultron in regards to Stark Industries who started to increase their investment towards developing stronger weapons and Hydra's actions.

Tony led the engineering progression within the organisation, however it wasn't largely accepted by all, such as Alfred, who questioned the need for increasingly destructive weapons.

But his opinion on the matter was brushed aside by Tony who hadn't come to realise the destructive nature of his own creations.

Hydra on the other hand was setting out of their lane.

"Have you come to notice Hydra's attempts to squeeze themselves into our businesses?

*Sigh* We've kept them out of our businesses until now, but their becoming more prevalent in their actions.

I don't doubt they're doing the same to Stark Industries as its ramped-up production of military equipment." Complained Kyra as she looked through the reports from Creed and Hidden Leaf operatives who constantly discovered Hydra Agents trying to enter the Disney corporation.

Currently, she led Disney as the face of the corporation that grew into a powerful media organisation taking over ABC, NBC, CBS, 20th Century Fox, and more through Ultron and Sam's help.

Everything wasn't directly linked to Disney through the public and governmental agencies since Ultron and Sam hide the ownership through various aliases.

This gave Zilas greater control over the United States economy without anyone being wiser of the fact.

Ultron and Sam chose not to completely take over the economy as it would lead to instability and greater repercussions from the government and society as a whole.

Currently majority of society believed Zilas to be a good-hearted person as he wasn't involved the business of war and focused largely on charity work.

But some started to suspect Zilas covered up the atrocities committed by Tony through his weapons.

However, nobody rather focused on those few who tried to force their opinion on others as the raw truth.

'Your concerns are warranted but do not worry about them.

I already discovered Zola's exact position of his personal server that kept a complete program of his uploaded coded artificial existence.

Through some miner adjustments to the program, Zola and Hydra have become nothing more than puppets, dancing to the tune of my beat.'

Ultron sounded excited at the ability to play with humans like they were nothing more than fragile toys of flesh in his hands.

It wasn't the first time he'd gotten the opportunity to play with humans like they were disposable, as he'd taken on an enormous number of dastardly tasks for Zilas in various universes.

Within the Old Republic Era of the Star Wars Universe, Ultron needed to scout the galaxy to find the Sith and their various hide outs, exterminating them from the galaxy.

Storing the artifacts of the Sith and their immense knowledge, Ultron, Sam, and Cortana learnt a great deal about the ruthlessness of the Sith, only to reuse it for their own benefits and Zilas's.

Ultron hadn't made use of everything he learnt, but a few notifiable pieces of information he gained through the Sith artifacts told him how to manipulate human minds and that of the machines.

While the wielder required a connection to the Force, Ultron gained a natural affinity to the ever-improving Spiritual Energy Source of the System Pocket Realm.

After spending countless lifetimes with Zilas, Ultron learnt plenty of information to stabilise his own form as a Spiritual Entity within the System Pocket Realm.

Creating servers from Spiritual Energy infused materials helped Ultron establish a Spiritual Entity tied to his existence within the System Pocket Realm.

Capable of doing a great deal with the knowledge gained through the various universes, Ultron decided good old-fashioned manipulation worked the best.

Zola started moving Hydra Agents around Disney, Aegis Enterprise, RealmCorp, SpartanTech, and even Stark Industries, but this time it was organised by Ultron who sent gifted scientists, athletes, and other individuals.

None of them completely accepted Hydra and its goals, with most of them being forced into working for the organisation one way or another.

Ultron decided to start helping them first, switching everyone to join Zilas in some way or another.

Some people had a loved one captured by Hydra, while others were kidnapped which led to the dire situation of them joining, though not by choice.


"Ahh… well that sounds great and all, Ultron, I mainly want to know if they'll affect our business operations.

With several new corporate takeovers and mergers underway with Disney at the helm, you know we can't afford risk right now." stressed and under pressure with the mounting responsibilities Disney continued taking on, Kyra began to feel frustrated by Hydra sudden interest.

'It's sorted.

Don't worry, I'm monitoring Zola and Hydra closely.

You'll be informed if anything changes but I can assure you, Hydra is finding less reasons by the day to monitor Disney or any of the other corporations.' Ultron wasn't overly concerned with Hydra, Zola, or any other force that might try to cause harm to Zilas or Tony.

His main mission was to ensure SHIELD survived the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, as the System the storyline of the MCU sees the hidden organisation crumbling away, leaving a great hole in the Earth's global security.

To help the organisation retain its stability as well as maintaining the criminal underworld, Zilas used one of his Spawning Secret Society Card from a Dungeon Raid, to summon the League of Shadows.

Ra's Al Ghul spawned along with 300 of his finest Shadows in a region of the Himalayan Mountains closer to the Afghanistan border.

Hidden away within a dimension much like the one currently utilised by the Creed of Chaos and Order, The Lazarus City of the Shadows contained the Lazarus Pits and plenty of training facilities for the Shadow Assassins of the League.

Ezio and Ra's met when Zilas couldn't meet directly with the leader of the league, only to hear the two decided to train against one another, including their hidden societies.

Even Hidden Leaf ninja joined the cooperation, creating the three prongs of his shadow trident, slowly taking over parts of the world without anyone being aware of their presence.

Ultron tasked the two with infiltrating governments, positions of powers, and criminal industries, all in the preparation for future events even after dealing with Thanos.

Part of Ultron wanted to improve the young JARVIS program being operated by Tony in preparation as well, but Zilas told him to hold off until the events of Avengers: Age of Ultron.

At that time, there would be a battle between a wiser Ultron, and a young Ultron, just learning to walk.


"Out of the three films, I have to believe Shrek will be the bigger hit globally, Tony."

"Come on James!

With you 'undying' love for Uncle Sam, I thought Monster's Inc would be a little more to your taste."

Tony started to tease Rhoades while snacking on a bowl of popcorn.

Alfred prepared plenty of snacks for everyone to enjoy, including himself, as Pepper, Rhoades, Tony, and Zilas sat down to watch the finalised animation films to be released.

Monsters Inc, Shrek, and Atlantis: The Lost Empire was viewed by the group, one after another in the cinema room of the grand Stark Mansion.

Tony long thought about selling the mansion or remodelling it for a better cause like an orphanage or school for the underprivileged.

Slowly, through Zilas's natural influence, Tony started to notice others around him and the difficulties through life.

When he thought about Zilas, Tony worried if his parents didn't adopt him, Zilas could have ended up an orphanage, especially one that wasn't funded and understaffed.

Alfred gave his own opinion on the matter, believing it would be better to include Zilas in the decision making since he invested more in charities and foundations.

While he hoped to discuss the matter with Zilas as soon as possible, Tony held off until the following morning because he wanted nothing more but to celebrate Zilas's 17th birthday, which further reminded him of their parents' absence.


"Enough from the both of you.

Needlessly fighting over Monsters Inc and Shrek when we clearly know Atlantis deserves to be number one."

Pepper said proudly only for Tony and Rhoades to react scornfully, as if they detested the film with all their heart… in comparison to their favourite film of the day so far.

Alfred wanted to chime in and say Shrek was a delight but reframed for saying anything as he chose the next film for the evening from the catalogue of films Zilas brought over.

The birthday boy just watched his family quarrelling happily, while aware his future would deal him a great number of responsibilities.

For now, though, Zilas enjoyed the time he had with his family to be a child without any worries about the problems further on, around the globe and beyond.

By the time morning rose, Zilas was in Tony's private lab, with Alfred surviving them breakfast.

James and Pepper ended up focusing on their work and left the two brothers to talk alone.

Happy also left with Frederico Auditore to discuss the security plans for the upcoming malibu mansion Tony was building as a replacement home for the family.

"So, its decided, we're turning this place into an orphanage, but I suspect you don't entirely wish to move away from New York, right?" Tony behaved slyly, while snacking on the breakfast Alfred cooked.

Zilas smiled and nodded while sipping on his tea, "Yeah… I was hoping for an apartment atop of either the Aegis Tower I am designing or something you make in the future, like a Stark Tower.

Either way I want to be in New York since Mom and Dad raised us here.

It'd be good for us to stick around here in a decade or so at the very least." Zilas planned to use the orphanage in more ways than one and the first one happened to involve Mutants.

Sam discovered information related to Mutants from the 70's, such as the Cuban Missile Crisis and further on, but it was hidden away.

Even the X-Gene was supressed across the world so only a specific number of people would gain it, though the altered version would make them stronger and easier for a certain education institution to find.

Sam also found Xavier's School for Gifted Youngster in Upstate New York, where the Mutants would be taken to train their abilities, while also understanding their own potential.

Didn't know enough to figure out how Charles existed in this universe as it was supposed to be largely off the MCU, but it wasn't the only shock discovery.

Richard Reeds also existed and came from a fairly normal family, with a younger sibling too.

Sam made sure to keep an eye on everyone, but so far nothing caused him to be concerned or worried.

Richard Reed was already granted a scholarship from Aegis Enterprise by Zilas, as he wanted to invest in the genius before SHIELD or worse, Hydra somehow got to him.

Ultron assured him it was near impossible for Hydra to try something now, but it still didn't stop them from harming the few Mutants born across the globe.

The orphanage was supposed to act as a school and home, with some students and their parents possibly being hired to work for one of the many companies owned by Zilas.

Sam and Cortana were developing the right method to deal with the students, but they understood it would be wiser and safer for all to find the Mutants that spawn into the public eye by accident and send them onto Charles Xavier.

This way Zilas would create a connection with Xavier, helping him in preparation for future conflicts.

Also, their involvement in the timeline, according to the System, would only start once Wade Wilson was captured by Francis.


"In a decade?!


Well in that case, I should start focusing on clean energy or something hahaha!" Tony laughed, only for Zilas to join in because he knew Tony would create a large Arc Reactor to power Stark Industries, only for it to later fit his chest.

"I trust you'll be able to sort something out by then…

Tony… *Sigh* remember with me gone, your also responsible for others.

Like Alfred, the Auditore Family, Rhoades, Happy, and most of all, Pepper.

They might not be a Stark, but like me, they've found a place in our family.

Make sure to not push them away, brother." Zilas said, unable to hide the emotion in his tone of voice.

"I promise, little one." Tony replied with a smile, though his heart ached at the loss of his younger brother for an unknown amount of time.

Even if they weren't blood related, nothing could change Tony's mind from believe Zilas was his brother down to the bone.

He'd fought executives and directors that use to work at Stark Industries when they fought against Tony for investing too much time on Zilas, unaware the youngest child of the Stark Family was keeping them safe from Hydra and other organisations who wanted to use them.

Those fired came to realise the protection offered by Stark, even if they knew nothing of it earlier, resulting in those gone from the company to regret their actions in following Stane.

Typically, Zilas would swoop in a take them to join one of his other corporations, quickly changing their mindset in relation to himself, but Zilas still managed to keep a close eye on everyone in case they decided to help Stane or someone else for greater gains.


Both brothers sat in silence and continued eating their meal, only for Alfred to join them soon after, who couldn't stop smiling like a loving parent after seeing his boys sitting together, enjoying a meal.

'I'll make nothing happens to them, Master and Lady Stark…

Nobody will harm our family… nobody.' Alfred thought, with a grim memory of the past running through his mind when Edwin Jarvis passed away overnight in his sleep, leaving Tony beyond heartbroken.

That night was one of the darkest to befall the Stark Mansion and its inhabitants, with both mother and daughter of the Auditore family trying their best to help Tony and Zilas deal with death once again in their precious family.

Thinking back to that night, Alfred swore it would never befall their home while he still remained alive.

No matter what, he only wanted to see his adopted sons smiling and enjoying each other's company without external interference.

Alfred already kept his eye on Obadiah Stane, as Zilas ensured Alfred gained a film perspective over the whole course of actions in relation to the whole Marvel timeline.

This was part of the Creation Card ability that spawned him into the Marvel Universe, so the former special forces solider started to prepare in advance with help from all three A.I's connected to Zilas.

The family butler of the Stark family believed Stane would start early and begin to affect the business operations in an attempt to push himself into a position of authority, even though his own skills as an engineer were average at best.


After breakfast, Tony, Alfred, and the others home got together to see off Zilas as the Ancient One returned to take him away to K'un-Lun to begin the training for the Trial of Shin-Xiao.

The emotional goodbyes from Maria, Claudia, Pepper, and Alfred were enough to cause Zilas to tear up a little.

Happy, Federico, and Rhoades behaved a bit more cheerfully, but they also succumbed to tears, leaving only Tony to interact last with Zilas.

However, unlike the others, Tony didn't gift Zilas comforts home to remember them all, but rather Tony gave Zilas homework.

"This laptop contains several projects I haven't been able to develop with my current knowledge pool.

Try your own hand at the issues and see if you discover something I haven't."

Everyone appeared shocked and fairly annoyed that Tony chose to give Zilas homework, but none of them knew when Tony hugged his younger brother, the man that would become known as the greatest avenger started to tear up as the thought of losing his brother.

"Remember… we are Stark's…

Nothing can stop our minds and hearts from finding the answer to the truth, Zilas.

As Dad always said, wherever Stark are together, that shall be their home and castle…"

Zilas dived into his brother's arms, as they embraced, knowing it would be years before they met one another again.

Tony wanted to spend more time with his younger brother but after learning Zilas was onto greater things that involved problems across the world.

As the elder brother, Tony felt he needed to support his younger brother from taking on such a grand responsibility alone.

Previous discussions between Tony and Alfred informed him that Zilas discovered supernatural elements and fell into their world from the beginning of his birth.

This started pushing Tony to consider hastening his development of the Arc Reactor, a clean source of energy, but the current plans in his mind couldn't fathom how to improve its efficiency.

But as he focused on the future of Stark Industries alongside weapons development, Alfred was busy secretly managing The Parabellum Society, an organisation catered for assassins and mercs.

It was developed alongside Tobias, aka Agent 47, who became known as the Chameleon of the society that expanded across the globe.

Operating in conjunction with many different criminal fields, The Parabellum Society became a feared entity nobody wished to ever go against as it would mean annihilation.

Alfred based it off the John Wick series that he watched based off the films data stored within the System Pocket Realm.

Using it as a basis for the organisation, a 'round table' was set up to oversee the operations and enforcement of rules.

The Hidden Leaf Operatives became the enforcers of the society, while the Creed of Chaos and Order led Parabellum in secret as the true leadership.

Top operatives of Parabellum could enter the Creed, as long as they could come to agree with their principles and values.

Sam also became a member of Parabellum on Alfred's order, though he was rather invested in Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division, which highly needed to consider changing their name into SHIELD.


"Thank you for coming, everyone." Alfred addressed the different members seated around the grand circular table, each of whom appeared deadly enough to be masters in their field of study that added to the beauty and progress of the assassination profession.

Because Parabellum had operated for close to a decade, it easily secured itself across the globe with certain families and groups part of the leadership.

However, everyone understood the purpose was to maintain order in the world, and to stop atrocities from occurring like the actions of Hitler and Hydra from taking over.

Tobias already organised a small team of elite operatives that worked right under him, known as the Chameleon Team.

Each of the members were raised in the System Pocket Realm after Agent 47's Genetic Data Code was recorded after visiting the Hidden World for training.

Everyday several hundred operatives as highly training and deadly as Agent 47 would appear, though most would remain in the Hidden World to train and improve their abilities in the field.

Some of them were used as the Guard of the Parabellum, ensured with managing properties of the society, such as the Continental Hotels, which worked much like the hotels of John Wick.

Zilas hoped to recreate John Wick to serve him, though he chose to wait until he gained one of the best Graded Creation Card.

He was added to the list of individuals that would be created eventually and spawned into the Marvel Universe to aide his future plans.

For now, though, Alfred needed to deal with trouble rising in the horizon, not just in the city of New York.

But this time, Zilas helped out by adding another legend to the Parabellum Society.

"Alfred, I do not take things lightly when I am drawn away from my granddaughter during a visit to America.

What was so urgent that you needed to call on the Wardens?" a South American member of Parabellum said.

As a Warden of the Parabellum, the grey hair and bearded man served the society with sound mind and heart after witnessing the wealth of benefits it brought to the common class.

Luis joined Parabellum as they ensured safety of his homeland, and people from drugs, gang wars, and unnecessary violence.

Like others, he joined to help him his people from the actions of the criminal underworld, though they knew it was impossible to remove such an industry.

Instead by taking over and managing it themselves, they'd come to establish order in the criminal underworld, of all places.

Luis comments drew everyone's attention to Alfred, as the current focus of the society was closing in on the Red Room and specifically, General Dreykov.

Ra's Al Ghul, a Warden of the society, hoped to recruit the Widows of the Red Room to join Parabellum, while preparing them to operate as part of the Avenger League in the future.

As the leader of the League of Shadows, Ra's closely scrutinised Alfred as he explained the sudden call for the meeting requiring the Wardens to participate.

"We've all come to know the strength and skill of our 'Chameleon', which is why I've been looking for another pillar to support the actions of the Round Table, while ensuring order is maintained.

The operative goes by the name 'Wraith' and will be joining our team raiding the Red Room facilities.

Unfortunately, Wraith has already left to scout out General Dreykov, who's currently operating out of a few different regions in Europe to cover his tracks.

It appears Hydra is trying close in on the program for their own nefarious schemes, so in this dire case, I hope to deploy both Chameleon and Wraith.

Do the Wardens agree?" Alfred spoke clearly, with a tinge of ease and happiness as the butler knew the Wardens would agree no matter what.

One of the rules settled early on was to never deploy S Grade Assets together in one mission unless absolutely necessary.

In this case, dealing with the Red Room required both the Wraith and Chameleon, otherwise the Widows would escape.

Ultron would naturally provide support to the society, but they wouldn't be aware of his presence, except for Wraith and Chameleon.

As the ones leading the attack, they needed everything to help them succeed without heavily requiring a team for support, which increases the risk of capture, death, and failure.

To ensure everything went smoothly, Zilas got involved as well, but in a way that even Alfred found hard to believe at first.




[System Store Item Purchased!]

[AllSpark – Gold Grade] [2,500,000 System Credits]

[Description: A Fabled artifact of the Cybertronian race that gave machines life while possessing an unknown amount of pure cosmic energy.

Machines gifted life through AllSpark will be bound to Host as their creator, removing any chance of rebellion or division.

Gold Grade won't just ensure creation of machine life but improvement in their foundation while connecting it to the source of cosmic power for regeneration]

[Artifact is bound to Hosts Soul and can be lent out, per Host's discretion]



[System Store Item Purchased!]

[Vulcan Science Academy – Bronze Grade] [1,100,000 System Credits]

[Description: An educational institution focused on the sciences and development of the future Vulcan generations to lead society.

Host can establish the building within the System Pocket Realm for academics and scientists to conduct their research]

[Vulcan Genetic Data Code will be added to Genetic Hall]



[Mystic Pendant of the Sage Aribaris has been analysed & recognised by the System Pocket Realm!]

[Enchantments, Runesmithing, Mystic Arts Forging, and many more techniques have been added to the System Pocket Realm!]

[Recorded from the Mystic Pendant of the Sage Aribaris, the necklace contains a wealth of knowledge, skills, artifacts, and more, found across the universe during the Sage's journey for the truth of Gehnesis]



[Who knew you so easily adapt to your new lifestyle, Zilas…]

"System… *Sigh* why do you test my patience?"

[If I don't bother you, who else can I drive mad 😊]

Zilas groaned as he listened to the humanised synthetic voice of the System in his mind while making several purchases from the System Store.

Having returned to K'un-Lun, Zilas found himself leaving the city for a remote location away from the city in the hidden dimension, rooted to Earth.

In a cave dwelling, deep into the mountains of the hidden dimension, Zilas trained with five unique robed Masters.

The very same in fact he met when Zilas was informed of the Trial of Shin-Xiao, the Dragon Emperor.

Using various artifacts and formations embedded into the ground, Zilas was taught many different subjects ranging from maths, language, biology, and art, to martial arts, forging, and chemistry, but for all the wrong reasons.

Unfortunately for Zilas, the cave dwelling had some weird spells and formations that extended the time flow in the space.

Nabu and Chaos were the ones to inform Zilas of the fact because the Helmet of Order and Chaos remained with him, hiding itself from others as to not be noticed.

They were also managing the continual engagement of 'Wraith', a clone formed through Chaos Magic with part of Zilas consciousness sent to control the Chaos Clone.

Through the time difference between the two locations, Nabu and Chaos, both felt it was necessary for Zilas to understand the speed of his growth.

But the wieldier of the Helmet clearly wanted to rest right now.

Zilas was too exhausted from the constant training that went on for months, but in the outside world, only a few days had passed.

He already saw the cave dwelling as a gift from God because it allowed him to focus on improving his skills and their refinement.

However, the System Pocket Realm could make the most of this time to scale up production, citizens, and infrastructure of the Hidden World.

This became one of Zilas major concerns after the System Store sold access to other Universes, like Halo, Force but before Battle of Naboo, Star Trek, Mass Effect, and many others.

Dune was an interesting one Zilas hoped to visit one day so he could learn their shield technology and unique technological progress without machines.

Most of all though, Zilas wanted to ride one of the worms on Arrakis, like one of the Freeman.