
Shattered Dimensions: Marvel x DC

Zombie virus swept over the world. Heroes are either dead or turned zombies. Humanity is fighting for survival, but as time passed, humans become more vicious than those freaking zombies. The lack of resources turned humanity against themselves. Among those survivors, there is a boy named, Karl. All he wanted to do was survive with his family like all others, but that changed when Karl awakened a unique System that provided him with quests and rewards. However, even with the system's boost, will Karl be able to protect what he has and face off against zombified heroes and villains with intelligence? What if the Gods themselves are corrupted by the virus? --- There's a harem. MC will travel to DC too... --- I don't own Marvel or DC except for my own OC. [Don't translate my work rulate site thieves & don't make audiobook of my work] --- Cover pic found on Pinterest.

UnknownMaster · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


"Maybe, but that's the fact. So, shall we dance?" Karl rushed forward.

His body flashed as his fist struck at her. She managed to block that strike but failed to react in time as a knee strike sent her flying toward the wall. Karl was like a blur. It's as if two Karls were fighting her at the same time.

Tyger aimed his right fist, unleashing six needles that shot out like bullets from her wrist-mounted device. Karl easily dodged her needles and jumped out of the way, then quickly closed in and punched her right in the gut. And before she could react, his knee struck her chin, making her head jerk backward.

"You bastard!" She clenched her teeth and slammed her forehead against his face. As a result, both of them backed off a bit.

Tyger was bleeding from her mouth and nose. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes quickly on her arm. As her eyes fell on the man before him, she noticed that Karl's face was unharmed. She was sure that she aimed for his nose, and yet, there was not even a scratch on his face. 'What the heck? Did I miss?' Her mind went blank.

"That was a close one," Karl jerked his left arm and flinched in pain. Just before her forehead slammed into his face, he blocked the attack using his arm. "Tsk..." He clicked his tongue and shook his left hand to get rid of the numbness. It was as if he got hit by a car.

Tyger unbuckled her belt and pulled it out, wrapping the end part around her right fist. Her head was aching after that desperate slam and the insides of her mouth were bleeding. She spat on the ground, her saliva was red, mixed with blood. Her abdomen was also hurting. She felt like something inside her was broken.

However, she refused to yield. She could have told him the truth about that day and maybe cleared off the hostility to a certain degree, but she didn't. The reason, only she knows...

"Starting now," Tyger swished her belt like a whip, the metal tip of her belt cut through the air. "I'm gonna hurt you, Karl. It will hurt like a bitch. But trust me, this is the last thing I'd want to do. So, please, just give up," she pleaded in a hoarse voice.

"Fuck you," Karl dashed toward her.

The distance between the two closed.

Tyger whipped her belt, cutting the air, aiming at his face

Karl raised his right hand. The belt got wrapped around his palm, he used that as leverage and yanked it back, pulling her closer. He then slapped her on the cheek, using the back of his hand, sending her flying into a table and breaking the wooden desk.

Tyger coughed and got back on her feet. She glared at him and rushed forward. This time she was not holding her punches. She attacked him with everything she got. She punched and kicked him as hard as she could. Her body was hurting, and her mind was a mess, but she kept attacking him without giving him any time to react.

Karl continued to counter her hits but was slowly getting pushed back. She wasn't giving him any chance to retaliate, she kept punching and kicking him nonstop. "So, you were holding back? How considerate of you," He mocked as his eyes were busy reading her moves and then he found a gap.

Just as her right kick came for his head, Karl didn't dodge the attack, instead, he rushed forward and caught her leg. His grip tightened around her calf, making her scream in pain. She tried to break free, but it was too late. He lifted her off the ground and threw her at the door. The door broke as her body smashed through it, and landed on the other side.

Her gang members, who were waiting outside with their weapons ready, were surprised to see her being thrown away like a piece of rag.

"Boss!" Ange shouted in shock.

Tyger coughed and spat on the ground, her spit was stained with blood.

The others aimed their guns at Karl who simply walked out of the room.

"Hold your fire!" Tyger commanded and got back on her feet.

Everyone lowered their guns.

She tried to stand up but fell to her knees. Her body was aching and hurting everywhere. She felt like her internal organs were damaged or maybe a couple of broken ribs, and it was becoming hard for her to breathe. "Shit!" She cursed and clenched her fists.

Karl was walking toward her.

Ange wanted to stop him but stopped when she saw Tyger shaking her head.

"What? You are giving up?" Ange was confused.

Tyger shook her head, her eyes fixed on Karl. She slowly got up and faced him, her eyes glaring at him. She took a deep breath and prepared herself, "Now what? I can barely stand... You won..."

Karl's eyes fell on the two guys, standing behind her, aiming their rifles at her, not him. 'They planning to shoot her?!' He could hear their trigger fingers moving as if they were ready to blast a bullet into her head. 'What now?' He thought and looked at her, his eyes were sharp and cold. 'Let her die or save her ass again?' He rushed in and tackled her to the ground.

The bullets flew above their heads.

[Zoop!] [Zooop!] Two bullets pierced through those two guy's head. The high-caliber sniper bullets splattered their brain on the walls and floor. Jenny and Lisa took the shot from their position.

'Dang! Those Shield rifles aren't for show!' Karl was amazed.

Tyger was lying beneath him, 'What just happened?!' Even she was shocked and confused by the situation.

Karl stood up and looked down at her, "What's the deal with you and assassins? Just how bad of a job were you doing that your own men turned against you?"

Ange and the other members were also shocked by the sudden development. But Ange was quick to act as soon as she saw those two assailants' faces. It was Jax. "It's Jax." She and her team raised their guns toward the group, blocking the stairs.

"Drop your weapons or we will shoot!" Those traitors yelled. They were kinda shaken up, seeing their boss's dead body on the floor. "You bastard, you tell your snipers to stop shooting or else we will open fire. I doubt that your snipers are as fast as us. Just surrender..."

The System window popped before Karl's eyes...



Survival Mission 4/5: A duel with Tyger [Completed]

Reward: Take over the gang

---<Chain quest activated>---

Survival Mission 5/5: Kill the traitors after extracting information from them

Reward: Location of a secure base


Karl looked up and saw seven people blocking the stairs with their weapons raised. He made a hand sign to stop Jenny and Lisa from shooting them, "Don't shoot." He glanced toward Ange, "We don't want any more bloodshed here."

'A secure base!' His eyes fell on the reward window. A secure base in this zombie-infested world is a godsend for him.

He then turned toward those traitors, "You clueless bastards. There are twenty veteran snipers lined up around the area and you chumps are within their crosshairs. They will shoot you dead before you chumps could even pull the triggers," He took a step forward while carefully observing their expressions.

Those seven guys were shaking in fear. They have no way of knowing if Karl was bluffing or not. But thanks to all the false conclusions they have drawn in their mind after learning about Karl's abilities and seeing his fight with Tyger plus the added sniping just a moment ago, they were convinced that Karl wasn't bluffing.

"Now, here's what going to happen next, you guys will throw your guns toward us with safety on like good kids and kneel on the ground with your hands up, like straight up in the air. Then we will talk like civilized people. So... Chop-chop, do it!"

After a moment of silence, they threw their rifles away and did as he instructed.

'Holy shit. It worked,' Karl continued to maintain his usual arrogant and confident face.

Ange and the rest surrounded the seven and handcuffed them.

Karl picked up the guns and checked their magazine. 'These are M16 rifles and the mag is half-full. Nice...' He then walked over to Tyger who was sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall. "

"Haaa... I don't even know if I should be angry with you or pity you. What kind of a gang leader are you? You got betrayed like twice in front of me. If you continue like this, soon no one will even want to join your shitty gang," he sighed and glanced toward the bodies.


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