
Nah I'd be reincarnated

H3L9M39L353 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Ch.8: Battle of the Century Pt.1

Sukuna looked down at all of the present sorcerers and smirked, whilst his attention was then brought to Uro, who was bowing to him.

"My lord! Your true form!"

He smirked and patted her back, "Yes, all thanks to you, Uro. If you weren't as powerful as you are, we wouldn't have made it in time, so... Stand Proud, You're Strong."

She started crying, whilst bowing as he soon stood to full height once more and smirked at Yuji.

"Heh, you're free now, I guess. Yuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro, Maki Zenin, Hana or Angel, you all are quite mighty yourself."


Yuji looked pissed, but it was quite unfounded, "I'm not your Sukuna, Yuji. I have killed him and merged his power as mine. So now, forget whatever hatred you have towards him on me, as I'm not him."

Sukuna stretches his back once more before saying, "I will now go, I have to fight a few people, Tell Saturo Gojo to meet me in Tokyo for our fight, as I know he will want to."

He then walked away, with Uro following him carrying an unconscious Yuki.


Sitting in a comfortable chair, Sukuna summoned his final summon.

"With this treasure I summon, Divine General Mahoraga."

The white beast rose as Sukuna grabbed the beings throat and slammed it down, quickly he threw it into the air before summoning a flame arrow and instantly crisping it. The being stood no chance against the might of Sukuna, and he was instantly obliterated. 

The golden wheel dropped in front of him as he picked it up and put it in his shadow. 

"Ah, I can't wait until I'm done here."

Uro walked up behind him and asked, "What shall we do next my lord?"

"Well, after I fight Hajime Kashimo, Gojo Satoru and maybe Yuta Okkotsu we'll leave this place. Have we befriended Yuki yet?"

"It has been going well, she was fully healed and manipulated to your liking my lord, now she is ready to serve you."

Sukuna thought for a moment before reaching out his hand,

"Uro Takako, do you solemnly swear to serve me, until death or otherwise?"

"Yes, My lord!"

"Then I solemnly swear to keep you as one of my closest Ally's."

Chains wrapped around their hands as Sukuna stood up and walked to the room where a curious Yuki Tsukumo knelt in his presence.

"Yuki Tsukumo, do you solemnly swear to serve me, until death or otherwise?"


"Then I swear I shall keep you as one of my few allies."

She smiled brightly and nodded before Uro took her away, they were going to train a bit, as they wanted to get stronger to please their lord.


Sukuna walked around in a new set of clothing. He ditched his true form for a bit, as he wanted to fight in his base form whilst keeping his true form as a power boost to pull out of his ass.

The transformation renewed his CE and HP, whilst taking away 60 Fatigue. So he had a reset that could be used when things got to tough.

Anywho, his new clothing consisted of a black undershirt with no sleeves, no upper back covering and no shoulder covers. This allowed him to pop out his partial transformation if he wanted without ripping his clothes off. He also had a red Haori tied to his waist and a pair of black loose pants.

"Uro, do you sense that?"

The girl in question jumped to attention, feeling the atmosphere before nodding,

"Yes my lord, it seems your opponent is here."

"Well, shall we greet them?"

"Yes sir."

The sky bent to Uro's will as they were lifted in the air before flying from the room they were occupying. Yuki was currently collect all the cursed weapons she could find at that moment, so Sukuna could expand his stash.

Back to the mc, Sukuna landed gracefully on a street a good table distance away from Gojo.

"Well well, look who it is! Gojo Satoru the Strongest Sorcerer of this Era."

"Heh, so you're Ryomen Sukuna?"

"Well, not yours, I killed him, but yes. I am the King of Curses."

"Then, what are we-"

"I would like to fight."

Satoru's eyebrow raised.

"Now, I'm bored, and I want to fight. However I understand how this world operates now, and I realize if you die, things will most likely go to shit."

Gojo crossed his arms and leaned back slightly, whilst Sukuna walked forwards, the veil on his face blowing in the wind.

"So, I come at you with a binding vow, we may fight to the death, but the moment the other dies, the fight ends and... Her name was Shoko I believe? Shall heal which ever of us remains. Though, it'd be easier to just teach you myself."

Gojos eyes went wide as Sukuna instantly chopped off his hand. He then beckoned him to do the same. He shrugged before disabling his infinity only for his hand to instantly fall to the floor.

"Now, watch carefully." Sukuna raised his left hand and pushed it towards Gojos stump. He activated RCT and directed onto his hand, successfully regrowing his hand.

Gojos Hand rose towards Sukuna's stump almost perfectly recreating the abilities used on his own, and regrew Sukuna's hand.

"Marvoleous. You have a lot of potential Gojo Satoru."

"Thats high praise from the King of Curses."

"Now then, enough teasing, stick it here."

Sukuna outstretched his hand and Gojos hand met it halfway. Then, chains Wrapped around both of their hands and wrist's signifiing the binding vow's completion.

"Well then, Uro, leave with Utahime here, I wouldnt want you to get caught in our fight."

Gojo waved off the Utahime who scowled but had a woried look in her eyes, before they both left.

"Are you two together?"

"Hmm, no."

"Shame, maybe after this fight you'll confess."

"Shove a fucking stick down your throat."

"Hey, maybe that'll be fer reaction to you confessing!"

They both smirked before Sukuna looked up at the sky.

"Hey my students are watching, mind if I show off a bit?"

"Sure, lets tango."

Then, in a flash they both met in the middle, Sukuna's fist met Gojo's infinity before Domain Amplification was activated, which the made the punch land. Though Sukuna then had to duck before backflipping to dodge a fist, sending debris through the air before then dashing sideways, dodging the thrown rubble.

Sukuna then released three Cleaves behind him only to be baited as a red light blinded him. Sukuna narrowly avoided the red only to watch it loop around. Sukuna then kicked upwards, knocking Gojos fist up and off balancing the sorcerer, enough for a combo to open up.

A right hook whipped into Gojos side before a six hit combo to the torso occured before Sukuna weaved to the right and unleashed two Dismantles. The red then smacked into the groud near Sukuna, finally going out, only for Gojo to appear in front of Sukuna with a right straight. Sukuna deflected only to be hit by a kick to the knee. Sukuna's palm met Gojos side as an elbow smacked into his back. Though he hit the floor, Sukuna kicked up and kicked Gojo up.

He used infinity and straightened himself out before he launched forwards Sukuna pulled the outstretched arm towards him and their face were right met before Sukuna hit Gojo with a high knee to the chest and unleashing two Cleaves. Gojo then appeared beside Sukuna and whacked him thrice, the fourth hit was turned around and a palm strike to the shoulder was dished outwards.

The hit proved fruitless as Gojo used it to flip sSukuna over his shoulder and onto his back, though Purple Lightning struck Gojo's arm and coated Sukunas frame. He was sent back by the lightning as Sukuna rose from the cloud, the purple lightning covering his arms and legs.

"Lets turn this up eh?"

Gojo smirked before they met in a cloud once more. Their clash knockee over an overpass before Gojo chucked Sukuna through a building. Once inside they started to clash again, The sound of their fists clashing was heard throughout the town as two titans faced each other.

Sukuna's fist hit Gojos forearm as Gojo punched Sukuna in the hest only for a red to appear. It went off and Sent Sukuna flying, though once he hit the ceiling he rebounded and sent a shockwave towards Gojo. He dodged though a fist hit his elbow which made Gojo whip around with a right hook, though it was ducked and countered with a three iece, once in the stomach, once and the neck and another in the chin. Gojo retaliated with a knee which hit but Sukuna used the momentum and axe kicked Gojo's guard. Then, he kicked him with lightning speed with his other leg. Though, with great flexibilty, Gojo's leg whacked into Sukuna's once more before sending him flying out of the builing.

Gojo jumped out after him, only to see a fist lay him flat on the ground. Then Sukuna backed off a bit, landing on the street a bit away from Gojo.

"This is truly fun. Now, don't die to quickly, yes?"


(DOMAIN EXPANSION:-Malevolent Shrine)


A shrine rose from the Ground with Sukuna on the roof, his hands in a shrin like hand sign as Gojos fingers were crossed in front of his face. A starry baclground emerged a encased the shrine, but the building held firm, and the sound of slashes was prominate as everything was diced in a certain area.

Gojo lowered his hand just as a fist whacked in his face, and though it was blocked, it almost made him lose focus.

Though gojo then weaved the next attack from Sukuna and tried a high kick, but Sukuna blocked and a dismantle shredded into his chest. Gojo retaliated with a Lapse blue, which flung Sukuna back, however a cleave was thrown, but it was dodged, thought that left him open to a perfectly placed Black Flash, that proved enough as Gojo's domain shattered, and the countless slashes and cuts finally reached Gojo.

But with quick thinking a simple domain appeared, though Sukuna materialized right behind gojo with a kck winded back, once unleashed Gojo barely blocked the hit, but the force of the blow was great and gojo was sent flyig. He quickly regained hmself enough to notice that the Simple domain was about to die out, and with quick thinking he made it so the the simple domain coated body. Which allowed the dismantles and cleaves to hit but not go through the first two layers of skin. Then, Gojo stopped focusing on healing and decided to play offense.

He reappeared in front of of sukuna, and though his first few blows were blocked, in a zesty move, Gojo grabbed on and held the King of Curses. Then he leaned back and smilied crazily,


A reversal red appeared and blew the king to kingdom come, which dropped Malevolent Shrine. And once the domain dropped Sukuna landed once more and watched as Gojo stood cockily.

"Is that all you got?!"

Sukuna smirked and shook his head, "Don't get ahead of yourself! We're just getting started!"

They both met once again, with Gojo smacking the king of curses before watching as a foot came to fast to dodge and whipped him across the face. He spun before landing and quickly weaved back to dodge an uppercut which turned into an elbow that was blocked. But a knee hit his sternum and was tanked, which allowed Gojo to grab his leg and throw him off balance. Though it played ont a trapp and Gojo was then kicked in the face with a black flash.

It sent him flying for a second only to pop up and put his fingrs together.

Both domains Appeared, but Gojo's appeared about a 5th of a second faster, and then, Sukuna, was fried...



A giant postive energy filled blade sliced upwards, blocking a red that was aimed at the king.

"Woah! You got Ten Shadows as well?!"

Sukuna stood up as Infinite Void disappeared, and they both met each other's gazes.

"I had to come with some fail safes, and he's one of them, though I wont use all of them as that would be boring."

They smiled cockily as Gojo tried opening his domain again, only for blood to shoot out of his nose.

"Ah, brain damage eh. This truly sucks."



blood dripped from his eyes and nose as he smiled excitedly.

"Well then!" Sukuna looked at the smriking Gojo. "Lets continue this fight!"

He summoned Merged beast agito and they both launched at each other, thought it was clear Gojo was currently being overwhelmed. The added addition of the two shikigami's made the fight harder as they started going after the strongest of today.

'It seems I have to use Hollow Purple, but, how? Hmm, maybe, no That'll work!'

(Insert fananimation of Megkuna vs Gojo here)


(DING! Due to adaptation from Mahoraga, a new technique has been Developed!)

(Cleaving The World: LVL: 1)

No matter the barrier, this Cleave will land true, whether it means cutting through the world itself.

Cost: 1500 CE)

A silent slash ripped through the air as the Hollow Purple ripped through the city, leaving everything in shambles.

The camera cuts to the wheel of Mahoraga disappered into the shadows, a Gojo in badly damaged clothes, smiling at Sukuna.

Sukuna was on 1000 HP,  his arm was gone, his leg was gone and he couldn't even use the right side of his body.