
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

Thanos Bait

When you look at the distant nowhere, it resembles a massive human skull floating in the vast universe. Entering through the eye sockets or mouth of the skull will lead you to nowhere.

At this moment, Thanos' flagship is approaching the outskirts of nowhere. They seem quite confident and have not arranged any patrol warships.

Star-Lord's ship is parked in the distance. When Superman and Captain Marvel successively headed towards nowhere for reconnaissance, under Doctor Strange's reminder, Star-Lord moved further away, creating some distance.

Peter Quill felt like they might be overly cautious. However, in the next instant, the darkness in front of them was covered by a barrage of gunfire. He was so startled that his voice turned high-pitched, "Quick, prepare the defence systems!"

Gamora was by his side, and they had developed excellent teamwork through their past cosmic adventures. She didn't need Star-Lord's reminder and immediately activated the ship's energy shields.

Mantis exclaimed anxiously, "The firepower is too intense; our shields can't hold!"

"Don't worry!" Stephen Strange frowned, "The attack isn't aimed at us."

Upon closer inspection, the dense curtain of gunfire, resembling a barrage, had not actually hit their ship. It was intercepted in front of the ship and blossomed into a series of dazzling fireworks.

Those who intercepted this barrage were none other than Superman and Captain Marvel. Regardless of which one of them it was, they emerged unscathed from this storm of gunfire. Moreover, they were now working together.

This made Thanos' subordinates feel like they had encountered the unexpected.

Carol and Clark exchanged glances, then flanked the intense barrage from left and right, planning to replicate their previous aerial battle, treating themselves as sharp spears or intercontinental missiles to pierce through these warships.

However, when the two of them entered the warships one after another, they were surprised to find out that the warships in front of them didn't actually exist; they were illusions!

No, to be precise, it wasn't an illusion, but Thanos had altered reality using the Reality Stone!

In fact, when Star-Lord's ship approached this sector of the galaxy, Thanos had already sensed it in advance. He had successfully obtained the second Infinity Stone - the Reality Stone.

Among the six Infinity Stones, there were some connections between them; they could sense each other. That's why Thanos sensed another Infinity Stone actively drawing closer to him.

This was undoubtedly a great joy.

So, Thanos had set up a trap in advance, using the Reality Stone's properties to create illusions. The warships that Star-Lord, superman, and Captain Marvel saw were all fake!

When the illusions were revealed, they realized that Star-Lord's ship had already been surrounded from all directions, while the warships Superman and Captain Marvel had destroyed were few in numbers, they had been deceived, falling into the trap!

"Haha, our wise and mighty lord, your wisdom is unparalleled. You've played these fools who dared to block our path!"

"I know the origins of these people. They are called the Guardians of the Galaxy. In front of our lord, they are just a group of arrogant ants."

"That's right, anyone who dares to hinder our lord's grand plan will be torn to pieces!"

"Kill them, my lord, please give the order to let me kill them all, cut off their heads and offer them to you, along with that infinity stone, of course!"

Inside Thanos' flagship, the Black Order, including Ebony Maw, were all eager to please Thanos.

Thanos, on the other hand, gazed at the gauntlet embedded with two Infinity Stones and smiled faintly. He was clearly in a good mood.

Previously, due to the interference of Superman and Captain Marvel, he couldn't obtain the Space Stone, but now he has obtained the Second Stone. With two Stones in his possession, this group of insignificant and annoying ants not only walked into his trap but also brought a third Stone with them. Thanos couldn't help but smile.

"Lord Thanos, there is no one in the entire universe as mighty as you. With two Infinity Stones and soon-to-be three, you will be able to gather all six Stones!"

Ebony Maw knelt before Thanos, requesting permission to lead the army and get the third Infinity Stone for him.

General Proxima Midnight, Corvus Glaive, and Black Dwarf naturally didn't want to be outdone and actively offered to help their lord achieve his dream.

It didn't take much guessing to know that the Asgardians who had escaped earlier were likely hiding on Earth. After all, Asgard itself no longer existed.

As for the Guardians of the Galaxy, Superman, and Captain Marvel in front of them, they seemed trapped and had no chance of escape.

So, after obtaining the two Infinity Stones on Earth, Thanos would be just one Stone away from his goal. Thinking about it, victory seemed within reach!

Thanos was feeling triumphant at this moment. He waved his hand and ordered the Black Order, including Ebony Maw, to lead a portion of the army straight to Earth. As for here, he would handle it personally.

Additionally, he wanted to acquire the most mysterious Soul Stone as a side benefit. From another set of memories in his adopted daughter Nebula's files, Thanos learned that Gamora once obtained a map leading to the Soul Stone. She had burned it to stop him from collecting all six Infinity Stones.

But Thanos believed that Gamora, despite burning the map, likely knew the whereabouts of the Soul Stone. And what's more, Gamora was currently with the Guardians of the Galaxy, so what they were offering wasn't just one Infinity Stone but two!

The temptation of two Infinity Stones was irresistible, and Thanos had no intention of letting them escape this time.

Meanwhile, the Black Order received their orders and retreated, leading a portion of the army toward Earth.

At this point, Carol and Superman realized that they had fallen into a trap. Without a second thought, they charged toward Thanos' warship, only to be engulfed by the barrage of gunfire.

"Terrible! Thanos has already obtained the Reality Stone, and he was waiting for us to take the bait!"

On the ship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, everyone had serious and grim expressions. The situation had taken a dire turn.

Peter Quill smacked his forehead, staring wide-eyed at the densely packed warships outside and the enormous flagship hovering above their heads. He couldn't help but panic.

Doctor Strange, with a furrowed brow, said in a low voice, "Don't panic. I'll get you out first, but be prepared... you might have to lose this ship."

As he spoke, he opened a portal that led directly to Earth. At the same time, he shouted to Gamora, who was still dazed, "You go first. No matter what, we can't let Thanos get the Soul Stone!"

Your power stones are the motivation, so give me more motivation! Thank you

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