
My Alienic Life In Omniverse(MHA[My Hero Academia] /Omniverse)

A Random dude gets reincarnated in My Hero Academia. As he catches the interest of a certain ROB. Will his life be the same old quiet life or will it be filled with action. What changes will his presence in this world, bring about. It's a multiverse story, with first or main world as mha. Further world's will be selected based on reader's vote. Mc will have gacha option, where he can draw forms or transformations from other fictional verse. There is no limit to whom he can pull, from jerry to TOAA or Scarlett King or Hajun. It can be anyone. Mc is overly overpowered and I have tried to balance the story a bit. At the start his aliens are nerfed a bit but by the start of canon, his transformations are as strong as original or even stronger in some cases. Though some people will be angry about that nerfing of his aliens but i haven't nerfed them like I said earlier, I have just shown him to be powerless against ROB and nothing more. Well many people did consider it as nerfing so I had to mention it. [Omniverse] Start World - My Hero Academia 1st World - Haven't decided, waiting for readers votes. Starting 3 chapters have a lot of gramtical mistakes. They were just rough drafts which I myself have not read and have just uploaded it. The next chapters are fine, I guess. Please bear with me and give it a try. I hope you enjoy reading this novel. I can't tell much about the upload time, as I am busy with my college I will try to upload 2-4 chapters a month. Except starting 1 to 4 chapters, all the chapters have a minimum of 4500 words to 8.5k words in some. Disclaimer *I do not own cover picture, it belongs to its original owner. If you are the owner of the cover picture and want me to remove it, comment in the latest chapter posted. *I do not own or have rights for My Hero Academia as it belongs to Kōhei Horikoshi, Ben 10 as it belongs to Duncan Rouleau(Warner Bros) aka Man of Action and any Marvel element in this show as it belongs to Marvel and thereby Disney. *I own nothing except the Main Protagonist who is an OC and ROB who's also a OC atleast his character design. *If you are the original owner of any elements used in this fanfiction you can contact me if you wish to remove the said elements from this fiction or wish for this novel to be taken down. *This novel is a fanfiction written by me for entertainment purposes and is a non profit fic and under no condition am I monetizing this piece of work and I am under no condition earning anything from this novel.

Vanitas_24 · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

I'm Here! Japan

Japan Airport:-

Mc Pov:

"I'm here..... In Japan now"

"Who are you talking to my little star"

"No one mother, just talking to myself"

"Okay, but hurry up. Don't just stand by the door talking to yourself and get down"

"I'm coming"

'So i have atlast reached Japan, and the canon is also going to start soon. Can't wait for the fun to begin. My life till now had some up's and down's, it was entertaining and the journey till now was filled with happy,sad and even some crazy moments. But I don't know what to say, the least. With some happiness, sadness and just hardship with no entertainment.

The time when I had come to this world, i hadn't yet decided about joining UA or being here when the canon starts, i just wanted to live my life freely and enjoy this second life rather than getting involved in this mess and not risking my life and just live the life of luxury.

I Was going to be true to my word but then those people came into my life, the Nemesis. Let's just call them that, they had become a nemesis in my life now.

They attacked my family and even wanted to kill me, i don't know their reason for that transgression but they are going to pay for what they have done. I'm gonna make them pay.

Anyway after that incident a lot of things happened and i was bored. My life had become boring, i was tired of playing games or watching and reading these sad pieces of work and wanted some change in my life.

So i just decided to come join the canon and get some entertainment from it.

So try not to bore me the ohh great protagonist and the main character's of this story, atleast entertain me enough to make me take this world seriously and not just regard it as some kids superhero fantasy world, they should be atleast a tad bit interesting and should at the bare minimum keep me entertained or else-if I'm gonna have to interfere to make it more interesting till I can get my hands on those nemesis mongrels'

"Hahhh hahhh"

*Evil laugh

"Why are you laughing there my little star, come down here, we still have to meet some people and go to our new home now"

"Right, I'm coming"

'So Mha here i come, be ready |It's Hero Time|'


MC Pov

'After meeting with some of the people who had come to welcome us, we have now reached our new home for now anyway'

The house is good and we also met up with Mars, Gwen's father who had come to receive us.

"So what do you think of Japan, Arthur?"

"It's fine, I guess"

"Is that so, well it's first time that we are meeting, no wait if you count the one 4 years back then it's second time I am meeting you."

"Yes, last time I wasn't in the mood, so I'm sorry that I couldn't talk to you properly"

"It's fine, i understand that you were busy. So let me introduce myself to you properly once again Master Arthur Stark. I am Mars Stacy. I am what you could call a Manager. I manage all the company work here in asia. Its nice to meet you and I heard that you and my daughter are friends. I hope that you two get along well."

"It's nice to meet you Sir Mars Stacy, I'm Arthur Stark as you already know it anyway. Yes i am friends with your daughter, we met in school and we do get along well."

"Well you should take rest for now Arthur,, settle down and explore this place. If you have any trouble don't forget to contact me, I'll be going now"


1 week later

'Japan is interesting. It's been a week since I got here and i have seen many new things already. The different culture, traditions and customs are very interesting. It has only been a week and I haven't seen everything here but just interacting with people here makes you feel the difference.

Now I'm on my way to some party with my mother and I also found out that it's not the first time my mother has come to Japan, she had been here with father some years ago.

The party that I am going to is to celebrate some project's success. It is not my company's project but some business associate of my company. Since we are here, they have invited us as an obligation I think.

Since we going to be staying here for some time now anyway, we might as well deepen some connections and since this party is being hosted by our business associates, I can't skip this. If we wish to build amiable relations with them.

Moreover I couldn't turn down the invitation upon hearing the name of this so called company, it's Yaoyorozu corporations. From a business stand of view I can't miss this if I wish to grow my company right Jarvis.'

<As you command Master>

*Cough Cough

"Damon are we still not there?"

"Just another 2-3 minutes and we will reach the venue"

"You should have patience my little star"

"Yes mother, it's just that I had to leave some work to come here."

"Don't worry it won't take that much time and you can continue it later. You still have a month before the entrance exams for your school. You won't have much to do till then, so you can work on it then and I have promised them to bring you to the party so I can't break my promise can i"


So do you know them personally mother"

"Yes, they helped us a lot. While I and your father were last here"

"Is that so, hmm.."

"But you know my little star, I still don't want you to become a hero. No matter what you say I am still afraid about it and if something were to happen to you, what am I supposed to do."

"Don't worry too much mother, there is nothing in this world that could possibly harm me anyway"

"You should change that attitude of yours my little star. I still have a final say in whether you attend UA or not."

"I'm sorry"

"You should be careful and not do anything reckless. I have given you permission to attend UA but don't forget that you still can't choose to become a hero, it was never a choice to begin with. Do you understand?

and i don't wish to hear anything in that regard. Am I clear?"

"Yes Mother"

"We have arrived at our destination Madam"

' Huhh..damn traitor, Even Damon respects and follows my mother's orders above mine, even though he is supposed to be my buttler.'


"It's not bad."

"What's not bad Master Arthur"

"The party Damon."

"Is that so."

"Well what else could it be"

"If you do like anyone here Master Arthur, you only need to say a word and I will inform of it to your mother so that we can have further discussion about it"

*Cough Cough

"Are you fine Master Arthur"

"I'm fine, but aren't you taking these things a bit too early."

"Is that so"

"Yes, it is so"


'The party is good I guess, everyone is talking with each other and socialising except me ofcourse. My mother is also talking with some women there and here I am with Damon standing at a corner doing nothing much, except filling my stomach with various delicacies available here.

Well there are some people here, who are from time to time stealing glances at me but they haven't approached me yet, it might because they are wary of me though i can't think of any reason for it or it might be because they are waiting for me to finish my food.

Well it's their loss, I for sure am not going to finish this food any time soon. For I am also not in the mood to converse with them.

But i can't find Momo here though.

Though there are a couple there who may or may not be Momo's parents here, conversing with some people there. Well they did introduce themselves as Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu.


Momo Yaoyorozu Pov:

"Lady Momo, are sure you're okay. As Master Yaoyorozu stated you don't have to force yourself to attend the party"

"I'm fine Mrs.Yuki, don't worry about me. I can handle this much. I was just a little tired that's it"

"My lady but you are weak and tired now. I don't think it's ideal for you to attend the party in this condition"

"I'm was just a bit tired after overusing my quirk and nothing more Mrs.Yuki, I am feeling good now after some rest. Since this is a party hosted by my parents, if I their only child were to be not there then it will surely not represent my parents in a good light. I have to go, I am even feeling a lot better now. It was very careless of me to practice using my quirk to the very limit now of all time."

"But my lady.."

"See I'm fine.."

Momo says to her maid while doing some light exercise

"Okay my lady as you wish. I'll follow your command"

"Let's go then"


"They sure are a lot of people in this party Mrs.Yuki"

"Yes my lady, as you were not well, you weren't informed but Master Arthur Stark and his mother Mrs. Stark had accepted the invitation, which has piqued the intrest of many people. So there were many people who showed intrest in this party.

Normally not all people invited her would have come as this isn't any major party celebrating some major success but just a obligation party to celebrate the success of the many projects completed by the company, as even if they did accept the invitation, they would have normally sent a representative to the party but now everyone invited have come with their whole family.

Everyone who had dealing with your company and family were invited to this party from business to political connections. But now due to Stark family, everyone has decided to grace us with their presence. Is what I am told my lady. "

"Is that the reason. I did hear the news about them coming to Japan but they came to the party huh?"

"My lady from what I gather, the reason for this enthusiasm of people is because this is the first party attended by Stark family since coming to Japan."

"So they haven't attended any other party before then why did they think of attending this party? What reason could there be for it?"

"I think they may have been busy getting adjusted to life here and may not have found time to attend some party"

"That could be it, but.."

"But what my lady"

"It's nothing. I think I'm just over thinking about this. Let's see what type of person is this Master Arthur Stark"

"I have heard that he is quite handsome my lady."

"I.. d.i.d.n't. ask about that. Though.."

"You do look quite cute when you're embarrassed my lady"

"Enough of that Mrs.Yuki. Let's go find mother and father"

"Yes My lady"


"Mother Father"

"Momo are you sure you should be coming here in your condition"

"Momo you should take rest and not burden yourself"

"I am fine mother and father, I wouldn't be here if i wasn't feeling well."

"It's your decision to make, but do take care of yourself "

"It's nothing mother, I was just tired after overusing my quirk and nothing else"

"Do return back if you start to feel unwell"

"Okay mother"

"Yaoyorozu I wished to talk to about something"

"Ahh. Enji its nice to meeting you. What would Sir Endeavor want from me."

"Are you free right now"

"Yes, I was just talking to my daughter and nothing else"


"Hello Shoto, I hope you're enjoying your time here"

"Good Evening Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu"

"Hi Shoto"

"Hi Momo"

"What did you wish to talk about Enji"

"About that person there standing behind that boy"

"You mean Arthur Stark"

"So he is Arthur Stark"

"Yes, as for the person standing behind him is his bodyguard. Well as they had been attacked some years ago. So the security is very tight"


"What about him Enji"

"He stood out to me in this croud of people. Especially since they are both away from everyone and he is strong. I can feel it, he's really strong, probably as strong as All Might, when it comes to pure muscle strength I think"

"Are you sure about that though Enji"

"Yes I am sure about that. I can't mistake such a thing. He is at least as strong as All Might but I can't be sure if this person can defeat him. It's not like there are any person as strong as him in Japan when it comes to muscle strength. So i wished to enquire about him."

"Is that so, I can't put it past them though. Well it's not unbelievable for them to have someone who is as strong as All Might to be their bodyguard"

"He might have a physical strength enchanting quirk like All Might"

"That's interesting to see someone that powerful being just a bodyguard than trying to become a hero for money and fame, though I doubt he would have any problem regarding money but fame is not something he can gain by being a bodyguard. Even more so since he is still young and not that old, he is still in his prime"

"Hmm, I'll leave now Yaoyorozu. I got the information I was looking for."

"Yes Enji, so see you later"

"Bye Shoto"

"See you later Shoto, in entrance exam"

"See you later Momo"

"I'll take my leave now Mr and Mrs Yaoyorozu"


"Is he really that powerful Father"

"He might be, we can't say for certain about it for sure"

"But why would someone that powerful be working for him"

"It might be because of money or any other reason we can't certainly say anything about it. Well it's not like most people realise it but he is quite literally a prince. The crown prince or perhaps the The future King of Ark. If you do consider Ark as an kingdom, which it literally is. As it's fully owned by his family and they are the lawmakers and ruler there"


"Don't worry much about it"

"Yes, but father i heard that everyone here wanted to meet him, but why isn't anyone approaching him?"

"That might because of his bodyguard or that he is eating and everyone don't wish to disturb him. "

"What about his mother, father"

"Mrs. Stark is talking to some of her old acquaintance's there"

"Okay father"


"What are you going to do now my lady"

"I think I'll go and talk to him, it's our duty as a host. We can't leave our guest lonely now."


Mc Pov

"Damon don't you think it's getting boring here"

"It might be"

"I feel like this party is kinda a facade, everyone is acting. It's like they have doned a mask and have arrived at this party,while hiding their true intentions. Trying to pull each other down. Greed, jealousy is at its peak here."

"Why do you think so master"

"Well it might be my loneliness talking but it's true that everyone here is wearing a mask, masking their true feelings while socialising with each other. What sort different emotions, do you think is going on beneath that masks of theirs, Damon? "

"What you said might be true, their emotions may be varying from sadness to jealousy or anger or even happiness."

"Yep, everyone might be feeling myriad of emotions. Honestly this place is quite depressing. This is dark side of the business world or quite literally the representation of our society."

"Yes Master. What do you hope to do now master by saying all this"

"Do we really need to be in such a depressing place any longer Damon, I think it might be best to just to leave this place. It might be better to do something more productive than just wasting our time here"

'It's not like I will be doing anything much other than play some games or read some book, as it will be Jarvis doing the work. Who is still working now with Ultron, while I'm here in this party.

Its better than being here anyway. I had hoped to meet Momo but i guess luck isn't on my side today.

I think I might have seen a man who looked similar to Endeavor a while ago but I might have mistaken him for someone else'

"If that is what you wish Master, but what about Madam"

"Yea about that.."

'What should I do now anyway, just go home or stay. If I go home I might be able to play some games and if I were to stay I might get to meet Momo and also guarantee mother's safety.

But this place really is boring, I didn't think of it much at the start but I am getting irritated by this. I am quite literally feeling like a zoo animal by how everyone is starting at me and to top it off everyone has been avoiding me like a plague. But the silver lining here is that at least mother is enjoying talking to some of her old acquaintances.'

"Let's go outside Damon"

"Yes Master"


Momo Pov

"Lets go Mrs. Yuki"

"After you my lady"

"He seems to be going somewhere"

' I should hurry up'


"Mr Arthur"

"Hmm. What is it!?"

"It's nice to meet you. I'm glad that you have come to our party"

"I am honoured, but you do think too highly of me to regard me that highly. As you said I am Arthur Stark and it's nice to meet you"

"Soory but where are my manners. I am Yaouorozu Momo. Momo is my given name"

"Well it's nice to meet you Miss Momo"


"Is anything wrong Miss Momo"

'He is calling me by name though, but wait I think people outside Japan do call each other by their name rather than their family name. It's just difference in culture and nothing more."

"It's nothing Mr Arthur"

"It's okay, you don't need to use honorifics while talking with me, as we are of same age, I'll feel more comfortable that way"

"Is that so"


"Then I don't think you need to use honorific either while talking to me"

"I understand, so what do i owe the pleasure of meeting you Momo"

'I know I said him to drop the honorifics but he is... Just too straight forward i think. To be using our names to address each other without honorifics in our very first meeting is something I hadn't expected'

"Is something wrong Momo"

"It's nothing"

"So what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you"

"I just wanted to greet you in person as the host of this party Mi.. Arthur"

"Well the pleasure is mine"

"Arthur, I hope I didn't disturb you. You might have been going somewhere"

"It's nothing, don't worry. I was just stepping outside for a bit to enjoy some fresh air"

"Ohh.. Then i could be your guide then, there is a nice spot just outside in the garden. The surrounding is also beautiful and it is a very peaceful place. I always go there to calm my mind"

"Is that so. Then could I ask of you to please guide me there. If it's not too much"

"It will be my pleasure Arthur and I'm sorry I just got excited there for a Second"

"It's fine and I don't mind it anyway.

So After you My lady"


"You can wait here Damon"

"As you wish master"

"Even you wait for me here Yuki"

"As you wish my lady"


General pov

"This place is really beautiful and peaceful ofcourse"

"I'm glad that this place is to your liking"

"Yes, very much so"

"I hope japan is also to your liking?"

"Yes it's a very interesting place. There is pretty big change in culture here. There are a lot of different places also left to visit"

"I'm glad that japan is to your liking"

Silence reigned supreme for sometime as both of them took in their surrounding and just became one with nature and enjoyed their peaceful time together here in this beautiful place. All they could hear was distant voice of the celebrations going on in the building and some insect noises in the garden accompanied with the sound of leaves dancing along the gentle wind blowing in against them.


"Your Japanese is also very good Arthur. I might have mistaken you for a native speaker, If I hadn't known the circumstances"

"Thanks, but it still needs some working"

"Arthur, if you don't mind me asking you, then why did you decide to come to Japan?"

"Why do ask"

"It's a simple curiosity, I was told that you were like a prince of your kingdom. So why would you come here leaving behind your privileges and power and live with limitations set by others?"

"It's just preferences. And i just felt like coming here and nothing more, so what about you"

"I was hoping if we could meet again sometime soon. Your company is really enjoyable"

"I'm honoured that you think so. Its not like it's any big secret but you see I wish to attend UA high school here in Japan."

"What?..UA but why?"

"Just felt like it"

"I'm sure there must have been many other options out there, some of them might have been even better than UA so why? Don't mistake me I am happy that you are choosing UA, as I myself am choosing UA and we will be able to meet each other a lot but I am just curious? "

" Well it is normal to be curious about it but you see, one of the reason for coming to UA is to meet All Might"

"So you know about it"

"It is not like they can hide anything from me. I have my sources"

"Is that so."


"But why All Might, are you perhaps a fan of his"

"Not quite right but you see he was an old acquaintance of my father and was a man respected by my father. So i wish to see what sort of a person is he and I am also curious of many fascinating things here."

"I am sure you will enjoy your time here Arthur and all the best for your exams"

"Thanks and same to you"


They just talked about some random stuff from their personal life to information regarding school

"I wanted to ask there itself but are you sure you are okay though. You seem quite tired to me"

"I am fine. Please don't worry about it"

"Do not worry, it is fine. You can just say the truth. It doesn't matter if you are not feeling well, we are friends right"


"Perhaps you don't consider me a friend"

"No, it is not like that. It was just sudden. That's all"

"Okay, so you can talk to me right"

"Please do not worry, it is nothing serious. I was just tired after using my quirk for sometime"

"Is that so"


"Well you might not be comfortable sharing it with me and it is okay if you do not wish to answer my question but what is your quirk"

"I don't mind but it's called creation. It's an emitter type of quirk."

"So what does it do anyway?"

"It helps me create anything I wish to, under the condition I know it's atomic structure. While it uses my lipids to create the said items"

"It really is a very useful quirk. So if you happen to know the atomic structure then you can create anything you wish to create. Matched with your good looks, well you're quite beautiful to be honest, with this quirk you're quite literally like some Goddess of Creation"

"Its nothing that great. You're embarrassing me here. Well it does have it's limitation as I can't create anything alive or living"

"Well it has a lot of potential, you can do anything you want from creating a pin to stab your enemies to a nuclear bomb to cause mass destruction"

"I won't do something like that"

"Well I am sure you won't. I pretty sure I am a good judge of character,so from the amount of time I have spent with you I am sure you won't do anything that is considered as unethical. You're a very honest person"

"Thank you"

"I was just stating the truth, nothing much"

"Even so thank you for your trust in me, even I am curious as to what your quirk is? "

"As you have been such a great host to me till now, I think I am atleast obliged to do the same"

*Green Flash


"What is this? How did you.."

"what? How did you? "


"Well transform would be the correct word, but anyway let's heal you first"


Pink glow covered Momo in a split second and it vanished just like it had appeared out of nowhere

"So what is it Miss Momo?"

"I'm just shocked, so your quirk let's you transform into this spirit like form"

*Green flash

"Something along those lines, though it let's me transform into more than just that spirit like form. But it doesn't matter now.

So how are you feeling now?"

"I'm feeling really good. I've never been better"

"Well no need to exaggerate it, I'm happy that you're feeling good and I was also able to repay you for the kind host that you have been to me today"

<Your Mother is searching for you Arthur>

'Thanks Jarvis, I'll go there in a second'

"It was nothing"

"Then I'll be taking my leave Momo. Lets meet at school"



Mc Pov

'It was a great evening meeting and spending time with Momo and I got to a lot of things about school which weren't mentioned in anime from her.

Now I'm on my way home after the party, well my mother did ask me about my little charade of going out of the party with Momo all alone with her, well she seems to be calling it as sneaking out.

But no matter what it is labelled as, it doesn't change the matter that we did nothing that could be considered inappropriate.

As i said such to my mother and surprisingly she believed me and didn't doubt me, her reason being that I lack the courage and am not brave to do anything of that sort.

She again reassured me that she believes in me, and I am smart and mature enough to make decisions of my life by myself. I wouldn't do anything that could tarnish me or my family name and I have consciousness enough to know that my every decisions and actions have their respective consequences and i am smart enough to do so.

Well this whole thing was confusing, I didn't know who was assuring whom. It's a pain to think about it now, so let's just forget about it.


It's been a week now since I attended that party, and I fucking forget to take Momo's number. Well it's okay I can still meet her if I wish to do so, but what reason am I going to give her or anybody else for that matter. The reason of visit.'


"Are you fine Arthur"

"I'm fine Damon, don't worry about me. It's just that i have problem i need to solve to get to next part of the plan but I am stuck in it so, don't worry"

"If you say so"

"Thank you"


'I have been in contact with Gwen though, I do text her sometimes and I even call her once in a while, and even she texts me or sometimes calls me but due to time difference we can't talk on call much but just text each other and wait for the other person to reply.

There is only 3 more weeks before UA entrance exams are going to start. I have decided to take normal course or normal exam and not the recommendation one as each class can only have 2 of them, I would like Momo and Todoroki to be in my class. It will be more fun and entertaining to me then. As for the regular student, the worst or the weakest is going to get eliminated, or not get accepted in UA. It would be interesting to see whom am I going to replace.

But what my mother said is also right, just let's be safe and not do anything too dangerous.

Consequences.. Huh.

What my mother said last week is true though, my actions have consequences, not just my but everyone's actions in this world have its consequences. It's sometimes bring pleasing situation while other times it brings me misery. So i should take precaution and don't act rash. I have decide now itself, what do i wish to do in this world.

And where do I see myself in this picture.

Do I wish to act as a protagonist, villain or a spectator or perhaps a mob character.

Or what changes do I need to bring in this world to satisfy my desires. As this is my second life I don't wish to regret anything. I wish to do everything I can and then see where it takes me. But what is this everything though, and what changes have my presence and various other factored influenced by me being here has caused to alter the story a but or is it the same.





1 week later

"Damon what do you think of going on a night ride"

"So can I ask you a question, as to why do you wish to go on a night ride? What brought this on?"

"Well we are in Japan. If I didn't recreate or at least try to do a Tokyo drift then how am I even going to live here"

"I don't think it's going to change much but it's your call. So what am I going to say to madam. The reason for this night excursion"

"Let's just say to her, that we are going on a ride to catch some fresh air"

"I don't think Madam is going to accept such a reason, fully knowing how much you love cars"

"It's okay, don't worry"


30 minutes later

"Yep let's go"

"But Arthur you can't drive. You don't have a license"

"Well you know that I don't have a license and I know about it, how will Japanese police or people here know about it anyway"

"But if you're going to drive and in case the police were to stop us, how are we going to answer them"

"Don't worry about small things, but Damon answer me?"

"But they aren't small things. If we were to get caught the repercussions would be enormous. Though most of it won't be from law but from Madam"

"Don't worry, but Damon where is the jdm cars I had asked you about?"

"About that Arthur, Madam got the wind of it and has restricted and banned me from purchasing It. There was nothing i could about it"

"Wait when did this happen? You should have informed me about it. It was careless of me to never ask you about it but.."

'I shouldn't have locked myself in my makeshift lab here. I should have checked in with Damon about it but..

How am i gonna go on a ride if I don't have a corresponding car to match the road with me.

When in Japan, jdm cars are the call but what am I even going to do now'

"I trusted you Damon, I thought you would do everything I ask of you, without making any mistakes. How are we going to go on a ride in Japanese streets with this limo or RR. Are you kidding me"

"Sorry Master, but it was difficult, but.."

"What but?"

"Just let's go in RR itself Arthur"

"Fine, you can drive"

"Let's go"


"Japan sure is beautiful, a different sort of beautiful from other places Arthur"


"It's just as beautiful or more beautiful in the night"

"That's why I had asked you to procure a jdm"

"I am sorry Arthur"

"It's fine, but going on a night ride in RR is boring. Sure it's far more comfortable but it's pretty lacking in speed department."

"But Arthur you sure love cars huh, even while you were in school you used to go and watch f1 and NASCAR."

"Well they are fun"



I wished to build an f1 myself but I can't right now. Well i could try building it the same way I built Ultron while Jarvis can do all the work and I can just ride it but I don't have facilities for that right now.

Even if i were to build it, I don't have any track to run it and I don't think my mother is even going to allow me to drive it anyway. I could have done it while she was in coma but at that time I was in USA, the most i could do was participate in go kart racing albeit not tarnishing my family reputation in the process by breaking some laws.'


15 Minutes later

"Where are we Damon?"

"We are near port area of Tokyo Arthur"

"What are we even doing here? I thought we were going on some sightseeing ride"

*Phone Ringing

"Just a minute Arthur"

*Picks up the call

"Hello Mr. Damon"

"Hello Mr. Rokai. So is it ready? "

"Yes, just as you wished for it."


"You're welcome Mr. Damon. Its been delivered to your warehouse."

*Ends the call

"Let's go Master"



"So what's this package Damon?"

"You'll see it soon Arthur, it's been delivered to the warehouse owned by Stark Enterprises. Just wait till we get there"


Stark Warehouse

"Wow this warehouse sure is big"

"Yes Arthur, as for the package it's in the container there"

"Whats in it anyway, if I have to guess it might be a car seeing the time you brought me here but which one is it"

"Yes it's a car but you will have to check it yourself"

"Let's open this container already"

*Sound of Container opening

"It's a.. Covered"

"It's been packed"

'Let's just remove the cover, I even have to untie those chains attached to the wheels.'


"It's a GT-R"

"Yes, it's Nissan GT-R, while it is newer variant and not the old model which you were asking about. But in the end it is a jdm so I thought it is better than nothing. Though the supra I found weren't in the best of condition so I had to settle for this. It was difficult to procure this while evading Madam's surveillance but i think it is worth the effort "

" Thanks Damon, with this you have proved to me that I can really trust you"

"I am honored Master"

"So let's go. what are we waiting for?"

"Yes, we can park the RR here and collect it later while returning home"

"Yup I like the sound of that"


'Wow this is good, i was very disappointed earlier but this is better.'

"Let's go Damon"

"Yes Arthur, just a minute"


'There are some guys who are unboxing the car and getting it ready to hit the road.

It seems that it's registered and all the formalities are done and is road ready, and when I asked Damon about those packing done to the car it seems that it was shipping packaging to protect the car in container'


"This is awesome Damon"

"Master please do reduce the speed, I am worried for your safety"

"It's fine Damon don't worry I have everything under control."




'I am currently driving the car albeit illegally, like sort of but i do have learner license which I was able get through my family's influence in US. But the fact is that I do know how to drive. I have driven cars in my previous life, I haven't driven jdm cars and definitely not GT-R, well it is also a jdm car but whatever, but I have driven cars both manual and automatic and i did have licence.

So this is nothing and thanks to my height which is 178 it's easy to drive and I'm not having any problem, well 178 cm height for a 15 year old is good enough. I was 6'2 in my last life but now i am taller than I was when I was 15 in my last life, well im technically 14 but it's not like much time is left before I turn 15.

And moreover i like the sound this beast is making'


'The whole ride is incomplete without Tokyo drift song but i can't get it here, I'll have to adjust with having Jarvis playing it in my mind.

Hello Jarvis could you...'

<I heard a gun shot Arthur>

'What? But I didn't hear anything.'

<Well due to the noise created by the car and the surrounding noise you aren't able to differentiate it or identify it as gun shot>

'Hmm.. So what should i do, it's not like I have any obligation to save whoever that is and if I get involved in this incident my mother might also find out about it, which would surely cause a lot of problems. Worst of all me going to UA might also be canceled. Why did you tell me about this Jarvis'

<I thought you said me to inform you about anything major that happens in your vicinity or anything related to you>

'But, why is this even happening now of all time. I just wanted to enjoy my ride and not get caught up in some drama. But first Jarvis send some drones and scout the scene and tell me exactly what is going on and anyway in which direction is this fight going on'

<Roger that.

Deploying drones.

It's happening in 7'clock from here>

'Well you sure are being too organised about it. Let's at least go near there, it won't be in my good consciousness for me to ignore them now. It's definitely going to disturb my mental health.'


"What happened Arthur? why did you suddenly take a u turn, and why are you even driving so rashly"

' I'll try to save them Jarvis if I can that is, it sort of feels similar to when my parents got attacked. I got to at least try to save them. '


<Arthur, it's Yaoyorozu Momo, she's with her maid from other day and a driver. They are being attacked by some quirk user and some people with guns though she is defending herself and others with her with some shield>

'Wait what? This isn't something that was supposed to happen in canon. I never heard of her being attacked by someone pre canon and what is she even doing here anyway. Why is she in this port area moreover and why is she being attacked'

While I was randomly shooting barrage of questions at no one in particular while knowing fully well that I am not going to get the answers anyway but the speed of the car was not reducing instead it was increasing more.

'Show me your true power GT-R'

"What happened Arthur why are you increasing the speed? Ehhhh"

<She is near port area and not in the port sector. With current speed you should be able to reach her in 4 minutes >

"Damon I hope you can handle this over speeding case. I have high hopes for you"


"Let's go and don't worry Damon, I won't crash the car. You'll be fine"



Momo Pov

'Why is this happening, I just happen to go to a party, to which I was invited by an old acquaintance of mine who I happened to meet after very long time.

She had come to the party hosted by my family couple of weeks ago, where she invited me to her party.

While I was on my way home after the party, we were attacked by some people. I am barely able to block their bullets by the temporary shield I created. It's small but with the cover provided by car it's enough for some time'

"When is the help going to arrive Mrs. Yuki? While Mr. Yamato is fighting those quirk users, it wouldn't be long before he falls."

'We have to save him but I would just be a burden to him and it is too much to ask this of Mrs. Yuki, she has her hands full protecting me already.

If help doesn't arrives soon, then it may already be too late then.'


'He died, he is dead. Mr. Yamato died.

He was fighting but suddenly someone attacked him from behind and has managed to cut him in half.'

"What do we do? Help hasn't arrived yet. What are we supposed to do in this situation Mrs. Yuki"

"My lady please be in the car and try to defend yourself, I'm sure the help will arrive soon. We have contacted them. They may be on their way and will reach here soon.

Please don't loose hope"


"Mrs. Yuki is out there fighting, what can i possibly do to change the situation.

Smoke bomb."


"What the? Stay alert guys the girl threw something from the car"

"My lady please stay inside the car"




'Mrs.yuki got injured protecting me, she got a very big wound on her back.

What am I supposed to do now.



"Wait there is some car headed right this way"

"Just take the girl and finish off that car driver and let's be on our way"



'Wait don't come this way. You would just die in vain.

You aren't even involved in this fight.

One person already died because of me and Mrs. Yuki is also injured because of it.'

'Wait what? The car suddenly stopped some 50-70 meters away from my car.

The door opened'


'Arthur got out of the car, what is he doing here and was he driving the car. No wait that's not important, it could also be left hand drive car. But that's isn't what I should be thinking right now'

"Arthur please leave this place fast. These guys are dangerous"

"Well I can see that. So i'll ask once who are you people and why are you attacking her and importantly are you guys interested in negotiating"


"I guess you didn't hear me clearly so let me repeat myself. Are you guys interested in negotiating, seeing you people it seems like you have been paid or are getting paid to do this.

So i am willing to pay you 10 times more than that. So what do you think about it"

"Well you can count us in. I'm interested in this deal of yours"

"Well good for you"

"But can you increase the price a bit more"

"Well let's make it double of that. How is that"

"That does sound good"

'Wait is he just negotiating with the attackers. He is buying them. I guess it is something that only someone like him can do. Someone as rich and confident as him.

He sure has a lot of confidence to stand in front of attackers and try to buy them and is even conversing with them like it's the most normal thing in the world, isn't he scared.

That's. '


'This can't be happening, it's the same person who killed Mr. Yamato, he attacked Arthur.'

*Sobs sobs

"Are we done."

"How is this possible?"

'What Arthur, he is fine. Its him, his bodyguard is standing just behind him. He saved him but that person who attacked him isn't visible.

No how is that possible, there is mess just below his bodyguard. There's blood and something there, but it's just a mess,'


It's possibly that attacker's body. How is it that he managed to make that of him so fast.'

"So this is it, I guess our negotiations have broken down. I regret to say this but you guys are going to die here"

'He is strong, just as Shoto's father Endeavor said. He might be just as strong as All Might. It's no wonder Arthur has such confidence while negotiating with the enemies and buying them without a care in the world. He doesn't fear them because he has someone, who is very strong as his bodyguard. '

"Wait what just happened?"

"Well I was just negotiating with you guys but you decided to instead attack me which resulted in drawing of a warrant. A warrant of your death right here"

"The fuck. Do you really think that you could kill us kid"

"Well I'm not in the mood to fight right now so he'll be the one to handle you guys. I'm counting on you Damon and please make it fast"

"As you wish Master.


'What? He just transformed into some red giant with wings. He looks like some demon but did he just also grow wings with his transformation ans turn into a red giant.'


Mc Pov

'I was able to reach on time, if you exclude her driver. Who according to Jarvis was cut in half and died but as for her maid, she's got deep cut on her back and has some bullet holes in her but is still alive. Might be because of her quirk that she has managed to still stay alive and fortunately Momo hasn't been hurt excluding whatever trauma she might have gained due to this incident. I do want to help her recover but me going to UA is on the line and this could also result as being my last day in Japan. Lets just be done with this before anyone arrives for better for all of us.'

*Green Flash



' I moved a bit fast and managed to heal her maid and meet up with Momo. By which Damon had already managed to finish the fight.

We didn't know what to do next. Just as I was meeting up with Damon, Jarvis mentioned of police and some other vehicles coming near us. I asked Momo and her maid and requested them to keep our involvement a secret.

Though i don't trust her maid but Momo did promise to keep it a secret, I atleast wish that she keep her maid from breaking the promise she made, though I doubt about it and then we were on our way. We didn't want to get involved in this and alert my mother so I was the one who drove the car back.

With Jarvis help I was able to avoid all of them and got to our warehouse. From where we took our car and were on our way, we decided to just leave the city and come back tomorrow to avoid any proof of our involvement.

And sadly that also involves getting rid of the car, it did take a bit of convincing but I managed to convince him to just ship the car to Ark as fast as possible. Its better than it being destroyed.

Later we returned home after a day of traveling. We traveled to some town and did some sightseeing. It was a big pain to explain the situation to mother and it seems she has caught wind of what happened. I am sure of it, she has managed to get to know about the situation of what happened. I can understand the car one but the leak regarding the fight I think it might have been her maid.

Hmm... Just my luck.

It was a big pain to sort out the situation but I managed to come to a compromise with my mother albeit I would be grounded.

I can't leave home under no condition except when my mother wishes so and guess what even Damon was grounded and suspended for a week till my school starts.

Atleast she didn't restrict me from going to UA'


Mc Pov

'Its finally time.

Today is the day of the entrance exam. I have opted for normal entrance exams rather than recommendation one.

I could have easily gotten in through that but I wish for both Todoroki and Momo to be in Class A.

Let's see what happens and I really wished to take this one and see how I would perform in this test.

As well as to see Izuku Midoriya the protagonist of the series.

Well I did manage to see him in tv though, he was on news. The scene where he tried to save Bakugo.

Atleast this incident took place just as it did in story.

So i can Atleast consider that the canon hasn't changed much.'

"It's time master"

"Yes Damon. Lets go"

......... THE END...........

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