
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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121 Chs

Chapter 115

"Long time no see, Wenwu! I had not thought that I would see your wretched face today when I had come to visit my dear niece." Master Ying Nan said, cursing Xu Wenwu.

It could be clearly seen from her expression that Master Ying Nan had quite deep hate against Xu Wenwu and even now she was barely holding holding herself back from attacking him.

"Ah! You are Ying Nan, Ying Li's sister, right? I remember that you had come along with Ying Li when she was leaving Ta Lo so that she could live with me. Even then, you are trying to convince my beloved to not leave Ta Lo. But unfortunately, our love won in the end." Xu Wenwu said as remembering the pleasant past times fondly.

"Don't you dare talk about Ying Li when it was because of your sins that she died. You have no right to talk about her!" Master Ying Nan replied furiously.

"Hmph! You have no idea how much strong our love was for each other. How much we had sacrificed to be with each other? She had sacrificed her everything and I had willingly given up my past as well just because she had asked me." Xu Wenwu said to Master Ying Nan as if he couldn't hear any insult against his love for Ying Li.

"Mutants! I have no ill will against you. I have only come for my daughter Xialing, one of the few things I have left of my dear wife, Ying Li. Give her to me and I will return." Xu Wenwu said to all of us, giving us his proposal.

"Do you think that Xialing is an object that we can give to you? Ask her yourself if she wants to return with you." Master Ying Nan replied.

"I don't want to go with you, father!" Xialing said without any hesitation in front of Xu Wenwu's intense gaze.

"Why don't you understand, Xialing? We can be a family once more. Looks, Shang Chi is also here." Xu Wenwu said, pointing behind him where we could see a young man who looked quite similar to Wenwu.

Our focus had entirely been on Xu Wenwu so it was only now that our eyes fell on Shang Chi who had come along with him.

"Xialing, please come back! Father can keep you safe." Shang Chi pleaded to Xialing.

"Is it you speaking or father? You don't have the right to say that we can be a family once more when it was you who left me behind in the Ten Rings." Xialing admonished Shang Chi, causing him to lower his eyes in guilt.

"But at least, you got out of that hellhole. Don't you remember what kind of monster Father was trying to make out of you. He is not what he used to be. You know yourself how much he has changed." Xialing said to Shang Chi, trying to convince him that Wenwu was not what he used to be.

"Xialing, I….." Shang Chi was about to say something but he was clearly hesitating.

"Enough of this melodrama. I will ask for the last time. Let me take Xialing or face my wrath." Xu Wenwu gave a final warning.

As if to show his might, the men behind him readied their guns and pointed at us. Some of them even had Chitauri guns in their hands, showing how far Wenwu's connections reached.

"Do you think that you can win against us with just this much firepower, Xu Wenwu? Then, I can only say that you are delusional." Professor Xavier said to Wenwu as all of us took a combat stance, ready to fight this small army.

"Indeed. I know that this little force of mine can't win against your mutant powers. But are you ready to risk the lives of your students for a single girl, Professor? What if during the battle, I accidentally kill one of your dear students. Would you be able to take responsibility then?" Xu Wenwu said, threatening to kill us students so as to put pressure on Professor.

"Wenwu, just have vile you are? How did my sweet sister fell in love with someone as vile as you? Threatening to kill mere students to achieve your goal, just how much will you fall? Do you even have any conscience left?" Master Ying Nan said furiously upon hearing Wenwu's words.

"My children are the only thing I have left of Ying Li. I will not let you take them from me, Ying Nan." Xu Wenwu said resolutely. He was clearly not up for negotiation.

The situation was clearly too tense. A better could start any moment. The only thing remaining was just a spark.

"Xu Wenwu, since you are not going to live without Xialing, what do you think about a deal?" Master Ying Nan suddenly proposed.

"A deal?" Xu Wenwu said, clearly looking interested.

"How about a duel between you and me? If you can defeat me in single combat, I will let you leave with Xialing. Everyone has been involved in this matter only because of me." Master Ying Nan explained the deal, shocking all of us.

"Ha, ha! Very well. This duel would surely be interesting." Xu Wenwu said, accepting Master's deal.

"Master, what are you talking about? Why this sudden deal?" I asked Master Ying Nan, surprised by her sudden proposal.

"This whole situation arose because of me, Peter. If anyone was hurt because of me, I will not be able to forgive myself. I have not been able to help my sister's children for so many years. Let me fulfill my duty today." Master Ying Nan explained why she had made this deal.

"Alright! But be careful. Xu Wenwu as found an extra ring from who knows where." I warned Master about the eleventh ring.

"Don't worry. I can handle myself. Wenwu won't stand a chance against me." Master said confidently as she stepped forward to fight Wenwu.

As she took a combat stance, a golden aura covered her body because of her chi.

"Your chi won't be enough to stop me!" Wenwu said as he shot two rings directly at her.

Master Ying Nan easily blocked the rings with the help of her chi but in the meantime, Wenwu had closed the distance between them. He punched towards her with both of his hands, each one enhanced by the rings on them.

However, Master crossed her arms and covered then with her chi in order to block the punches. As soon as Wenwu's punches hit her arms, the chi covering them suddenly exploded, creating a shockwave which pushed Wenwu backwards.

"How did you gain an extra ring? You have even managed to block the Ten Rings' weakness. I can't steal the rings from your control." Master Ying Nan asked Wenwu as he was pushed backwards by the shockwave.

"Defeat me and then you can ask anything." Wenwu said as the Ten Rings on his hands suddenly dropped from them. They were then enshrouded in a force field, creating two whips filled with a great amount of force.

Wenwu once again rushed towards Master, this time using the two whips. Master covered her hands with chi so as to handle the crushing force the whips were putting on her with each hit.

Both of them attacked each other ruthlessly, Master's hands meeting with Wenwu's whips of force, no one giving the other a single opening.

The exchange of hands and whips continued for about a minute before Master Ying Nan's chi faltered for a moment. Taking advantage of the opening, Wenwu attacked with the whips at full force, forcing Master backwards this time.

"If you only have this much strength, then you can forget about winning today, Ying Nan." Wenwu said arrogantly.

"Oh really!" Master said with a smile as a massive amount of chi suddenly started gathering in her right hand.

Realising that Master was charging a big move, Wenwu put all of the Ten Rings on his right hand, ready to meet the move upfront.

Master Ying Nan rushed towards Wenwu this time, her right hand glowing with golden chi. As she neared Wenwu, she thrust her right hand glowing with the golden chi towards him.

The golden chi gathered into her hand surged towards Wenwu, forming into the shape of a dragon's head to everyone's surprise.

Wenwu hit the dragon's head formed of golden chi with the full power of the Ten Rings but could still not withstand its power and flew backwards from the impact.

"What the hell was that?" Kitty asked excitedly. Even I had not seen this move before.

"This is a result of the Great Protector's Blessing. The blessing allows a very small portion of the Great Protector's power to dwell into Ying Nan's body and her chi. This bolsters the power of her chi and allows her to use this kind of moves." Master Wong explained.

No wonder Master Ying Nan had never told me about this move. After all, I was hopeless in the matters of chi.

As Wenwu stood up, we could easily see a stream of blood coming out of his mouth. That move had clearly damaged him a lot.

"Are you going to surrender, Wenwu? Your power is only because of the Ten Rings. There is no way you can be against me." Master Ying Nan said, asking for Wenwu to surrender.

"Ha ha ha ha!!" To everyone's surprise, Wenwu started to laugh instead of answering.

"I was going to use it when fighting with Albion. But you would suffice, Ying Nan!"

As he said these words, a ring on his right hand started glowing a crimson red and soon all the Ten Rings were glowing the same colour.

Before any one of us could react, the Ten Rings started burning with crimson flames and Xu Wenwu's skin started turning red for some reason.

"Let's see if you can defeat me now, Ying Nan!" Wenwu said, his eyes burning with crimson flames.


Hope you all liked the fight between Ying Nan and Xu Wenwu so far! When I had first started this story, I had unfortunately not given much focus on the martial arts of Ta Lo so we are seeing their moves only now.

Anyways, the fight has now turned to the second phase with Xu Wenwu's transformation. Any idea about the source of the eleventh ring?

Sorry for the delay. I was so busy writing the next chapters that I completely forgot to post.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye