
Shattered Dimensions: Marvel x DC

Zombie virus swept over the world. Heroes are either dead or turned zombies. Humanity is fighting for survival, but as time passed, humans become more vicious than those freaking zombies. The lack of resources turned humanity against themselves. Among those survivors, there is a boy named, Karl. All he wanted to do was survive with his family like all others, but that changed when Karl awakened a unique System that provided him with quests and rewards. However, even with the system's boost, will Karl be able to protect what he has and face off against zombified heroes and villains with intelligence? What if the Gods themselves are corrupted by the virus? --- There's a harem. MC will travel to DC too... --- I don't own Marvel or DC except for my own OC. [Don't translate my work rulate site thieves & don't make audiobook of my work] --- Cover pic found on Pinterest.

UnknownMaster · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


Karl signaled Jenny and Lisa to hold their position for the moment.

The reinforcement that was supposed to arrive was late. They probably ran into some zombie or human trouble. Ange patched up Tyger's wound. Karl also got her some water to clean her face.

After getting cleaned up, Tyger glared at Karl, "You could have killed them when you had the chance, so why didn't you?"

"Let's just say I have my reasons. Besides, how are you holding up?" He asked.

"After kicking my ass, you are really asking me that? Is that your way of acting like you care?" Tyger looked at him with disbelief and continued, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Thanks for asking, I guess."

Karl shook his head with a bitter smile and asked her something he had been wanting to ask for a while, "I could tell you hold back during our fight, why? You could have easily put up a better fight and avoid getting hurt that badly."

"As I said, you saved my life back at the station. I should have at least shown my face and it was because of me you almost died. So, I guess, I deserved that beating," She said and glanced down. 'Fuck! I must have broken ribs. I should have said the truth... Oh, it hurts like a bitch.' She thought.

"Haaa... We will talk about this more, later, right now, we gotta interrogate those traitors and find out who else was behind this plan," He pointed toward those seven guys, standing nearby. They were glaring at Karl as if he just fucked their wives in front of them.

Tyger glanced toward Ange.

"Understood," Ange nodded and selected one of the traitors, "Yo, Bret. Get over here." She waved her hand at him.

Bret, a middle-aged man with scars on his right cheek was handcuffed along with others. He walked up to them with a grim expression. His eyes were on his boss whom he failed to kill earlier. He tried to apologize, "Boss, I'm..."

"Shut the hell up and spit out the information. I swear to god, I'll cut your tongue out and force it down your fucking throat. You had already dug yourself a hole. Stop adding fuel to your fire," Tyger grumbled as she grabbed Ange's hand and stood up, fighting back the pain.

"I don't know anything, Boss..." Bret stammered as cold sweat formed all over his forehead. His body was trembling in fear.

"That won't fly with me," Tyger growled with a cold glare. "Either tell the truth or get beaten up until you bleed to death, then become food for the zombies."

Karl didn't wait for the wordplay. He took out his knife from his inventory, grabbed Bret's right hand, and placed it on the wall. Before Bret or anyone could react, Karl sliced off two of Bret's fingers, shoved them into his mouth as soon as he opened them to scream, then slammed his face on the wall. Blood splattered everywhere as Karl continued to smash Bret's face on the wall.

Ange looked away while Tyger and others remained speechless, shocked at how merciless and brutal he was. They were all criminals and saw many brutal things in life. Most of the time a simple threat, a shot in the leg or arm or even a bluff with a gun does the trick. But the way Karl was smashing Bret's face on the wall, despite his body going limp, was too extreme for them.

"Uhh! Uhh!" As soon as Karl pulled his face away from the wall, the fingers fell out of his bloody mouth.

Bret lost consciousness while coughing, his face a bloody mess. His nose was smashed up, teeth broken and pierced his lips... A complete bloody mess. He was barely breathing.

"Boss... Do-don't do that, please," One of the young ones couldn't take it anymore.

"Shut the fuck up!" Karl yelled as he glanced back and noticed that he pissed his pants, "What?! You motherfucker pissed your pants like a little bitch. You better not shit your pants or else I'll have Ange cut your dick and shove it right up your ass."

"Sorry!" He was mortified by the way, his voice was filled with terror and shame, the guy looked to be just around 18 or 19, around Karl's age, and looked more like a scared teenager than a gang member.

"What are you sorry for? You chose your path. Now that you failed, be a man and own up to it," Karl glared at him, his eyes full of venom. "Owning up to your actions and dealing with the consequences is the only difference between a man and a pussy."

The teen gritted his teeth, clenched his hands, and held back his tears.

"Now," Karl grabbed Bret by his hair and pulled him up to the ledge of the building. He severed his head using his knife and let his lifeless body fall down. Then, he threw the severed head toward those traitor's feet. "You..." He pointed his finger toward the big muscular guy with long braided hair, "Who else is involved?"

'What the fuck is going on with me? Did I just beheaded a man?! I don't feel anything! There is something wrong with me!' Karl couldn't comprehend what was going on. For some strange reason, he had zero empathy for the man he just killed and felt no guilt. His mind went to Lisa and Jenny who just watched the scene unfold before their eyes, 'Shit! They must have seen the entire thing!'

"Fuck you!" The muscular man shouted, "If you think I'll talk then... Kugggg!!" Karl jammed the knife into his throat before the sentence was over. Blood shot straight into the sky as he pulled out the knife. The braided man grabbed his throat and fell on the floor. A pool of blood spread around him as his gurgling sounds slowly went silent.

Karl looked toward the remaining five who were frozen in place and kneeling in fear, including the youngest guy who was ready to wet his pants once more.

"Well, two down. Five to go. I wonder how loyal you fuckheads are... I mean, I just told him I'd free him if he told me what I wanted to know, but well, I respect men with loyalty. Loyalty strong enough to die for. Are you loyal enough to die for?" He pointed his knife toward the skinny fifth guy who was already on his knees.

Pooof! Bukkk! The skinny guy farted and shat in his pants out of terror. Tears came out of his eyes and rolled down his cheeks, falling down on his dirty yellow shirt.

"Oh, you sick freak. Did you just shit your pants? Disgusting! You better tell me, man, before I throw you out of the roof. I'm running out of patience as it is," Karl gritted his teeth.

"Jeremy... It was all his plan. The last time we scavenged an abandoned Shield's base, we found some files and maps. It was an underground shelter fully operational and filled with food enough to last years. Jeremy said that if we help him get rid of her, and help him take over her position, he will share everything inside. That's all I know. So please, let me live and..." He was trembling.

"Where are the maps?" Tyger finally stepped in. A safe shelter filled with food in this zombie-infested world was unthinkable, and finding such a base hidden away from the rest of the world was a once in a million chance, the mere mention was something that excited Tyger greatly. If she somehow manages to take her group there, then she won't have to worry about them getting infected, dying, or fighting over food and safety anymore.

"Obviously, with Jeremy," he answered.

Karl looked at Tyger and asked, "And where is Jeremy?"

"He's leading the reinforcement group," She looked toward him with a troubled expression.

"Then, we better prepare a welcoming party for our dear Jeremy and his men..."


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[12 advance chapters] [No double billing. You get 1 month regardless of the date you join]