
Naruto’s Strongest Twin - The Battle Hungry Saiyan

You don’t like saiyans? F*** off Peasant I am King of all for I am the Primordial Ape! “Ryusei: The Great Ape’s Tale” In the bustling Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki isn’t alone in his quest to become Hokage. He has a twin brother, Ryusei, who is a prodigy brandishing long spiky pink hair tied with his headband. Ryusei, a free spirit who operates without a Jonin, finds himself at the center of a “what if” tale that starts from the Chunin Exams. What If: On the fateful night when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village, a colossal Great Ape appeared out of nowhere and body-slammed the rampaging beast, saving countless lives. The Great Ape, as it turns out, was none other than Naruto’s twin brother, Ryusei, who had awakened his Saiyan Bloodline under the moonlight. Minato and Kushina managed to seal the fox within Naruto without sacrificing their lives, changing the course of history. https://dis cord.gg/tCDaPJTJ

VisionaryWorld · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

6. Intermission

As we approached the clearing, the sounds of clashing metal and grunts of exertion filled the air. Two teams from rival villages were locked in combat, their taijutsu skills matched evenly as they exchanged blows.

I turned to Naruto and Sasuke, a determined glint in my eyes. "Naruto, Sasuke, it's time to show them what Team 7 is made of. Take the lead on this one."

Naruto grinned eagerly, his determination shining through. "You got it, Ryusei!"

Sasuke nodded, his expression focused and intense. "Let's do this."

As the two teams continued to clash, Naruto and Sasuke prepared themselves for battle. With a nod from me, they sprung into action, charging towards their opponents with lightning speed.

Naruto unleashed his signature jutsu, the Rasengan, a swirling vortex of chakra forming in his palm. Sasuke followed suit, channeling his chakra into the Chidori, a crackling ball of lightning crackling around his hand.

Their movements were fluid and precise, each strike calculated to maximize the impact. As they closed in on their targets, I could feel the raw power emanating from them, their chakra pulsating with an intensity that was almost palpable.

With a shout, Naruto and Sasuke unleashed their jutsus, the Rasengan and Chidori colliding with the enemy teams in a burst of energy. The force of the impact sent shockwaves rippling through the air, shaking the ground beneath our feet.

But what happened next took us all by surprise. As their jutsus made contact, Naruto and Sasuke's chakra seemed to ignite, burning brighter and more intense than ever before. The Rasengan and Chidori glowed with an otherworldly light, their chakra so thick and pure that it seemed to pulse with life.

I watched in awe as the enemy teams were thrown back by the sheer force of Naruto and Sasuke's attacks. The ground trembled beneath us as the shockwaves rippled outward, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.

But despite the chaos, there was an undeniable sense of power and strength in Naruto and Sasuke's jutsus. It was as if they had tapped into a wellspring of energy that had been lying dormant within them, waiting to be unleashed.

As the dust settled and the enemy teams lay defeated, Naruto and Sasuke stood victorious, their chests heaving with exertion but their spirits soaring high.

Naruto's eyes sparkled with excitement as he recalled the intense battle. "That was awesome! Did you see how much stronger we've gotten?"

Sasuke nodded, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, it felt incredible. I've never felt my chakra flow so smoothly before."

Ryusei joined in the conversation, his tone thoughtful. "Of course, you're also stronger because Orochimaru injected a curse onto both of you. However, Naruto, you have the Nine-Tails to purify outside chakra even further."

Naruto's expression shifted, a mix of surprise and curiosity crossing his features. "Wait, you mean the Nine-Tails is helping us get stronger?"

Ryusei nodded, explaining further. "Exactly. The Nine-Tails has its own chakra, and it can mix with yours to enhance your abilities. It's like having an extra power source to draw from."

Sasuke's eyes narrowed, his gaze intense. "So you're saying that because of the Nine-Tails, we're able to access more chakra and become stronger?"

Ryusei nodded again, his tone serious. "That's right. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. You need to learn to control your chakra and use it wisely, or else it could consume you."

Naruto and Sasuke exchanged a meaningful look, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew that they had been given a tremendous gift in the form of the Nine-Tails' chakra, but they also understood the importance of mastering it.

In the dimly lit expanse of Naruto's mindscape, the air was thick with an eerie silence. The familiar sight of the enormous iron bars loomed ahead, sealing away the powerful Nine-Tails within. The chakra beast's eyes glowed menacingly, its teeth bared in a snarl as it glared out from behind its prison.

Naruto and Sasuke stood side by side, their gazes fixed on the formidable creature before them. The oppressive aura of the Nine-Tails' chakra was almost palpable, making the hair on the back of their necks stand up. Despite the intimidating presence, Naruto stepped forward, his expression resolute.

"Kurama," Naruto called out, his voice echoing through the cavernous space. "We need to talk."

The Nine-Tails' eyes narrowed slightly, its massive form shifting as it scrutinized the two boys standing before it. "You have grown stronger, Naruto," the beast rumbled, its voice deep and resonant. "And you, Uchiha. You both reek of that snake's influence."

Sasuke clenched his fists, his Sharingan eyes flickering with intensity. "We're not here to talk about Orochimaru. We're here because we need to understand what's happening to us."

Naruto nodded, his eyes never leaving Kurama's. "Why is our chakra different? Why do we feel so much stronger?"

Kurama's lips curled into a toothy grin. "You think you can harness my power without consequences? The curse mark Orochimaru placed on you is amplifying your chakra, making it more potent. But it is my chakra that purifies and refines it, Naruto. Without me, you'd both be overwhelmed by the snake's influence."

Naruto took a step closer, his determination unwavering. "So you're saying we're stronger because you're helping us control the curse mark's chakra?"

Kurama's eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. "Precisely. My chakra acts as a buffer, ensuring that you don't succumb to the corruption. But don't think for a second that this is out of the kindness of my heart. My survival is tied to yours, and I have no intention of letting some snake's curse take us down."

Sasuke's gaze remained locked on Kurama, his expression contemplative. "So we need to master this new power, or it could consume us."

Kurama let out a low growl, a sound that reverberated through the mindscape. "Correct. Control it, harness it, but never forget the danger it poses. Power like this is a double-edged sword."

Naruto nodded, his resolve strengthening. "We'll do it. We'll master this power and use it to protect our friends and our village."

Sasuke glanced at Naruto, a rare smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "Together, we can achieve anything."

Kurama's eyes flickered with a hint of respect. "Then go, and prove that you are worthy of the power you wield. But remember, I am always watching."

With those final words, the mindscape began to dissolve, the image of the Nine-Tails fading away as Naruto and Sasuke returned to reality. They exchanged a look of mutual understanding and determination, ready to face the challenges ahead with newfound strength and resolve.

As they opened their eyes, the real world came back into focus, and they found themselves back in the forest, standing alongside Ryusei and Sakura. The gravity of their conversation with Kurama weighed on their minds, but it also filled them with a sense of purpose. They were ready.

Ryusei, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura moved swiftly through the dense forest, the weight of their recent encounter with Orochimaru lingering in their minds. As they approached the checkpoint, the tension was palpable. Ryusei led the way with unwavering confidence, his sharp senses attuned to every rustle and whisper of the forest around them.

They reached the checkpoint, a fortified clearing guarded by several stern-faced Jonin. The lead Jonin stepped forward, scrutinizing the group with a critical eye.

"State your business," the Jonin commanded, his gaze shifting from one member of Team 7 to the next.

Ryusei stepped forward, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "We've captured several enemy teams and brought them here for examination."

The Jonin raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "How many?"

"Twenty-one in total," Ryusei replied calmly. "I've already dropped off three for Team 7. Now I need to make a few more trips to deliver the rest."

The Jonin's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly masked it with a stoic expression. "Very well. Proceed."

Ryusei nodded and then disappeared in a flash of pink light. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared, a captured team bound with his pink ki restraints at his side. He dropped them off and vanished again, repeating the process with astonishing speed and efficiency. The Jonin watched in awe as Ryusei teleported back and forth, each time bringing another group of captured ninja.

Naruto and Sasuke exchanged a look of admiration and pride for their brother. Sakura couldn't help but be impressed by Ryusei's abilities, her confidence in their team's success bolstered by his performance.

On his seventh and final trip, Ryusei reappeared with the last group of captured ninja. He released them from his ki bindings and stepped back, his breath steady despite the exertion.

"That's all of them," he said, turning to the lead Jonin. "Twenty-one teams in total, as promised."

The Jonin nodded, clearly impressed. "You've done well. Your efforts will be noted in the evaluation."

Ryusei gave a slight nod, his expression serious. "Thank you. Now, what are the next steps?"

The Jonin gestured towards the entrance to the underground passage leading to the State of Reflection. "Proceed to the next stage. Your team will be briefed on the specifics once inside."

Ryusei turned to Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, his eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and pride. "Let's go. We've come this far, and we're not stopping now."

As they made their way to the entrance, Naruto couldn't contain his excitement. "Ryusei, that was incredible! You really captured all those teams by yourself?"

Ryusei shrugged, a modest smile on his face. "It wasn't easy, but I knew we needed the points. Plus, I wanted to make sure you guys had the best chance of passing."

Sasuke smirked, his eyes glinting with newfound resolve. "You set the bar high, Ryusei. We'll have to work even harder to keep up."

Sakura nodded, her determination mirroring Sasuke's. "We won't let you down."

As they entered the dark passageway leading to the State of Reflection, Ryusei felt a surge of pride for his team. They had faced incredible challenges and come out stronger for it. Now, as they stepped into the unknown, he knew they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

The air grew cooler and more oppressive as they descended, but the camaraderie and resolve they shared kept their spirits high. They had each other's backs, and with Ryusei leading the way, they felt invincible.

"Remember," Ryusei said, his voice echoing in the dimly lit tunnel. "Stay focused, work together, and trust in our training. We'll get through this and come out on top."

With those words, they pressed forward into the darkness,