
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

Chapter 114

"What kind of idiotic artefact is this?" Master Wong said furiously, cursing the Ten Rings.

We were currently in the X-Mansion's lab which was usually managed by Mr. Hank. Master Wong had laid down an analysis circle and had just finished analysing the functions of the ring when he blurted out these words.

"Why are you cursing this artefact out of nowhere, Master Wong? From what Peter has told me about this artefact, it is quite a unique artefact capable of using the force it generates in a versatile manner with the help of the entire set of the Ten Rings." Mr. Stark questioned.

"It can have the functions of a godly artefact but it will not be useful if the requirements themselves are so shitty. Let me show you why I curse this artefact so much." Master Wong decided to show by example to prove his words.

He activated the ring using his magical energy, causing the ring to glow a fiery golden as it floated in the air.

"Peter, try to inject your magical energy into the ring now." Master Wong asked.

As per his orders, I injected my magical energy into the artefact and to my surprise, the fiery golden colour of the ring quickly disappeared and the ring once again turned a crimson red, coming into my control in just an instant.

It was easy for me to take the control of the ring from Xu Wenwu given that he was just an ordinary human without the ring. But this time, my opponent was Master Wong, a master of mystic arts with quite strong magical energy and I had taken the control of the ring from him in just an instant.

"Now, you understand by I call this artefact shitty. This artefact will only follow the one with the strongest magical energy. As such, it is an affront to the whole art of artefact crafting.

The opponents of the sorcerers are generally interdimensional beasts who more than often have a stronger magical energy compared to us. That is why, the artefacts we create only follow one user at a time and the transfer of an artefact is quite a complex process.

This artefact which not only doesn't have this safety lock but actively jumps into the hands of the one with the strongest magical energy is just too much shitty and the one who made such an artefact is clearly an idiot."

"Peter, did you know about this fact? After all, you had stolen this ring easily when Xu Wenwu had shot it." Mr. Hank asked curiously.

"Actually, Master Ying Nan had previously told me that the Ten Rings had no magical resistance. Only now do I know the true reason it was easy to steal this ring." I explained.

"Based on the accounts of Ying Nan, it seems that the Ten Rings I am not only suspectible to magical energy but also chi. Did the creator overboard to make this artefact even more shitty?" Master Wong said upon hearing my words.

"What is this Chi?" Mr. Stark asked curiously.

"Chi is an energy formed from lifeforce and magical energy. It is used by the mystic martial artists of Ta Lo in combat." I explained.

"Then you must also be able to use it, right Peter?" Mr. Stark asked.

"Actually, I can just barely generate chi. My body is too saturated with magical energy for me to be able to use Chi. Moreover, most functions of Chi are useless to me since it is mostly used in enhancing the body and sometimes as a projectile. And my body is so powerful that it can't be enhanced by Chi." I explained my condition.

"By the way, Master Wong. Did you find what kind of enchantments were used in the ring?" I asked Master Wong.

"Unfortunately, not. It is likely a layered artifact where the enchantments are formed on the inner layer before coating it with another one." Master Wong said.

"Hank, can you put this ring under the microscope? I have a hunch." Mr. Stark asked Mr. Hank.

"Sure! Let's try it this way too." Mr. Hank said with a shrug as he put the ring under the microscope.

"This, this!" Mr. Hank suddenly started stuttering as he saw the results.

"What happened, Hank?" Mr. Stark asked curiously.

"See for yourself!" Mr. Hank said as he put the microscope's feed on a monitor.

However, what I saw was something I had never expected! I had never thought that this ring hid such a big secret.

The image showed circuitry along with magical runes but what was shocking was that they were just too small.

"This is nanotechnology! Moreover, enchanted nanotechnology. There is no one on Earth who can make this artefact." I said, realising just what was in our hands.

This ring which Master Wong was calling shitty was made with such nanotechnology that we could not have thought of even in our dreams.

"Do you think that this is made from alien technology, Peter? You have been researching the alien tech from the invasion lately. Are there any similarities?" Master Wong asked.

"No, it is clearly not Chitauri technology. After all, we have not found even a single trace of nanotech in their equipment. I can't say if it is from any other alien civilization." I answered.

"So, we have an extremely advanced artefact here made with both magic and technology and it was under our nose's for over 500 years. As a matter of fact, where did Xu Wenwu even find the Ten Rings?" Master Wong said, frustrated by the fact that we knew next to nothing about the Ten Rings.

"I believe that only Wenwu can answer this question. Master Wong, can you track the rest of the Ten Rings using this ring? We will need him to find everything about the Ten Rings. And we can't leave the rest of the Ten Rings in his hand after learning about their true identity." I said to Master Wong.

"Sure! It should be a piece of cake. The Ten Rings are a set so it is just to easy to find the other rings when you have one in your hand." Master Wong said as he casted the tracking spell to find the location of Wenwu.

"How can it be possible?" Master Wong suddenly said in a surprised tone.

"What's the matter?" Mr. Hank asked.

"The tracking spell says that the ten rings are only a few kilometres away and are nearing. It means that Xu Wenwu is coming right towards us." Master Wong said, shocking all of us.

"It can't be. Let me check the security cameras." Mr. Hank said as he checked the security cameras near the X-Mansion.

As if to prove Master Wong's words, several vehicles passed in front of the cameras just seconds after Mr. Hank started checking the cameras.

"They would be here in no more than 2 minutes. Peter, go and inform everyone immediately. I will activate all the security features in the meantime." Mr. Hank instructed me.

As per his orders, I immediately ran to the lobby where fortunately everyone was. They were likely here because they wanted to meet Master Ying Nan, a mystic martial artist of Ta Lo.

"Everyone!" I shouted in a loud voice.

"What's the matter, Peter? Why are you shouting?" Professor Xavier asked.

"Xu Wenwu is coming here with an entire force. We only have 2 minutes before he arrives." I informed everyone.

"Has he gone mad? There is no way he and his men can take on us mutants especially on our base." Professor Xavier said, not understanding why Xu Wenwu would attack so mindlessly.

"Since he has come, the only thing we can do is to face him." Captain said as he picked up his shield.

"Indeed. That is something I agree with you, Captain. I had just taken my suit on a whim. Didn't realise that I would get a chance to settle an old revenge?" Mr. Stark said as he arrived in the lobby in his Iron Man suit, with Master Wong following right behind.

I too activated my transformation bracelet and equipped my suit, ready to face Xu Wenwu once again.

"Then, let's go show Xu Wenwu our might." Professor Xavier said to us as we prepared to face Xu Wenwu, likely for a final time.


As we arrived outside, we could see that several turrets had appeared in several parts of the garden and many more were still appearing.


As if on cue, the several vehicles containing Xu Wenwu and his force arrived soon after we came outside.

However, a part of the garden suddenly opened right after Wenwu arrived and from it emerged the mighty Sentinel. Looks like its repair had been finally finished.


As if undeterred by our might, Xu Wenwu shot a ring at the main gate, destroying it.

"Hello, Albion! Thought you would not see me this soon?" Xu Wenwu addressed me, clearly holding a grudge.

As Xu Wenwu said these words, my eyes involuntary fell on his rings but what I saw literally shocked me.

Fuck! Why the hell were there still ten rings on his hands? Where did he get the eleventh one?


So, everyone now knows what kind of artefact the Ten Rings are. Anyways, we are now at the final battle of this arc. As I have said before, it is a small arc.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n/DragonsEye. We are already in the Multiversal Arc and a Spider Variant has also appeared.