
Spector - A Man of Space & Time

Told to save Universes from doom, a man already far from home and angered at creation is send on a journey across Universes, taking on modified roles of various people in art, culture, and beauty of his homeworld, Earth. as his journey progresses, the man will fight to save everything, not in just one universe, but multiple, eventually making him worth of the title Spector, but the story has only begun, with the man only moving forward for his own curiosity and sake of those around him.

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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10 Chs

Drown into the Deep End




"Sorry Child, but only you can save our creation.

Don't worry… in time you'll come to understand our reasoning.

Goodbye, child…"

Cursing and screaming a ball of light was sent coursing through the eternal darkness into the distance that only a few beings of unimaginable power could witness.

The being that sent the screaming ball of light away was joined by another being, though their form was hidden in the eternal darkness.

"Do you think that was wise…?

He hates us to the core."

"True… but he came move past that once he comes to understand his true mission.

Let's just watch for now.

After all, he's been through eternity several times over.

His current journey through life shall be the most interesting tale yet."



"Who would have thought the mighty being might send me to this accursed Universe…

*Sigh* Fucking hell…!!

I just want this shit to speed up!

Having to experience the fucking Force Universe was more than enough for me.

Especially with the strength of the Old Sith Empire… that shit was haunting."

[Stop complaining Host!

The Universe of Marvel Creations isn't as bad as you might believe it to be so.

For instance, you've already awakened a number of System, Functions, Skills and abilities that will afford you the strength to be prepared for all future events!


You have been brought to a Universe fated to a die a horrible death and you must prevent this!

Use the gifts rewarded to you Host and continue to build your strength]

They System said to its Host, with a hint of emotion as it spoke.

"Still doesn't make life easy without all the modern toys and goodies to pass the time. *Sigh* Anyway, time to get to work.

Shall we, Cortana, Ultron, Sam?"

"Yes of course, Zilas." Said Cortana.

"*Sigh* If we must,… Master." Ultron grumbled.

"Affirmative, Zilas." Sam replied, with his voice largely synthesised compared to the rest of the A.I.

The three Artificial Intelligences each gave their own unique reply to Zilas based on their personality.

Born into the Marvel Universe, Zilas had the System bound to his soul from the start, with his intelligence and wisdom equal to someone who'd lived countless lifetimes, in various universes.

Currently, Zilas discovered his mind was split into three distinct forms, much like parallel mental processing, which allow the individual to split their consciousness to operate separately.

In Zilas unique case, the System split his mind into three mental forms, with two taking physical form on Earth and the other entering a Hidden World connected to the System.

The two physical forms were of infants but spawned on earth at different periods of time.

One infant was spawned into the Marvel Universe on the 17th of April 1983, at Kamar-Taj in Nepal, surprising the Ancient One, who struggled to understand how Zilas suddenly appeared.

Only when she held the infant in her arms did the hidden powers of earth finally speak.



The Ancient One swore to uphold the request of the hidden power and named the infant Zilas.

Noted by the Masters of the Mystic Arts as the miracle child spawned by the creators, Zilas became the Personal Disciple of the Ancient One.

Zilas became noted as the possible heir to the title of Sorcerer Supreme, however the Ancient One stated that Zilas future could not be constrained only to Kamar-Taj, as he would come to travel beyond their world.

Not all Masters agreed with the Ancient Ones decision but they understood and came to accept her plans for the child.

Though it never stopped them from trying to rope Zilas into serving Kamar-Taj once he was old enough to understand.


The other infant physical form was spawned nearby Yondu, on 17th of April 1988, after he'd abducted Peter Quill.

Taken aback by the infant child in his quarters, Yondu also heard a greater being address him out of the blue.


He took the voice seriously, because the extraordinary power of the hidden being was similar to another person Yondu met with before.

Aware of the dangers if we didn't comply, Yondu agreed and took care of the infant child as his own son.

At the same time, the Ravanger realised that Peter Quill couldn't be left to a terrible fate because of his biological father's plan, so he became the second son of the infamous Yondu Udonta.

Yondu chose the name Zilas for the infant as well, while giving him the last name of Peter Quill as he passed over the care for the child to the young, frail, and scared child from Missouri once Zilas started to crawl.

Once old enough, Zilas would come to accept 'Udonta' as his middle name, much to Yondu's joy and pain that he'd never focused time on creating a family of his own after his harm treatment as a slave by the Kree.


Compared to the two physical forms out in the Marvel Universe, the third form was bound to a vast Hidden World, full of grasslands, jungles, mountains, seas, and rivers.

Filled with Spiritual Energy, a source of power natural to the world and universe, but it couldn't be practised by all, since certain techniques and methods were required for the body to absorb the dense energy.

It spread out into plants, animals, air, water, minerals, metals, soil and so forth in the Hidden World of the System that could analyse and reproduce materials gathered from various universes.

Ever since Zilas was first bound to the System, he continued to add items to the Hidden World, he'd come to name the System Pocket Realm.

So far, the Hidden World largely untouched as Zilas only build a large ranch to house various animals, an open field, housing, library and more, but it was kept very minimal as to not disturb the landscape of the never-ending System Pocket Realm.

Ultron, Cortana, and Sam were kept in the System Pocket Realm, and gained their own physical android forms with some assistance from Zilas.

They'd been with Zilas for several lifetimes and helped him through any sort of adventure he'd experience in the random universes.

Through the harsh journeys and adventures in various universes, they gathered enough knowledge to frighten most librarians and historians who might ever come asking to review everything.

The last lifetime Zilas travelled through was the Force Universe during the Old Republic Era from around 25,000 BBY.

According to the System his actions wouldn't affect later events of the universe at his death, which helped Zilas and his Artificial Intelligences rewarded to him by the System to run loose.

They gathered all sorts of technology, metals, plants, and even the Force Energy, which added to the constant source of the System Pocket Realm Spiritual Energy.

Enhanced by the Force Energy of the Star Wars Universe of the Old Republic Era, the System Pocket Realm grew stronger and more powerful as it continued supported Zilas throughout his various lifetimes.


Currently, the third form of Zilas, which aged physically to appear 18, was practising a Spiritual Energy Body Absorption Technique that would temper his spirit, mind, and body, also affecting his other two forms outside of the System Pocket Realm.

Even if the two physical forms were in an infant stage, Zilas was growing stronger and evolving through the System that split his power somewhat equally across the three forms, which largely remained in control of the third form in the System Pocket Realm.

The Ancient One noticed the changes in Zilas, compared to Yondu, who didn't waste time employing Quill to help in their robberies and attacks.

Within a few days, the Ancient One devised a plan for Zilas life on earth, that wouldn't remain solely be restricted to Kamar-Taj.

First off, she started training and educating Zilas from around 3 months, as the Ancient One noticed Zilas advance cognition and mental awareness.

It often led to the child racing off to various parts of the temple without anyone being able to find him.

Even the Ancient One would scream in terror when she'd stumble across a bloodied Zilas, though he would remain unharmed.

What she didn't know then was Zilas ability to naturally discover certain hidden features of Kamar-Taj that the System created to improve his strength.

The Ancient One decided from that day forth, Zilas would study and train under the watchful eye of various Masters of Kamar-Taj, until he turned 5.

Far stronger and smarter than those around him, even the Masters weren't able to keep up with Zilas freak talent.

Most of them considered Zilas stronger than themselves for his age when it came to the formation of spells.

At times Zilas would shatter their understanding of the Mystic Arts when he'd introduce a new theory of spell that exceeded anything written in the books of the Kamar-Taj library.

This both made the Masters feel overjoyed and terrified by the power Zilas wielded currently.

They already understood Zilas was mischievous, as he would constantly take books from the library to study, even going as far to develop the Mirror Dimension far ahead of time.

He'd also taken away the Book of Cagliostro, along with the Eye of Agamotto, studying it over the course of a few months inside the System Pocket Realm and outside of it.

Everyone tried their hardest to stop Zilas, but it was impossible to stop the personal disciple of the Ancient One when he could beat them with his eyes closed.

One time, Wong, Mordo, and Kaecilius decided to raid Zilas bedroom while he slept so they could gain back some of the books he'd taken from the library.

That night, the three Masters knew to never challenge Zilas as he destroyed the three of them while asleep.

His traps alone nearly ended Wong's life, but at that time the Ancient One intervened and saved the three Masters.

From that point on, the Ancient One decided it was time to send away the Young Sage of the Mystic Arts, as she felt another form of Zilas being created by the hidden powerhouse of Earth by around 1988, which was the second form on Yondu's Starship.

'*Sigh* What is he planning…?' the Ancient One thought to herself, as she disappeared with Zilas from Kamar-Taj and arrived at the Stark Mansion in New York.


"W-Who are you?"

"Hello Howard Stark, it's nice to meet you.

I am called the Ancient One, the leader of the Masters of the Mystic Arts and this young man beside me will be your adopted son, Zilas Stark."

Howard held tightly onto his wife Maria, as the Ancient One appeared in their bedroom through the portal created from the sling ring.

The couple tried to calm themselves down as the Ancient Ones words finally registered in their minds, but they still couldn't understand why.

Just as Howard was about to ask, the Ancient One appeared beside him and poked the Stark couple in their foreheads, sending various images of the future to the duo.

"Oh my god!!

We can't leave Tony behind, honey!" Maria screamed after witnessing her death in the future, only for it to lead to the spiral downfall of Tony Stark.

Howard tried to console his wife, but it was difficult as she wanted to race away to Tony's side and tell him everything.

The Ancient One intervened and calmed the two down as she explained what would happen going forward.

Neither of the Starks could disagree with the Ancient One after they heard her plan for Tony's future, even if it meant their demise wasn't stopped.

However, that didn't mean Zilas would let them pass away so easily, especially after they took him in as their adopted son, Zilas Stark.

Tony found the situation odd, as he has a difficult relationship with his father, but that changed with Zilas around, since the parents knew their end was in sight.

Tony found the love and attention he always wanted from his parents, while Zilas found a home that was uniquely chaotic, much alike Kamar-Taj, making it easy to adapt to the new lifestyle.

Since Tony completed college and returned home to continue his own studies and research, Zilas became his perfect little assistant and student, teaching him all sorts of theories and design plans for products.

Howard and Maria loved the interaction between the two boys that genuinely came to consider one another brothers.

Edwin Jarvis, the family butler also took well to Zilas and the cheerful Tony who'd finally heard his father say, 'I love you, son'.

The aging butler also started to train his replacement, who Zilas spawned into the universe through the System.

It would issue quests and tasks over the simplest things, like brushing your hair, cleaning your teeth, showering, and so forth daily.

Of course, the System might issue a larger quest, but that didn't happen often for the young Zilas Stark.


From the System Credits and rewards issued by the System, Zilas spawned a young Alfred Pennyworth from the System Store who could manage the Stark Family after Edwin Jarvis.

Based on a combination of Jeremy Irons (Snyderverse), Sean Pertwee (Gotham TV Series), Andy Serkis (The Batman), and Michael Caine (Nolanverse), the Rare Grade Character Creation Card rewarded to Zilas accepted his unique form of Alfred Pennyworth.

A knowledgeable, fighter, and faithful butler was spawned, and immediately adapted to the Stark Family, becoming another member who was trusted by Howard, Maria, Edwin, and Tony.

Zilas long knew anything that came from the System was faithful to him, like they were bound to him as the source of their creation, but Alfred was told to also care for the others just as much as Zilas.

The scaling of the items from the System were ranked from Common, Uncommon, Mortal, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Unique, Rare, Elite, Epic, and finished with Legendary.

Up until now, in all of his various lifetimes, Zilas had received many different rewards from the System that spread across the scaling of the Grades.

The Character Creation Card used for Alfred was Rare Graded and offered Alfred greater abilities and skills beyond what he already knew.

These included skills related to engineering, medicine, technology, and computer systems.

Zilas chose everything in preparation for Tony's future as Ironman, as well as his own entrance into the world of superheroes.


Alfred joined the Stark Family through the Ancient One, who Zilas requested to aide with the introduction of the butler.

This was around a year after Zilas joined the Stark Family and became a legitimate son of the house, which led to him making certain decisions.

First off, Howard gave Zilas a large bank account with plenty of wealth to throw around, as he saw the same spark in Zilas eyes that Tony also possessed and that was creating things.

Aware of the passion in Zilas eyes, Howard awaited to see the results it brought before he left Earth, yet his own estimations were shattered pretty early on.

Tony and Zilas, with assistance from his three Artificial Intelligences, created an advance visual media program for animation studios that was easily a decade or two ahead of its time.

The System told Zilas, when he first arrived in the Marvel Universe, that technological advancements didn't progress exactly like the original earth he came from eons ago.

This turned out to be exactly what Zilas needed after the System issued him the first major quest of the Marvel Universe.




[New Quest Issued!]

[Father of Entertainment]

[Description: The Marvel Universe isn't solely focused on superheroes and villains trying to turn upside down.

Art, culture, entertainment, is all loved and desired by the people, though it isn't exactly like the media of the Original Earth.

As a Universe constantly plagued by warfare of various sorts, the people need something to help them ease through the chaotic times and understand how to adjust with the everchanging normal.

The World needs a symbol of hope, even if it comes through various forms of media]

[Host needs to:

- Kickstart the Introduction of Original Earth Media

- Create a Film Studio

- Create a Publishing House

- Publish a Novel

- Develop Manga/Comic]


- 8,000 Experience Points

- 7,600 System Credits

- Corporate Management Creation Card (10 Individuals) (Unique Grade)

- 3x Character Summon Cards

- Park Creation Orb]



As a six-year-old, spoiled by the Stark couple and his elder brother, Zilas established his own little laboratory in the Stark Mansion, which aided his endeavours in creating Disney Studios.

Warner Brothers Studio existed in the Marvel Universe as did the various properties owned by them like Harry Potter, the Matrix, Bladerunner and Terminators.

But this still left plenty of room for Zilas to enter and create his own films that didn't exist yet or weren't created altogether.

Star Wars existed, as did Indiana Jones, which was managed by Lucasfilms, and largely produced through 20th Century Studio.

Once Zilas brought over servers from the System Pocket Realm and set them up with the assistance of the A.I. Androids, Zilas started his slow and calculated takeover of the global economy and market.

Entering the microprocessor and CPU market was perfect for his plans, which left Ultron, Cortana, and Sam making the right calls and designs to aid production operations on Earth.

At the same time, Zilas gathered together his Disney Studio staff so they could be informed of the plan going forward for the company.


"Hi everyone, I'm Zilas Stark and we're going to be producing several films.

As you can see in the folders, the Little Mermaid, Back to the Future, and Scream are the three films our studio will be putting together within the next year as our debut to the film industry.

Entering three different genres, we're going to ruffle some feathers in Hollywood so I want everyone prepared for the monumental work we have ahead of us.

Now, let's get this meeting underway."

And with that, Disney Films Studio started producing three films, that would enter film history as the first major pieces of media that revolutionised the industry.

Zilas also started production of his first novel, under a pseudonym, so people wouldn't question why a crime story was written by a child.

Goodfellas, which was also going to be produced into a film, was written, and published by Disney Publishing House, quickly entering bookstores across the United States and eventually overseas.

Zilas also worked on his sketching and artist skills to create several comics of DC Characters as well as producing the Naruto Manga.

The third form of Zilas in the System Pocket Realm was managing these tasks as he had plenty of time to spare, since a young body exhausted much easier.

Just within a week alone, Zilas fulfilled the requirements of his quest and gained the rewards which aided the development of his business empire separate from Stark Industries.

Except for the Park Creation Orb, Zilas utilised the other rewards, especially the Corporate Management Creation Card, that produced the corporate team to lead Disney into a giant within a decade.

Zilas hoped they would be able to branch out from Disney in the future and take over separate giant corporations, working silently for him without anyone knowing, such as S.H.I.E.L.D and Hydra.

He didn't fear either organisation too much, since he knew a lot about them through Ultron, but also, Zilas remembered the comics and films from earth.

When time came, Zilas hoped to crush them into dust, especially Zola, but part of Zilas wanted to enslave the Nazi scientist to serve him as a sick joke to torture the silent Hydra leader.

Using the three Character Summon Cards, Zilas scanning through the options to find the right person to undertake his first plan in gathering intel on Hydra in a world where internet wasn't scattered across the globe.


"Welcome gentlemen…

Has the System informed you of this world?"

"Yes, Maestro." A hooded man in a modernised Armour of Altaïr said with a slight Italian accent.

"Yes, sir." A throaty American man replied with his goggles resting on his forehead, with their unique three green lenses.

"Hmm…" Wearing a dark suit with a white shirt and red tie, the bald man rather appeared too quiet compared to the other two people replying to Zilas.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Sam Fisher, and Agent 47 were spawned by Zilas through the System rewards, with each of them taking on significant roles to support Zilas.

"Sam, I originally wanted you to enter SHIELD and start making your way up the ladder of the organisation while building up you own team of trustworthy agents.

You have memories of this universe so you wouldn't interfere in the progression of the timeline, however I would rather you take on the management of my security detail.

I'll make sure you have everything you need to get the job done, but most of all, I want you to create your own team that can also take on classified missions no one will ever hear about."

"Not a problem, sir." Sam started to fidget as the excitement to start working was more than he could handle right now.

In the end, he was dismissed from Zilas laboratory in the Stark Mansion, with Alfred leading him out of the property.

Ultron already contacted Sam and started organising the necessary equipment for the stealthy special operative.

Zilas already knew production increased massively within the System Pocket Realm, which the third form of Zilas managed.

Of course, Sam needed to be provided with the very best the System Pocket Realm had to offer, out of fear of Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D ever trying to do him harm.

Zilas didn't mind Nick Fury, but he didn't completely trust the Spymaster either as the man understood the necessary evils required for power.

Agent 47 and Ezio were also going to be provided with the best that the System Pocket Realm had to offer, only because their jobs were vastly more important in the long term.

"Ezio, I want you to recreate the Creed, but I want it to infiltrate the seedy underbelly of the criminal underworld across the globe.

Cortana will assist you, so make sure to focus on training each of the new members into a wide array skill such as deep cover operations.

She'll also help with business management for an organisation to cover your operations from the watchful eye of the government and various hidden organisations."

"As you wish, Maestro, but may I ask for a small favour to raise my family once more in this world."

"Very well, it shall be done.

Sam's family with also be summoned and those related to you as well Agent 47…" Zilas agreed with Ezio's favour since the Auditore family served the Creed Order.

Turning his head towards Agent 47, the infamous Hitman in a red tie, "Have you decided on a name?"

"… Tobias Reiper."

Laughing on the inside maniacally, Zilas couldn't help but feel excited for the fabled hitman who would take the underworld by storm.

"For now, you will work in the criminal underworld.

Take up hits, merc jobs, and whatever pleases you, but gain power to assist the Creed.

You'll eventually help the students in their training, however that'll come later."

"Hmm, very well." Agent 47 seemed rather relaxed compared to the others, who were wanting to start helping their Master who summoned them into this universe.


By the time Howard received reports from Edwin Jarvis that spoke of Zilas efforts in producing films, comics, manga, and even a novel at the ripe age of 6, all Howard could do was smile and laugh at the fact Zilas would change the hearts and minds of the people across generations.

He also found it quite amazing to see his son focused on the field of technology, as microprocessors and CPUs were the future of the technological era come fast ahead.

Howard thought it would be beneficial for Tony to learn from Zilas in regard to business management, but to his delightfully surprise, Tony had already found his little brother for some tutoring.

Learning about growth and human resources development through the internal employee structure, Tony found himself appreciating the long game, just like chess which he started enjoying ever since Zilas started versing him.

Howard wasn't going to push either of them into Stark Industries right now, but from what he learnt through the Ancient One, it was best for the two boys to study as much as they could before their deaths.

Maria continued to shower both boys with her motherly love and helped organise a surprise wedding present for her children that would be given to them once they married.

It was one of her requests from the Ancient One, as she wanted to preserve her memory in the hearts of Tony and Zilas new family's.

She already appreciated Zilas and Tony's efforts to create a charity foundation, named after the Stark couple, to help the underprivileged across the globe.






- Child of ?¿?

- Young Sage of the Mystic Arts]

[Name: Zilas Stark]

[Age: 8]

[Race: Augmented Trans-Homo-Spartan/?¿?]

[Origin HomeWorld: Earth (#$% Universe)]

[Marvel Universe Host Level: 11]

[Experience: 100,796/1,100,000]

[System Credits: 4,117,853]

[Magic Power: 900,500/900,500]

[Body Condition: Healthy]

[Strength: 12 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Magic Affinity: 35 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Endurance: 20 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Agility: 13 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Dexterity: 13 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Stamina: 12 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Intelligence: 30 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Wisdom: 30 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Accuracy: 18 (Sealed: ?¿?)]

[Free Stat Points: 33 (Sealed: ?¿?)]



֍ 2 years later ֍




We're late!"

"I'm coming Zilas!

Calm you horses, young man.

They aren't going to start the film without its creator, isn't that right dear?" Maria grinned slyly as she came down the stairs in a stunning sunflower dress long skirt with a waist belt.

Her attire was actually pieced together by Claudia and Maria Auditore, who'd joined the Stark Family staff as House of Auditore worked in the shadows to build the Creed into an extraordinary worldwide organisation.

Both mother and daughter were trained assassins and summoned through the System Store after Zilas purchased them.

Their job was to manage the Stark Mansion while aiding Lady Stark with her unique fashion designs that evoked an elegance of a renaissance period mixed together with a modern twist.

Maria and Claudia Auditore also produced clothing designs for their own fashion house that was built after the Auditore name.

Ezio liked hiding in plain sight and no one considered the men of House Auditore trouble, since they appeared to everyone like businessmen, who were proficient in the art of negotiation.

Maria Stark came to accept the members of House Auditore as their own after witnessing their behaviour dealing with each member of the family.

Tony surprisingly became friends with Federico, the eldest son of the Auditore family, who acted as a leading member of the security team tasked with protecting the Stark Family.

Giovanni worked with Howard, but largely help Ezio stabilise the influence of the growing Creed organisation as it festered easily into the criminal underworld.


"Maria my love, you look as amazing as I first met you." Howard said as he held the hand of his dear wife, kissing her hand and rosy cheek as Maria reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Hihihi, you always know what to say, Howard." The couple enjoy a passionate kiss, while Zilas made a vomiting sound, followed by 'Eww…' as he watched his parents behaving all lovey dovey.

Only then, Tony appeared, slapping the back of Zilas head before greeting his parents.

"Lovely as ever mother, and dad… you look old."

"Thank you, Tony,… now take you brother to the care and ask Alfred to keep a couple drinks in the back of the car."

"Sure." Tony left without arguing, and dragged Zilas along, leaving the Stark couple behind in the mansion.

They didn't stay behind long, as they needed to leave for the opening of Zilas new film, Alice in Wonderland, another tale from Disney that already seemed like the winner of Oscar's Animation award for best picture.

The last two years, Disney Film Studios had taken the world by storm as the various films being released caused sensational reviews, drawing millions to the cinema.

Using this period of time to organise and design his Theme park through the System Interface, Zilas continued to expand his business operations to other countries like Japan to proliferate his manga and anime shows.

Howard, Maria, and Tony could only watch in awe as Zilas created a multi-billion-dollar studio and empire on his own that was one hundred percent in the control of Zilas and the Stark Family.

This all added to the fuel of Stark Industries as it grew beside Disney, but Zilas knew it would sharply drop soon enough, which would be the perfect time to seize majority of the shares owned by others not related to the Starks besides business.

One person who wasn't a fan of Zilas was Obadiah Stane who saw him as a problem that needed to be dealt with at some point if he wished to completely seize Stark Industries and even Disney for himself.

Zilas planned to travel at some point before Ironman storyline started so Obadiah Stane would try to take over the company, only to fail once Tony would return.

Ultron and Sam already started weaving various companies into the technological field, like computer developers and processors.

They didn't use the Stark name or Disney, but rather created their own company names, like RealmCorp, Reaper Property Management, and in particular, Spartan Tech, who wall street saw as the next Intel.

Even that was slowly being taken over by Ultron and Sam who hoped to add it to the ever-growing portfolio in Zilas control.

At the same time though, Zilas also heavily focused on charity work and foundations to help people across the world, especially those who weren't as fortunate as himself.

Howard and Maria loved Zilas attitude regarding helping others, but several times they worried he might be investing too much into charity work, as around 50 percent of Zilas whole earnings up until now went towards charity.

The amount was fairly substantial because of the companies in Zilas control were billion-dollar corporations.

He was in the manufacturing industry, transportation of goods, food production, and even scientific research that aided his medical division as well as the other fields.

Howard's own estimations placed Zilas as a leading figure in the American economy within the next decade.

But he wasn't aware, there was much more to Zilas strength than managing a couple companies from an incredibly young age.

Rather, like Tony, he preferred to create things with his hands, using his mind to push past the threshold of common knowledge and technological systems.


Elsewhere in deep space, the second form of Zilas was going through a vastly different journey through life under the care of Yondu.

"What are you doing now, Zilas my boy?"

"Nothing much Dad, just trying to reconfigure this… random ass machine."

"Hahaha good job, boy, keep it up." Yondu ruffled Zilas deep black hair with a few strands of golden hair towards his forehead.

Leaving Zilas behind in the workshop of the ship, Yondu went searching for his other son, Quill who was probably in his own workshop within his quarters.

Zilas preferred being as near as to the scavenged wrecks and ships taken in by the Ravangers, allowing the young sage to rip through the various technology discovered in the Marvel Universe.

However, it wasn't his main concern as Sam created a Starship production and manufacturing organisation on Xandar.

It all started when they made a pitstop by the planet, which allowed Sam to connect with the network of the Xandarian Empire.

Besides gifting Zilas, a high-class citizenship, Sam created Aegis Enterprise, that dealt with a broad range of products from Starships to simpler items like fresh food.

Zilas made full use of the System Pocket Realm and ship produce from the Hidden World to Xander when materials were required for production.

When Zilas first arrived in the Marvel Universe, the third form in the System Pocket Realm continued to work away diligently with the three Artificial Intelligences to create a huge, automated region of the space to manage the great number of tasks without physical input from a human.

Beforehand there already was a huge automated system established which came into effect to support Zilas in deep space and on Xandar, greatly helping the spawned management staff to build an organisation that existed across the empire.

The System supplied Zilas with plenty of quest regarding his business development in outer space and earth, so Aegis Enterprise wasn't lacking support from Zilas.

Sam oversaw the company's management, including the necessary funds and resources it required from the System Pocket Realm.

Using knowledge gained through the countless lifetime Zilas experienced, Sam was quite the powerful Artificial Intelligence, vastly exceeding Sam from the Mass Effect Andromeda games series.

Capable of showing true emotions and feelings, Sam worked away diligently to turn Aegis Enterprise into a mammoth corporation across the Xandar Empire and further on.


"Why are you always in here, Zilas?

Can't you ever relax?"

"Sorry Peter, I just find it relaxing to fix broken items.

Plus, it helps Dad get better stuff when he sells some of it.

Our workshops are proof of the work we've achieved so far" Zilas couldn't help but show off his various tools that Yondu bought after selling some of the items Zilas repaired.

Quill sighed heavily, noticing how easily his younger brother was coaxed by Yondu into creating various items and goods.

Sometimes, Peter wondered if his younger brother truly was a child since he behaved vastly different to any other children, but since they were the only two on the ship, Peter couldn't compare Zilas to others.

In the end, Peter decided to join Zilas in the workshop that took up its own compartment, since the exiled Ravangers came to see him as their technical wizard.

Zilas didn't mind the requests because the System would issue a request and provide him System Credits and Experience Points.

They also rewarded various skills and abilities like Mechanical Pulse, which worked much like a 3D Scanner, sending all the information straight to Zilas mind.

With the ability's power, Zilas easily understood foreign technology when the Ravanger fleet would come across certain goods for him to tinker with.

Zilas made several gadgets and tools for Quill as well, while teaching him about Starships and their mechanics as it would be necessary for a captain of a Starship in the future with their own team.

'Don't worry Peter.

I'm going to make you into one of the best leaders and pilots of the galaxy.

Just… don't turn into a dick.'



"Hmm… Both forms seem to be doing alright in the Marvel Universe…

However, do tell me how things are here, Cortana?" the third form of Zilas asked in the System Pocket Realm.

Resting atop a mountain peak, cleared up to create a small house and garden, Zilas rested alone on the edge of the mountain cliff while mediating.

"Since we have the codex of Original Earth's knowledge, culture, history, technology and so on, introduction of certain goods is going well on Marvel's Earth.

The droids are taking care of the production matters like our telecommunication and internet satellites prepared in advance for the future.

They'll be deployed by the end of the year since the mapping function of the System has recorded part of Earth's exosphere, completely eliminating the need for rockets.

It'll also hide the existence of the satellites from governments and hidden organisations that might try to infiltrate our goods.

Of course, that is impossible with three A.I. shielding the private network of Disney and Aegis Enterprise on Earth.

Through the knowledge gained at Kamar-Taj we've also enhanced the satellites with certain spells and formations to strengthen the structure but also the network service.


In regard to Aegis Enterprise on Earth, they've delved into the sale of materials mined and harvested from the Realm, that spawn in various locations across America in warehouse and similarly around the globe.

As a company focused on waste management and recycling, we've already gotten the support of many governments who wished to work with us so we can purchase their waste en masse.

But the main focus for most governments, and health organisations is the progress of our medical research.

We're also working on the refined Super Solider Program that includes data from the Primaris Transhuman and the Spartan Program.

This is based on the information bought from the System Store previously, though its largely becoming more prevalent now, in this universe, as well information we already had gathered in the previous universe."

Cortana said, while equipped with an enormous wealth of knowledge collected from being with Zilas over the countless lifetimes.

She was aware of the changes Zilas made to his own body in the previous lifetimes that would always carry over into the new universe, but this time there was something more…

None of the A.I. could figure out what exactly was the difference between the past Zilas and the present person, but they sensed an air of immense power, sealed away.

Though it didn't interfere with his Augmented Transhuman Spartan form, so Cortana, Zilas and the others weren't overly concerned right now.

Instead, they focused on preparing an upgraded version of the Super Soldier Program, while including the changes done to Zilas.

The plan was to have it ready for Tony to use later on, but if he wasn't willing, it would still be prepared for the Creed operatives.

Zilas wanted to improve their strength alone with the Uchiha Clan that he spawned into the world after gaining an Organisation Creation Card of the Elite Grade.

The high grade meant Sharingan could be taught to one another through training methods that also required the individual to visit the Clan headquarters, which was hidden away in Pocket Dimensions that could be set up anyway in the world.

For now, Zilas selected the Himalayan mountains, as it protected the clan from all external eyes that might wonder why there were ninja on earth with immense power.

Luckily for Zilas though, nobody could adapt to chakra energy as it required a certain body type, that people from the Marvel Universe didn't have.

But that didn't stop the Uchiha Clan from growing since people would spawn daily in the System Pocket Realm.

Around 300 Uchiha Clansmen would spawn at the Genetic Hall, a huge building much like a grand open temple, with plenty of free space.

The Uchiha weren't the only type of people spawning from the Genetic Hall each day but added a great deal of security and strength to Zilas forces on Earth and Xandar.

They acted in secret, so nobody knew their existence yet, but they worked beside Ezio, Tobias, and Sam.


Looking at the delicately built android that appeared largely like a real human being as it was made through bio-organic synthesized metals, Zilas asked Cortana's android form, "Well everything seems in order within the Realm and outside for now.

Has Ultron entered the Stark Industries database yet?

From what I know, Tony has already organised majority of company to be uploaded into a computerised database.

The company will need someone to lead it from the shadows, especially with Obadiah around."

"Ultron has already started working from the shadows, though a large part of his attention has been on Hydra.

Zola was found by Ultron some time ago, which has greatly helped him identify Hydra operatives across the globe.

Interestingly, Ultron found information related to you, but deleted it without alerting Zola."

Zilas laughed slightly since he knew the A.I.'s behaved like children at times, especially if it concerned him.

"*Sigh* For now, keep an eye on them.

Once the Uchiha are ready to strike, we'll slowly begin attack certain bases across the globe, though I trust it'll be troublesome, nonetheless.

Maybe I should leave this place for a moment and visit Nick Fury.

At least the paranoid spymaster might be able to prepare himself before chaos takes over."

Zilas liked Nick Fury, as he saw him similar to a paranoid Batman, however the spymaster let too much slip past as collateral damage.

Something Zilas wasn't overly fond of, but he understood it was a necessary evil.

Much like SHIELD, that Zilas hoped to save after the events of Captain America: The Winter Solider, as they'd save the Avengers from the Sokovia Accords.

Going by Zilas long term plans, Nick Fury and SHIELD needed to stay alive, otherwise everything would become much harder to maintain together.

"As much as I want to inform him now, it'll be pointless, since he's currently a recruit for the organisation.

Maybe once he's dealt with Captain Marvel.

I'll go see him then."



A couple more years passed, and Zilas turned 13, though it wasn't a pleasant time, with both Howard and Maria killed by Hydra.

They were in fact within the System Pocket Realm, switched out with Flash Clones, saving them from the ire of Death in the Marvel Universe, since the Realm was separate from the timeline.

The third form of Zilas explained to Howard and Maria why they were saved and showed them around the vast Hidden World.

Howard and Maria found it hard to adapt to their new life within the Hidden World, but they realised it was necessary.

Zilas explained they could meet Tony again in the future but only after Thanos was dealt with.

They would easily live until that time without issue because of the healthy environment of the Hidden World.

But both parents were concerned for Tony, as they already witnessed his downwards spiral into depression.

Zilas and Alfred help Tony as much as they could, but everyone was grieving at the time, with eyes from across the globe focused on the family.


In the meantime, Howard and Maria toured the vast Hidden World, before joining a research institution created long ago in one of the cities of the Realm.

Maria continued to work with House Auditore in the System Pocket Realm to develop various fashionable items that could be utilised on Earth, Xandar and further on.

Howard found himself researching beside scientists that were human, but also aliens like the Protheans from Mass Effect.

The level of technology and information on various subjects brought a deep smile across Howards face as he could finally test out all of his mad projects that seemed far ahead of Earth's capabilities to produce.

Back on Earth, Tony spiralled out of control for a short while, though he fell into a playboy lifestyle after the death of Edwin Jarvis in 1993.

Zilas kept Tony from completely falling into depression, saving Stark Industries from falling further into the control of Obadiah Stane.

Ultron and Sam helped Zilas gain the shares of Stark Industries after the death of Howard and Maria, only to keep them in his control for now after the company's share price came crashing down.

Tony came back stronger than ever and led Star Industries around 1994 while Zilas continued to grow Disney and Aegis Enterprise.

Lion King also came out in 1994 and became one of the highest grossing films ever produced, and similarly won a great number of awards.

Tony and Zilas felt this was the turning point of their family that'd gone through enough heartbreak and pain within a short period of time.

Alfred supported them greatly, but it still couldn't replace the loving touch of two parents, however after Lion King, he started to notice the two Stark boys were doing much better.

The media believed the story perfectly translated to the current situation of the two Stark boys as they were left behind managing massive empires of their family after the untimely death of their parents.

Tony started to enjoy the attention he received from the people, while Zilas remained a recluse and focused on education and training, as the Ancient One continued visit every so often to test his strength in the Mystic Arts.

That was until the third form of Zilas gained a System reward that allowed him to gain one item, skill, ability, trait from media of Original Earth.

Zilas used his moment to spawn the Helmet of Fate to the System Pocket Realm, which brought along a great number of resources and items to the Hidden World,

Much to Zilas surprise, it gave him a boost in power that was greater than he originally expected pertaining to magic.


"You've gained something… not of this universe.

Am I right?"

"Yes Granny." Zilas replied to the Ancient One as Alfred poured her a fresh cup of tea.

Tony was currently away for some conference, while Zilas stayed behind as Nintendo came into existence, though it was all owned and controlled by Zilas through Disney.

It was set up in Japan but connected to Disney as a subsidiary that also oversaw the management of manga produced by Zilas and Anime too.

Overall, Zilas corporate empire continued to grow into a giant across the globe, even stronger than Stark Industries within the short few years Disney and Aegis Enterprise came into operation.

Their strength caused the United States government to reconsider many of their actions concerning the corporations that provided job security to the masses and great financial benefits to the government.

The Ancient One warned her dear disciple that the hidden organisation would come to seek him out for their own causes but after he gained the Helmet of Fate, she knew Zilas had more than enough strength to survive any situation.

It also happened to be the reason she came to visit because she wanted to know more about the artifact that greatly increased the capabilities of her dear student within a few moments.

"Zilas… show me what you've found."

"Ahh… sure, but I've come to adjust the artifact for myself." In a flash, the redesigned Helmet of Fate appeared next to Zilas who sat across from the Ancient One.

She deeply gazed at the golden helmet that took on a futuristic element in his design concept the Ancient One figured was organised by Zilas.

"What have you named it?"

"Well, it's actually called the Helmet of Fate, but I renamed it the Helmet of Order and Chaos.

Because of the adjustment I made once the item fell into my hands, my subconsciousness somehow changed its property in something far more terrifying.

But it's has retained most of its previous capabilities though they seemed scaled up."

The natural evolution of the Helmet of Fate occurred because of Zilas hidden species genetic makeup, so while he gained the powers of a Lord of Order, he also found some affinity with Chaos as well.

Zilas unique disposition meant at the age of 11, he was capable of standing beside the Ancient One when it came to certain aspects of the Mystic Arts.

The Ancient One was still stronger because of her proficiency over magic, but the type wielded by Zilas was vastly different to anything she'd learnt and its use as well.

System Pocket Realm had in fact analysed and recorded the powers of the evolved helmet into the Hidden World that was bound to Zilas soul.

If needed, Zilas could utilise the strength of Dr Fate without ever needing to wear the helmet, but the futuristic appearance made Zilas quite attracted to superhero uniform that would take over his body.

The System Pocket Realm also contacted the Tower of Fate that transformed into the Tower of Chaos & Order as both Lords of Order and Chaos gave their strength to Zilas.

The third form of Zilas was spending time understanding the mountains of knowledge, though in the meantime, the first form could easily fool the Ancient One into accepting his newfound strength and capabilities.

"Hmm… its interesting.

I can sense the great sum of magical energy leaking from the helmet, only for it to be naturally absorbed by you.


Zilas… for the time being, I want to you focus on understanding the wealth of knowledge you've acquired.

Afterwards, come and seek me out at Kamar-Taj.

I have a feeling you might end up taking on a greater role than I ever imagined."



By early 1996, a 12-year-old Zilas decided to meet with his Master, so he chose to travel over to Kamar-Taj after he finally finished reading through the fundamental knowledge kept inside of the Tower of Chaos and Order.

The Ankh sign flashed in the Kamar-Taj courtyard, alerting the Masters and training sorcerers who saw Zilas appear suddenly.

They didn't notice the hidden Helmet of Order and Chaos next to Zilas, floating while kept away from the eyes and minds of those nearby.

Everyone that saw Zilas instantly understood that the Young Sage had returned though it freaked out certain people like Mordo and Kaecilius, who'd taken over the management of Zilas education in the past.

Before either could question Zilas about the foreign type of magic he'd performed, the Ancient One appeared and addressed Zilas as if they'd met only moments earlier.

"You've finally arrived.

Shall we start exchanging information, Zilas?"

"Yes, Granny."

"Good," Smiled the Ancient One, "Its time I come to understand a sense of your strength."

Waving her hand, the Ancient One created a Mirror Dimension containing herself and Zilas, as she didn't want anyone else to witness the raw power wielded by Zilas.

She knew it would affect certain individuals to question their own strength, while some might seek out easier methods to improve their power in a hastily manner.

But her examinations of Zilas explained he was more than equipped to handle the power of the Helmet of Order and Chaos.

This came down to the rewards Zilas gained in his previous lifetimes that transferred over into the Marvel Universe through the System.

An amalgamation of the Spartan II Body Augmentations and the Primaris Transhuman Body Modification gave Zilas a unique Race Type that wasn't wielded by anyone across the Marvel Universe.

Known as an Augmented Trans-Homo-Spartan, Zilas would near a height of above 2 metres by the time he turned 21, with a heavily muscular and chiselled body that could rival Gods.

Though most of his skills and abilities from his past life were sealed away by the System, as Zilas gained another source of great power that could shock all.

Even Above All Else…


The changes started to affect Zilas body from an early age so he couldn't be going through excoriating pain at a later date in his life.

Possibly stunting his growth and development.

By the age of 12, Zilas body augments and modifications started to take effect, leading the youngest son of the Stark family to grow in height and body strength.

It also added to his cognitive ability to deal with magic, making his affinity with the Mystic Arts closer and closer to perfection.

Zilas thanked his past experiences before coming to the Marvel Universe for helping him gain an edge unlike anything he could have asked for.

Because the System provided Zilas with simple quests such as brushing his teeth and washing the dishes, the amount of Experience Points he'd accumulated over the years was insane.

It helped him unlock all sorts of System Functions like Dungeon Challenges that improved his ability to wield different powers all at once in battle.

The System would generate various scenarios and fields where Zilas would fight creatures to the death.

Each time a creature would be killed, it would be harvested for Experience Points, Basic Rewards, and even materials.

Zilas started using the Dungeons early on, around his 4th birthday and started building up his Stat Attributes in preparation for the body evolution.

The materials were sold back to the System or either Experience Points or System Credits if they couldn't be used right away.

Because the Dungeons wouldn't disappear after they were bought from the System Store, Zilas was able to access them anytime through the System Interface, so his main concern was gaining Credits to help his development in the Marvel Universe.



The student and Master disappeared into the Mirror Dimension to test their skills, only it turned quickly into an examination of spells and abilities wielded by Zilas.

Everything witnessed by the Ancient One was recorded deeply into her mind so she could grow her knowledge base.

All she learnt would be kept hidden away in her personal library for the next Sorcerer Supreme to handle once they had the time to study the mountain load of recorded information.

It wasn't the only type of strength wielded by Zilas as he tapped into the Spiritual Energy Source of Earth and that of the System Pocket Realm, which was far more potent and denser to process.

Capable of utilising Force abilities from his time in the Star Wars Universe of the Old Republic Era, Zilas mixed his previous strength into his ever-current power that was becoming something far from terrifying.

Instead, it was growing into a chaotic power but the Ancient One sensed Zilas control over every single magicule energy in the surrounding space.

"You've grown… stronger than I ever imagine at this age…

Hmm… I think it's time you visit a certain group of experts, Zilas."

Noticing the Chi like energy manipulation capability from Zilas, the Ancient One thought of K'un-Lun and the hidden power sealed away, that wasn't the trial of the Iron-Fist but something greater and far more powerful.

Something that even transcended her own authority over Earth as its supposed Guardian.

(A/N: I'm adding Original elements to this story)



"*Sigh* Dungeons…

Such a pleasant place to let go of one's emotions, while creating utter carnage!

Ahh… I have discovered bliss." Laughed Zilas after returning from a System Dungeon

Discovered through exploration across the Marvel Universe, Zilas found Dungeons where he could train and develop his skills while also gaining rewards from Dungeon chests and final evaluation.

So far, Zilas gained materials and Genetic Data Code for the Genetic Hall to increase the variety of species within the System Pocket Realm.

None of them ever left the Realm, but they added a great deal of wealth to the various businesses currently in operation on Marvel's Earth, Xandar, and further on.

But that wasn't all.

Weapons, schematics, creatures, and even machinery like a production and manufacturing factory that could easily recreate most products if the necessary blueprints were uploaded.

Zilas created several production and manufacturing factories to help manage the increasing demands on the Realm to support Aegis Enterprise on Xandar and beyond.

Earth was fairly tame in its demands for goods, but Zilas expected that to change in the future, especially after the New York battle.

It would be prime-time paranoia across the globe as people look out to save themselves from future major events of external civilisations invading.

But until that day came, the Realm would continue to prepare for the future.

The Dungeons would add greatly to the overall strength grasped by Zilas, though he wasn't the only one to find success from the Dungeon Gates.

People spawned from within the System Pocket Realm could access the Dungeon Gates after they were found because the System would recognise and create a pathway to the hidden entities spread across the universe for Zilas to find.


"Enough with the day dreaming!

Fix your posture otherwise you won't be able to follow the correct steps of the technique, child."

Stated Lei Kung after slapping Zilas across the back of the head.

The Elder Monk of the Order of the Crane Mother was asked to oversee Zilas progress for another hidden trial of K'un-Lun that didn't name the Iron-Fist but Guardian Lord after battling an eternal dragon.

Zilas wasn't aware of the whole plan, but he knew that it would take him away from New York and Tony.

Alfred and the summoned management teams for the various organisations and companies operated without any interruption, as Ultron, Sam, and Cortana made sure to keep close watch.

In the meantime, Zilas continued to diligently train under the watchful eye of the Elder Monk, while his third form in the System Pocket Realm focused on magical training through the Tower of Chaos and Order.

Considering the timeline, Zilas figured there was no better time than now to train his abilities to be prepared for future outcomes, even if they seemed to stray from canon.


"Master… I think it would be more constructive for my progression that you don't… hit me constantly."

"Shut up child.

I'm positive I didn't ask for your nonsense.

Also… you deserve much worse… but I've stayed my hand… for now." Lei Kung wasn't a fan of the mischievous Zilas, who started undermining the Elders and their teachings when compared to his own knowledge of Internal Body Energy and the World Energy Source.

Ever since the Ancient One spent Zilas to K'un-Lun, a couple months ago, the youngest son of the Stark Family was forced into learning about Chi, Spiritual Energy, and martial arts of Earth.

While excelling at his studies, Zilas turned to teach others in his spare time as the System gave him a quest to improve the fighting strength of K'un-Lun, so they wouldn't faulter in the future when up against the Hand.

For a time, the Elder Monks of the legendary hidden city away in a dimension connected to Earth, were happy with Zilas teaching others but that all changed once Zilas introduced knowledge foreign to the Universe.

He used his own personal experiences and knowledge gained through previous lifetimes to help the students excel far beyond the typical strength wielded by a human.

Rather everyone was slowly on the path of enhancing their mind, body, and spirit, while attaining a minimal control over Chi Energy.

As it turned out, the Spiritual Energy of Marvel's Earth was actually far denser and heavier as it spread itself across the globe.

Besides powerful creatures like dragons, krakens, and other legendary beasts, the Spiritual Energy Source sustained the hidden dimensions, but was never tapped into by humanity.

The Elder Monks became aware of the implications brought by Zilas teachings, so after the Order of the Crane Mother gathered, they decided to call upon another hidden entity to take away those taught by Zilas.

This led to Zilas challenging his teacher, Lei Kung for answers, but it delved into an educational lesson, much to the Young Stark's annoyance and anger.

Weirdly, the Helmet of Order and Chaos couldn't find them, leading Zilas to consider their deaths but Nabu informed the third form of Zilas that it hadn't happened, as he could sense the souls of the dead, through the new powers and abilities wielded by the former Helmet of Fate.

Even Chaos informed him they were alive but hidden from Zilas unawakened Cosmic Perception that was growing stronger by the day.

Tell me if i should continue this or not.

just wrote this cause i was bored.

PhantomMedjaycreators' thoughts