
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

You are nothing without Mjölnir


Sleeping Odin opened his eyes, and he sensed that there was something wrong with the spell he had put on Mjölnir.

Frigga, the queen of Asgard, stepped forward and shook his hand, "My king, it's not time for you to wake up yet."

God King Odin possesses a mighty power unimaginable by ordinary people, but he falls asleep every once in a while to restore his power and extend his life.

When Loki asked him about the specific circumstances of his life in the treasure house earlier, Odin found that it was really hard to explain, so he simply took advantage of the situation and fell into a sleep.

originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to fall asleep and give his two sons a trial. but It turned out that there were some small mistakes in the trial.

"Did that weird quiz game start again?" Odin felt it a little and made sure that the hammer was on Thor, then relax and asked in a deep voice.

There was a problem with his spell on Thor's Hammer, and he immediately suspected the quiz game.

Just like the ancient one, Odin also noticed that this quiz game may involve an unspeakable great existence!

He also realized that this game will change many things.

"Yes, just after you fell asleep, the quiz game reappeared, and Thor..." Frigga briefly described the process of the quiz game before.

Streams of light appeared in Odin's pupils, with the help of divine power to look back at all the information provided by the light curtain.

When he saw in the video that Thor was grabbed by the Hulk like a chicken and smashed, Odin's temple stirred twice.

"The video revealed by the game is the part where Thor was beaten. This has brought some not-so-good effects to Asgard. Everyone is speculating that this video may happen in the future. We are all worried about Thor."

Frigga calmly took the opportunity to intercede for his son, "My king, why don't you call Thor back to the palace."

"Thor has recovered his divine power and picked up Mjölnir again." Odin glanced at Frigga, "but his experience is not over yet!"

He didn't worry about his reckless eldest son.

After watching Thor's smirk in the video, he felt that Thor should be tempered in the mortal world even more.

Frigga wanted to persuade him again, but Odin asked her, "Where is Loki?"

"He..." Frigga shook her head: "Even if this child became the king of gods, he has not changed the slightest. I don't know where he is gone now, he is not in the palace."

Loki's scepter of the god-king was entrusted to him by Frigga, allowing Loki to temporarily take the place of the god-king.

Odin was noncommittal about this. When he fell into a deep sleep, He knew that Loki must have gone to Thor.

Then let the brothers temper themselves.

Odin lay down again.

"Don't preach the news that I woke up."

"Of course, my king."

Earth, in another safe house of Nick Fury.

Thor and his four comrades gathered together and talked about Asgard.

Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, and Dr. Banner leaned on the balcony to enjoy the sun.

"Have they discussed it yet? I still have a lot of work to do!" Tony raised his wrist to check the time, "No, I have to go."

"Busy to pick up girls?" Bruce glanced at him.

This belongs to the playboy's heart.

Dr. Banner said: "Don't you worry? The Loki they said should be the evil god in mythology. If he also came to the earth, he would not be a tourist!"

"The person who should worry the most is not here." Tony shrugged.

After bringing them here, Nick Fury hurriedly left, seeming to have found traces of Captain America, and rushed to deal with it.

Just as Tony waited more and more impatiently, Thor and others in the living room finally ended the discussion.

Thor came over with a hammer, "I want to go back to Asgard and breakthrough Loki's conspiracy!"

"Whatever you want." Tony has no affection for this ungrateful guy, waving his hand as if fanning a fly, "Go ahead, lest you invite your evil brother."

"Loki just likes pranks, he is not an evil god!"Thor glared at him, "Warning, mortal, don't insult any Asgard god!"

"Ha! I don't know what arrogance you who call themselves gods have. Just a few hours ago, who was kneeling before a hammer and crying like a baby?"

Tony laughed sarcastically, "Do you know what your current nickname is? Hammer God! Hahaha, I can finally understand why a god can be beaten by the Hulk so hard because, without the hammer, you are Nothing!"

Thor had never seen such a poisonous mouth, and he was stunned for a while. After he reacted, his anger surged, and several of his friends around him also shouted curses.

p "Mortal, I will punish you for this disrespect!" Thor's cloak stirred, and he suddenly raised his hammer, as if he was about to hit Tony's head!

Bruce narrowed his eyes when he saw this. Dr. Banner's breathing became Quicker.

Regardless of whether they stayed to see Tony or not, at least they were all mortals Thor said.

If there is a conflict between the two sides, they will naturally stand on the same front as Tony Stark as human beings.

Tony faced Thor's anger, naturally, he was also ready, just when he was going to open the trash, ready to teach Thor a lesson.

The hammer that was getting closer and closer suddenly disappeared!

, Thor's armor and cloak also disappeared, the divine power in his body disappeared together, and his whole body was softened.

Thor knelt.

"No, no, I am not qualified to make a god kneel!" Tony laughed.

Thor quickly got up and looked at his hands in shock, ignoring Tony's mockery, " Where's my hammer?"

"Thor, I think what he said is right, if there is no hammer, you are nothing!"

A figure quietly appeared in the living room. He sat on the sofa casually, with legs tilted, holding a red apple in one hand, and Thor's Mjölnir in the other hand!

"Loki!" Thor and his four friends rushed in, "Give me the hammer quickly! This is my hammer!"

It turns out that he is Thor's younger brother, the evil God Loki, and they don't know when he appeared.

Bruce said in a deep voice, "He moved quickly and grasped the timing very well. He succeeded in one blow and snatched the hammer."

   "Dr. Banner, we are not blind." Tony's expression also became solemn.