
Shattered Dimensions: Marvel x DC

Zombie virus swept over the world. Heroes are either dead or turned zombies. Humanity is fighting for survival, but as time passed, humans become more vicious than those freaking zombies. The lack of resources turned humanity against themselves. Among those survivors, there is a boy named, Karl. All he wanted to do was survive with his family like all others, but that changed when Karl awakened a unique System that provided him with quests and rewards. However, even with the system's boost, will Karl be able to protect what he has and face off against zombified heroes and villains with intelligence? What if the Gods themselves are corrupted by the virus? --- There's a harem. MC will travel to DC too... --- I don't own Marvel or DC except for my own OC. [Don't translate my work rulate site thieves & don't make audiobook of my work] --- Cover pic found on Pinterest.

UnknownMaster · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


"Hey, boss, where are you? Things got pretty messy in here," The teen boy asked with his trembling voice over the radio.

"Jace? Where the fuck is Bret?" Jeremy was annoyed that he had to deal with someone who was too small a fish compared to the real deal. "How the fuck did you get into this frequency?"

"Boss, everyone is dead. We took down Tyger but..." Jace's voice sounded distorted due to a background noise. The transmission was also choppy.

"What? All dead? Give me the details," Jeremy pressed on.

"Those fools tried to take down Tyger in her office with just blunt weapons, but she killed three of them almost instantly. Boss, she chopped off their heads... Too much blood..." Jace's voice shivered as he retold the horrific scene with a little lie added to it.

"What!?" Hearing how easily the men under him were dispatched sent shivers down his spine, he couldn't help but yell through the radio. "Stop being a pussy and tell me how the fuck did you survive and what actually happened!"

"I just threw two grenades into the room and ran away," Jace replied as he tried to keep his composure, "I killed them all. I'm sorry, boss."

"You saw her dead body?" Jeremy asked with a tremble.

"Yes. She's right before my eyes or whatever is left of her, but yeah, it's her alright. Her guts are falling out and burnt. What do I do now, boss? Everyone is looking for who did it. Ange took over and it's chaos. I don't think anyone suspects me," Jace was terrified, who wouldn't be?

"You did good, man. You really did well. Just stay put for now. I'll be there in three hours. Just mingle with the others and get rid of this radio," Jeremy said as relief washed over him. Finally, that pussy ass boy did something good. Although he lost some good men, at least the main root of all problems is gone. Now, he'll be able to take over the group and finally put his plan of finding that shelter and rule over all these fools alone into action.

Jace disconnected the call and raised his eyes, looking into Karl's face.

"I did everything you asked me to..."

"Good job," Karl grinned and swung his knife with his entire force, slicing off his throat, "A pussy ass like you can't be trusted. You betrayed your first boss and then again betrayed your second boss, so there's no telling when you might betray us next time. Becoming food for the zombies is a good death for an untrustworthy piece of shit like you."

Blood spilled from Jace's neck, his eyes glazed over. "Kuggg! But I helped you...?" He gurgled his blood out in his last gasp and dropped his head down, his voice stuck inside. He started shaking a bit, then finally died in silence, a puddle of blood growing beneath him.

Karl looked toward Tyger, "We haven't got much time. Get rid of them."

Tyger did as he told her. She took the rifle from Ange's hands and shot the rest of the dead, "What's the plan?"

Ping! The system window appeared before Karl's eyes.


Survival Mission: Completed

Reward: Take over the gang [In progress]

Reward: Location of a secure base [In progress]

-----<Chain Quest activated>-----

Mission: Capture Jeremy alive, secure the map & make an example out of him to reduce the chance of betrayal in the future/Run away

<Survival Mission rewards will be given once the chain quest is completed>

Failure: Death

Extra reward: Location of zombie Spiderman [New Mission]


'Damn it! One mission after another,' Karl sighed and felt exhausted. He massaged his temples with both of his hands. 'Failure is death. Should I just run away? Nope, that's the most stupid choice... A safe place for my family! It's a risk worth taking. And that extra reward also looks enticing. If I'm not wrong, that new mission is to kill zombie Spiderman, and just like what happened with Hawkeye, the system will give me Spidey's power after I kill him. That'd be so sweet. Anyway, I can think of that when the time comes. Right now, we need to set up a trap and clean up this bloody mess.'

Karl made hand signs in the air, telling Jenny and Lisa to activate their radios.

"Mom, sis. Things are going to get dangerous in a few hours. We might die, but if we succeed, we will be able to find a new secure place with tons of food and water. So, what should we do? Run away or fight?" He asked Lisa and Jenny through the walky-talky.

"A secure place with resources? You sure about that?" Lisa asked with suspicion in her voice.

"Yeah. It's a Shield's base that they never got to use. So, Mom, run or fight?" He tried to calm his nerves and made his voice soft and low.

"We came this far there isn't any way we are running away now, right?" Jenny, without any second thought, chose the riskier of the two.

They lived way too long in the same place and although they got food and water, their medicine supply was running low. And just like Tyger's team, who arrived in the town, looking for a new place, more might come in the future. But if they were to run after taking what little supplies they could carry, then finding a new secure place would just be an illusion. Living on a run is not a life any sane person would want. Yeah, they might survive for a few months, maybe more if they got lucky, but... The big 'BUT'. Surviving in constant danger or surviving in a little bit less danger... The obvious choice was clear.

"Sigh..." Lisa signed. "Risk our life for a safer tomorrow it is then!"

"Ok. Just don't shoot anyone without my signal. And stay safe out there. Use the tunnel to run away if we fail, promise me," He pressed on the radio hard, saying with a shaky voice. He felt nervous just like any normal person would, he just didn't show it.

"Sigh... okay, ok!" Lisa tried to sound strong for him, though he could tell by her shaky voice, she was just as nervous and scared as him.

"Jen?" Karl called out his older sister but didn't get any reply. "Sis?" He tried again and got his reply this time.

"Fine. You win. Don't worry about us and do what you must do," Jenny's voice sounded detached.

After confirming his plans with them, he sighed and looked toward Tyger and her team.

"We'll capture Jeremy alive. Killing him is not an option if we were to find that map because we don't even know if he hid it somewhere or carrying with him or maybe he learned the location and burned the map. So, we'll keep him alive for now," Karl looked straight at her with a serious and calm expression on his face.

"Agreed... But fighting him with so few of us would be near impossible. We need your group help," Tyger frowned as she voiced out her concerns. She stood there, grabbing her stomach as the pain from their earlier fight was still lingering within her.

"Yeah. About that," He scratched his head with an awkward smile, "There's just three of us."



Both Tyger and Ange, who thought that Karl had a group of powerful veterans hiding nearby, were shocked beyond belief.

"Don't worry. I got a perfect plan for Jeremy..." His eyes went toward the dead bodies lying in the pool of blood just a few steps away from him.

Tyger and Ange followed his gaze and understood what he meant. Their faces turned pale upon realization.

"You gotta be kidding me, right?" Tyger shook her head side by side vigorously. "That's way too dangerous."


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[13 advance chapters] [No double billing. You get 1 month regardless of the date you join]