
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

Thor crying but without tears

Thor lost his divine power and couldn't rush through the Hulk's line of defense. He could only watch Tony ruin his beloved hammer.

If he had heard the ancient Chinese saying that the tiger was deceived by a dog, he would now agree with it. Isn't this exactly his current situation?

"No! Don't do this!"

The poor Thor witnessed his hammer stained with bright girlish color.

Tony is like a kid. He dyed the hammer from beginning to end and painted the head of Mjölnir with yellow paint.

After coloring Mjölnir looks like a girl's toy, which is quite cute.

Nick Fury was stunned, "This is your scientific approach Stark?"

"I'm thinking that this is quite scientific, you see!" Tony said, lifting this colorful hammer with one hand as if using no strength at all.

Nick Fury's eyes widened, and Thor was completely stunned.

All the staff onlookers were stunned. When the Hulk and Bruce try to raise hammers, they had a lot of struggle, and they had seen their strength before.

This hammer looks like it grows tentacles on the ground, and it can't be lifted after exhausting all scientific methods.

but tony just painted Mjölnir with pink color, and was lifted?

"Is this magic?" Dr. Banner kept blinking, "It must be magic! Did you change the hammer by the way when you changed the color?"

He just tried to take the hammer when he became the Hulk, but After exhausting his strength, the hammer remained motionless.

As a result, he just put on a layer of paint and changed the color. It is obvious that Tony, an ordinary person, can lift the hammer so easily.

To better conceal the effect from them, Tony held the handle of the hammer with one hand and raised his head directly, just like Thor's posture in the past.

"Don't look at me with this kind of eyes, this is the power of technology!"

What kind of power of science and technology is this?

"Anyone can raise this hammer now, don't you believe it? Nick, pick it up for me!" Tony said, he threw the hammer at Nick Fury.

Nick Fury was taken aback. He knew that the weight of the hammer was extremely exaggerated. Wasn't it a deliberate murder when he hit it?

Is it possible that Tony Stark, like Captain America, is also an agent of Hydra?

But Tony was too fast, Nick Fury subconsciously took it in his hand. The weight was not light, but it was the weight of a normal hammer, and there was nothing strange about it.

   "Huh!" Bruce snatched the hammer over in surprise but found that it was not heavy, swiping twice and rushing towards the open space.

rumbling, thunder fell from the sky, blasting a deep hole in the ground!

"This, this, how is this possible!" Thor held his head in his hands, watching this scene in disbelief.

This is my hammer, my hammer only!

"Can you still use it like this?" The director's eyes lit up, and he took the hammer back and tried to point to the ground. As expected, thunder fell.

Dr. Banner couldn't help but stepped forward and tried. They all raised the hammer and summoned Thunder.

Thor's entire face was twisted into a ball, and his heartfelt sour inexplicably, just like Mjölnir abandoned him.

Nick and others had a good time, and even gave the staff nearby the hammer and asked them to try it. As a result, as long as they are individuals, they can lift this so-called artifact and be able to summon Thunder.

"Very good, this will be a great weapon for our Avengers!" Nick Fury said vigorously.

"Ahem, have you forgotten something? This hammer is not yours." Banner noticed Thor, who was squatting on the side and felt a bit pitiful.

"Yes, you haven't let Thor try it yet!" Tony greeted Thor with a smile: "Come on, Thor, come and try your hammer, I dare say that after the enhancement of my technology, it absolutely must be More powerful than before!"

Thor suddenly raised his head, and stared at Tony with red eyes, "You! You ruined my Mjölnir!"

"Is he a fool?" Tony spread his hands out, "We raised the hammer for you, don't you know to say thank you? An impolite god?"

Nick Fury reminded: "Thor, you find your strength first, isn't this more important?"

Thor with red eyes snatched Mjölnir, and several sturdy claps of thunder fell from the sky, which directly enveloped him, flying all the debris around him!

Nick and others hurriedly dispersed to avoid being hit by lightning.

When the sparkling electric light in front of him dissipated, Thor, who had changed his armor, held up his hammer and appeared in front of them.

This was supposed to be the showtime where the hero appeared, but our hero doesn't seem to be too, Thor has recovered his supernatural power, but he looks at the pink Mjolnir in his hand, especially It's the Iron Man pattern above, so it feels uncomfortable how you look at it.

He regained his strength, but he felt that he had lost something more important, and he wanted to cry inexplicably.

"Wow, so this is the correct way to use a hammer? Let me try it!" Tony came over curiously and asked him for his hammer.

Thor pushed him away with a wave of his hand, glaring with red eyes: "This is my hammer! and only Mine!"

"Hey! You bastard! If it weren't for me, could you raise this hammer?" Tony almost fell and yelled in annoyance: "you don't know how to be grateful, bastard! I remember you!"

At this moment, several weird men wearing the same armor style as Tony's body broke into this research institute.

   Nick Fury heard a report from Agent Clint Barton and said in a deep voice: "they are here as a guest. Maybe it is for you, Thor."

Thor also noticed the movement outside and ran out to take a look. They were all his comrades in the palace.



Sif was surprised, "After we saw that weird video, we were very worried about you, Thor, have you recovered your divine power?! Huh... how did your hammer become like this? But it's pretty cute!"

Thor's smile narrowed when he heard this, and he turned to introduce their identities to Nick Fury.

Sif didn't care much about these mortals. She pulled Thor aside and reminded him solemnly: "Thor, you should come back to Asgard with us! The GodKing fell into a deep sleep, and your brother Loki took the opportunity to seize the throne. We suspect that all of this is his conspiracy!"

"What? Conspiracy?"