
Spector - A Man of Space & Time

Told to save Universes from doom, a man already far from home and angered at creation is send on a journey across Universes, taking on modified roles of various people in art, culture, and beauty of his homeworld, Earth. as his journey progresses, the man will fight to save everything, not in just one universe, but multiple, eventually making him worth of the title Spector, but the story has only begun, with the man only moving forward for his own curiosity and sake of those around him.

PhantomMedjay · Movies
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[A New Guardian is Born!]

֍ 23 December 2001 (World Outside Cave Dwelling) ֍




[Host Quest Updated!]

[A New Guardian is Born!]

[For over a thousand years, the throne of the Guardian has remained empty, leaving Earth open to countless threats and troubles from across its surface, deep within it and much further on into the universe]

[Host is required to:

- Defeat Dragon Emperor Shin-Xiao

- Absorb the power of the Dragon Emperor

- Gain authority over the Guardian's throne]


- 1450,000 Experience Points

- 1,250,000 System Credits

- Dragon Knight Equipment Creation Card (Gold Grade)

- Custom Hero Creation Card (Growth achievable) (Gold Grade)

- Saurian (Dragonoid) Genetic Data Code (Mortal Grade)]

[Completion of Quest will allow Host to travel across to another Universe!]



"We know you cannot leave right away for another universe.

Only after you've completed the Trial of Shin-Xiao will it be safe to leave this universe for DC or something far grimmer and darker." Stated Nabu, only to followed by Chaos who had his own two cents to say on the subject.

"You won't survive in any single of those other Universe in your current state, Mortal..." sternly said Chaos as its voice contorted and screeched painfully with every syllable spoken.

For most people, it would be the end of their existence, but to Zilas it sounded gentle and calm.

Nabu wasn't affected by Chaos's voice, however he was still bothered by it nonetheless, like his mind was being battered like a punchbag.

'I know I can't leave but that doesn't mean I'm not able to plan ahead of time.

So far, the DCEU is the first and only option available, which makes me worry about the state of the Helmet if I equip it in Detective Universe.' Zilas said, while performing crunches from the ceiling of the cave.

Digging a steel pipe into the ceiling of the cave, Zilas locked his feet under the cold steel, making it possible to perform the crunches.

While exercising, which became part of his daily routine that he repeated for what felt like decades, only for it to truly be a difference of eight months in real time.

The cave dwelling manipulated time perfectly to ensure Zilas would be ready for the Trial of Shin-Xiao, an event that rarely came to be.

Training his body into a chiselled form of muscular beauty and definition, Zilas knew the effects of his effort would aid the 'Outer Space Zilas' who was busy aiding the Ravagers across the Galaxy.

Going through the memories of the 'Outer Space Zilas', Yondu began to involve Peter and Zilas into his plans on a greater scale, from stealing and mercenary missions to bounty hunting.

So far, Zilas went on the rather bloody and dangerous missions on his own, instead of taking Peter along because he hadn't yet lost his innocent that made him 'Star-Lord'.

Though, through Zilas, Peter began to make a name for himself as 'Star-Lord', a thief with the grimiest hands, impeccable speed, and battle prowess.

Over the years, Zilas spent a great deal of time and effort to strengthen Peter mentally and physically to survive any environment and challenge.

Because of his unique anatomy as a half human and celestial, Peter easily absorbed the knowledge and training, but he preferred a rather relax and exciting style of combat that showed off his prowess and elegance.

Zilas mainly trained his adoptive brother to ensure the man would survive alone in outer space and lead the Guardians of the Galaxy in the future without his own interference.

Not wanting to change the course of certain events in the future, Zilas noted not to change Peter's personality, which was half the reason everything went down as it did during the Guardians of the Galaxy course of events.

Zilas was rather invested in his own plans across the known galaxy, from expanding Aegis Enterprise across the Xander Empire, even in regional area's that weren't heavily trafficked or protected.

Eventually the responsibility of those world's fell into the hands of Aegis Enterprise due to Nova Prime advocating the organisation was more active in ensuring border security.

The Vulcan Science Academy and its academics that range from Vulcans to Humans, with Howard Stark leading the development of various projects, all of which surprised the scientist who was out of the course of fate and time.

From a compact Arc Reactor, much like Tony's own in the future, Howard went further and developed a miniaturised version of the reactor that operated to a higher degree and duration.

None of the technology left the System Pocket Realm, because it was bound to wreak havoc across the world, but with time, Zilas figured it would be important for his future plans, especially if the Avengers League was to take form.


Howard aided the development of certain projects that included Powered Armour Suits drawn from Cortana's database, in preparation for the wars and battles to come.

Not only those in the Marvel Universe, but beyond in the DCEU and others, like Halo and Mass Effect.

So far, Howard worked on recreating the Super Solider Serum within the System Pocket Realm, though it wasn't utilised by anyone just yet.

There were plenty of candidates available across the System Pocket Realm, but Howard wasn't prepared for the enhancement procedure as it would gift individuals' great power, they weren't ready to adopt.

Zilas already warned Cortana, Sam, and Ultron that the serum required extensive research and testing to remove any issues.

The powers and functions of the System Pocket Realm refined the completed Super Soldier Serum already, but without anyone injecting the substance, it was impossible to figure out the full extent of the changes.

Howard decided to test the serum on mice before moving onto human trials, though the work was left to another academic, with his mind moving onto creating the next generation Helicarrier.

Using repulsion technology gathered from the three Artificial Intelligence databases, Howard chose to create a sleeker and fast-moving airship that would operate in the benefit of the Avengers League.

Similarly, Howard worked on Quinjets and other projects S.H.I.E.L.D had stored in their database that he wasn't able to work on due to the authority of his position and the tasks that came with it.

Through the third form, Zilas in the cave dwelling, stuck training various fields of combat, was informed of his father's work and that of Zilas Udonta Quill.

Dangling from the cave ceiling, Zilas listened to Chaos and Nabu talk to him about the progress of his businesses on Earth and beyond.

In the last eight months, Aegis Enterprise further delved into the finance industry, establishing their own bank that started to operate internationally.

Aegis Enterprise covered transportation of materials and cargo, though it mostly brought over resources from the System Pocket Realm, ensuring operation costs remained fairly low.

RealmCorp knew how to fudge the books to prove everything had a paper trail and port of origin, keeping the IRS and any other auditing firm away.

But ever since the 9/11 Attacks, RealmCorp and SpartanTech found themselves at the forefront of proposed corporations in line to work with the American Government, including allies and United Nations.

Due to the parameters of Fate, Death, and Destiny, the most Zilas could do to intervene on the day was send half a couple dozen people to save as many lives as possible.

Ezio sent ahead several operatives with them pulling the fire alarm ahead of time, but the slow speed of evacuation caused plenty of lives to still be lost.

United Airlines Flight 93 was saved from certain death with several operatives capturing the terrorists.

Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough to prevent the towers from collapsing, which caused 2,000 deaths, with plenty more injured.

The Parabellum Society and the Creed of Chaos and Order were tasked to help on the day, with the businesses own by Zilas showing their support by assisting victims and injured.

SpartanTech and Aegis Enterprise offered medical resources while Realmcorp provided shelters, food, water, and mental health aid to those in desperate need.

Zilas knew this would be beneficial for the businesses because conflict also generated wealth, even if it wasn't right or supported with enough evidence.

Though the most interesting knew came from Stark Industries and Disney, with former profiting from an immense number of military contracts, while the latter started to invest in the military genre of films to draw citizens to join the war efforts.

Obadiah Stane became heavily involved in the affairs of Disney, in the hopes of eliminating Zilas and taking it for himself, though the matter of controlling the organisation required support from its board, who were extremely loyal to Zilas.

Kyra, the manager of all business operations Zilas chose to endeavour, though her public image for now was the CEO of Disney, an entertainment conglomerate headquartered in Burbank California.

After the mass purchase and merger of various corporations and companies caused her to build a management team to assist her daily pile of work that now included the stabilisation of Disney and its corporate divisions and brands.

The amount of power and wealth in her control was extraordinary, but its focus was largely on benefiting the masses over the few, leading to well funded hospitals and medical clinics with the necessary resources.

Of course, this ruffled plenty of feathers in the corporate world, as they tried to bury the organisations with their wealth and connections, but they failed after public reception was highly positive in favour of Disney and the other companies.


"Young man… come down.

It's time we practise the Dragon Body Tempering Technique.

Also… its time you learn about those who will serve you and your will, the Undying Ones…" Master Koll said, having entered the cave dwelling, equipped only in his reddish hue, Master Elder Martial robe.

Seeing the Caucasian man with deep brown hair and honey gold-coloured eyes, Zilas relaxed his feet and legs, slipping away free from the steel pole lodged in the cave ceiling.

Twisting his body mid-air, Zilas landed on his two bare feet, looking straight ahead at Master Koll, who summoned a pair of daggers and threw one to Zilas.

"While we practise, I shall inform you of the Undying Ones, a hidden society in service of the Guardian…" as the last word left his mouth, Master Koll dropped his centre of gravity and dashed forward with the intent to harm Zilas.

The Young Sage of Mystic Arts dived down to protect himself from the threat of the sharp blade of the dagger as it neared his chest.

Using his free hand, Zilas pushed Master Koll back before striking forward with his dark steel blade, only for Master Koll to effortlessly deflect it from penetrating his abdomen.

"First," Master Koll said, ready to educate his student while training, "the Undying Ones have existed since the very first Guardian took on the title after defeating the Dragon Emperor Shin-Xiao."

Zilas swept his leg at Master Koll's legs, hoping to catch the Master off in mid-air, but the trick didn't end up resulting in Zilas's victory, with Koll hitting him across the back of the head using the hilt of the dagger.

Continuing with his tale, Koll started to delve deeper into the lore and internal structure of the hidden society.

"Overseen by 12 Lords who are selected by the Dragon Emperor Shin-Xiao, they are in charge of managing the Undying Order to operate in secret.

Accumulating power, wealth, resources, and connections, the Undying Ones have existed well over 5,000 years, and therefore gained unimaginable history and knowledge within its grasp.

Various men and women have served as part of the Undying Ones, gaining power and knowledge from Shin-Xiao and that of which is catalogued by the hidden order, with many still alive today through powers of partial-immortality."

Zilas closely listened to everything said by Master Koll and measured it against his own knowledge on the hidden order that he gained through the library set up in the web of cave networks.

From the books he learnt there were various families and bloodlines across the world who served the Dragon Emperor, which ended up being the source from which Shin-Xiao chose his Lords to manage and oversee the Undying Ones.

Currently, all 12 Lords and their families were happily maintaining the status quo, only for it to change suddenly with Zilas arrive.

He wasn't aware of it yet, but the moment Master Koll chose him as the next candidate for Guardian of the Dragon Emperor sent shockwaves throughout the families that've served Shin-Xiao for generations and eons.

Many scrambled their resources and connections to learn everything they could about the candidate, while others, who were already aware of Zilas identity started building connections with Stark Industries, Disney, and even Aegis Enterprise.

The Ancient One passed on certain knowledge to the families through her information network, along with Shin-Xiao adding his own two pieces, though deep business cooperation was held off until Zilas became the de facto Guardian after completing the Trial.

Thankfully for Kyra, she had the time to settle the mergers and restructuring of Disney and various other companies under the control of Zilas.

I will do bigger chapters in the future, though it'll mean sporadtic updates.

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