
Naruto’s Strongest Twin - The Battle Hungry Saiyan

Anime & Comics
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What is Naruto’s Strongest Twin - The Battle Hungry Saiyan

Read ‘Naruto’s Strongest Twin - The Battle Hungry Saiyan’ Online for Free, written by the author VisionaryWorld, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: You don’t like saiyans? F*** off Peasant I am King of all for I am the Primordial Ape!“Ryusei: The Great Ape’s Tale”In t...


You don’t like saiyans? F*** off Peasant I am King of all for I am the Primordial Ape! “Ryusei: The Great Ape’s Tale” In the bustling Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki isn’t alone in his quest to become Hokage. He has a twin brother, Ryusei, who is a prodigy brandishing long spiky pink hair tied with his headband. Ryusei, a free spirit who operates without a Jonin, finds himself at the center of a “what if” tale that starts from the Chunin Exams. What If: On the fateful night when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village, a colossal Great Ape appeared out of nowhere and body-slammed the rampaging beast, saving countless lives. The Great Ape, as it turns out, was none other than Naruto’s twin brother, Ryusei, who had awakened his Saiyan Bloodline under the moonlight. Minato and Kushina managed to seal the fox within Naruto without sacrificing their lives, changing the course of history. https://dis cord.gg/tCDaPJTJ

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El Amor de un Licántropo

``` —Él detuvo el auto. El agarre en la manta se tensó mientras Raine se preguntaba si había hecho algo mal. Podía sentirlo cuando Torak extendió su mano hacia ella. ¿Me golpeará? Raine se estremeció con ese pensamiento. Torak le retiró la capucha de la cabeza y suavemente apartó su cabello detrás de su oreja. —No —dijo él firmemente—. Quiero verte, no te escondas... —“El espíritu del ángel guardián insuflará nueva vida en el niño humano. Tres ángeles guardianes nacerán de nuevo en el mundo terrenal y los tres serán sus protectores”. —¡¿Protectores?! —Jedrek estalló—. Al final, se detuvo y se giró para mirar a la diosa de la luna desde la lejanía, sus ojos brillaban rojos de ira. Su lobo estaba furioso. —¿Por qué crees que ayudaremos? —preguntó Kace entrecerrando sus ojos negros como la obsidiana, su lobo había tomado control de él. Él era el más joven de los tres y el menos temperamental entre ellos. Los tres habían sido maldecidos por Selene debido a sus acciones feroces para obtener poder y autoridad supremos. La diosa de la luna no les bendijo con una compañera como castigo de su conducta atroz y los forzó a involucrarse en esta guerra mortal con los demonios. —¿Nos convertirás en esclavos de esas criaturas enfermizas!? —preguntó Torak incrédulo—. ¿No temes que los partamos en dos? El ángel guardián era tan frágil y ellos, como licántropos, no apreciaban las debilidades. —No, no lo harán —dijo Selene con paciencia—. No serán sus esclavos ni les harán daño, los cuidarán en todas las formas posibles. Jedrek rió de manera amenazante al oír esto, no les importaba la resurrección de la bestia, una vez que cruzaban su territorio, con o sin el ángel guardián, desgarraría sus cuerpos. —Seré la última persona que verán, en cuanto los encuentre —se refería tanto al ángel guardián como al demonio. Pero, la siguiente voz de Selene estaba teñida de alegría cuando habló. —No lastimarás a tu compañera. ============================ Sesión 1 (capítulo 1 - 394): Torak Donovan - Raine (completado). Sesión 2 (capítulo 395 - 628): Kace Donovan - Esperanza (completado) Sesión 3 (capítulo 629 - 1083): Jedrek Donovan - Lila (completado) Sesión 4 (capítulo 1084 - en curso): Historias Paralelas ============================ Esta es una historia de hombres lobo y, por supuesto, ¡de fantasía! Como cada quien tiene su propia versión de la vida sobrenatural, aquí estoy intentando escribir la mía. Si has leído otras historias de hombres lobo, te darás cuenta de que existen similitudes y diferencias. ============================ ***¡Precaución! El inglés no es mi primer idioma, así que es posible que encuentres errores gramaticales (aunque no es mi intención), si te resulta incómodo, por favor házmelo saber para que pueda corregirlo. *Has sido advertido ^^ ¡Todo comentario constructivo es muy bienvenido! .......................................................................................... ##Encuéntrame en Instagram: jikan_yo_tomare ##Portada por: @Gisel.arts Echa un vistazo a mis otras historias: **PURPLE DAWN TILL DUSK: dearest through the time **THE STORY OF DUSK ```

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The Multiverse Hunters

Just to clarify I own none of the world's or characters that my ocs interact with This is eventually going to be a multiverse fic. I'm writing this on mobile. there will be ideas that I've taken from other fics but this is not a blatant plagiarism type deal, If I use an idea from another fic I'll try to give credit and name the fic at the end of the synopsis. This is my first fic, Ever, there will be things that I mess up, please be patient and comment about typos and feel free to make suggestions for improvements. Also until the second line of = read everything outside of parentheses like its coming from a game show host (and read all of this stuff like it's coming from someone that lives off of coffee and sarcasm) ====================================== Now then, let's introduce our latest set of hired idio*cough* I mean Dashing heroes First we have *drumroll* !! KOKATSU!! As the only member of the group to have actually completed pre-school, elementary and high school (and the only one without a criminal record) Kokatsu is the wonderful ringleader of our little trio of hellions, with her incredible intelligence and planning these three are bound to go far! (Translation: she's the only one with an actual functioning braincell) Moving on to the group's stealth and infiltration expert we have *more drumroll* !!KYOJIN!! With his Incredible agility, lockpicking, pickpocketing and stealth skills The Hellions will never need to worry about infiltration or stealth missions! (This child was raised by freaking badgers and was once arrested and expelled after he, on a school field trip to a zoo, Threw himself into a lion enclosure, stole the Lions food, fought and Won against one of the Lions Barehanded and then proceeded to ride said lion out of the enclosure and go on a five hour rampage throughout the zoo which didn't end until he was tranquilized THREE TIMES!! He is in no way shape or form a "stealth expert") And last but FAR from least we have *yet more drumroll* !!OKIBO!! Standing at 6'8 benching 800 lbs and built like the tank that he is, here's Okibo, he is the perfect front line brawler, able to take whatever his foes throw at him and throw them through a brick wall! (I'm not saying anything, this guy had a body count at age 12 I'm not messing with that) Now then! We're going to have a quick word from our sponsors and then we'll be right back with the next season of every God's favorite show: The Multiverse Hunters ====================================== Credits: thanks to In mha with vector control for the looping multiverse

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Civilization 0

In a future where humanity's scientific prowess has reached unprecedented heights, brilliant physicist Dr. Alexander Hawthorne leads a daring experiment to create an artificial singularity – a region of infinite density that could unlock the secrets of the universe itself. However, something goes catastrophically wrong. The unstable singularity ruptures the fabric of reality, unleashing a cataclysmic wave of energy that warps the fundamental forces governing the cosmos. Alexander finds himself hurled back in time, stranded in a primordial era where the laws of physics have been twisted beyond recognition. In this strange new world, mythical creatures roam the land, and humans wield inexplicable supernatural powers. Worse still, Alexander is bound by an enigmatic "god-like system" that threatens to claim his life if he fails to undo the damage he has caused. Trapped in an ancient civilization on the brink of collapse, Alexander must race against time to unravel the mysteries of this altered reality. Aided by unlikely allies and armed with his formidable knowledge of science and technology, he embarks on a perilous quest to restore balance to the fundamental forces of the universe. As he delves deeper into the bizarre workings of this new world, Alexander uncovers shocking revelations about the nature of reality itself. But even as he inches closer to a solution, dark forces conspire to stop him, driven by their own sinister agendas. In a desperate bid to avert an unraveling of existence itself, Alexander must confront his own limitations, challenge the boundaries of human understanding, and ultimately decide the fate of not just this strange realm, but of reality as we know it.

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Shamelessssssss review by the one and only! I have a couple things I want to point out now. -no harem -alternate universe/timeline -op chars/mc although the skill gap in each rank is greatly higher potential, let’s say a genin before is equal to mid-high chunin or low jonin level -Slower buildup until about chapter 50, I plan on writing a lengthy novel so I decided the foreshadowing was worth going into -be my best/worst critic, it makes me a better author ! -the system progression is sloppily planned but once I rewrite the first arc everything will make sense in the long run


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