
Sans in multiverse

What happens when you get powers from the game you love the most and end up in fictional worlds

Omni404_Sans · Others
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35 Chs

buddy pal chummy chum

Akuma: "Well that was fun"

"I can agree"

Hajime: "Sometimes I forget that you became a creep but I didn't expect that from you to Akuma you two really know how to be creepy"

Akuma: "That smile of ours is a curse I am afraid whenever we enter a fight we will smile wanting it or not"

Myuu: " It looks funny I want to smile for papa too"

She tried to imitate a scary face that only looked adorable, after we bid farewell to the villagers we got back to the guild to report our success Myuu was eating chips with Ophis and Akuma who was eating cookies like a cookie monster he even growled at me when I tried to grab one so new rule don't steal Akumas cookies.

As we entered the guild master's office and reported our success, the door opened and an assassin-looking guy entered panting.

Endou: "*pant* *pant* We need help! everyone is going to die Hajime is that you?"

He told their little story about how Hajimes so-called friends are in danger and that they are attacked by a demon and that they need help.

Endou: "and s.. *crunch* I *crunch* I wante..*crunch* enough what is wrong with these two children!!"

Myuu: "papa!" Myuu was startled meanwhile Ophis hid behind Akuma.

Hajime: "You want to dye so badly!! it is ok Myuu papa is here"

Yue: "he really became a dad he didn't deny it and look at these two" points at Akuma and Sans"

As he said that behind Endou 2 figures appeared with smiles that would scare demons and with their hollow eyes with a white dot that seem like he already died.

Akuma/Sans: "Hey buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella brother amigo pal buddy friend chummy cham cham pal we don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but we gotta warn ya if you say one more diddly darn word right there we gonna have to diddly darn snap your neck and Wowza wouldn't that be a crummy juncture huh do you want that do u wish upon yourself to come into physical experience with a crummy Junctures because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend if u keep this up then well gosh diddly darn we just might have to get nos so friendly with u my friendly friend friend pal fried buddy chum pally friend chum buddy.

Hajime and others were speechless they spoke so quickly that they almost didn't understand them but they understood and Endou began to sweat and apologized to Myuu and Ophis and requested that we help him rescue his friends which after Myuus puppy eyes Hajime agreed.

"So are we going after this?"

Akuma: "yea pretty much"

"So what would we do after we get there"

Akuma: "Well Ophis will be going to school I already prepared a home for us more like an apartment but let's not think too much about that also it seems that the world is mixed with more world than I thought but it will be fine"

"It doesn't seem fine to me but whatever as long as Ophis would be happy"

Akuma: "also did you forget that we would share a Multiverse chat so it won't be so boring."

"Yea you are right now let's beat this demon and go"

Akuma: "I thought of the new technique I will use it now"

"I noticed that I cant use Epic powers why is that?"

Akuma: "Some BS because I am using Epic as base form and that is the same as your base form others cant copy it"

"That makes little to no sense"

Akuma: "Just call it anime logic"

We finally arrived at the floor where Hajime decided to drill a hole he placed his so-called drill that shoot the rod making a tunnel for us to jump down through we jumped down lending beside Hajime while smoke was still in the air as the smoke cleared the 3 of us stood there Hajime cough Yue while I cough Ophis and Yue used her gravity magic and made a bubble that broke Valeras and Tio's fall while she had Myuu in her arms there was only silence before Hajime grabbed invisible monster and started to mock demon lady until Akuma used his new move.

Akuma: "This place is too gloomy I have a better one" "Domain expansion infinite judgment hall"

As said another stol..totally original move golden light appeared in the next second we were all in golden judgment hall from the game but this one was enormous it seemed like there is no end to it.

Akuma: "Now the party starts"

Our smiles returned which creeped out the heroes as the 3 of us started killing invisible monsters until the demoness dropped some mist on us.

Myuu: "PAPA!"

Shizuku: "Kaori why are you clenching my arm?"

Kaori: "Did she just call him papa"

Yue was protecting the heroes while defeating monsters well until we got bored and blasted everything to hell.

Demoness: "What in the world are you are you really human you are more demons than myself but know one thin... *blaster sound*

She turned into dust and Kaori had a mouth down with Hajime asking who was Myuus mother she asked all their name except Valeras.

Akuma: "well time to say, goodbye guys"

Sans/Ophis: " Ok"

after we bid them farewell Akuma made a rift in space and we passed through it...


Hello there here I come again I want to request who to ad in the next world if you read previous chapters you will know which world am I writing about right now you can suggest them and Love interest for Sans and Ophis well I wish you good reading in future and I shall return with more disturbing fa...*cough* chapters next time see ya


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