
Not Your "Normal" Love Story

Author: EmionEtyel
Contemporary Romance
Ongoing · 6.5K Views
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What is Not Your "Normal" Love Story


Pandemic occurs and everything turn into abnormal. People can't go outside. People just stay at home. Some are hopeless to live. But what if one day, someone changed your way of living while there is a pandemic?

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“Please Nick, promise me that you will take care and keep Windy for me, I will leave her to you, because knowing if like me she is also important to you as a best friend. Nick couldn't speak, he couldn't get the lick out of his tongue that day. The best friend says goodbye to him, and it leaves him the dearest wife. Will it make him a successor to wife Windyline? He nodded in succession, "Yes Yuhan I will promise to take care of and take care of Windy just like you take care of her. She cries as she promises to best friend. "I don't want to! I still want to stay here even if for the last time I can make him feel that I love him very much, even if our marriage doesn't last long, he will somehow feel that I'm still with him no matter where he is now. Windy replied while she's crying. "We're the only ones here Windy, Lorence won't be happy with what you're doing. And look at that body of yours? It's only been a week since your husband died but that's how it is. Didn't you promise him that you wouldn't leave yourself alone when he's gone? Her mother reminds her that she still hasn't moved. "But mommy please! Let me stay here for a few minutes! ... "Okay! But don't stay too long Windy, it looks like it's still raining. "Yes! Her answer was short. When her mother left she faced her husband's grave again, her tears flowed again and again, a week had passed and there was not a day that she did not cry but she did not seem to run out of tears... "It seems like just now Lorence told me you were going to give me beautiful and healthy children, but what happened and you left me? She was talking at the husband's grave. Yes! they got married after they found out that her boyfriend was sick when she forced him to check up because he always had a headache when they were studying in college, her boyfriend's course was an engineering course, and she was a business management they are both in their third year of college, they were dating together in the garden of the school they attend when the young man suddenly fainted next to her, Windy immediately called for help and they quickly took her boyfriend to the hospital . “Windy, I love you! Windy stopped looking back at the past with cold water dripping on her forehead. Then she got up and the heavy rain fell. She could no longer stand, she fell to the ground again to continue going back to the past, but she looked up when the rain suddenly disappeared and she looked up at a large umbrella. "That's enaugh Windy! Yuhan will just be sad where he is now, if you're like that." Said the person who holding the big umbrella. "Why is that Nick? Why did He take him from me? Did I do something big wrong to Him and did He punish me like this? She asked her boyfriend's best friend. Nick, he's the only one who is there always for them, when they sometimes arguing with Lorence. He is always in the middle of them, and he will not stop until they get along with the groom. "Don't blame the above Windy, there's a reason why this is happening. God has a plan for you maybe, and we both know that Yuhan will only be happy if you are strong and move on with life with his happy memories. "How can I be happy when he's gone Nick? Windy answered still crying. “I’m still here Windy, I won’t leave you, and your parents are the same, they won’t leave you. "Thank you Nick! But you don't have to take care of me, you have a sweetheart and I don't want to be the cause of your constant quarrel. “Look Windyline, don’t be a burden to whoever I’m in a relationship with, and I won’t break my promise to my best friend. Windy got up and Nick sent to her parents 'house, now that her husband is gone she is at her parents' house she will go home again. Nick was right, even if her husband was sad about what she was doing, and she promised here then and she will repeat that promise now, she will get up and move on with life with no one else but the happy memories she and her husband had when he was still alive...........

SportyDesLyn_87 · LGBT+
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