
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 4


<i>My experience has led me to several truths in my long life. Murphy is a great guy. Everything takes longer than you expect. When everything is as it seems, the proverbial Bantha dung is about to hit the twirling blades and life just went FUBAR. Then we have Overkill. Yes, with a capital "O" because it needs to be respected. </i>

<i>There are levels to Overkill. Sometimes it's baby Overkill. This is the result of someone trying out this wonderful philosophy. For example, throwing a pipe bomb into a pine box. That's a baby overkill a little exaggerated but still within set parameters.</i>

<i>Then it goes up from there from say for example wanting to take out a building by destroying several city blocks or fighting one person and destroying a city.</i>

<i>But the grandfather of all Overkills happens when there was never any intention. Hell, there wasn't even one thought saying how can I make this more.</i>

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~</i>

*Sir the shipyard is complete, I will be starting on the manufacturing plant within the hour. *

Has it been two weeks already, guess time flies when you're planning your next twenty moves and counter moves.

*Thank you for the update, I will head there shortly I should make it just before you start the plants. *

With that I once again leave the sun to head to the asteroid belt choosing to place our construction site there. Well, who wouldn't, it has all those nice juicy little pebbles, just waiting to be picked up and used.

*Um Crystal? We did agree to build a shipyard first, correct? I distinctly remember stipulating that the shipyard was to be built first. So please inform me if that was the case or am I going senile? *

*Yes Garrick, I did build a shipyard first and I know it was a little rushed. I hope it meets your satisfaction just know it can be modified. Or using it I can create dedicated mobile construction ships to build a shipyard to your satisfaction."

*Don't judge this shipyard by its cover. Let me inform you on what is inside. *

*Starting at the designated north and south pole we have construction berths large enough to create super dreadnoughts approximately twenty kilometers in length think Executor – class Super Star Destroyer. *

*Next, we have four quadrants running along the sides. Each quadrant has twenty berths each capable of producing one city ship or equivalent ship. For reference I estimate that a city ship will take two weeks to complete. *

*Something along the size of an Aurora class Battleship would take a week*

*Also, in each quadrant there are fifty all-purpose shipyards that could build heavy escort class ships and smaller. This time think Defiant or White Star size down to fighter size. *

*Heavy escort would take two weeks, standard fighter a day to two days. *

*Oh, and if you want. All berths can be diverted to create one ship roughly eighty kilometers long and no more than forty kilometers circumference since the port is only forty-five kilometers in diameter. *

*That is all encased within one kilometer thick, quantum compressed allow of titanium, depleted uranium, with a sprinkling of neutronium as a strengthening binder. Giving an outside diameter of one thousand six hundred sixty-eight point ninety-nine kilometers*

Floating in front of what I will forever use as the starting point for overkill. No, this deserves to be labeled Overkill. All I wanted was a little shipyard.

I imagined some giant rib cage looking apparatus like seen in Star Trek that could build a decent size ship.

But before me is the second Death Star's granddaddy.

Apparently, Crystal thought I wanted to rage war on the entire Marvel Multiverse.

*I'm afraid to ask this Crystal, but does it move? *

*Of course, Silly. That was one of the first systems to be integrated. Well third. First was shields, weapons were second. *

Of nipple twisting course it moves, has armor, shields, and weapons. Nope, not going to let curiosity get the better of me I will not immediately ask about weaponry.

*Crystal, remind me next time to fully inquire what you have planned when I ask you to make something for me. *

*Are you disappointed? *

*No Crystal, I am so far away from disappointed that it can not even be uttered from my lips. *

*What I am is shocked, floored to the point of befuddlement. I feel that somehow my expectation was at the level one year old who is on top of the world because they stacked three blocks on top of each other. *

*What do you mean Garrick? *

*My expectation of what a shipyard is would probably be what you considered a berth large enough to build the city ship. *

*Just that one tiny simple berth. *

*Oh, well um…, I thought since you…, Well when ever you play any games that require building up of resources. You always go with the more the merrier mentality. You always favor mass production so you can overwhelm with superior numbers or as you called it once Zerging. *

*I just assumed that is what you would want to do so I started out with this small first step. Within a year I will create a shipyard the size of Jupiter so we can create your fleet to dominate your enemies. *

*Crystal that comment I said about reminding me to inquire about your interpretation of my plans. *

*Yes, Garrick*

*Just forget I even said it. In fact, I have no idea why you would think I would say that. I trust you and your judgement completely. *

'Home boy at stupid. No way would I screw up such a lovely and dedicated Overkill specialist, by hindering her with my micromanaging.'

*Crystal, thank you for all your hard work and your loving thoughtfulness to my need for numerical supremacy. *

*You are such a good girl. *

*Now to show that I was listening to you and appreciate your thoughtfulness. What is the weapon loadout? *

*Oh, nothing much especially given its size. I planned on its offensive capabilities to be provided by auxiliary units. These weapon platforms can be built up over time*

*So, bear that in mind. *

*Starting off we have spaced evenly a total of ten thousand Lantean phase drone ports, each housing one thousand drones. Which can be unloaded within ten seconds. *

*The reload time will be two minutes, with a total stockpile of five billion drones. *

'Brain glitch, ok run those numbers in my head again ten thousand times one thousand comes out to be ten million. '

'Ten million Lantean phase drones launched within ten seconds. '

'Ok I can do this, that's one million drones a second.'

'Ok the math is mathing so far let us continue.'

'Reload time two minutes that's good and respectable time frame.'

'Five billion stockpiled drones so five billion divided by ten million gives five hundred reloads.'

'Which gives a total battle time of 16.67 hours.'

'Ok my math is correct nothing is out of place so why did my brain glitch causing me to take another half a sec to recalculate.'

*Crystal did you just say five billion stockpiled you sure you didn't put an extra zero in there? *

*Yes, I did say five billion, and for the record I did put an extra zero in there. A stockpile of just fifty reloads seemed insufficient. *

*Ok, well when said like that fifty reloads does seem a little underwhelming*

'Who the fuck has a fleet of five billion ships.'

*As I was saying before you interrupted me. *

*After the drones we have fifty thousand Asgard Plasma Beams in a repeating diamond pattern to maintain an overlapping zone of engagement. *

*Allowing for there to always be at least two beams on the same target if required. But are also capable of solo targeting. *

*The Plasma Beams have a sustained fire rate of a beam every fifteen seconds for five minutes followed by cool down time of ten minutes. *

'For all that is unholy, what have I let loose on this universe?'

'That is one million beams fired in a span of five minutes.'

'Most ships are unable to survive one beam. Yes, some of the bigger ships for Stargate would tank two to three salvos. But if I remember correctly those were ships that had their shields reinforced or adapted to withstand the plasma beams. Which meant they had to lose ships before they adapted.'

*Next are the mass accelerators or rail guns if you prefer. *

*These were added as an after thought but there are fifty million rail guns. *

*Firing speed of ten rounds a second with a magazine capacity of one million. *

'I give.'

'My Kryptonian super brain cannot process this insanity.'

*Crystal my dear. Is there anything you want special as a gift. *