
Naruto: Gaming Clan System

Ding! [ Gaming Center System Activated! ] [ The host can only gain power by playing games in the same way as other invited players. ] [ Please invite more players to activate the cheat codes that are not excessively overpowered and are exclusively meant for the host's use only. ] [ Battle tower cheat codes for hosts used only were activated! Please invite players to the game center ] [ Do you want to improve your Jutsu? Let's go to the Battle tower - Ninjutsu Techniques. ] [ You want to improve your Martial Arts and Survival ability? Let's go to the Battle tower - Mixed Martial Arts. ] [ You lack food in your cursed energy? Let's go to the Battle tower - Cursed Spirit World. ] [ You want to have a companion space beast? to the pokemon world. ] [ … ] patreon.com/Missing_Grass_Works

Cool_Giga · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Kakashi's question

Seku's attention was suddenly captured by a notification that appeared on his screen, accompanied by a distinct "Ding!" sound.

The message, originating from the system, presented an intriguing proposition.


[ Would you like to invite Kakashi and Pakkun to join the Gaming Paradise? ]

The words on the screen caught Seku's eye and made him contemplate the possibilities.

Lost in his thoughts, Seku began to question the authenticity of his experience or if his senses were deceiving him.

However, all his uncertainty vanished instantly when he repeatedly read the system's message.

A wave of relief washed over him, filling him with indescribable joy. He exclaimed to himself,

"Ah, I'm so glad! It appears I'm not trapped in a trick or illusion. No, my friend, what I see before me is as real as my own heartbeat."

His voice carried a deep sense of contentment as he gazed at the building and the message on the system screen.

Not long after, Kakashi and his loyal companion, Pakkun, also encountered a similar unexpected notification in their minds.


[ Would you like to join the Gaming Paradise as an Honorary member or Permanent member? ]

They were taken aback by the sight of it, furrowing their brows as they exchanged puzzled looks.

They were both intrigued and bewildered by this strange phenomenon.

They wondered aloud, "What is this unusual thing that's appearing right in front of us?"

Their voices reflected a mix of surprise and curiosity.

Could it be that the mysterious screen before them was offering an invitation?

An invitation to join the esteemed Gaming Paradise, or perhaps the revered Center of the Senju Clan?

Feelings of anticipation and wonder surged through their bodies, mingling with the uncertainty that filled their minds.

Seku, assuming the role of a guide in this unfolding story, sought to explain the mystery that now enveloped them.

In a calm manner, he began describing how this virtual world operated, with the assistance of the system itself.

"Dear friends, Kakashi and Pakkun, let me elucidate the nature of this intriguing situation," he began, his voice tinged with both nervousness and excitement.

"Within the Gaming Paradise, there are two paths for you to choose. One invites you to become a permanent member, forever connected to its digital world. The other offers an honorary membership, granting you the freedom to depart at your convenience, enabling exploration beyond its boundaries, albeit with restricted access."

Seku's words lingered in the air, filled with caution and warning.

It felt as though he carried a secret, a truth that could shatter their hopes.

Beneath his warnings, Seku carried a heavy heart, burdened by the knowledge that he couldn't exploit this opportunity for personal gain.

"Frustrating system! Why won't you let me handle this on my own?" Seku cursed helplessly.

Oh, the disappointment that consumed him!

He could have gained so much Ryo!

The idea of profiting from Kakashi and his canine companion, Pakkun, was tempting, but the system seemed bound to honesty in its dealings.

Caught in the grip of curiosity, Kakashi gazed intensely at Seku, daring to ask the question on his mind.

"Seku-kun, please tell us about the treasures that await those who choose the membership program."

Pakkun, always observant, fixed its pug-like eyes on Seku, genuinely interested.

Gathering his thoughts, Kakashi repeated his question, ensuring clarity amidst the swirling possibilities in his mind.

"And what exactly happens if someone becomes an Honorary member?"

Kakashi's voice held a mix of nervousness and burning curiosity.

While his loyalty to Konohagakure remained unwavering, the notion of exploring unknown knowledge, even beyond his powerful Sharingan, held an undeniable appeal.

Sensing the subtle tension in Kakashi's question, Seku paused briefly, carefully considering his response.

Ultimately, he chose to address the question directly, revealing the truth to Kakashi.

"Ah, indeed," he replied lazily, adopting a casual demeanor that downplayed the gravity of his answer. "As an Honorary member, you'll receive a twenty percent discount on your gaming adventures. You won't need to pledge your loyalty to the esteemed Senju Clan Gaming Center."

After Seku's statement, a pregnant silence settled between them, filled with unspoken questions that hung in the air like ghosts.

Kakashi, donning his trusty eyepatch once again, turned his gaze towards Seku, his expression a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

With careful consideration, he posed a question that struck at the heart of the matter, demanding an explanation for the loyalty requirement to the Game Center.

"Why must we pledge our loyalty to the Senju Clan? Will they reciprocate the loyalty to the village?"

Seku let out a heavy sigh, burdened by unspoken truths and the complexities of their situation.

He understood that Kakashi, a seasoned and perceptive shinobi, held a deep commitment to the well-being and prosperity of his Hidden leaf village.

Destined to become the future Hokage, Kakashi was devoted to protecting Konohagakure's values and its people.

Seku knew it was only natural for Kakashi to be cautious, wary of any potential threats that could jeopardize the safety of his beloved village, especially if those threats originated from powerful sources of chakra released by the system earlier he understood that.

Seku, his voice filled with resignation and understanding, began to explain, seeking to bridge the gap between their differing perspectives.

"Listen, my friend Kakashi, the Senju Clan Gaming Center is more than just entertainment. It holds significant influence and prestige within its digital realm.

"When you pledge your loyalty, you become a guardian of its reputation, a symbol of honor and virtue in the gaming world. In return, the Center shares its secrets and privileges with you, granting access to realms and experiences that surpass ordinary gaming."

Seku locked his piercing gaze onto Kakashi's, extending an unspoken invitation. Soon, he placed his hand on Kakashi's shoulder, causing Kakashi's eyes to widen.

Kakashi couldn't shake the unease that settled upon him as Seku stood before him, with Seku's arm around him.

There was something unsettling about Seku's sudden change in demeanor, coupled with his physical contact and cryptic gestures. It made Kakashi's senses heighten, wary of any hidden meaning or potential danger concealed beneath the surface.

Suddenly, Seku pointed toward a specific location.

"Look, Kakashi, do you see that towering building?" he asked casually.

However, Kakashi felt a flicker of confusion wash over him. He scanned the area Seku indicated, but to his surprise, he failed to discern anything out of the ordinary. Kakashi shook his head.

"A building? Where?" he asked, puzzled.

The towering structure before them stood tall, just as it always had, seemingly devoid of the elusive element Seku claimed existed.

Seku's voice wavered as he spoke, his words hanging in the air, filled with a mixture of disbelief and uncertainty.

"Huh?" he uttered, as if the foundation of his assumptions had been shattered. Seeking validation for his own perception of reality, Seku pressed Kakashi further, his voice tinged with desperation.

"Are you sure?" he inquired, his voice betraying his deep-seated doubts.

Remaining composed and analytical, Kakashi maintained his calm demeanor. He nodded, conveying his trust in his own senses, even as a flicker of doubt tugged at the edges of his consciousness.

"I don't see what you're referring to," he replied, his tone steady and unwavering.

Their exchange lingered in the air, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and an undercurrent of uncertainty that weighed heavily on Seku's mind.

Perplexed, Seku grappled with the dissonance between his perception and Kakashi's reality, thrust into a realm of introspection. Was his vision clouded by some unseen force, or was Kakashi impervious to a truth that eluded even the most astute observers?

I wrote four chapters yesterday, but the plot feels so wrong so, forgive me.

Cool_Gigacreators' thoughts