
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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The fact that Peter Quill had killed his own father was not widely known. In theory, only members of the Guardians of the Galaxy should have known about it since there were no onlookers at the time.

How did this Earthman standing before them know about it?

Star-Lord smiled, and Doctor Strange gave them a brief introduction of the players' origins, claiming that they had travelled from the future, and it was normal for them to know these things.

Star-Lord, even more surprised after hearing this, said, "Wow, time travel... what an exciting adventure! Hey, buddy, since you know what happened in the future, can you tell me if the future Star-Lord became famous throughout the universe?"

Clark Kent nodded and said honestly, "In our timeline, your name has indeed become famous throughout the universe."

Back when the quiz game exposed Peter Quill's "useless teammate" behaviour during his battle with Thanos, countless viewers cursed him.

At that time, if a poll were conducted to ask, "Who is your least favourite guy?" Our Star-Lord Aka Peter Quill, would definitely be elected as the top choice!

At this moment, Peter Parker naturally didn't know these details. He thought that his heroics in saving the world and even the universe had made Star-Lord famous, and he couldn't help but grin.

"Haha, Gamora, Drax, Mantis, did you all hear that? My name will echo throughout the entire universe from now on!"

Seeing how happy he was, superman shook his head helplessly and didn't reveal the cruel truth.

However, Doctor Strange had seen that future video, and at this moment, he stood with his arms crossed, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth, staring at Star-Lord.

Just as Peter Quill was about to inquire further about his future path to fame, Gamora approached and said, "Let the ship auto-pilot. I need to talk to you."

Peter Quill raised an eyebrow, "Can't we talk here?" He was in high spirits.

Gamora stared at him and Star-Lord had to shrug, "Alright, alright, I'll listen to you. Don't tell me you're pregnant?"

Of course, he lowered his voice when he said the last sentence, but it still reached the ears of those nearby, prompting a chuckle.

Blushing, Gamora punched him and then pulled him away.

Doctor Strange, seeing this, said in a low voice, "I guess they must be discussing something related to the Infinity Stone."

Captain Marvel nodded. She had also seen the future video and knew that the whereabouts of the Soul Stone were closely linked to Gamora. She whispered, "She doesn't trust us enough."

On the other side, Gamora pulled Star-Lord into a secluded room and then told him seriously that their next actions were very dangerous, and they might be captured by Thanos. And if she were captured, she hoped that Star-Lord would kill her.

Peter Quill was stunned by her words and asked for the reason. However, Gamora didn't explain clearly. Instead, she acted like a riddler and only told him that she held a secret that even Thanos didn't know, a secret that couldn't be revealed to anyone as it would bring danger to them all. Most importantly, this secret must not fall into Thanos' hands.

She was well aware of how formidable Thanos was, and if she were captured, she might not even have a chance to commit suicide, as Thanos had ways to extract her secret through torture.

So, she instructed Star-Lord that if it came to that point, he must kill her!

Star-Lord's expression became complex. Of course, he didn't want to do it, but his girlfriend insisted on him making a promise. He reluctantly agreed.

After they returned, both of their expressions changed significantly. Gamora's eyes were red, and Star-Lord had a serious look. Their bad moods seemed to have brought bad luck with them.

Because as the ship approached the knowhere, they saw Thanos' massive warship in the distance!

"We're a step behind!" Doctor Strange furrowed his brow.

Superman spoke in a deep voice, "After rescuing the Asgardian refugee ship, he probably went straight to the knowhere. It's normal that we're a step behind."

Even if Thanos couldn't get the Space Stone, his warship was incredibly fast. He had left early, so naturally, he could reach the knowhere before them.

"What do we do now?" Praying Mantis asked anxiously. "Should we fight Thanos directly?"

Drax immediately said, "Of course, I want to kill him, right here, right now!"

He was also a victim of Thanos' brutality, and when it came to recklessness, he was the kind who couldn't be held back even by nine oxen. He spoke and was about to board another small spaceship to go directly to seek revenge on Thanos.

But Gamora hurriedly stopped him, "No, Drax, we can't be impulsive!"

But she couldn't stop this big guy. In the end, Superman intervened, gripping Drax's shoulder, rendering him immobile. Drax found that he couldn't move and could only vent his anger loudly, "I want to kill Thanos, don't stop me!"

"Listen!" Clark Kent stared into his eyes. "Can you move freely in space?"

Drax shook his head. Of course, he couldn't.

Doctor Strange immediately instructed Star-Lord to steer the spacecraft away cautiously, warning against hasty approaches. Simultaneously, he stated, "We have two sets of plans ready. While arriving before Thanos would be ideal, it's currently too late for that. Taking another step means relying on our backup plan."

The alternative plan was straightforward. They would remain on the spaceship to coordinate their efforts, while Superman and Captain Marvel, two individuals capable of functioning in space, would attempt to seize an opportunity to acquire the Infinity Stone.

"Clark, Carol, you'll be the first to investigate. If Thanos already possesses the Reality Stone, withdraw immediately. If he hasn't obtained it yet, try to take it from him. Your safety is the top priority. Do you understand?" Doctor Strange addressed Superman and Captain Marvel.

Both of them were familiar with the plan and nodded in agreement. Much to the surprise of Star-Lord and the others, they leapt out of the spaceship and transformed into two "shooting stars," streaking towards the knowhere.

Drax seemed somewhat impatient, muttering, "Can't we do anything? Are we just going to watch from here?"

In the past, Star-Lord might have actively sought excitement, but now, he glanced at Gamora beside him and thought it best not to approach her too closely.

Doctor Strange raised an eyebrow and replied, "Don't be impatient. Ultimately, we'll have to confront Thanos, but not here. Our primary objective is securing the Infinity Stones!"

He instructed Star-Lord to pilot the spacecraft farther away to avoid being caught in the upcoming battle.

Star-Lord grumbled, "Is this far enough? Let's not be overly cautious!"

But just as he said that they saw a barrage of artillery fire coming their way from the front, startling them.