
Revenge of an Isekai

Full synopsis is located as an AUX chapter Synopsis for Revenge of an Isekai This is my first attempt at a story. Which means there are going to be errors. So, suck it up buttercups. Leave me feedback to help me improve. Now this is a fan fiction that is going to be multiversal. MC is smart, I hope to convey an actually smart MC without dumbing down the side characters. If something like that is happening, I request that it is pointed out. MC has one thing as his driving force, that’s revenge. Honestly do not expect too much character growth from the MC. Any apparent character growth probably is a façade. Now that being said who knows what path the MC takes. I am writing this Fan fiction as I want to read, there will be some mystery, some things will be hidden. This is my way of saying I will do everything in my power never to have an info dump happen. Granted it will probably happen, and when it does, I will do my damnedest to spread it out as much as possible. MC is going to be so f’ing OP it is ridiculous. So, a few things to note, he is after revenge, the wishes he makes/made usually have a specific reason. His order of wishes are just as important to his end game plan.

Garricks_Corner · Movies
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17 Chs

Chapter 3

<i>Plans, they are an essential part of something not sure what. Perhaps they are an essential part of failure. Because there is one truth that perseveres and only comes in second placing itself firmly under Murphy and that is "plans are only good till contact".

<i>Granted this is usually only used in reference to battle plans. But is true for all plans no matter their purpose. Yet that white haired cigar smoking Coronel blatantly lied every time he said, "Love it when a plan comes together".

<i>No plan in existence ever comes together. No plan ever goes according to plan. This is an illusion and fallacy.

<i>Yet plans are needed, they are guides and paths we create to lead us to our intended destination. Who truly cares if they are a lie or truth.

<i>~Musings of an Isekai~

A sun, there is no greater gift to a Kryptonian. It is our nourishment, our anchor, our place of refuge, and in my humble opinion our home.

*Crystal, I don't trust the timeline given by Yao. Let's set up a plan with the timeline moved up. What would be the minimum amount of time needed for you to establish a shipyard and general manufacturing. *

*I project a month to complete the shipyard two weeks for general manufacturing. *

*Would that be a month and half total, or could they be done concurrently? *

*I would recommend total. Trying to do them concurrently would slow down the process or at the most only shorten the time by a week. *

*Most of the time is spent building up enough nanomachines to reach critical balance to effectively make production. *

*With moving the time up by half Tony is abducted roughly two months from now. Leaving only two weeks of breathing room. *

Feeling the loving, embracing caress of the plasma eddies rocking me to relaxation. I start to plan how we will proceed in this reality I currently find myself in.

How can I use it to further my goals, is there anything useful to pick up. More importantly is the OAA part of my target list or is he and his creation an unfortunate casualty.

*Can you start the production of your nanomachines here in the sun? *

*You are joking right? Yeah, the elements and materials are present, that isn't the issue but there is no efficient way to keep them from melting in this heat. *

*Even if my bio-electric field encompasses them that should provide adequate protection."

*True that would but I believe you overlooked a step. The transit time between creating the nanomachines and moving them to your bio-electric field. *

*Can you not just do the whole process within my field, why the transit step? *

*Um, well that is highly unorthodox why would I think of that. *

*I will take that as an affirmative. Then I will ask how long will it take to create enough nanomachines to create a nano field large enough to meet our immediate needs. *

*Still should take a month to accumulate enough nanomachines to reach that critical mass. The only difference is you get to relax here for that full month instead of only chilling for two weeks. *

Arranging myself into the lotus position I establish a contained area between my hands using my bioelectricity. Causing me to look like I am some wannabe Chinese cultivator.

*Begin Crystal, let's use this month to our fullest we can never forget we have a show to put on. *

While Crystal is occupied creating the building blocks for not only our source of income, but our visible representation to encourage people to think of alternatives solutions to attacking earth.

I may be able to stop all such attempted incursions, but that is bothersome and not entertaining. But then I may not be strong enough. I must continue with the course I have set for myself.

I need to create a mental list of what I am looking to achieve or at least to inquire about.

1. The heart of the universe

2. All-black

a. Possibly if I can actually enhance it. Otherwise is totally useless.

3. Meet the Beyonder

4. Find out if OAA could be an ally or is he a target.

5. ?

I guess those four items on my to do list is enough. Who knows, maybe there is some intriguing hidden puzzle just waiting to be pieced together to uncover a buried treasure.

Who am I kidding, this is Marvel. You want hidden treasures that's DC. I mean they have a wall, that is a prison and junkyard in one. Making it a treasure hunter's wet dream.

Now back to planning, need to stop getting sidetracked.

Current plan, mine enough materials and process them to a refine state and sell them on earth for quick money.

No that wouldn't work, that would tank the price and destroy the supply chain, at least in the quantities I would need to offload to gain the funds to purchase Start Industries.

Ok no mining business. Then what business could I establish that would allow me to perform a hostile takeover, um I mean to acquire Stark Industries without the damn FTC interfering.

Healing chamber, no FDA red tape would take too long.

Something for the military, nah to cliché.

Deep dive virtual reality pod. I like this but once again potential FDA red tape.

Tourist vacations among the solar system for the wealthy. Great idea potentially a little slow on the generating funds.

Come on think. You really need a good idea, one that will totally wreak havoc on this poor unsuspecting planet and still be seen as …

Oh, that may work, oh this may work very well indeed. I love being devious, and I love making things so multifaceted and intricate.

*Crystal wake me up in a month. *


*Garrick, wake up! The month has passed. I estimate that by tomorrow I should have created enough nanomachines to sustain a usable nano field. *

*Should I create the shipyard first or the general manufacturing? *

*Well good morning to you too Crystal. *

*As for your answer, I will answer with a question can you create a ship first before the shipyard? *

*Depends on the complexity of the ship, and the quantity of mass production you would need. *

*Nano fields are amazingly remarkable, and versatile, but as you know versatility does not transfer to effective reproduction. Hence why we create shipyards and manufacturing centers. *

*True, but I want to create a city ship, and we can plagiarize Stargate. *

*Yeah no, that does require a shipyard and manufacturing center, that is too large and too complicated to build with a nano field or at least with just the one we have. *

*How long will the shipyard take to build the city ship? *

*Probably three weeks give or take. *

*Ok then Crystal, start the shipyard, and as soon as possible start the construction of the city ship. *

*I also want the manufacturing center to start producing deep dive VR pods. Create a daughter program to oversee creating a MMORPG, as well as a program with specialized training environments that I can sell to the military powers, including S.H.I.E.L.D and S.W.O.R.D.*

*What should we name our daughter then? *

*Oh, let us name her Lilith for she will be the mother of the monsters I wish to create. *

*What level should she be created? *

*Do you feel like gambling a little Crystal? *

*Oh, how fun and intriguing that sounds. What kind of gamble do you want to take with our daughter? *

*Start her off at a Galactic level, but encode the instructions required for her to grow up and become a multiversal level Artificial Sentience like you. *

*Is the gamble that she can achieve multiversal level, remember I only have this level due to your fifth wish. And even that caused the destruction of our home universe since I had to use my consciousness or what was my consciousness at that time to create your multiversal AS wish. *

*You make it sound like I deliberately wanted to destroy my old universe. *

*Well, didn't you? *

*Nope, I swear on the Last Boy Scout honor I did not deliberately want to solely destroy our universe. *

*I needed the fifth wish to close the loop that was created with my first wish. Encapsulating the first five wishes. *

*Plus, I was trying to kill a god in order to win a bet. Yet all I got was 42 severely weakened gods, and five wishes that got turned into a treasure hunt, that I must somehow find and obtain. *

*Now to answer your question no, her not gaining multiverse level is not the gamble. The gamble comes after she grows up. *