
Naruto’s Strongest Twin - The Battle Hungry Saiyan

You don’t like saiyans? F*** off Peasant I am King of all for I am the Primordial Ape! “Ryusei: The Great Ape’s Tale” In the bustling Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki isn’t alone in his quest to become Hokage. He has a twin brother, Ryusei, who is a prodigy brandishing long spiky pink hair tied with his headband. Ryusei, a free spirit who operates without a Jonin, finds himself at the center of a “what if” tale that starts from the Chunin Exams. What If: On the fateful night when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village, a colossal Great Ape appeared out of nowhere and body-slammed the rampaging beast, saving countless lives. The Great Ape, as it turns out, was none other than Naruto’s twin brother, Ryusei, who had awakened his Saiyan Bloodline under the moonlight. Minato and Kushina managed to seal the fox within Naruto without sacrificing their lives, changing the course of history. https://dis cord.gg/tCDaPJTJ

VisionaryWorld · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

6.5 & 7. Sasuke & Kakashi POV

As Sasuke walked alongside Naruto, Ryusei, and Sakura towards the next stage of the Chunin Exams, his mind drifted back to a pivotal moment in his life. The memories surfaced like a flash of lightning, illuminating a past that shaped the present.


It was a cool evening in the Uchiha district, the air thick with tension. The clan was in turmoil, divided between loyalty to Konoha and the growing dissent against the village's leadership. Sasuke, just a young boy at the time, remembered the hushed conversations and the heavy atmosphere that hung over their compound like a dark cloud.

He had overheard snippets of his father's conversations with other clan members. Words like "rebellion" and "coup" sent shivers down his spine. The fear of an inevitable conflict gnawed at him, a fear he couldn't fully understand but felt deeply.

One night, as the clan gathered for a crucial meeting, Sasuke snuck out of his room, determined to find out what was happening. He hid behind a large wooden pillar, his small frame blending into the shadows.

From his vantage point, he saw Shisui Uchiha, the clan's most revered prodigy, step forward. Shisui's presence commanded respect, his Mangekyou Sharingan glinting in the dim light. There was a calm, resolute air about him, a stark contrast to the anxious faces of the gathered clan members.

Shisui raised his hand, and the room fell silent. His voice, steady and clear, cut through the tension. "I understand your grievances. The village has not treated us fairly, and our pride has been wounded. But a rebellion will only lead to bloodshed and sorrow. We must find another way."

Sasuke watched as Shisui's eyes glowed with the power of his Sharingan. There was a collective gasp as the clan members felt the pull of his genjutsu. It was a gentle, almost soothing sensation, unlike any genjutsu Sasuke had ever experienced. Shisui's Kotoamatsukami, the ultimate genjutsu of the Uchiha clan, was not one of control through force, but of influence through deep, peaceful suggestion.

"Peaceful coexistence," Shisui's voice echoed within their minds. "Seek growth, not conflict. Trust in the bonds we have with Konoha. We can rebuild our honor through strength and cooperation."

Sasuke saw the tension visibly drain from the faces of the clan members. Their hardened expressions softened, their rigid postures relaxed. It was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from their shoulders. Even his father, Fugaku Uchiha, who had been the staunchest advocate for rebellion, looked at Shisui with a newfound clarity.

The meeting ended with nods of agreement and a sense of calm resolution. The clan members dispersed, talking quietly among themselves, the atmosphere transformed from one of impending doom to hopeful reconciliation.

Sasuke stayed hidden until the room was nearly empty. He watched as Shisui approached his father, the two men exchanging words he couldn't hear but could see were filled with mutual respect and understanding.


Sasuke blinked, returning to the present with a renewed sense of purpose. That night had changed everything. The Uchiha clan had chosen a path of peaceful integration within the village, and while the wounds of the past still lingered, they were healing.

He glanced at Ryusei, Naruto, and Sakura, feeling the weight of his responsibilities. The future held many uncertainties, but with his friends and brother by his side, Sasuke felt a quiet confidence.

As they approached the entrance to the next stage of the exams, Sasuke couldn't help but think of Shisui's words and the lasting impact of his actions. Peaceful coexistence and growth – these were the ideals that would guide him, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

As Sasuke walked alongside his team, another memory stirred within him, this one more recent and personal. The faces of his friends and family flashed through his mind, but it was Sakura's unwavering company that lingered longest. He thought about how, despite his cold demeanor and harsh words, Sakura had always stood by him.

His thoughts turned inward, reflecting on his own behavior. He realized how his pride and fear of weakness had driven him to push people away, masking his insecurities with a facade of indifference. He resented himself for not being strong enough to shoulder his burdens alone and for allowing his inner darkness to seep into his interactions with those who cared about him.

Sakura had never wavered, even when he had been at his most distant. She had supported him, worried for him, and never hesitated to reach out when he needed it most, even if he didn't always appreciate it at the time.

Stealing a glance at her, he saw the same stubbornness and concern in her eyes that had always been there. The realization hit him hard: he didn't want to lose the people who believed in him.

Taking a deep breath, he moved closer to Sakura. His heart pounded with an unfamiliar mixture of gratitude and guilt. Tentatively, he reached out and took her hand. Sakura looked up at him, surprised by the gesture.

"Sakura," he whispered, his voice low and sincere. "Thank you."

Her eyes widened, and a soft smile formed on her lips. Sasuke felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he continued, the words coming easier now. "I promise you, I'll protect you. I won't let the darkness take me. I'll be strong—for you, for Naruto, for all of us."

Sakura squeezed his hand gently, her smile growing warmer. "I know you will, Sasuke. We're all in this together."

The sincerity in her voice reinforced his resolve. Sasuke felt a newfound strength and perseverance to confront his fears and weaknesses. With his friends by his side, he knew he could face whatever challenges lay ahead without succumbing to the shadows within him.

As they neared the entrance to the next stage of the exams, the weight of his past fears and doubts seemed to lighten. The promise he made to Sakura was not just a vow to protect her but also a commitment to fight his inner demons and strive for the strength that came from unity and friendship.

Together, they would face the trials ahead, and for the first time in a long while, Sasuke felt truly hopeful about the future.

*Ryusei Pov*

As we walked through the dense forest, the chatter among us began to ease the tension of the impending trials. I turned to Naruto, a mischievous grin forming on my face. "So, Naruto, who do you want?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

Naruto's face turned a shade of crimson. "Hinata," he muttered, almost shyly. "I think I love her."

I couldn't help but chuckle at his earnest confession. "Have you even talked to her yet?" I teased, raising an eyebrow.

Naruto's voice dropped to a whisper, "In my dreams."

Sasuke and I burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the forest. Even amidst all our struggles, moments like this reminded us that we were still just kids.

Sakura, walking just ahead, turned around and smiled warmly at Naruto. "Well, she likes you too, Naruto. I think you should say something to her."

Sasuke, still chuckling, looked over at Sakura with curiosity. "How do you know?"

Sakura rolled her eyes slightly but kept her kind tone. "It's obvious. The way she looks at him, the way she gets all flustered whenever he's around. You boys are so dense sometimes."

Naruto scratched the back of his head, his blush deepening. "Really? You think so, Sakura?"

She nodded firmly. "Yes, Naruto. She's probably just as nervous as you are. You should go for it. You might be surprised."

I slapped Naruto on the back, giving him a playful shove forward. "You hear that, bro? Looks like you've got a shot. Just be yourself."

Naruto's eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and nerves. "I... I'll try. Thanks, Sakura. Thanks, Ryusei."

We continued walking, the weight of our earlier battles and the upcoming exams feeling a bit lighter with our shared laughter and conversations. It was moments like these that solidified our bonds, reminding us of the importance of our friendships and the strength we drew from each other.

As we approached the checkpoint, I felt a sense of companionship and judgment. We were a ta coalition, substantial together, and glad to face whatever is ahead.

*Kakashi Pov*

From my vantage point, I turned to Minato-sensei, the Fourth Hokage, who stood with an air of calm confidence despite the chaos that had recently unfolded. His eyes, usually soft and kind, now held a determined gleam as he watched over his village and his children.

"Minato-sensei," I began, unable to keep the admiration from my voice, "your son, Ryusei... as you expected, Orochimaru came and tried to act upon Sasuke and Naruto. Thanks to your jutsu, we had a front row seat of the aftermath when the explosion happened. Your son is truly a prodigy beyond prodigies."

Minato nodded, his expression a mix of pride and concern. "Yes, Kakashi, I've always known Ryusei had incredible potential. But to see him handle such a threat so decisively, it's both reassuring and worrisome. Orochimaru is a dangerous adversary."

I couldn't help but agree. The scene we'd witnessed through Minato's surveillance jutsu was nothing short of extraordinary. The sheer power and precision Ryusei had displayed, combined with his strategic thinking, was beyond impressive. "He handled it with such skill and control. It's clear he's been training hard. He managed to protect Naruto and Sasuke and still took down Orochimaru's clone."

Minato's gaze softened as he thought of his sons. "Ryusei has always been determined to protect his brother and his friends. He understands the weight of his responsibilities, perhaps too well for someone his age."

I placed a hand on Minato's shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "You've taught him well, sensei. Both Ryusei and Naruto have inherited your strength and will. The village is in good hands."

Minato sighed, a mixture of relief and lingering worry in his eyes. "I hope so, Kakashi. They still have much to face. The Chunin Exams are only the beginning. With Orochimaru targeting them, they'll need all the strength and support they can get."

"We'll be there for them," I assured him. "We won't let them face these challenges alone."

Minato nodded, a small smile finally breaking through his serious demeanor. "Thank you, Kakashi. Your support means a lot, not just to me, but to them as well."

We both turned our attention back to the forest, where the young ninjas were now converging on the checkpoint. I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride and hope. The next generation was proving to be formidable, and with mentors like Minato and a support system that cared deeply for their well-being, they were bound to achieve great things.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the village, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. Whatever challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, as a family and as protectors of the Hidden Leaf Village.

"Shall we go warn Lord Third of Orochimaru and what his next moves may be?" I suggested, turning my attention back to Minato-sensei.

Minato nodded, his expression shifting to one of resolve. "Yes, we need to inform him immediately. Orochimaru's presence and intentions are too dangerous to ignore."

We quickly made our way through the village, the urgency of the situation clear in every step we took. The Hidden Leaf Village was bustling with activity, but the undercurrent of tension was palpable. The Chunin Exams had brought a mix of excitement and unease, and Orochimaru's recent actions only added to the latter.

As we approached the Hokage's office, the guards recognized us and allowed us entry without hesitation. Inside, we found Lord Third, Hiruzen Sarutobi, immersed in paperwork. Despite his age, he radiated a calm authority, his wisdom and experience evident in his every move.

"Hokage-sama," Minato greeted with a respectful bow. "We have urgent news."

Hiruzen looked up, his eyes sharp and attentive. "Minato, Kakashi, what brings you here so urgently?"

"Orochimaru has made his move," Minato began, his tone grave. "He attacked during the Chunin Exams, targeting Sasuke and Naruto specifically. Ryusei managed to fend him off, but it was only a clone."

Hiruzen's expression darkened at the mention of Orochimaru. "I see. This is troubling news indeed. What else have you observed?"

I stepped forward, adding to Minato's report. "From what we gathered, Orochimaru seems to be after both Sasuke and Naruto. He's already marked them with his curse. His intentions are clear: he wants to exploit their potential for his own ends."

Hiruzen sighed deeply, the weight of the situation settling over him. "Orochimaru has always been a threat, but his fixation on the Uchiha and the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki makes him even more dangerous. We must take immediate action to protect the village and our young ninjas."

Minato nodded in agreement. "We need to bolster our defenses and keep a close watch on Orochimaru's movements. Ryusei has already proven his strength, but he and the others will need our support more than ever."

Hiruzen's eyes flickered with determination. "I will increase security around the village and ensure that our forces are ready for any potential threats. We must also keep a close eye on Sasuke and Naruto. Their safety is paramount."

As we discussed the necessary precautions and strategies, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of resolve. Orochimaru was a formidable foe, but with the combined strength and wisdom of the village's leaders and the unwavering determination of our young ninjas, we would stand strong.

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention," Hiruzen said, his gaze resting on us with appreciation. "Your vigilance and dedication are invaluable."

"We'll do everything we can to protect the village," Minato affirmed.

With our course of action set, we left the Hokage's office, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Orochimaru's threat was real, but so was our resolve to defend the Hidden Leaf Village and ensure the safety of its future generations.

Minato nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with strategic considerations. "You're right, Kakashi. We need to coordinate closely with the clan heads and our strongest ninja. The day of the finals will be crucial, and we can't afford to leave any vulnerabilities."

He turned to me, his expression serious. "I'll gather the clan heads and our top jonin for a meeting. We'll discuss deployment strategies, reinforce our perimeter defenses, and ensure we have countermeasures in place against Orochimaru and any other potential threats."

Hiruzen, who had been silently listening, spoke up with a decisive tone. "We must also bolster our intelligence efforts. We need to gather as much information as possible on Orochimaru's whereabouts and intentions. The ANBU will be on high alert."

I nodded in agreement. "I'll coordinate with the ANBU and our intelligence operatives. We'll increase surveillance and reconnaissance missions in and around the village. The more we know about Orochimaru's movements, the better prepared we'll be."

Minato added, "We should also consider strengthening our medical teams. With Orochimaru's curse marks potentially affecting more individuals, we need to be ready to provide immediate treatment and support."

Hiruzen acknowledged Minato's suggestion with a nod. "Agreed. I'll instruct the medical corps to be on standby and prepare antidotes and treatments for the curse marks."

As we finalized our plans, Minato glanced out the window towards the village. "Time is of the essence. We'll need to act swiftly and decisively."

Hiruzen's gaze was firm as he looked at us both. "Let's make sure every ninja in the village is aware of the heightened security measures. We need their cooperation and vigilance."

With our tasks outlined, we dispersed to carry out our respective responsibilities. Minato headed to gather the clan heads and top jonin for the strategy meeting. Hiruzen returned to his office to coordinate with the ANBU and medical corps. And I made my way to the ANBU headquarters to initiate the increased surveillance and intelligence operations.

In the coming days leading up to the finals of the Chunin Exams, the Hidden Leaf Village buzzed with heightened security and preparation. The atmosphere was tense yet focused as ninja from all clans worked together to ensure the village's safety. Orochimaru's presence loomed as a constant threat, but with our combined efforts and careful planning, we aimed to safeguard our home and our future.

As the day of the finals approached, we knew that every decision and action we took would be critical. The fate of the village and the lives of its inhabitants rested on our shoulders.