
Naruto’s Strongest Twin - The Battle Hungry Saiyan

You don’t like saiyans? F*** off Peasant I am King of all for I am the Primordial Ape! “Ryusei: The Great Ape’s Tale” In the bustling Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki isn’t alone in his quest to become Hokage. He has a twin brother, Ryusei, who is a prodigy brandishing long spiky pink hair tied with his headband. Ryusei, a free spirit who operates without a Jonin, finds himself at the center of a “what if” tale that starts from the Chunin Exams. What If: On the fateful night when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village, a colossal Great Ape appeared out of nowhere and body-slammed the rampaging beast, saving countless lives. The Great Ape, as it turns out, was none other than Naruto’s twin brother, Ryusei, who had awakened his Saiyan Bloodline under the moonlight. Minato and Kushina managed to seal the fox within Naruto without sacrificing their lives, changing the course of history. https://dis cord.gg/tCDaPJTJ

VisionaryWorld · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

5. Orochimaru’s Mark & Temptations

As I walked further into the forest, I wondered how far everyone else had gotten. So far, my traps had caught several teams, both friends and foes, in movement restriction traps, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of delight. However, boredom soon set in, and I decided to teleport to Naruto and the rest of his Team 7.

Upon arrival, I was greeted by the most vile, disgusting creature I'd ever seen: a grotesque snake that made my stomach churn. I threw up violently, the sight confusing Sakura and the monstrous serpent—Orochimaru.

"Ryusei!! It's Orochimaru! He bit Sasuke and Naruto—they're unconscious!" Sakura's voice was filled with desperation.

I immediately understood the gravity of the situation. My father, Minato, had informed me during our training sessions that he had intel on Orochimaru planning something sinister. Seeing Naruto and Sasuke lying on the ground, the curse mark already taking effect, filled me with rage. Naruto's body was emitting a reddish-purple aura, while Sasuke's emitted a purplish-blue aura.

"Sakura, stand back," I instructed, my voice cold and determined.

I began hopping, stretching my neck and shaking out my arms before swiftly getting into my fighting stance. In an instant, I vanished.


The forest echoed with the sounds of Orochimaru being punched hundreds of times and sliced with a pink ki sword that extended as long as his serpentine body. Trees fell and crashed around us, severed by the relentless assault. Gathering a massive orb of ki and chakra into both of my hands, I leaped into the air, drawing my hands together to form two Odama Rasengans. With a burst of energy, I teleported to Orochimaru's remains and then back to Sakura's side.

"Dare to harm my brother? You must seek Tartarus," I declared, my voice filled with fury and resolve.

In the next moment, everything in the clearing erupted in a spectacular explosion of pink and blue smoke and light. The ground shook violently, the tremors reaching all the way to the Hidden Leaf Village. The force of the explosion was so intense that it caused a couple in their home to fall off their bed, the man hitting both of his heads on the door and doorknob, respectively.

The clearing was now a smoldering ruin, the remnants of Orochimaru's monstrous form buried under the debris. The air was thick with the scent of burnt wood and the crackling energy of the residual chakra.

I turned to Sakura, my eyes still blazing with the intensity of the battle. "Let's get Naruto and Sasuke out of here," I said, my voice calm but firm. "We need to get them to safety before anyone else shows up."

In a dark, cavernous chamber hidden deep within the forest, Orochimaru stood before the Edo Tensei reanimated forms of the First and Second Hokage. Disguised as the Mizukage, he licked his lips in anticipation as he observed Ryusei's display of power from afar.

The First and Second Hokage stood silently, their expressions blank and lifeless as they awaited their master's command. Orochimaru's eyes gleamed with a twisted hunger as he watched Ryusei unleash his devastating attack on his clone, the force of the explosion reverberating through the forest.

"So, that's the power of Minato's son," Orochimaru mused, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Impressive indeed."

He knew that Ryusei possessed immense strength and potential, far beyond that of a mere genin. But Orochimaru also understood that the boy's power was a fruit too high up the tree of gods, a prize that would require careful planning and manipulation to obtain.

As he gazed upon the reanimated Hokage, Orochimaru's mind raced with possibilities. With their combined power and his own cunning, he believed that he could overcome any obstacle in his path, including Ryusei and his brother, Naruto.

But Orochimaru knew that patience would be key. He had already bitten Naruto and Sasuke, knowing that Ryusei's brother would stop at nothing to catch up to him and that Sasuke harbored a deep-seated hatred of weakness. Now, all he had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity to lure them into his trap, where he could personally feast on the main dish.

With a sinister grin, Orochimaru turned his attention back to the reanimated Hokage, his eyes burning with anticipation. The game had only just begun, and he believed to be the chosen one to emerge victorious, against all odds.

Meanwhile, Ryusei and Sakura stood amidst the aftermath of the explosion, their breaths coming in ragged gasps as they surveyed the smoldering ruins of the forest clearing. The air was thick with the scent of burnt wood and the crackling energy of residual chakra, a stark reminder of the battle that had just taken place.

Ryusei's expression was grim as he turned to Sakura, his eyes filled with concern. "We need to get Naruto and Sasuke out of here," he said, his voice urgent but steady. "Orochimaru won't stop until he's gotten what he wants, and I won't let him lay a hand on my brother or my friend."

Sakura nodded, her own resolve shining in her eyes. "I'm with you, Ryusei. We'll get Naruto and Sasuke to safety, no matter what it takes."

Together, they carefully lifted Naruto and Sasuke onto their shoulders, mindful of their injuries. Despite the chaos and destruction surrounding them, Ryusei couldn't help but feel a sense of determination burning within him. He knew that Orochimaru was a formidable foe, but he also knew that he wouldn't back down from a fight.

As they began to make their way out of the forest, Ryusei's mind raced with thoughts of what lay ahead. He knew that Orochimaru wouldn't rest until he had captured him and his brother, but he also knew that he would do whatever it took to protect those he cared about.

As I carried Naruto and Sasuke in their comatose states, I turned to Sakura and said, "We need to get them to safety now, and fast. Grab my shoulder so I can take us near the entrance of the next part of the exams, 'State of Reflection.'"

She looked at me with a mix of worry and sorrow, clearly more concerned for Sasuke but deeply troubled for Naruto as well. Her voice was filled with anticipation as she replied, "Okay, Ryusei. Please, hurry."

She grabbed my shoulder, and I focused my energy. In a heartbeat, we teleported to a hidden area of bushes and trees next to the entrance. The forest around us was dense and shadowed, the entrance to the State of Reflection barely visible through the foliage.

"We're here," I said, setting Naruto and Sasuke gently on the ground. "Listen, Sakura, I have a plan. I'm going to gather four enemy teams for extra points for Team 7. I'll leave three shadow clones here to protect you and the guys."

Her eyes widened in surprise, but she nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Be careful, Ryusei. We'll be waiting for you."

With a reassuring nod, I created three shadow clones, instructing them to guard Naruto and Sasuke. Then, with a pink flash, I vanished into the depths of the forest, my mind focused on the task ahead.

Every step I took was calculated, every move precise as I navigated the forest with ease. The air was thick with tension, the sounds of distant battles echoing through the trees. I knew that time was of the essence; I had to act quickly to secure the extra points and ensure Team 7's success.

I moved through the shadows, my senses on high alert. The forest seemed to stretch endlessly, a labyrinth of foliage and danger. Yet, I felt a surge of determination. I would not let Orochimaru's attack deter me. I would gather the teams, secure the points, and return to protect my brother and friends.

As I darted through the forest, I came across my first target: a team from the Hidden Sand Village. They were engaged in a fierce battle with another group, completely unaware of my presence. I took a deep breath, gathering my ki and chakra, ready to strike.

The pink flash of my energy illuminated the forest for a split second as I launched myself into the fray, determined to capture my first set of enemies and secure the victory we desperately needed.

I watched from the shadows as the two teams from the Hidden Sand and Hidden Mist villages clashed in a chaotic skirmish. Their focus on each other provided the perfect opportunity. I took a deep breath, letting my ki and chakra flow through me, and then moved.

In an instant, I was among them, a blur of pink energy and rapid motion. My first strike was swift and precise, landing a powerful blow to the back of a Sand ninja, sending him sprawling into the dirt. The others barely had time to react as I pivoted, delivering a spinning kick to the nearest Mist ninja, her eyes widening in shock as she flew into a tree.

The remaining members of both teams turned their attention to me, their faces a mix of surprise and anger. I smirked, channeling my ki into my fists, the pink energy crackling around them. They charged at me simultaneously, but their coordinated attack was no match for my speed and skill.

I ducked under a barrage of kunai, weaving through the onslaught with fluid movements. My hands formed quick seals, and with a burst of chakra, I released a blinding flash of pink light. The ninja stumbled, momentarily disoriented, giving me the opening I needed.

I darted forward, my fist connecting with the gut of another Sand ninja, knocking the wind out of him. Without breaking stride, I spun and delivered an elbow to the side of a Mist ninja's head, sending him to the ground. My ki-infused strikes were relentless, each blow calculated to incapacitate rather than kill.

One of the Sand ninja managed to recover, launching a stream of shuriken in my direction. I twisted my body, dodging the projectiles with ease, and closed the distance between us. Grabbing his wrist, I channeled ki through my grip, his eyes widening in pain and shock as the pink energy surged through him. With a swift motion, I flipped him over my shoulder, slamming him into the ground.

The Mist ninja regrouped, forming a defensive line. They were clearly skilled, but their movements were sluggish compared to mine. I leaped into the air, summoning a ki blade that extended from my hand. The pink energy crackled as I swung it in a wide arc, cutting through their defenses and forcing them to scatter.

As I landed, I thrust my hand forward, releasing a pulse of ki that knocked several ninja off their feet. With the remaining opponents dazed and disoriented, I focused my energy, forming binding seals with my hands. Pink tendrils of ki shot from my fingertips, wrapping around the ninja and pulling them together. They struggled, but the bindings tightened, securing them in place.

With both teams restrained, I took a moment to catch my breath, surveying the scene. The forest around us was silent, the only sounds coming from the groans of the defeated ninja. I knew I couldn't linger, so I quickly formed a clone to guard the prisoners and then moved on.

My next target was deeper in the forest, where I spotted another team from the Hidden Cloud Village. They were setting traps, unaware of my approach. I moved silently, my steps barely making a sound as I closed the distance. With a sudden burst of speed, I was among them, my fists striking out with pinpoint accuracy.

One by one, they fell to my taijutsu, unable to keep up with my rapid movements. A Cloud ninja tried to form a defensive jutsu, but I was already behind him, delivering a swift chop to his neck that sent him crumpling to the ground. Another attempted to escape, but I cut him off, my ki-infused punch knocking him unconscious.

In moments, the entire team was subdued. I repeated the binding jutsu, the pink tendrils wrapping around the Cloud ninja and securing them together. With my mission complete, I turned and teleported back to where I had left Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke.

Reappearing beside them, I saw Sakura's relieved face and the still forms of Naruto and Sasuke. "They're secure," I said, my voice calm. "Let's get ready for the next phase."

With the enemy teams captured and my friends safe, I knew we had a fighting chance in the exams, however i wanted to get extra points as well.

"Sakura, I'm sorry," I said, my voice tinged with regret as I turned to face her. She looked at me with concern, her eyes filled with questions.

Before she could respond, I approached Naruto and Sasuke, their bodies emitting chaotic waves of chakra. Naruto's aura had shifted to a dark red-orange, while Sasuke's remained a pure, ominous purple. I knew I had to act quickly to help them.

With a surge of ki, I jolted the two boys awake, their eyes snapping open as they gasped for breath. I could see the confusion and pain in their expressions, but I also sensed a glimmer of recognition.

"Ryusei?" Naruto muttered, his voice hoarse.

"Sasuke..." I murmured, my heart heavy with guilt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

As they struggled to sit up, I placed my hands on their shoulders, channeling my ki into them to help ease their pain. The chaotic energy swirling around them began to subside, replaced by a sense of calm.

"It's okay, Ryusei," Sakura said softly, placing a reassuring hand on my arm. "We'll get through this together."

I nodded, grateful for her support. Despite my earlier actions, I knew that I had to do everything in my power to help Naruto and Sasuke overcome the darkness that threatened to consume them.

As Sakura tended to Naruto and Sasuke, I took a moment to explain the situation to them. "While you two were knocked out, I left Sakura to keep you safe. I managed to immobilize three enemy teams, so now Team 7 just needs to pass this exam with the help of those teams."

Naruto's eyes widened with excitement. "That's awesome, Ryusei! But how many teams do you have to pass with us now?"

I paused, mentally counting the teams I had immobilized. "About nine or so, but I lost count. I left a clone out when I came back to you guys."

Naruto's jaw dropped in amazement. "Nine teams? You're incredible, Ryusei!"

I smiled modestly, feeling a surge of pride at Naruto's praise. "Thanks, Naruto. But we still need to stay focused. The next part of the exam won't be easy."

Sakura nodded in agreement. "He's right. We need to make it to the checkpoint without getting caught by any other teams. And with Ryusei's help, I know we can do it."

With renewed determination, we set off through the forest, our eyes fixed on the distant checkpoint. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but I knew that with Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke by my side, we could overcome any obstacle that stood in our way.

As we walked, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. Orochimaru's attack had been a stark reminder of the dangers we faced, and I knew that we couldn't afford to let our guard down.

But as long as we stayed together and relied on each other, I was confident that we could emerge victorious. Together, we would prove that Team 7 was a force to be reckoned with, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

The forest was alive with the sounds of rustling leaves and chirping birds, but beneath the serene surface, I could sense the tension building. Every step brought us closer to our goal, but also closer to the unknown dangers that lurked in the shadows.

As we pressed on, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through me. Despite the risks, I was eager to see what lay ahead. With my friends by my side, I knew that anything was possible.

With each passing moment, we drew nearer to the checkpoint, And as the sun began to set on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the forest, I knew that our journey was far from over.

But no matter what challenges awaited us, I was ready to face them head-on. With Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke at my side, I knew that we could conquer anything that stood in our way. Together, we were unstoppable.